[X] Plan Justified Paranoia -[X] Molly, 22 XP --[X] Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy: 20 XP --[X] Banked XP: 2xp -[X] Lydia, 9 XP --[X] Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation (••) 6 xp --[X] Acute Senses 1 Merit: 3xp -[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
[X] Plan Vulcan -[X] Molly, 22 XP --[X] Constructive Convergence of Principles, 15 XP --[X] Awareness 2: 5 XP (3+2) --[X] Banked XP: 2xp -[X] Lydia, 9 XP --[X] Impervious Skin of Stone Meditation (••) 6 xp --[X] Acute Senses 1 Merit: 3xp -[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
[X] Plan Forge Empress -[X] Molly, 22 XP --[X] Constructive Convergence of Principles, 15 XP --[X] Craft 5 dots, 7 XP (3+4) --[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm -[X] Lydia, 9 XP
--[X] Quarry Revelation Technique (•••) 9 xp
[X] Plan Staying In Shape
-[X] Molly 22 exp
—[X] Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy 20 is exp
—[X] Set The King and the Kingdom: The Thousand and First Hell as the signature charm
—[X] Buy down touch of frost 2 exp
-[X] Lydia 9 exp
—[X] Unimpeded Assault of the Deathless 9 exp