[X] Plan Information
-[X] Crown Question: [Focus: Call] What is the nature of the arrangements keeping Broken Seeker here?
-[X] ATB via willpower, intimidation
—[X] [Stunt]: Taking a breath, Molly prepares to open her proper eye for a look at the situation. " An interesting premise Broken Seeker, but Fixer you haven't been in a long time." A sharper tone entering her voice Molly continues " You've clearly put significant effort into keeping me out of risk; you're going to need to make a better offer than paying me in my own coin to solve your problems if you're seriously thinking this is going anywhere"
[X] Plan Call and reinforcements -[X] The call --[X] Ask more questions about his deal, try to see how sincere he is --[X] Empathy excellency, ATB with willpower --[X] Crown Question: [Focus: Call] What circumstances brought Broken Seeker here? --[X] Binding agreements can be a bitch, you can sympathize with that. Would it help if you murdered all his employers, their families, allies, and cute little pets? You and a lot of others (allude to but don't mention Denarians and Winter) need Dresden alive, and intact without interruptions to those states. --[X] How long does he have until he really needs Dresden dead? --[X] Reiterate that the moment real harm comes to your friends, all deals are off and you'll be finding and killing Broken Seeker. Unhealthy habits for an immortal monstrosity of a bygone age or not, these are your mortals, and you put work into them. -[X] Reinforcements --[X] Indicate to Harry (by writing on a piece of paper) to call Alphas for help in evacuating Izzy and Alec --[X] Have Harry call Murphy about the developing situation
[X] Plan Call and reinforcements -[X] The call --[X] Ask more questions about his deal, try to see how sincere he is --[X] Empathy excellency, ATB with willpower --[X] Crown Question: [Focus: Call] What circumstances brought Broken Seeker here? --[X] Binding agreements can be a bitch, you can sympathize with that. Would it help if you murdered all his employers, their families, allies, and cute little pets? You and a lot of others (allude to but don't mention Denarians and Winter) need Dresden alive, and intact without interruptions to those states. --[X] How long does he have until he really needs Dresden dead? --[X] Reiterate that the moment real harm comes to your friends, all deals are off and you'll be finding and killing Broken Seeker. Unhealthy habits for an immortal monstrosity of a bygone age or not, these are your mortals, and you put work into them. -[X] Reinforcements --[X] Indicate to Harry (by writing on a piece of paper) to call Alphas for help in evacuating Izzy and Alec --[X] Have Harry call Murphy about the developing situation. Warn her about probable surveillance.
[X] Free Lunch?
-[X] [Crown Question: Phone Call] Who hold the other end of this contract?
-[X] ATB via willpower, Empathy
-[X] Signal clippy to text Burny/Dresden the details of the question. Update Ebenezer ASAP
—[X] Attempt to get them on board with killing the boss over the hireling
-[X][Stunt] Taking a sharp breath a fire igniting in her voice. " As much as I appreciate the generosity of being paid in my own coin to make your job easier Broken Seeker, I have a counter proposal"
—[X] "I make some calls, maybe see how Ebenezer feels about helping his apprentice out of a jam. We have a discussion with your contractor, and if you're very nice I leave your name out of it."
—[X] A flicker of amusement briefly makes its way into her voice "You're very well prepared for me, for Dresden, and I'm sure for a number of other circumstances, but do you really want that one hunting you too?"
—[X] " You've already been paid haven't you? Not your problem if the other guy's enemies catch up before the job is done. Why not go home with a nice free lunch instead of gambling for seconds?"
[x] Plan counter counter.
-[x] Crown Question focus the current phone conversation. Question what weakness of Broken Seeker does Broken Seeker most fear being spread to the supernatural rumor mill.
-[x] Intimidation excellency, "Broken Seeker, you misunderstand the situation, I in my magnificence am willing to grant you a reprieve to live a bit longer." Exploit information from Crown, to threaten him with capitulation, or his weakness spread to four winds.