[X] Fascination: This isn't the whole story, even Bob admits to not knowing everything on the subject. You want to know where all the missing pieces are. Then you will be able to make the judgement properly
[X] Doubt: Why is it the task of winter in its cruelty to guard the gates? Where are the Angels? Surely if there is any task that is meant for the hosts of heaven it is guarding the universe against those who would unmake it
[X] Respect: As little as she likes the Winter Fey and as much as you hate the terror-monsters that are fetches she can respect them a little more for doing a task no one else does
[X] Write in Choystvo (Čojstvo): Just because you are the one who takes the blow doesn't give you the right to beat others into weapons and walls for your task. Cruelty seems counterproductive to defenders eternal of reality when they could instead seek out those among mortals that are willing to take up such a vigil instead.