[X] Daughters of the New Millennium
-[X] Lydia
-[X] Gard
-[X] Have the rest set up to cover the exits and come in after us at a signal from Clippy.
-[X] Use Intimidation excellency.
-[X] Activate IPM with willpower
-[X] Lydia uses Manipulation excellency.
-[X] Stunt: Stepping into the lobby Molly nods at Gard, sending her to manage the mortals before catching up.
—[X] Taking the stairs, Molly and Lydia move unerringly towards Eiko's room. As they make the final approach Molly takes a deep breath, and loosens her grip on the quiet fury that has been building behind her heart.
—[X] With each step the shadows sharpen without deepening as the lights seem to flicker green in the corner of the eye. Around them air seems to thicken, charged with the silent tension of the calm before a storm.
—[X] As they reach the door something like the caw of a raven lingers on the ear despite the dead silence of the hall.
—[X] "I received your letter Lady Eiko, now I think it's time we discuss my reply"
[X] Everyone (save the unnamed mooks) -[X] Molly uses Etiquette and Empathy excellencies -[X] Molly uses All Things Betray using willpower -[X] Use the Crown on an image of Lady Eiko to learn her plan to betray the Will
-[X] Lydia uses Manipulation excellency. --[X] Wan kuei are here for and because of you, but that does not matter. They are here. In Chicago. Messing with its leylines, killing the people living in and below its streets. This is not only about you now. It's about everyone who lives here. And so, as you step out of the elevator and into the corridor leading to lady Eiko's room, you are accompanied not just by your allies and mercenaries you were able to hire, but also by the representatives of Chicago. To your right walk mortals who are not to be underestimatid: the Warden Commander of the White Council, the Shih Master, and the commanding officer of the Chicago's special investigations department. To your left, are those who wield or are the powers beyond mortal ken: daughter of the god of death, a valkyrie, and the Knight of the Cross.
[X]Plan Hostile Takeover
-[X] Everyone
--[X]<Molly> All Things Betray + Empathy Excellency + Imperial Primacy Mantle + Naked Wicked Souls: 4m
--[X]<Lydia> Manipulation Excellency if necessary.
--[X]STUNT: In the pre-dawn light, your little procession makes its way out of the stairwell and along the fourth-floor corridor, darkness gathering in your wake with your intent. As you are about to knock on the door of the suite, the door opens and an irritated voice begins "I specifically asked that I...." the words trail off as the woman you'd previously only seen before in video footage sees your party. "Good morning, Eiko-san. I got your letter." Blue eyes meet reddish brown eyes as the temperature in the corridor drops ten degrees."I and my associates are here to discuss your presence in my city. And your....personal options."
[X] Everyone (save the unnamed mooks) -[X] Molly uses Etiquette excellency -[X] Molly uses All Things Betray
-[X] Lydia uses Manipulation excellency. --[X] Wan kuei are here for and because of you, but that does not matter. They are here. In Chicago. Messing with its leylines, killing the people living in and below its streets. This is not only about you now. It's about everyone who lives here. And so, as you step out of the elevator and into the corridor leading to lady Eiko's room, you are accompanied not just by your allies and friends coming to your aid and protection, but by representatives and defenders of the factions of Chicago. To your right walk mortals who are not to be underestimatid: the Warden Commander of the White Council, the Shih Master, and the commanding officer of the Chicago's special investigations department. To your left, are those who wield or are the powers beyond mortal ken: daughter of the god of death, Chooser of the Slain, and the Knight of the Cross.
[X] Plausible Deniability
- [X] Brother Divsimar, skilled Shih Master
- [X] Lydia, Daughter of Arwan, Once King of the Underworld
- [X] Stunt: Use the Crown on an image of Lady Eiko to learn her plan to betray the Will, and if that doesn't tell you the orders she's bound by, ask that when you see her. Before going up, quickly brainstorm with your allies how to adapt her plan/work around her constraints. In the room, allow your anima to flare with the light of a dead green sun, cutting through the false darkness of her temporary haven. Then, use your knowledge of her plans to hint to her that you can offer a better deal, without tipping off any audience, under the guise of negotiating for a return of the hostages. Use the relevant Excellency to support making your case and passing on you message. Tell her your phone number to arrange another follow on meeting.