Vote tally - Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Adhoc vote count started by uju32 on Mar 7, 2023 at 10:24 PM, finished with 166 posts and 11 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)
Post #30198
Post #30363


  • [X] Plan: using what we know v 0.5
    -[X] Spend as much time as possible dispersed in a bleach bottle while traveling and not otherwise occupied to restore your essence levels
    -[X] Have Michael call Charity and get her to call the school and excuse us for a day
    -[X] Ask questions to get a better understanding of the situation. Never let your essence pool dip below 3. Use Rendered Villain Dispersal to regenerate essence between questions.
    --[X] Using the video recordings of 12 wan kuei we have:
    ---[X] "what are the abilities of the Kakuri's Will on Earth"
    ---[X] "Who among the forces of Kakuri sent on this mission is planning to use your power to free themselves of Emma-O?" If the question reveals that at least one of the traitors was caught on camera, use their recordings for the next questions
    ---[X] "How are the ones trying to escape Emma-O's grasp through this mission plan to accomplish this?"
    ---[X] "What are the ways to contact those planning to escape Emma-O's grasp through this mission without alerting those who are loyal to Emma-O?"
    ---[X] "How do the forces assigned to this mission fight (what are their fighting styles and abilities?"
    ---[X] "What are the kakuri forces' plans for the day up to the planned confrontation with us"
    -[X] Get Harry in an attempt to turn the ley line trap around
    --[X] Make him take Mouse with him as a bodyguard
    --[X] Call Thomas and ask (not order) to also go with Harry
    --[X] If he needs your help, set up a meeting for after you drop Bùshì Tùzǐ off. He can start researching now.
    -[X] Call Maria and ask her to make the weather as sunny as possible. You'll be willing to pay for any reagents and other expenses, and a hefty bonus on top of that if she tries.
    -[X] Have your Cyberdevils track the plans for South Works Steel Mill.
    -[X] Get Bùshì Tùzǐ to safety, it might give away the game, but making sure she does not get another visit from the Akuma is more important
    --[X] To the Last Station
    -[X] Contact the traitors. In exchange for turning on their comrades, and bending the knee, without surrendering their souls, you'll extend your protection and guard them against Kakuri's wraith
    --[X] Use phrases like "don't hang up" and "keep talking to me", "don't outwardly react" and the like to trigger Mercy in Servitude to show what you can offer to them.
    --[X] Excellencies to negotiate as appropriate
    -[X] Enough playing around, as soon as your preparations are complete and essence is recovered, go straight to South Works and clear out the enemy
    --[X] Coordinate with SI and Harry the timing, so your assault coincides with his disruption
    --[X] Make and distribute images of enemy forces to SI and explain how they are not equipped to fight those and should avoid contact at all costs. If needed, use TTC.
    [X]Plan Till Sunrise
    -[X]<Molly>Get Bùshì Tùzǐ to safety, it might give away the game, but making sure she does not get another visit from the Akuma is more important
    --[X] To the Last Station
    -[X]After dropping Tuzi off, bleach bath in car on way back to Dresden's place using RVD
    -[X]<Lydia>Get Harry in an attempt to turn the ley line trap around
    -[X]STUNT: The detective, you note with some amusement, struggles to control her face as you return to the group with a cat in your arms. You speak in response to the unspoken question in your father's eyes. "Detective, this is Tuzi. She got a visit from our friends. I need to get her to a place of safety in case they decide to return. Lydia." She perks up at her name. "I'll meet you at Harry's place with Brother Devsimar. Tell Harry that...." you pause, and then extend your senses into the surrounding night for a long moment."On second thoughts, let me write that down so you can read it in the car. The night has ears. "