[X] Plan formulas of victory -[X] Three Tier 1 Formulas --[X] Factory Fog and or Alchemical Aerosol Mist --[X] Unbreakable Mirror: a mirror that cannot be smashed, chipped or otherwise broken by normal force. --[X] An incredibly strong super glue, more potent than even the strongest commercial epoxies. -[X] Three tier 2 formulas --[X] 160-Hour Energy Drink: A vial of liquid that allows the drinker to go a week with only a single hour of sleep per night without penalties. --[X] Healing: In addition to the effects of Speed-Healing, this potion heals up to two bashing or lethal levels immediately. --[X] Speed: Though it shares a name with a common drug, Speed is not chemically related to it. It is much safer, and just allows the user to run twice as fast for the duration of one scene. However, this is still exhausting, and after the scene, the user makes a Stamina check (difficulty 6) or else suffer -2 on all physical die rolls due to exhaustion for the next hour.
[X] Plan healing and hunting in the fog -[X] Three Tier 1 Formulas --[X] Painkiller: a drink that will reduce dice pool penalties from injury by one level --[X] Factory Fog and or Alchemical Aerosol Mist --[X] An incredibly strong super glue, more potent than even the strongest commercial epoxies. -[X] Three tier 2 formulas --[X] 160-Hour Energy Drink: A vial of liquid that allows the drinker to go a week with only a single hour of sleep per night without penalties. --[X] Healing: In addition to the effects of Speed-Healing, this potion heals up to two bashing or lethal levels immediately. --[X] Speed: Though it shares a name with a common drug, Speed is not chemically related to it. It is much safer, and just allows the user to run twice as fast for the duration of one scene. However, this is still exhausting, and after the scene, the user makes a Stamina check (difficulty 6) or else suffer -2 on all physical die rolls due to exhaustion for the next hour.
[X] Plan healing and hunting -[X] Three Tier 1 Formulas --[X] Painkiller: a drink that will reduce dice pool penalties from injury by one level --[X] Unbreakable Mirror: a mirror that cannot be smashed, chipped or otherwise broken by normal force. --[X] An incredibly strong super glue, more potent than even the strongest commercial epoxies. -[X] Three tier 2 formulas --[X] 160-Hour Energy Drink: A vial of liquid that allows the drinker to go a week with only a single hour of sleep per night without penalties. --[X] Healing: In addition to the effects of Speed-Healing, this potion heals up to two bashing or lethal levels immediately. --[X] Speed: Though it shares a name with a common drug, Speed is not chemically related to it. It is much safer, and just allows the user to run twice as fast for the duration of one scene. However, this is still exhausting, and after the scene, the user makes a Stamina check (difficulty 6) or else suffer -2 on all physical die rolls due to exhaustion for the next hour.
[X] Plan Healthy Living
-[X]• Painkiller: a drink that will reduce dice pool penalties from injury by one level
-[X]• Speed-Healing: a "potion" that halves healing time for bashing and lethal damage.
-[X]• A pill that removes all side effects from a minor cold or flu for 24 hours when taken and reduces the recovery time for the illness to one half.
-[X]•• 160-Hour Energy Drink: A vial of liquid that allows the drinker to go a week with only a single hour of sleep per night without penalties.
-[X]•• Healing: In addition to the effects of Speed-Healing, this potion heals up to two bashing or lethal levels immediately.
-[X]•• Ointment of Maedb: When rubbed into the eyes, this salve allows the subject to see supernatural beings. It only reveals that they are supernatural, not their nature.
[X] Three tier 2 formulas
-[X]•• 160-Hour Energy Drink: A vial of liquid that allows the drinker to go a week with only a single hour of sleep per night without penalties. -[x]•• Enhance Ability: an elixir that can enhance a specific ability in a person who drinks it. The drinker gains a specialty in that ability for the duration (or +2 dice when it is relevant if they already have one) for one hour per success on the creation.
-[X]•• Healing: In addition to the effects of Speed-Healing, this potion heals up to two bashing or lethal levels immediately.