[X] Your hunger is merely forestalled for the duration of your service. To tame it, it must be sated with a mortal life's worth of essence... through there is no requirement to partake from one who contains merely one lifetime's worth. I must admit curiosity as to what you will choose - few of the Hungry can say their soul is yet unstained by murder. -[X] Should she make use the gifts her hunger grants her, she would not lose control, but would need to replenish the energy expended -[X] Get her e-mail address and phone number, and give her a burner e-mail to contact you in exchange -[X] STUNT: "Your hunger is merely forestalled for the duration of your service. To tame it, it must be sated with a mortal life's worth of essence... through there is no requirement to partake from one who contains merely one lifetime's worth. I must admit curiosity as to what you will choose - few of the Hungry can say their soul is yet unstained by murder". You fish out Clippy from your pocket, moving it in such a way to make sure that the faces of the vampires are caught in their lenses: "Now, what e-mail and phone number can I use to contact you later? I feel we should talk more when after you had time to process. And to keep you, and more importantly, your hunger, occupied, I give you this command - prepare for our next meeting. Learn of the supernatural. Meditate on what path you wish to follow. Do your homework."
[X] Your hunger is merely forestalled for the duration of your service. To tame it, it must be sated with a mortal life's worth of chi... through there is no requirement to partake from one who contains merely one lifetime's worth. I must admit curiosity as to what you will choose - few of the Hungry can say their soul is yet unstained by murder.