[X] Offer to wipe the files, you already have a good portion of the material just by knowing what's in them -[X] HMP Sarah's computer before starting to wipe the files; spend no more than 1 essence on this, in order to avoid anima flair; use 1 willpower point for autosuccess. -[X] STUNT: "Very well then, we shall help each other. I wlll dispose of the evidence you seek destroyed, and you will leave the mortal to me. I still have business with her before I have to depart" you say, as you make way to the other room, where you guess the computer is, making sure to be the first one to enter. A quick glance at the machine leaves it impregnated with a newly called devil.
[X]Plan Crash Override -[X]Wipe the files -[X]HMP Sarah's computer: 1m Essence + 1WP for autosux. Anima flare for surprise negation and to distract from HMP use -[X]Cyberdevil takes snapshot of computer, including all activity on it -[X]Have Molly, with cyberdevil look through and delete relevant data as well as online backups -[X]STUNT: "Indiscretion. Cant have that, of course." And if there's a little bitter amusement in your voice, you cant be sure at what. "Her life is still not your Court's to take. But I will attempt to disarm her of the weapon she wields." You walk, still in mid air towards the the home computer, which is already powered on. Pulling out the keyboard, you pause and talk over your shoulder."If you have enhanced...senses, looking too closely at what Im about to do is at your own peril." And as you type into the keyboard you call up another of your little helpers, with your many eyed anima banner unfolding around you like a malign flower.
[X] Kill the elder vampire, he's too dangerous to let live -[X] Activate Melee Excellency and Viridian Legend Exoskeleton (both reflexive, 2 Essence cost) -[X] (Stunt) This is a much bigger deal than you could possibly have hoped for, but in the immediate moment it is still more important to prevent the Vampires from killing another human, now or tomorrow. As the light of your soul fills the room and your armor begins to surround you, you kick a chair in the elder vampires direction, not even hoping for any direct effect, but maybe to keep his eyes of the sword that appeared in your hand a fraction of a second longer while you charge.
[x] Offer to wipe off the evidence of Raith crimes off all of Agent Green's devices -[x]... and keep a copy (Roll opposed Charisma+Subterfuge vs the Elder's Auspex ???)