[x] [Greene] Go to his house to use the Crown on the murder scene and talk to his wife
-[x]wet yourself beforehand. You suspect that you are going to want all your charm for this.
-[X] Empathy excellency
-[X] All Things Betray
-[X] STUNT: The you who is walking up the stairs of detective Greene's house under the heavy autumn rain is not the you who goes to school or slays vampires. She is, in fact, closest to the you who goes to church - proper, respectable and respectful. Someone who a still-grieving trained to fight widow would at least start listening, when you tell her some very unbelievable things. Gone are the piercings, and bright colors - a neat, if inexpensive business suit takes their place. The lack of an umbrella only slightly mars your look. Bracing yourself, you expand your senses and prepare yourself for a hard talk, even as you push the doorbell's button.
[x] [Greene] Go to his house to use the Crown on the murder scene and talk to his wife
-[x]wet yourself beforehand. You suspect that you are going to want all your charm for this.