Vote tally - Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 9, 2023 at 2:05 PM, finished with 90 posts and 18 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)
Post #24261
Post #24350


  • [X] Plan "Excellence unmatched"
    -[X] Consult with Thomas what sort of diamonds (quality, sizes, colors, etc) would be best to make
    -[X] Before starting the production, investigate various techniques of diamond making together with your Cyberdevils, in order to find the best ones for your purposes
    -[X] Commandeer an outdoor workshop. Use Tool Transcending Constructs to make large ice blocks (find or make some empty barrels to place them in) to lower internal temperature enough to trigger Without Honor, Without Hope
    -[X] Use oil, machine oil, or bleach to trigger Boiling Sea Mastery while working
    --[X] Use disposable working clothes that you don't mind getting dirty, and use Tool Transcending constructs to clean up afterwards
    -[X] Make an electronic padlock controllable by Clippy to trigger Cracked Cell Circumvention while working
    -[X] Use crafting excellency
    -[X] Use All Things Betray (pay willpower) for quality control to increase the efficiency (to discard diamonds of low quality at early stages of production)
    -[X] STUNT: "Well, no turning back now. Clippy, lock me up please, until I make this month's quota. And put on some music." you say, as the padlock on the door behind you blinks red, indicating that you are now confined to your workshop. The air around you is crisp and invigorating, the freezing temperature maintained by large columns of ice in the corners. They should last for hours, especially with your chilly aura going full blast around you. Your hair glistens with machine oil, threatening to stain your work clothes. From the light of your soul, strange machinery starts to unfold, ready to create on the level hardly imaginable by mortal men, even if inspired by their techniques you spent the evening before researching.
    [X]Plan Diamond Eyes
    -[X]Market research: Consult with Thomas, and online with cyberdevil help, what diamond qualities are currently most in demand and most likely to move fast.
    -[X]Shopping: ~$20 for 40 pounds of charcoal at Lowe's, ~$10 for plastic container(s). Propylene glycol(antifreeze) at $70/gallon: $100
    -[X]Borrow outdoor garage/workshop again. Shoo jawas away for the duration.
    -[X]Tool Constructs to prep workshop, prep coal and produce dry ice(CO2) in containers around the room to drop room temperature and activate Without Honor
    -[X]Antifreeze(propylene glycol) soak to activate Boiling Sea Mastery
    -[X]Tool Constructs + Crafting Excellency + All Things Betray for diamond manufacture and cutting
    -[X]TLF is active to ignore environmental damage from cold or CO2 concentration
    -[X]Cyberdevil aid as necessary,
    -[X]Tool Constructs for cleanup
    -[X]STUNT: Shooing both Alicia and Mathew away from the door to the outdoor garage with alternate promises and threats, you lock the doors behind you and begin to change into your presoaked work clothes. As you do so, a dense, smoke-like fog swirls around your feet, coming off the containers of dry ice emplaced at the corners of the room and along some of the walls and imbuing the room with a chill at variance with the late summer heat outside. You focus on what you want, and reality bends to your desires, as specialized machinery begins to unfold, filling the room with forges, blinking readouts and swiveling cameras, dominated at one end by a big high resolution screen. Setting Clippy in a Essence-forged docking cradle, you turn on the radio and get to work.
    [X] Plan simple and effective
    -[X] With TTC construct a huge room-sized sufficiently thermally isolated fully enclosed container and fill it with liquid oxygen mixed with solid oxygen slush. Molly will craft inside, fully submerged, allowed by WHWH and getting +2 dice from it. Huge size means no active cooling needed, melting of solid oxygen and slow evaporation of liquid oxygen would provide all the needed cooling. Gets us -1 difficulty from BSM, gets us essence replenishment from CSR as pure liquid oxygen is toxic even without the cold.
    -[X] Use CCC for further -3 difficulty.
    -[X] Use excellency.
    -[X] Craft for as long as possible, repeat if needed.
    -[X] Aim for maximum quantity of high quality grade artificial diamonds, there is a thriving marked for them at that time and they are easier to sell.