[X] Incognito, once you are in his office you can have that chat -[X] Use excellency (Subterfuge) to gain access to the doctor without alerting anyone --[X] Stunt: You and Lydia enter the Soul's Rest reception area, Michael following you. As you move towards reception, it's easy to act nervous in a way you aren't. A shift in posture, a moment of hesitation where none really exists. By the time you "muster the courage" to ask the receptionist if you could see the director of the facility about admitting your old Nana, she should be firmly convinced there's no risk in it. -[X] Use Excellency (Intimidation) when talking to the doctor --[X] As you enter the office of your target, his secretary leaving you alone, and closing the door behind you, your presence shifts. It is not a child of a distraught family that stands before him. It is someone who even his master should avoid, if it has enough mind to do so, lest it becomes the sacrifice on the altar of your epic tale. He, either a mortal or something who was once mortal, cannot do so, trapped as he is in the same room with you. The only option left for him is to offer his unconditional assistance.
[X] Break in to the place 'under renovation'
-[X]Subterfuge Excellency if necessary to blag receptionist
-[X]STUNT: The receptionist looks up and freezes as you loom over her desk, hardhat on head and clipboard in hand, while radiating surety and authority. "Hello there miss..."you say with a brilliant smile while, putting on a show of peering at her nametag "....Sophie? Sophie. Me and my team are here to take a look at the building work. Make sure everything remains up to code for elder care." As her eyes go from Michael's blue collar bulk to rest on Lydia's slighter form, both in high vis jackets and hardhats, you whisper conspiratorially "Intern." You reach over the counter and grab a key card and a couple visitor cards. "We'll be starting with the wing with the construction work. We know the way."