[X] Interject -[X] Ask what he swore and to whom, maybe there is a way to thread the needle -[X] Use excellency - [X] Stunt: Molly leans forwards, and looks the old man over with a searching gaze. "Oaths are funny things. We hold to them so strongly, but often that which we bind the tightest is the first that we lose. Look no further than the fair folk to see how very important the will behind the words is in any promise" -[X] "So tell us, what exactly did you promise, and by what terms?" Molly says with an almost hungry smile. "You might find that fiends and fey are not alone in being free even within the tightest chains, or powerful despite even the greatest vows." -[X] "Help us help you, and none of this will be able to follow you home again"