[X] Tell the truth (Charisma+Empathy) -[X] Stunt: A lifetime of attempting to finesse your mother has prepared you for this moment. "I did get in some trouble the night Splattercon got cancelled...But I had people come get me out." A memory of the pumpkinhead exploding in green balefire fills you with momentary satisfaction. "And well..."you motion wordlessly at your obviously healthy self. "You're not....still having nightmares, are you?
[X] Lie (Manipulation+Empathy) -[X] You wince, guilt, shame, and horrific memories all warring with one another in your mind. Eventually, guilt proves victorious. Rosie is already fragile, both emotionally and physically, and you don't want to be responsible for furthering her suffering, not after what you've already inflicted upon her in your misguided attempts to help. "Things haven't been great, but I'm all right. I definitely haven't gotten up close and personal with any trees lately."