Vote tally - Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jul 29, 2022 at 2:39 AM, finished with 99 posts and 29 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)
Post #5536
Post #5634


  • [X] Try to trick him. (Manipulate + Empathy)
    -[X] This man is a talker. Get him talking. Get him ranting. There's nothing so chatty as a man who wants to explain in detail why you're wrong. If you get him detailing what is going on you should be able to pick some clues from it all, or at least give you leads.
    [X] A different kind of intimidation for a different kind of man (Charisma + Occult)
    -[X] Scoff at the ignorance of a Necromancer thinking that he deserves rest in death. You can promise him a life after death, though it will not be a pleasant one. Describe the darkness and cold of Kakuri while leaning close enough that he can feel the chill of your body.
    -[X] Do directly state that you can send him there, just in case he mistakes you for some kind of fey and thinks you can't lie.
    [X] Try to threaten (Charisma+Intimidation)
    -[X] Break his will. Take him into a seperate room. Explain to him calmly and respectfully what you are, describe via usun's knowledge exactly the tender mercies you can inflict onto his soul and tell him you have marked him, he will not escape you in death. He will be fuel for your Ascension and a ever tormented husk who suffers eternal. Tell him that you are Christian and hell is real and he will face it twice over.
    [X] Try to threaten (Charisma+Intimidation)
    -[X] The crown upon your brow illuminates his face and the knowledge of his most guarded and shameful secret is whispered into your ears. From there, it isn't hard to make him believe that you already know him, have seen his very soul and more yet, beyond the powers of true sight and soulgaze. It is in his reason to speak, to tell you and your companions what he knows, to save you time and a bit of effort. He wants to cooperate with you, and even the soon-to-come judgment of the White Council is not something to run away from, when the alternative is you, peeling him open layer by layer, taking into your possession what he may only dream to take into his grave.
    [x] BronzeTongue