[X]Plan Alea Iacta Est
-[X] Yes
--[X] Martha
-[X] No: Medium chance of death. Dace will just use spells from afar. -[X]Elizabeth
--[X] Stays here to organize the troops : First wave of creatures gain an extra attack turn. (High chances of death) -[X]Oliver
--[X] Stays here and leads the Dragons: Dragons gain double attack ability ( Very high chance of injury, high chance of death.) -[X]Agatha
--[X] Stays here and organizes the defense: Defences will hold twice as long. ( Very high chance of injury, high chance of death.) -[X]Moody & Jason
--[X] Stay here and fight : Army gains 1 morale due to their inventive use of curses, both verbal and magical (Very high chances of injury, high chances of death) -[X]Lily
--[X] Stays here. She's lucid and strong enough to fight : Gain temporary Hero unit ( high chances of sanity slipping, low chances of injury)
-[X] Frontline : Treants
-[X] Frontline : Wolves
-[X] Frontline: Moon does
-[X] Middle: Fairies
-[X] Frontline: Dragons
-[X] Backline: Elves
-[X] Backline: Druids
[X]Moody & Jason
-[x] Stay here and fight : Army gains 1 morale due to their inventive use of curses, both verbal and magical (Very high chances of injury, high chances of death)