Grandfather Clock and the Town of Mimics (Mafia)

I need to go soon as well. Tell me your vote lock. Cyri, IH or me (not seeing any real viable push on Pyrros now and that would split us to all but literally everyone)
Definitely IH. Which looking at the vote Tally I see I have misspelled.

[X] Vote InterstellarHobo
Okay, this is the best option I think then.

@Cyricubed @InterstellarHobo @PyrrosWarrior final thoughts? I'll try to check thread again, but I don't think I have the time for more arguments really between raid starting soon and trying to finish reading a few things real quick before it starts.
My final thoughts are that I hope the fact that a majority are on IH already without me switching is just scum scrambling for influence in future Days rather than a sign that we are gonna lose in an hour. :(
Did anyone actually go back and read Meso's early D3 posts and ask themselves "Is this reasonably indecision?"
Or did everyone just go "Yup, Meso's indecisive, this all checks out"
My final thoughts are that I hope the fact that a majority are on IH already without me switching is just scum scrambling for influence in future Days rather than a sign that we are gonna lose in an hour. :(

Do not do this, failing to vote right ensures town loss. All scum have to do is swap a vote to me last minute and we lose
What are you talking about? I didn't say I wasn't gonna switch. I said that I hope IH is scum.
Like dude, I already guaranteed I would be here to EoD to seal the vote. They asked for my final thoughts. I gave my final thoughts. I literally said an uncertain victorious vote is better than a tie, since the tie would make us lose. I also said that the math means at least one scum was one of the 3 already voting. Why on Earth were you speaking as if I was suddenly backing out on my word?
I really should be asleep. But I am not. Maybe I will actually get to see if we guessed right. I think we did.
Oh...thank you. I actually thought you just weren't voting I misinterpreted your stuff then My apologies.
Day Five End/Game End
Day Five End

Five remain on the fifth day, five debate, five seal the fate of one, by skill or luck, the argument ends the day with four pointing towards the last as the one to be exiled.

@InterstellarHobo was Hannah the Wagon Mimic and has been [Exiled to the Dungeon].

With the innocent Mimics no longer outnumbering the killers, it proves child's play for them to frame the last two mimics as at fault.

@mesonoxian was Bow the Dog Mimic and has been [Framed as a Ninja].

@PyrrosWarrior was Charlotte the Headstone Mimic and has been [Framed as a Ninja].

With the killers believed caught, Grandfather Clock releases the last two to return to an ordinary life, which makes it effortless for the Ninja to take their time to finish their mission, setting up to exterminate the Town of Mimics.

The Mimics have lost. The Town of Mimics is burned to the ground, and what few survivors there are flee to the dungeon.

@Shadell was the Wise Ninja and moves on to her next mission, abandoning her disguise as Susan the Door Mimic now that there is no need of it.

@Cyricubed was the Clever Ninja, and departs back into the shadows for his next mission, likewise discarding his disguise as Tim the Gazebo Mimic now that victory is achieved.

Ninja win, and congratulations on a game well played to our scum team. Better luck next time to town.
Dang. I was sure Shadell was scum, but I really thought she was paired up with IH. Well played guys.
Dang. I was sure Shadell was scum, but I really thought she was paired up with IH. Well played guys.
Working out who is the partner is something to do after town has a flip, and this is especially true in Mylo where scum will avoid the appearance of working together like the plague. So if you think somebody is scum vote for them, and the worst you can do is lose.
By the way, as per the norm, I will post my logs. Not really anything special this time around. It mostly consists of "oh no, I think Shadell is scum but I don't know how to push an argument without looking scummy"

Night 3 Log: Well this is unfortunate. It appears I overslept through the EoD. Oh well, at least now I will have time to write some proper analyses having had some sleep this time! :p

The fervent actions towards and against the Town Yun also gives a lot more to think about. This game is not going well for Town, and I can't help but feel this lynch is on me. I may not be the best at writing convincing arguments, but surely I could have done better than just making one disorganized thoughtpost.
Day 4 said:
Yeah I'm probably gonna be lynched today. Not giving up, of course, but I have no clue how to navigate this. I'm unsure of whether Pawn and IH are scum or town, and quite honestly I still have no clue how to be assertive of my opinions without giving scum an easy-in to declare me scum. I already knew people were going to think I was scummy just for my "reads" post. That's why I don't generally even give the things. In general my "reads" are never hard reads and thus I don't like to give them. They serve no purpose of actually guiding Town or informing people of my thoughts, while also just giving scum (and Town honestly) openings to call me suspicious.

I only gave it here because I wanted to show some activity, and because Scia was way too silent for me to have built up a rapport, unlike what I normally have of a "NAI-to Light Town" read on myself by this point in the game.
Day 5 said:
Okay, never finished my N4 Log due to being busy, so I'll just post it below for posterity.

Anyhow, I vote to keep the time as it is. More time is always a good thing in my book. It can (and sometimes does) encourage slowness, but it is really good for busy people like myself and gives me and other Town more time to look over things we might have missed.

N4 Log: Okay, had a bit of a setback with a power outage. Still, I'll probably have the time in the Night break to finish the rest of my info blocks.

Gotta remember to answer that question I missed from Cyri once the day starts again.

Starting the next Day Phase, I should probably start locking in people to trust. I still am somewhat flippant in regards to whether I actually trust anyone, but this is the last possible Day so I kinda need to - barring some major event.

On Pawn, I kinda think they might be Town? I feel like, with my being an incredibly weak read for every member, a Scum Pawn would have been better served hammering down on me possibly being scummy rather than reversing that trend to say "null-kinda town" as it were.

Mind you, it's always possible that he thinks that I'd be easy to manipulate into lynching Town, but that seems like a more dangerous strategy than just hammering in on the open weakness.

Regardless of whether he was truthful about his reasoning for flipping me to null, gotta say it's not exactly a correct read of how I play. I totally would do the exact same thing as scum. It's why I said these things are NAI. I know when to keep my mouth shut to not endanger the game too much - hence my saying previously that there were game theory things I didn't remark on so I wouldn't come off falsely as scummy this time - but I play pretty honestly for the most part. There are only two primary times I can remember lying in Mafia - once in Paranoia because I had a suspicious lore role* despite being a Survivor like everyone else, and once in double-Mafia to pass off an SK as a Survivor.

Still, best not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Not gonna point that out.

*I can't help but feel like getting one of the most powerful roles in the game, combined with getting the faction that is the in-setting enemy despite not actually being scum was a REALLY unlucky combination for my first game. I was way too paranoid of being tracked to use it most of the time, and the two times I did use it got blocked.

On Shadell, still feel they come off a bit weird. I'm gonna feel they might be scum if they aren't killed tonight, but the game is already lost if they are actually scum. There's no way anyone is lynching them.
Day 5 later said:
Hmm, I want to say something, but I am really unsure of how to post in a way that won't make me look suspicious. I really wish Pawn were still alive. He was pretty much the only one I was beginning to be sure was hard-Town, and then he died.

Oh yeah, the reason I am finding Shadell a bit suspicious is because they would have been the perfect Night Kill at this stage in the game if they are Town. They are a Town Leader, don't really have any significant wagons behind them (with the only people voicing finding them even slightly off being Pawn and I, and now one other), and overall it would help divide the field more to push Pawn or myself as a lynch in the following Day. The fact that Pawn, the only person naming me Town and the only other person who also found Shadell's position weird, died instead makes me a bit more suspicious of them.

There is one HUGE problem with this, however. The lynchpin is that it assumes that scum also view me as an easy lynch as I do, yet no other people in the game have made signs of moving towards me. I suppose another lynchpin could be "Pawn is the only person with significant skill at Mafia left who could push a lynch on Shadell" if they actually are scum, which could still make it work I suppose. It's still too circumstancial for my liking.

All in all, it adds up to the fact that I don't know how to voice my opinions without coming off suspicious, ESPECIALLY since Shadell has made it clear that appearing to cooperate with Cyricubed will have them call me as scum.
Day 5 End said:
My final thoughts are that, unless scum are just trying to set up for a failstate tomorrow by sacrificing one of their own, we are probably going to lose in this last hour. I KNOW I am Town, which means 1 of the 3 on IH HAVE to be scum.
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On a serious note well played to everyone, I enjoyed this game

@Cyricubed Seeing as you're here, and Shadell is not was I correct about the two of you playing both sides of Rosen?

Yes/No, It was never the intention to do so, we actually took to the less is more route when planning our day phases. If we played naturally without trying to force an angle then we were more likely to appear town.
@Cyricubed Seeing as you're here, and Shadell is not was I correct about the two of you playing both sides of Rosen?

No, we never coordinated our plays on -Rosen really. My general strategy was to try to play things as I would as town and try to frame things a few things a few ways without advocating them directly or try to push my own inclinations in ways that I think weren't actually helpful, while also deleting any early Day post critical of Cyri and restarting it entirely.