[X] Empower the largest and strongest bird in the world with sentience and powers over sun magic. It will be immortal (age wise) and grow as long as it lives, but is cursed with great greed and seeks out valuable things to collect no matter the cost. (Lesser Act)
[X] in the east side of the twin continent create the suras a race of reddish bronze skin color humanoid with six arms and three eye and white hair they are as intelligent as a normal human. Their third eye is vertical in the middle of their forehead. Standing at 10 feet tall on average they are blessed with dense muscle and tougher bone they have even greater physical strength and speed than their already substantial physique would suggest. but they are entirely incapable of using magic. ( lesser act)
[X] Prevent the Might of the OutSlayer from being corrupted as to be stolen simply by its wielder being killed or being bound by fate to some counterpart power. (??? Act)
[X] Create The Book of Maker Support, every once in a while a book appears to a random being with a great desire (Every Update/Epoch) that they can write a request/complaint into this book (A persons intent will write the words on the page and they can automatically understand the words regardless of the can read or not so if someone can't read or write it doesn't matter), that has what it can do written down and once they write there complaints/request into the scroll it will then disappear until the next time and we can then decide to honor that request or not. The books previous uses and if the requests where honored or not are also recorded. (Lesser/Demi-Act?)
[X] Create Melkiades, the First Undead. Basically, just a sentient undead that has unique ability to spread death (not immediate death, more like disease) with touch. Doesn't hate all living, but very confused by his existence and lack of memories. (Demi-act)
[X] Transform some humans into Ogres, monsters masquerading as heroes among men and devouring them to accumulate the primordial power of Askr and Embla (Lesser Act)
[X] Allow the Might to be claimed by any who defeat the current holder. If that being is not mortal, they can instead grant the Might to any mortal of their choosing. (Lesser Act)
[X] Prevent the Might of the OutSlayer from being corrupted as to be stolen simply by its wielder being killed or being bound by fate to some counterpart power. (??? Act)
-[X] One Maker seeks to create a counterpart power known as the 'Might of the Breaker' that would be bound to the Might of the OutSlayer by fate and empower the 'outer gods' that the Makers created the Might of the OutSlayer to get rid of.
-[X] One Maker seeks to let the Might of the OutSlayer be stolen simply by the current wielder being killed.
-[X] Prevent these and other such corruptions to the Might of the OutSlayer from happening.
[X] Create the Muses, purveyors of all forms of beauty: Dwelling within the Unseen, these embodiments of artistic achievement seek out mortals within the Seen who possess a vision of beauty they wish to create, to assist them in their endeavour. With their assistance, finger, talon or claw spread upon a surface paint of any hue, vocal cords and larynxes reshape to produce normally impossible notes, or limbs shape stone like wet clay as a towering palace or statue takes form. Once the work of beauty has been crafted within the Seen, its counterpart comes to be in the Unseen, and shall serve as the Muse's home forevermore. When perceived with worldly senses, their form is that of the beholder's ideal of fairness and all that would appeal to their senses. (Grand Act)
[X] Create the Sleeping Beasts, great scaled winged one-horned lizard-horses with a freezing breath.
-[X] These beasts do not die of old age, but can die by violence or starvation, for as they grow older they grow larger and hungrier, if also more powerful. This causes them to spend most of their time asleep as they age, though in their sleep they can project their minds into the spirit plane and interact with the spirits there. They are also given of great pride and hunger for wealth, and spend most of their time seeking ways to increase their treasure hordes and grant themselves evermore glory. As a race they have a natural instinct for both use of Vigor based magic, and the legend-magic written into the stars. (Grand Act)
[X] Enrichment: I feel like being trapped in a location with nothing to do but contemplate how you were betrayed would be absolutely mind numbing torture, So why not give Vadhu some clay that never runs out so it can engage in pottery. Surely nothing can go wrong! (Lesser act)