[X] Shape into existence the World-Song Stones: Across the length and breadth of the world, great circles of curiously shaped stone monoliths rise up from the earth. Such is their shape that when wind passes through and around their forms, it forms the chords and whistles of serenely beautiful music. Further, the song that sounds out throughout the Seen also resonates within the Unseen, allowing for spoken words to echo from one to the other. (Lesser Act)
[X] Allow multiple Sun-Whales to pool their magic to manifest in cold Void or alien Unseen avatar of terrible power in their form, made of solar plasma and magic. (Grand Act)
[X] create vigor the power of warriors that is generated from their life forces of living beings that is built upon the law of constant evolution. all creatures shall have an innate amount of vigor based on how powerful their body is and can train to further expand their own personal capacity. The more vigor one possesses the greater their physical capability, gain resistance to the effect of magic and even increase their longevity, at a sufficient quantity and mastery one can project vigor outward from their body and shape it as one will. (Grand Act)
-[X] The Might of the OutSlayer is a phenomenal power bestowed upon otherwise mortal beings, granting them the means to achieve otherwise impossible tasks. Among the benefits are the ability to utilize temporary, personal Cosmic Gateways to traverse the universe; neigh immortality where the wielder will not die until the wielder feels as though the wielder has achieved a full life and there is nothing left to do so that the wielder can die peacefully; and supernatural speed, strength, durability, and other such power.
-[X] The Might of the OutSlayer is designed so that it can only be wielded by otherwise mortal beings. So attuned is it that non-mortals are incapable of doing so, attempts by non-mortals to wield the Might of the OutSlayer would result in the non-mortal being torn apart and rendered non-existent by such incompatibility. This ensures that the power cannot be stolen and misused by beings of greater power in a manner not intended.
-[X] Once the wielder of the Might of the OutSlayer has passed on, the Might of the OutSlayer would return to 'the Maker's, where it can lie safely in wait until it is decided that the power is needed once more, at which point it can be reattuned for a new threat and bestowed upon a new chosen mortal.
-[X] The First Rendition of the Might of the OutSlayer is oriented towards destroying the 'outer gods'. Through this, The First Rendition of the power enables Nehu Far-Strider the power to kill the 'outer gods' as if they were but mere mortals, and likewise limits the power of the 'outer gods' against Nehu so that are no more powerful against her than if they themselves were but mere mortals.
-[X] The First Rendition of the Might of the OutSlayer is oriented towards destroying the 'outer gods'. Through this, The First Rendition of the power enables Nehu Far-Strider the power to kill the 'outer gods' as if they were but mere mortals, and likewise limits the power of the 'outer gods' against Nehu so that are no more powerful against her than if they themselves were but mere mortals. It also enables the wielder to traverse and endure the otherwise hostile regions the 'outer gods' normally inhabit.
[X] create vigor the power of warriors that is generated from their life forces of living beings that is built upon the law of constant evolution. all creatures shall have an innate amount of vigor based on how powerful their body is and can train to further expand their own personal capacity. The more vigor one possesses the greater their physical capability, gain resistance to the effect of magic and even increase their longevity, at a sufficient quantity and mastery one can project vigor outward from their body and shape it as one will. (cosmic act)