God Eater: Monster Hunter, not Shingeki no Kyogin


Naturally Infernal Draco Milk
Somewhere in Lost Belts

God Eater and its subsequent revamp and sequel games are a Monster Hunter clone created by Namco Bandai and Shift on the PSP. With a revamp of the first game with the second game's mechanics and a bit more, I think it's pretty much expected that we'd be getting a thread for this....

As for the first episode, after being delayed for a week....

I'm not impressed. I'll post my reasons later, but for now what do you guys think?
Not impressed either. The visuals are really good, but the story is incredibly generic. It just seemed like Attack on Titan 2, electric boogaloo.

Oh, and that majors breasts where so large that I couldn't take anything she said seriously. Really, what idiot did her character design?
After playing through the game, yeah its pretty generic but the thing that made it stick out for me was... the monsters really weren't the main issue.

anyways, thanks to 4chan, I obtained comparison shots from the characters and their anime counterparts.

dat standard animoo boob expansion
The story's shaping up to be mediocre (I haven't watched AoT, but I'm pretty sure the first episode was almost a clone of AoT's first episode), but since Ufo's doing it, I'll be sticking around purely for the visuals.
First episode wasn't too bad.

I understand why they made some changes so that the pacing wasn't too slow, so that the aragami seem more dangerous, and giving a bit more impact on what it means to be a Newtype.

On the other hand, I felt that the first-episode could have done without so much feet-focus, slow-mo, and the badly timed flashbacks.
I think if I hadn't played the game, I wouldn't have tolerated the first episode. On the other hand it was decent, not great. Not bad either.

Also at least Lenka isn't an ass; he tries to be friendly with Kota, he apologizes for bumping into him at the start, asks him for help later, and tries to bail him out in the training sim.

On the otherhand my headcannon of God Eater was that the real protag was a girl. :V (Look, nicer ass to stare at for hours on end :V)

That said 1st Unit's entrance was fucking boss, especially the way Lindow drops in, no fucks to give, and casually bitchslaps all the Aragami away.
Clearly MC-kun never played a MH game. You are supposed to dodge enemy counterattacks.
I'm a huge fan of the director on GOD EATER - I think he's easily Ufotable's current best. He did Paradox Spiral, and his DNA is splattered all over this adaptation.

I don't find the material particularly gripping, though I am a fan of the games, but I do think the flourishes in storyboarding etc elevate what is there to a relatively interesting watch - though nothing can save all those frontloading flashbacks lol. In general I think this show is really playing to Ufo's strengths (photography, mostly, but also CG integration and staging), so if nothing else I dig the production. That fascinating shading somewhat makes up for a relative lack of charisma animation, too.
I couldn't have been the only one to notice the inconsistencies between character models and coloring right?
Well so far the anime continues to hold my interest. Also Lenka was actually pretty useful, and more to the point was applying stuff by keeping quiet, watching Alisa, and then doing what she was doing - and before that, he was sniping fairly decently.

Also Alisa is lewd, she's not wearing underwear. :V On the other hand when she's a one girl aragami killing machine she can wear (or not wear) whatever she wants so long as Aragami keep getting rekt. I also like how at first it seems like she's just this cold bitch who wants to do everything herself... and then we find out that no she's actually a nice girl who doesn't want to abandon the people she's with.

There are some things that bug me however:

1. A Blackhawk should not really be able to keep up with a cargo transport.
2. Alisa's hat should really have gotten blown away much earlier and it should have been violently ripped off her head. (I speak from experience. I have lost a hat to strong wind before. Was sitting in the bed of a Hilux pickup, stood up, my hat got blown away and I never saw it again.)
3. What happened to the Blackhawk copilot; I know the pilot strapped himself to Sakuya, but what about the copilot?
4. How much fuel and ammo were they all carrying, because it looks like they flew out early morning, reached the transport around dawn, and then spent the whole day flying around until sunset, so that's something like at least 10 hours in the air.

...ah fuckit, just kick back and enjoy the ride.

And tomorrow I need to check my PSP (i think the contact for the power button is loose or something) and then look for my charger; it's time to get back to God Eater Burst.

Also I kinda like Alisa's anime design. She's not ripped, but neither does she look as soft as her game design; she seems more toned, athletic, somehow.
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Just checking episode 5 wow Lenka would need therapist after that curbstomb battle
First post I've made in a while.

I've heard mention that the characters are actually CG-generated or at least 2D puppet systems on another forum, and now I'm about to go through the episodes again to try and verify. Thing is, as the forum speculated, if those claims are true, then ufotable did an *incredibly* good job making them look like hand-drawn frames and getting the rest of the production companies involved to maintain the look. It would also be an easy explanation for how ufotable can afford to color the characters with 5 tones as opposed to 3.

I dunno, my personal opinion right now is that the characters are 2D, with 3D used as "reference" like in previous productions, but I admit I watched the episodes with motion interpolation so it's not very accurate. Thoughts?
Woman commander's breasts are ridiculous. Especially in this one shot that's supposed to be a dramatic close-up of her face, but the artists can't resist angling the shot low enough that it includes her ENORMOUS RACK for... reasons.

Absolutely no one should be able to wear those shirts and jackets, because they cannot possibly push those oversized bracelets through their sleeves. Either shrink the bracelets or do something cool like tailoring their clothes to account for that.

The bridge bunny is probably late to her post because she's trying to run in fucking high heels. And it looks to me like no one tried contacting the teams she was responsible for until she got there; way to drop the ball.

Where the hell are the security guards who are supposed to arrest boot-camp scrubs like this asshole for attempting to break into command centers he doesn't remotely have the clearance to enter?

Why is the commander giving this brat any of her time when she should calling security to take him away while she focuses on turning this disaster around?

Why the hell is this commander woman doing more to prevent this fucktard from running off to battle than she is to prevent the monsters from invading?

Why the hell am I suppose to sympathize with this headstrong fool who believes he's some special hotshot who can ignore the chain of command and save the day on his own? Heroes shouldn't get to buck the rules and succeed just because they want to, and it's even made clear that he doesn't have what it takes.

Why the hell are these badass monster-killers taking their time to strut around and drawl indifferent banter at each other? I thought this was supposed to be an urgent "the walls are down, the monsters are invading, people are dying, we're all fucked!" situation. The kind of damage that's being done to humanity's limited population and resources doesn't seem like something they can easily recover from, so this should be a catastrophic emergency. Like, even if they repelled the monsters RIGHT NOW, their city might have taken so much damage as to be doomed.

Am I supposed to LIKE any of these people? God Eater, why do you think I should want to keep watching you?
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So I felt like I had to post, even though it might considered be a necro, but I hope the post is substantial enough for it to get a pass.

I just finished it a week or two ago, and damn, I'm satisfied. Maybe because I'm not player of the game though I read the manga, and thus I have no preexisting bias toward what canon and what not.

Needless to say, I might be those in minority that likes Lenka far more than I like Yuu.

I mean, Lenka could calm down for being an Eren lite sometimes, but at the same time, I like how being hot blooded and suicidally reckless doesn't mean he's being impossibly rude to everyone. No, Lenka actually is very polite whenever he could be, and he's not a jerk, that'd be Soma's job.

Yuu? He's just a generic smiling badass. If you're blander than Jaune fucking Arc (RWBY), then you are failed as protagonist. I think Yuu carries too much of his origin as JRPG protagonist, where he exist as player avatar and to make other character shine. But as the one who get a spotlight, he just don't work very well.

Also, again, I don't know about the game, but the anime gives just enough darkness to spice the whole thing. Usually I avoid dark show, but the anime managed to strike the balance between too fluffy and too grimm.

Action wise it was a bit mediocre, for what supposed to be superhumans everyone was way too slow. I wish they have FSN tier action, but that might be asking too much for what essentially 13 episode anime.

Overall, I know the anime was considered commercial failure (especially for an Ufotable title) but deep down I wish I can have a sequel.

Time to write a fanfic then.