Go forth and poke things! Tech Priest Quest

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You are a Tech Priest. Go out and do Tech Priest things.
1 - Scenario Creation 1, Why are you here?
Somewhere North. It's cold here.
You are a Tech Priest.

Go forth and do Tech Priest things!

Tech Priest things typically involve building crazy shit, getting mad at the morons who keep breaking things, and continually increasing your skill and knowledge, trying to gather together the scraps of Mankind's past glories that you might build back to a fragment of what once was. In short, build powerful tech and learn all of the things.

And more importantly, don't die in the process. Can't exactly rise to the top if there isn't a you anymore.

Gather resources. Gain allies. Learn new (read old and sacred) technologies. Upgrade your workshop. Build yourself better for the flesh is weak the machine is immortal!

You uh… don't have much of a workshop right now though.


[ ] You have no idea. Your memory has gaps, the last few weeks, months are simply not there. Presumably something went horribly wrong. There is no one around. Where are you? Is this even Imperium controlled space? There's a lot of broken stuff nearby, but that hardly narrows down anything

(General Goals: Find out what happened. Find out where you are. Probably leave as soon as possible Reconnect with Imperium or Mechanicum resources. Build a safe point to reduce your chances of horrible death to a minimum.)

Potential Paths: Gang Lord, (Failed) Murder Mystery,
Write In/Other

Next vote: where the hell are you and who the hell are you?

[ ] You were arrested for heretekal actions and barely escaped. You have what few scraps you were able to gather from your undestroyed stashes and are on the run. Are you actually a Heretek? Does it matter? Where to now, and how do you get there without capture and destruction?

(General Goals: Escape! You have a small lead, but that's not much when you are accused of the gravest sin in the Adeptus Mechanicus. Decide a destination once you are no longer in imminent danger. Figure out what path your existence will take now that you no longer have access to the vast resources of the Mechanicum)

Potential Paths: Rogue Trader Attache, Clearing your name and Vengeance!, Dark Mechanicum Aolyte, Write In/Other

Next Vote: Where are you? Who are you? Are you actually a Heretek? If so, what are the depths of your tech heresy, and if not, why were you accused?

[ ] You are a newly christened Explorator. It happened surprisingly quickly, and you didn't have time to take much with you. Is this an honor or did you piss someone off?

(General Goals: Explore! Find cool stuff and bring it back to the Mechanicum. Learn all the things you can from what you find. Build your forces so that you don't die horribly when you inevitably poke something way more terrifying than you.)

Potential Paths: Rogue Trader Attache, Army Builder for Research and Profit, Friend (somewhat tolerated tagalong) of Astartes, Write In/Other

Next Vote: Where are you? Who are you? What is your plan to find all the archeotech you can get your grubby mechadendrites on?

[X] You are recently in charge of the Adeptus Mechanicus resources on the fringe of Imperium controlled space on the very edges of the galaxy. This place is scary as hell and no one you would want to see comes here.

(General Goals: Build up your forces as much as possible. Provide technology to the PDF so that they can stand between you and whatever the fuck shows up that wants you dead.)

Potential Paths: Army Builder to Not Die Horribly to Something From Beyond the Void! Quest, The Archeotech is probably mostly untouched I hope quest, Write In/Other

Next Vote: What Omnissiah-forsaken hellhole have you been dropped on? Who are you and who did you piss off to get dumped here?

[ ] Your workshop is destroyed. Utterly gone. Only rubble and ash remain.

(General Goals: Salvage what you can. Rebuild. Prevent this from happening again.)

Potential Paths: Investigation and revenge on a saboteur!, Try not to let your experiments blow up your lab again quest, Write In/Other

Next Vote: Why is your workshop destroyed? What happened? Who are you and where are you?

[ ] Your world is lost. Command is destroyed, military forces obliterated. You gathered what data and resources you could and fled.

(General Goals: Decide where and how to rebuild. Stay very far away from where you were.)

Potential Paths: Rogue Trader, World Ruler, Write In/Other

Next Vote: How did you escape? What did you bring with you? (data, forces, allies) What irreplaceable piece of knowledge were you able to save? What rare data? What tech sample? Who are you and where did you escape from by the whim of the Omnissiah?

I make no promises of quality, update schedule, etc. I just want a story about tech priest bullshit and if I've read all the ones I can find, by god I'll write one myself. This will be a very fast and loose system, kludged together from a dozen different quests I've read and all the little pieces that interested me. I imagine this as an X-Com type thing, build your base (read: workshop/ship/entire forgeworld if we get to that point) and do research and produce technology for the endless maw that is the Imperial war machine, then more in depth missions where you might investigate a base, a ship, a who the hell even knows what it is. Gain resources, get better at what you do, try not to piss off too many people, maybe get strong/smart/skilled/important enough to do whatever you want. Or do what you want anyway. Go punch a necron in the face, I don't care. I just want my red dudes with more metal than flesh to run around poking their noses into thing they shouldn't and building all the cool bullshit.
These are by no means locked in. It's mostly here to give an idea of where things might go, and if you all have different or additional ideas, by all means, throw them at me.
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Player Character - Archmagos Phex Romurmiad
Name: Phex Romurmiad - Seditious Archmagos of the Blessed Array
Gender: Male (Irrelevant. Flesh will fail. The machine is immortal.)
Age: 43
Personality: Focused
Voice: Write-In: Deep with slight distortion (Darth Vader...?)
- Biologis: 2 (+0)
- Weapons: 3 (+1)
- Vehicles: 4 (+2) (Selected Trait: Void Born Tech Priest)
- Power Armor/Mechs: 2 (+0)
- Augmentation: 2 (+0)
- Warp Fuckery: 2 (+0)
- Archeotech: 2 (+0)
- Xenotech: 1 (-1)
- Manufacturing: 2 (+0)
- Systems: 4 (+2) (Selected Trait: Self Directing Machines)"
LEADERSHIP: 4 (+2) (Selected Trait: Once the Beleaguered Second in Command)
MARTIAL: 2 (+0)

Trait - Once the Beleaguered Second in Command - Additional bonus to bureaucracy and logistics
(Your boss couldn't be bothered with the paperwork. So he made you do it. While this took time away from your own projects, you learned much about keeping a Manufactorum running)

Trait - Self Directing Machines - Additional bonus to automating technology and production
(While much Imperial technology requires the hand of a tech priest, there is simply too much to be done for that to be practical. You are particularly skilled at setting up automated machines to do their work with only oversight, rather than direct intervention. )

Trait - Void Born Tech Priest - Additional bonus to production, repair, and development of voidcraft, space stations, docking structures, and adjacent technology
(Voidcraft Focus. You studied your craft on a forgeworld, but above it. You worked on voidcraft and shuttles, helped build and repair space stations, and even aided in the repair of a Ramilies Class Star Fort.)

Implants -
- Standard Adeptus Mechanicus Implants (Electro Graft, Respirator Unit, etc.)
- 8 mechanical legs reminiscent of a spider
- 2 x extra arms
- 4 x mechadendrites (modular)
-- 1 x Plasma Pistol attachment
-- 1 x Servo-skull and dock attachment
-- 2 x manipulators/non-specified
- Power Source (Small Scale Plasma Generator)
- Armor (high quality materials)
Underlings -
Favored Skitarii Ranger Squad Kelvin-17
Kelvin-17 is a general purpose squad composed of one Skitarii Alpha captain and 10 squad members of unquestioning loyalty. They are able to perform as needed, as a bodyguard unit, as a strike squad, as hunters or trackers, and as test subjects. These units all have mid to high quality implants, armor, and weapons. All members of Kelvin-17 are capable of acting as pilots. You acquired their services after their last boss died because he was terrible at his job.

- 1 x Named Unit - Skitarii Alpha Captain Vaio Vul-Ni-Kelvin17-Rho-0. The Rho loadout includes a Plasma Caliver, Arc Pistol, and high quality armor.

- 10 x High quality Skitarii of unquestioning loyalty. Weapons include Skitarii Vanaheim Pattern Assault Shotgun, Transuranic Arquebus, Hades Pattern Mark III Assault Flamer, Arc Rifle, Arc Pistol.
Squad Members -
- Kolan Ko-Mul-Kelvin17-Zeta-1
- L-U F6O/P8B-Kelvin17-Kappa-2
- Gammowe Cortarov-Kelvin17-Kappa-3
- Kappa 1-Rhosk-Kelvin17-Omicron-4
- Draykekros Gror-Kelvin17-Delta-5
- Jzzi van Alsmeb-Kelvin17-Kappa-6
- Mankeuko Rhaulk-Yyrrc-Kelvin17-Kappa-7
- Lund Gifonarich-Kelvin17-Kappa-8
- L-J A8M/F6N-Kelvin17-Kappa-9
- Gifothadon Rhodos-Kelvin17-Kappa-10

Loadouts -
- Delta - Hades Pattern Mark III Assault Flamer, Arc Pistol, Arc Maul, above average quality armor
- Kappa - Arc Rifle, Arc Pistol, Arc Maul, above average quality armor
- Omicron - Transuranic Arquebus, Arc Pistol, Arc Maul, above average quality armor
- Rho - Plasma Caliver, Arc Pistol, Power Sword, high quality armor
- Zeta - Skitarii Vanaheim Pattern Assault Shotgun, Arc Pistol, Arc Maul, above average quality armor

Homeworld -
Archmagos Akigostax-Tiv - your eccentric former master.

This, but like 4 times as many tentacles

- Biologis: 3 (+1)
- Weapons: 4 (+2) (Trait: Gun Bigger Than a Hive Spire)
- Vehicles: 5 (+3) (Trait: Void Born Tech Priest)
- Power Armor/Mechs: 4 (+2) (Trait: I am Iron Man)
- Augmentation: 3 (+1)
- Warp Fuckery: 3 (+1)
- Archeotech: 4 (+2) (Trait: Seeker of the Holy Grail)
- Xenotech: 3 (+1)
- Manufacturing: 4 (+2) (Trait: Logistical Machine)
- Systems: 4 (+2) (Trait: Data Hoarder)
LEADERSHIP: 4 (+2) (Trait: Master of Delegation)
MARTIAL: 3 (+1)

Traits -
Trait - Data Hoarder (Data and records focus. Your master collected and hoarded data and kept meticulous records of everything in his vast data vaults. The secrets kept there… Most you never even knew of, let alone had access to. Additional bonus to data/records keeping/organizing, as well as records based research)
Trait - Master of Delegation (You were the Beleaguered Second in Command and your master was the one delegating. He was very good at finding underlings who would handle the tasks he needed done. Bonus to tasks performed by subordinates if given by the one with this trait)
Trait - Gun Bigger Than a Hive Spire (Titan/Voidcraft Weapon Focus. Rifles and vehicle mounted weapons are so passe. Your master built weapons to break cities, punch holes in mountains, and damage moons. Additional bonus to huge/gargantuan sized weapons, ie weapons that would be mounted on Titans or Voidcraft. Additional bonus to weapons designed or handcrafted by Archmagos Akigostax-Tiv)
Trait - I am Iron Man (Power Armor Focus. With the addition of powered armor, even the lowest of men can be elevated. For the highest of men? They are brought even higher and the very world trembles beneath them. Additional bonus to production, repair, and development of Power Armor and related technologies)
Trait - Seeker of the Holy Grail (STC Focus. While he never found any himself, Archmagos Akigostax-Tiv was incredibly skilled at trading secrets and fragments of knowledge for STC fragments of far higher worth, combining the disparate pieces into one cohesive whole. Additional bonus to STC recovery and reconstruction)
Trait - Logistical Machine (Logistics Focus. A factory means nothing if the people, components, and supplies are not getting where they should be. Additional bonus to logistics)

Implants (known) -
- more mechadendrites than sense
- laser cutters in most mechadendrites
- high level auger arrays
- Refractor Field

Implants (assumed) -
- Sound Inversion Generator (because how else is he that sneaky?)
- secondary and tertiary backup systems
- numerous hidden weapon systems
- whatever he needs at that moment (you've never seen your master without the specific tool he needs at any given moment. You're unsure if it's really clever timing, making what he has fit the situation, or simply having that much stuff on him all the time)
Magos 01-Tess - a fellow tech priest from your homeworld. Will be working on the Autocannon you had been repairing for House von Keel. She will also be taking on their owed debt to her rather than yourself. While she might not thank you for the additional workload, favors owed by a Knight House, small or large, are well worth it, as well as the connections that can be made. She will probably owe you for this, if you ever have the chance to call it in.
Brandt Rogue Trader Dynasty -

Rogue Trader Captain Noemi Brandt - The captain of the Asidus Suspiria. Willing to take on a last minute passenger to a very far corner of space. An enormous and incredibly muscled woman. You and Captain Brandt have come to an agreement that will likely tie her dynasty and your forge world together quite tightly.

Explorator van Ero - Explorator on the Asidus Suspiria. At this time you know nothing of them.

Enginseer EL-204 - a young enginseer whose services have been gifted to the Brandt Rogue Trader Dynasty as part of the payment for your passage. She has few visible augments, retaining most of her flesh at this point, and only two mechadendrites. Capable pilot.

Seneschal Macharius Narke-Terhand - Seneschal of the Brandt Rogue Trader Dynasty. She appears competent and knowledgeable.

Shipman Terrasoul - a shipman aboard the Asidus Suspiria. You met him briefly when boarding the vessel.

Lady Astropath Maida Frele - incredibly ancient, incredibly powerful, and incredibly uncomfortable to be around. Lady Frele's mother was an astropath on a ship returning to the Feldrig system when her gift of foresight warned her of impending disaster. The ship fled, and Lady Frele and her mother were stranded for ten years before being rescued by Captain Noemi Brandt's mother and predecessor, Emilliah Brandt. Lady Frele's devotion to her ship, her crew, and her Emperor are unquestioned, which is why she still lives and serves, despite the numerous mutations her connection to the warp has forced onto her body.

Arch-militant Rolash Essiguran - Arch-militant on the Asidus Suspiria. Your skitarii have coordinated with him to join patrol rotations and he is quite pleased with you for your offer. You played cards with him while meeting with Void Master Millat. He seems competent at his job, though neither of you did well at cards

The Creepy Child - a strange child with implants on its skull and thick red scars over its body. Somehow connected to Lady Frele, though the specifics are unclear.

Emilliah Brandt - Captain Noemi Brandt's mother and predecessor. She rescued Lady Frele and her mother, as well as a large number of crew, descendants of some of which are still working on the Asidus Suspiria.

Missionary Svenja Kantner - Of all things, a missionary from Krieg. Convinced that she could atone better for the crimes of her forebears by living in the Emperor's name rather than actively seeking to die in His name, she joined the crew as a missionary. She considers being bad a cards a moral failing.

Void Master Slam 'Spittin' Bones' Millat - Formerly of Catachan 205th Flaming Vipers. Left as soon as he was able because while there's a lot of stuff that wants to kill you in the void, at least you usually get to see it coming.

Hagitz 'Crazy Claw' Karbis - A large Catachan man who went with Void Master Millat when he joined the Asidus Suspiria. Likes mines.

Solomon Gerole - A twitchy man with greasy hair and a crude mechanical left arm.

Currently Unknown Characters
Navigator -
Other -
House von Keel - a Knight House you had been repairing an Autocannon for.

Kelvin-17's former boss - you never learned his name and don't care to. He was bad at his job and it got him killed, and you got Kelvin-17. So you supposed you should thank him for being terrible.
Arch-militant Rolash Essiguran
- +1 (+10 to interaction rolls)
Lady Astropath Maida Frele - +1 (+10 to interaction rolls)
Rogue Trader Captain Noemi Brandt - +1 (+10 to interaction rolls)
Void Master Slam 'Spittin' Bones' Millat - +1 (+10 to interaction rolls)
Brandt Dynasty General Goodwill - +3 (+15 to interaction rolls)
Updated as of 5.2
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Personal -
Workshop - Temporary. This workshop is not your own, nor will you be here for overlong. It does not have the specialized and personalized equipment you prefer, though access to workbenches and basic tools is much better than not. No additional bonus as a workshop beyond removing malus of field work/repairs. Which, admittedly, is a really solid bonus.
Inventory -
1 x Omnissian Axe
1 x Assault Cannon (+27% fire rate, reflected in +20 to ballistic checks using this weapon)
1 x Plasma Pistol mechadendrite (functioning properly, in need of standard maintenance. Also listed under "Implants")
5 x packs of assorted tools and components (if it's simple and you need it, you can assume you have it. For increasingly complex tools/components, a roll will be made at increasingly higher DC to determine if you have it. Without access to a personal workshop, these will degrade over time, effectively raising the DC. The workshop on the ship is a temporary/borrowed workshop.)
You started with 6 packs and lost one while playing cards. You did gain some good (?) information from it and increased your relationships, so it was probably worth it. (-10 to item rolls involving these packs)
1 x Data Cube containing five reconstructed blueprints
1 x Data Slate with a degraded message from Feldrig 3 on it
1 x list of needed information and potential sources (+5 to rolls involved in information gathering and preparations for the future on this trip)
Blueprints -
- Gifted -
(Rolled 4 - Power Armor/Mech. Rolled 3 - Power Armor Focus)
(Quality - rolled 22 + 20 Tech Rank 4 + 10 Focus = 52)
Archmagos Akigostax-Tiv's favorite power armor schematics "When you left your apprenticeship under an Archmagos, you received a blueprint of one of your masters favorite designs"
- Reconstructed -
Voidcraft - (rolled 76 + 20 Tech Rank 4 + 10 Focus = 106)
-- Distributed Power Cell Capacitors - Distributed Power Cell Capacitors - an STC for powerful capacitors spread throughout the ship. The Plasma Drive, rather than directly powering ships systems, powers the capacitors, and ships systems pull from that. While these take time to charge, when fully charged, this effectively allows a ship access to 2-4 times its power while the capacitors are working, depending on how many capacitors and how charged they are. Time to fully charge is dependent on the number of capacitors, the size of the Plasma Drive, and current ship power requirements. The Plasma Drive's ability to directly power the ship is decreased by 10-20% if capacitors are fully drained. Combined with the rotating shield design below, this makes a ship incredibly powerful for single battles, at the cost of a long recharge period afterwards
-- Rotating Void Shields - a design for rotating void shields (effectively distributes the damage from any given hit over the entire ship. Provides a general boost to shields, particularly useful for numerous small attacks or focused attacks. Less useful for defending against large attacks as when the shields go down, they will go down everywhere until they can come back up)
-- Navigator Chambers - superior Navigator Instruments and Facilities, granting Navigators greater comfort and ability to, well, navigate. Means Navigators, even the worst ones, have their ranges almost doubled. There's a substantial reduction in catastrophic Warp incidents of all kinds as well, due to better treated, well rested, and slightly less tortured Navigators. (thanks avatar11792)

Weapons - (rolled 1 - Bolter) (rolled 50 + 10 Tech Rank 3 = 60)
-- Godwyn-De'az Variant Pattern Bolter - A variant on the Godwyn-De'az Pattern Bolter used by the Adeptus Sororitas, this variant uses a unique pattern of bolter shells of smaller size, allowing a larger magazine and lower recoil while still doing the same amount of damage as the Godwyn-De'az Pattern Bolter.

Systems - (rolled 4 - Machine Spirit Whisperer) (rolled 14 + 20 Tech Rank 4 = 34)
-- Set of Rituals to sooth Machine Spirits - A set of recovered rituals that are more effective at placating and soothing machine spirits than most. (+10 to affected machines)
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Brandt Rogue Trader Dynasty -

Rogue Trader Vessel Asidus Suspiria
Tempest-class strike frigate. A fast ship intended for close quarters void combat. Currently transporting you to Feldrig 3.

Akigostax-Tiv Pattern Thunderhawk - the only one of its kind. Created by Archmagos Akigostax-Tiv with the stated goal of putting as much armor and firepower on a Thunderhawk as possible, while still leaving it maneuverable enough to be worthwhile. Before he tired of the project, the Thunderhawk was approximately six times more durable than standard with the firepower to match. This came at the cost of the gunship flying and handling like an Adamantium dropped from orbit. High speed, high power, high defense, extremely difficult to steer.

Unspecified Cargo Ship and Escort - ships in the Brandt Dynasty running a regular route together.
Other -
Retribution class Battleship Unending Fury - a voidship lost in the warp for 157 year before being recovered. You and a team of tech priests worked to repair the lances of this vessel. After a battle with daemons and cultists, Skitarii Squad Kelvin-17 entered your service.

Unknown Mechanicus Vessel - adrift Feldrig 3 Mechanicus vessel that made a blind jump out of the Feldrig system as an unknown catastrophe occurred. Discovered by Captain Emelliah Brandt.
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Locations -
Planets -

Bylios's Fortress, your homeworld - a forge world focused on ship building and repair. Most work is done on the massive superstructures spanning the orbit of the planet. You were born on those docks, trained on those docks, and apprenticed under Archmagos Akigostax-Tiv for 25 years on those docks. And now you've left them behind.

Feldrig 3 - a forge world colony that has been out of contact for centuries. Your master recently received their request for Archmagos assistance and sent you.

New Colony - colony recently inherited by Captain Noemi Brandt. Some details about the inheritance seem strange to the captain.

Shattered Fortress Moon - a shattered fortress moon in the same sector as Feldrig 3. Exists in the dark between systems in a calm section of the warp. Functions as a waypoint and trading hub. Kept running by strange tech priests who accept payment in archeotech and raw or refined resources.
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[x] You are recently in charge of the Adeptus Mechanicus resources on the fringe of Imperium controlled space on the very edges of the galaxy. This place is scary as hell and no one you would want to see comes here.
[X] You are a newly christened Explorator. It happened surprisingly quickly, and you didn't have time to take much with you. Is this an honor or did you piss someone off?
[X] You are a newly christened Explorator. It happened surprisingly quickly, and you didn't have time to take much with you. Is this an honor or did you piss someone off?
[X] You are a newly christened Explorator. It happened surprisingly quickly, and you didn't have time to take much with you. Is this an honor or did you piss someone off?
[X] You are a newly christened Explorator. It happened surprisingly quickly, and you didn't have time to take much with you. Is this an honor or did you piss someone off?
[X] You are a newly christened Explorator. It happened surprisingly quickly, and you didn't have time to take much with you. Is this an honor or did you piss someone off?

I don't usually watch quests when they are so new, but there aren't really many quests with this general concept (build and study tech things) so I decided why not.
[x] You are recently in charge of the Adeptus Mechanicus resources on the fringe of Imperium controlled space on the very edges of the galaxy. This place is scary as hell and no one you would want to see comes here.
[X] You are recently in charge of the Adeptus Mechanicus resources on the fringe of Imperium controlled space on the very edges of the galaxy. This place is scary as hell and no one you would want to see comes here.
[X] You are recently in charge of the Adeptus Mechanicus resources on the fringe of Imperium controlled space on the very edges of the galaxy. This place is scary as hell and no one you would want to see comes here.
[X] Your world is lost. Command is destroyed, military forces obliterated. You gathered what data and resources you could and fled.

Fun start
[X] Your world is lost. Command is destroyed, military forces obliterated. You gathered what data and resources you could and fled.
[x] You were arrested for heretekal actions and barely escaped. You have what few scraps you were able to gather from your undestroyed stashes and are on the run. Are you actually a Heretek? Does it matter? Where to now, and how do you get there without capture and destruction?
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[x] You were arrested for heretekal actions and barely escaped. You have what few scraps you were able to gather from your undestroyed stashes and are on the run. Are you actually a Heretek? Does it matter? Where to now, and how do you get there without capture and destruction?

Get on a RT vessle and run our own mini Admech organization.
[X] You are recently in charge of the Adeptus Mechanicus resources on the fringe of Imperium controlled space on the very edges of the galaxy. This place is scary as hell and no one you would want to see comes here.
[x] You are recently in charge of the Adeptus Mechanicus resources on the fringe of Imperium controlled space on the very edges of the galaxy. This place is scary as hell and no one you would want to see comes here.
[x] You were arrested for heretekal actions and barely escaped. You have what few scraps you were able to gather from your undestroyed stashes and are on the run. Are you actually a Heretek? Does it matter? Where to now, and how do you get there without capture and destruction?
[x] You are recently in charge of the Adeptus Mechanicus resources on the fringe of Imperium controlled space on the very edges of the galaxy. This place is scary as hell and no one you would want to see comes here.
[x] You are recently in charge of the Adeptus Mechanicus resources on the fringe of Imperium controlled space on the very edges of the galaxy. This place is scary as hell and no one you would want to see comes here.
[x] You are recently in charge of the Adeptus Mechanicus resources on the fringe of Imperium controlled space on the very edges of the galaxy. This place is scary as hell and no one you would want to see comes here.