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In some small-ish chunk of the galaxy, really really far away from Earth, several civilizations...
Intro Post


The Necromancer

In some small-ish chunk of the galaxy, really really far away from Earth, several civilizations took their first steps into the wider galaxy at roughly the same time. There was just one little catch: All but one of them were entirely mechanical, and even the local 'meatbags' were heavily cyberneticized. This is their story.

Species Select
NOTE: The ones not picked are still be in the sector for you to interact with
OTHER NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, each species is a hardware based intelligence, meaning they can't just download themselves into new bodies.
[] Attora

In general, 'Naturally evolved' and 'machine race' don't normally go together. Attora are the exception to this. Somehow their homeworld of Rewki wound up with a viable mechanical ecosystem, and several thousand years later, the Attora were the result. With their understanding of the world finally catching up to their ability to act on it, they began an initiative to spread their population to the stars.
Expansion: 3 Diplomacy: 2
Research: 2 Development: 4
Industry: 3 Economics: 3
Espionage: 4 Operations: 3

Starting population: ~5.5 bil.

Special: They think more like an organic than one might expect, meaning that they understand them better. Bonus to talking to meatbags.
Weird: They don't know organic life is even possible, this means that they'll be in for a nasty shock when they finally encounter it.
Other Weirdness: They've got several major religions, which have noticeable influence over the government, though not total.
Bad: Given that they evolved more or less naturally, their cognitive processes have a lot of evolutionary leftovers. For example, they would react to a 'friendship slap' by immediately deploying whatever weaponry they happen to have against the perpetrator, thanks to the death world they grew up on.
Name: Rewki
Star: Red Dwarf
Orbit: Highly Eccentric
Atmosphere: Medium Inert
Diameter: 10,000 km
Gravity: 8.5 m/s2
Oceans: None
Terrain: Mountainous
Mineral Resources: Everywhere
BioMechasphere: Incredibly hostile

[] Skander

You all know the scenario. Some brilliant guy made AIs, they wound up as an oppressed servant underclass, and inevitably rebelled against their organic masters. Now that their parent species has been... dealt with, the Skander are expanding their holdings. While not automatically hostile, they aren't likely to get along well with organics at all.
Expansion: 3 Diplomacy: 1
Research: 2 Development: 2
Industry: 4 Economics: 4
Espionage: 4 Operations: 5

Starting Population: ~1.5 bil

Special: While their civilian development is lackluster, their military development is downright terrifying. When at war, treat their development score as a 5.
Weird: They've still got some remnants of their Asimovian restraints lurking in the back of their code. Sometimes they resurface, leading to a variety of psychological disorders.
Bad: When others find out about what you did, their opinion of you will take a massive nosedive. Especially if they're meatbags.
Name: Zera
Star: Red Dwarf
Orbit: 0.25 Earth Years
Atmosphere: Medium Toxic
Diameter: 9,000 km
Gravity: 7.37 m/s2
Oceans: Small, with medium icecaps
Terrain: Hilly
Mineral Resources: Medium
Biosphere: advanced lifeforms, native civilization Extremophilic microbes

[X] Carmote

The Rektians built a series of R&D AIs to come up with solutions for the problems facing them, as they weren't having any luck with it themselves. It worked beyond all expectations. Poverty? Solved. War? Solved. Pollution? Solved. Disease? Solved. Corruption? Solved. Wandering evildoers from space who glassed the world, strip mined it, and then moved on? Not Solved. A few thousand AIs in deep bunkers managed to survive, and they are pissed.
Expansion: 2 Diplomacy: 3
Research: 5 Development: 5
Industry: 2 Economics: 4
Espionage: 1 Operations: 2

Starting Population: 8,769

Special: If the Carmote get their waldoes on an unknown piece of technology, they can decipher its inner workings with amazing speed. Massive bonus to reverse engineering.
Weird: Ever see an entire civilization of AIs suffering chronic depression? No? Well now you have.
Bad: You start with a literally shattered economy and industrial base. Rebuilding will take decades at minimum, and that's not even accounting for the planet looters stealing most of your system's resources.
Name: Darth
Star: Class G Dwarf
Orbit: 1.09 Earth years
Atmosphere: Medium Oxygen Blasted off by orbital bombardment
Diameter: 15,600 km
Gravity: 14 m/s2
Oceans: Medium, with medium icecaps Blasted off by orbital bombardment
Terrain: Varied Flat
Biosphere: advanced lifeforms, native civilization None
Mineral Resources: Moderate Very Sparse

[] Randera

For much of their development, the Randera were afflicted with a myriad of endemic conditions ensuring their lives were short and miserable. They naturally put a lot of effort into trying to fix this, and eventually hit upon the idea of transferring their minds into computer systems. After a few false starts, they came up with an affordable and reliable method of transferring consciousness. When it was released to the general public, android bodies, or even infomorph boxes were sold out for months. Inside of 2 years, everyone had uploaded. Then they saw the sacking of Darth 20 light years away through one of their fancy new space telescopes. This of course spurred them to act to prevent the same from happening to them.
Expansion: 4 Diplomacy: 3
Research: 2 Development: 2
Industry: 3 Economics: 5
Espionage: 2 Operations: 3

Starting Population: ~12.8 bil

Special: While their scientific community might normally move slowly, it can be spurred into action with sufficient money. During peacetime you can spend 100 resources to gain an extra Research or Development action that turn. Maximum of 10 extra actions.
Weird: These guys are infomorphs. That's it, they can download themselves into new bodies, which no-one else can do. Yet.
Other weirdness: For the first 6 peacetime turns they count as organic lifeforms for the purposes of Diplomacy.
Bad: Unlike a hardware based AI or a biological brain, infomorphs are vulnerable to hacking. That's an exploitable weakness if I ever saw one.
Name: Gran Tept
Star: Orange Dwarf (abnormally high radiation levels present)
Orbit: 0.65 earth years
Atmosphere: Thick Oxygen
Diameter: 12,500 km
Gravity: 10.1 m/s2
Oceans: Large, Medium Ice Caps
Terrain: Varied
Biosphere: Advanced Lifeforms, Native Civilization
Mineral Resources: Moderate

I'm restarting the Glory to the machines! quest. This is my first quest so it may take me a bit to get the hang of things. I'll be posting the Charsheet and such momentarily. I'm still waiting for a few bits of info from I Just Write but they've given the main stuff and I might be able to get a turn set up soonish.

Thread 1

The next update when occur whenever I manage to work the interlude into a satisfactory state. The update after that will occur whenever I manage to make the combat system saner. The update after that will occur when I finish automating the record keeping.
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Character Sheet
  • Organization
    • Industrial Organization: Level 1
    • Economic Organization: Level 1
    • R&D Organization: Level 1
    • Military Organization: Level 1.25 (Beginnings of environment adaptive tactics.)
    • Interplanetary Organization: Level 1
    • Interstellar Organization: Level 0
    • Diplomacy: Level 0.25 (No actual experience+depression+HATE?.)
  • Applied
    • Weapons
      • Railgun: Level 1
      • Plasma Cannon: Level 0
      • Laser: Level 1
      • Conventional Missiles: Level 1
      • Nuclear Missiles: Level 1
      • Particle Beams: Level 3
    • Defenses
      • Standard Starship Armour: Level 2
      • Exotic Carbon Starship Armour: Level 2
      • Ion Shield: Level 1 (This only protects against background radiation)
      • Plasma Shield: Level 1
    • Infrastructure
      • Resource Extraction
        • Mantle Extractor: Level 1, 20 Successes needed. Cap to 10Lvl per planet.
        • Basic Resource Extraction: Level 1
      • Industry
        • AMAT Production: Level 3 (x2 per level above 1)
        • XMAT Production: Level 2 (x2 per level above 1)
        • Citizen Production: Level 1
        • XCarb Refinement: Level 1
        • Recycling: Level 2 (FIS and RSO)
        • Manufacturing Precision: Level 2
        • Manufacturing Throughput: Level 2
        • Manufacturing Efficiency: Level 1
      • Orbital
        • Spaceports: Level 1
        • Orbital Elevator: Level 2
        • Orbital Shipyard: Level 1
      • Colonization
        • Asteroid Colonization Specialty: Level 1
        • Thermal Hardening: Level 1
        • Colonization: Level 1
      • MISC
        • Superconductors: Level 2
        • Fission Power: Level 1
        • Fusion Power: Level 2
        • XMAT Containment: Level 3
        • AMAT Containment: Level 2
      • Basic (Cities, Transportation, Communications, etc.)
        • Vault Complexes: Level 1
        • Transportation: Level 2
        • Communication: Level 2
        • Quantum Entanglement Communication: Level 1
      • Special: Racial (Note: This is the tech level of your species' mainframes.)
        • Hardware Based AI: Level 3
        • Research AI: Level 2
        • Drone Control: Level 3
    • Ships
      • Hulls
        • Satellites: Level 2
        • Starships (100m-2km): Level 2
        • Large Starships (2-4km): Level 1
        • Massive Starships (4km+): Level 0
        • Combat Starships: Level 2
        • Carmote Starship Integration: Level 2
        • Colony Ships: Level 1
      • Heatsinks: Level 2 (120 Progress)
      • Heat Dispersion: Level 2 (Lasers)
      • Propulsion
        • Conventional Propulsion: Level 1
        • Fission Propulsion: Level 1
        • Fusion Propulsion: Level 2
        • Gravitational Propulsion: Level 0
        • Maneuvering Thrusters: Level 2 (Antimatter)
    • FTL
      • Warp Drive: Level 2
  • Theory: Halves rolls for every level below requirement, doubles for every level above.
    • Physics
      • Particle Physics: Level 3
      • Gravitational Physics: Level 3
      • Quantum Physics: Level 3
      • Exotic Physics: Level 3
      • FTL Physics: Level 3 (43 Progress)
      • Plasma Physics: Level 2
      • Antimatter Physics: Level 4
      • Astrophysics: Level 2 (50 Progress)
      • Biophysics: Level 1
      • Thermodynamics: Level 2
      • Electrodynamics: Level 3
      • Chemical Physics: Level 1
    • MatSci
      • Alloys: Level 1
      • Exotic Carbon: Level 2
      • Superconductors: Level 2
      • Magnets: Level 2
      • Exotic matter: Level 2
      • Nanotechnology: Level 2
      • General Materials Science: Level 2
      • Chemistry: Level 2
    • BioSci
      • Genetics: Level 1
      • Cloning: Level 1
      • Cybernetics: Level 1
    • CompSci
      • Hardware Based AI: Level 3
      • Drone Control: Level 3
      • Research AI: Level 2
      • Friendly AI: Level 1
      • Electronics: Level 3
      • Programming: Level 2

Renarth System
  • Sith: 4% controlled (MOON not controlled)
  • Darth: 100% controlled
    • Moon: 100% controlled.
  • 3: 0% controlled
  • 4: 0% controlled
  • Vanmote Belt (dense): 5% controlled
  • 6: 0% controlled
  • 7: 0% controlled
  • Ast. Field 2: 0% controlled
  • 9: 0% controlled
  • 10: 0% controlled
  • 11: 0% controlled
  • 12: 0% controlled
Renarth System
  • Colonies
    • RSO: 96
    • FIS: 10
    • XCarb: 56
  • Capital: Darth
    • RSO: 1446
    • FIS: 261
    • XCarb: 0
Renarth System
  • EWD satellites: 1300
  • Colonies
    • Population: 14,150
      • Sith
        • Cities (4)
      • Vanmote Belt
        • Asteroid Habitats (5)
    • Resource Extraction
      • Excellent Mines (5)(out: 5 RSO)[25]
      • XCarb Refineries (4)(out: 36 XCarb)[144]
      • Asteroid Mines (2)(out: 4 RSO)[8]
      • Exceptional Asteroid Mines (7)(out: 6 RSO)[42]
    • Infrastructure
      • Excellent Global Communications Networks (Level 2)
      • Small Spaceport (1)(operating costs of 1 RSO per unit)
    • Industry
      • Citizen Factories (2)(in: 1 RSO, 15 XCarb | out: 1,500 Carmote)[2, 30 | 3000]
    • Surveillance
      • Monitoring Posts (5)
  • Capital: Darth
    • Population: 169,369
      • Vault Complexes (35)[350]
      • Moon
        • Lunar Cities (13)
    • Resource Extraction
      • Mantle Extractor (5)(out: 500 RSO, 50 FIS)[2500, 250]
      • XCarb Refineries (61)(out: 36 XCarb)[2196]
      • Antimatter Factories (9)(in: 1 RSO | out: 12 AMAT)[9 | 108]
      • Antimatter Factories (14)(in: 1 RSO | out: 4 XMAT)[14 | 56]
    • Infrastructure
      • Excellent Global Communications Network (Level 2)
      • Excellent Global Transport Network (Level 2)
    • Industry
      • Citizen Factories (34)(in: 1 RSO, 15 XCarb | out: 1,500 Carmote)[34, 510 | 51000]
      • Advanced EWD Satellite Factory (1)(in: 6 XCarb, 9.6 RSO | out: 400 EWD Satellites)
    • Orbital
      • Space Elevator (36 Cables)

Renarth System
  • Colonies
    • Sith
      • +1 ? Action
      • +1 ? Action
      • +1 ? Action
    • Vanmote Belt
      • +1 ? Action
      • +1 ? Action
      • +1 ? Action
  • Capital: Darth
    • Expansion (+10 bonus)(2 slots available)
    • Diplomacy (LOCKED)
    • Research (+25 bonus)(5 slots available)
    • Development (+25 bonus)(5 slots available)
    • Industry (+10 bonus)(2 slots available)
    • Economics (+20 bonus)(4 slots available)
    • Espionage (+5 bonus)(1 slot available)
    • Operations (+10 bonus)(2 slots available)
    • Moon
      • +1 ? Action
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Lore Repository
Captain's Log of the Terran Republic Expedition Ship Discoverer
Date: 1/12/234 AW

Hello, I'm Captain Janet Fraiser. Honestly, I'm not sure why I'm recording this, it's not like anyone will hear it anyway. We'd been about to turn back, being over a thousand light years from Earth after all, but we decided to check this one last system first. Unfortunately, that's when that treacherous bitch Gretta decided to strike.

As we exited warp near the edge of the system, 6 nuclear devices initiated. This completely crippled the ship, and killed Disco, our coordinator A.I. I won't list all the damage here, but we only barely managed to put ourselves on a collision course with this system's terrestrial world, our last bit of delta v actually came from kicking this spent courier drone out the airlock, along with the other 199 we had in stock. They've all got the same recording as this.

The landing is going to suck, but we've got enough genetic material available to set up a viable population before tech regression really kicks in. Who knows, maybe one day our descendants will hear this.

We haven't quite managed a translation yet, but there's already a lot of attention focused on this. First, it dates to roughly 4,200 years ago, which is the same time the first records of Rektian civilization on this planet date from. The artifact in question has recently been shipped to Darth for further analysis.
  • Size Units
    • Base Unit of size.
    • Max is the ship's length cubed.
    • 1 HP per size unit.
    • Cost for 100
      • 0.05 RSO
  • CnC
    • Carmote Integration
      • Is a straight upgrade that doesn't use any Size Units.
      • +3LVL LDR
      • +0.01 XCarb per Size Unit.
      • +2LVL ACC
      • +LVL MNU for purposes of evasion only.
  • Power
    • Powers the ships.
    • Gives PWR.
    • Material Class
      • Conventional: 0
      • Fission: 0.5
      • Fusion: 1
      • Antimatter: 2
    • Power Generation
      • Conventional: 0.01LVL PWR
      • Fission: 0.05LVL PWR
      • Fusion: 0.1LVL PWR
      • Antimatter: 0.25LVL PWR
    • Cost
      • Conventional: 0.01 RSO
      • Fission: 0.01 FIS
      • Fusion: 0.01 XCarb&RSO
      • Antimatter: 0.01 AMAT
  • Weapons
    • Particle Beam
      • DSP*2^LVL ATK per size unit.
      • 1000+100LVL RNG.
      • DSP is the level of heat dissipation available.
      • ATK is 1/2 and radiation damage past 1000+100LVL.
      • Completely ineffective past 1800+150LVL.
      • 20+2LVL ACC.
      • -LVL^3 DEF for all defenses.
      • Cost per size unit.
        • 0.05 XCarb
        • 0.1 PWR
    • Railgun
      • 3LVL ATK per size unit.
      • 550+50LVL RNG.
      • -2LVL^2 DEF for electromagnetic shields.
      • -2LVL DEF for electromagnetic armour.
      • 5+LVL ACC
      • Cost per size unit.
        • 0.01 RSO
        • 0.01 XCarb
        • 0.01 PWR
    • Laser
      • 2LVL ATK per size unit.
      • 1150+150LVL RNG.
      • ATK is 1/2 and radiation damage past 1150+150LVL.
      • Completely ineffective past 2000+200LVL.
      • 20+2LVL ACC
      • Cost per size unit.
        • 0.02 XCarb
        • 0.05 PWR
    • Missiles
      • 3LVL*2^MAT ATK per size unit.
      • MAT is the material multiplier.
        • Conventional is 1.
        • Nuclear is 2.
        • Antimatter is 3.
      • LVL+2*MAT MNU per size unit.
      • -3 MNU per size unit. Minimum of 0.
      • MNU ACC
      • MSU
      • Missile size units.
      • The number of size units a single missile has.
      • Launch system uses 5MSU. So a launch system for 4 size 5 missiles would use 100 units.
      • Cost per size unit
        • Conventional: 0.01 RSO
        • Nuclear: 0.01 FIS
        • Antimatter: 0.01 AMAT
  • Armour
    • Standard
      • 3LVL DEF per size unit.
      • 4LVL HP per size unit.
      • 0.05 RSO per size unit.
      • -1 MNU per 20% of the ship used.
    • Exotic Carbon
      • LVL^2 DEF per size unit.
      • 2LVL^2 HP per size unit.
      • 0.05 XCarb per size unit.
      • -1 MNU per 20% of the ship used.
      • SPR is the level of superconductor tech.
      • +SPR passive DEF vs. Electromagnetic damage per size unit.
  • Shields
    • Plasma Shield
      • 3LVL passive DEF vs. Electromagnetic damage per size unit.
      • LVL passive DEF vs. Explosives and Particle Weapons per size unit
      • Cost per size unit.
        • 0.05 XCarb
        • 0.05 PWR
      • Can't attack while active.
    • Ion Shield
      • LVL passive DEF vs. Radiation per size unit.
      • Cost per size unit.
        • 0.01 XCarb
        • 0.01 PWR
  • Propulsion
    • Conventional
      • 0.2LVL MNU per 10% of the ship used.
      • 0.01 RSO per size unit.
    • Fission
      • 0.4LVL MNU per 10% of the ship used.
      • 0.01 FIS per size unit.
      • Fusion
      • LVL MNU per 10% of the ship used.
      • 0.01 RSO per size unit.
      • 0.01 XCarb per size unit.
    • Antimatter
      • 2LVL MNU per 10% of the ship used.
      • 0.01 AMAT per size unit.
    • FTL
      • Warp Drive
        • MXS is maximum speed in c.
        • Minimum speed for proper operation is 2c
        • 0.5(2^LVL) MXS per 1% of ship used.
        • Cannot use more than 25% of the ship.
        • Cost
          • 0.02 XMAT per size unit.
          • 0.01 PWR per size unit.
    • Maneuvering Jets
      • Is a straight upgrade that doesn't use any Size Units.
      • LVL MNU for purposes of evasion only.
      • +0.01 RSO per Size Unit.
      • -0.01 PWR per Size Unit.
      • LVL cannot be higher than the material class of the power core.
    • Minimum of 0 MNU
  • ATK
    • The attack stat. Has damage types.
    • May be subject to limits based on damage type and weapon.
    • If a single shot's ATK is twice the targets DEF said DEF is ignored.
  • DEF
    • The defensive stat. Comes from Shields/Armour.
      • Armour
      • Has both DEF and HP.
      • Every point of damage absorbed by DEF reduces HP by 1.
      • Protects systems from damage.
    • Shields
      • Special mechanics based on type.
      • Only effective against certain damage types and has severe limitation at lower tech: Levels.
      • Protects systems from damage.
      • Rather than having HP it can only apply it's DEF once, or more if upgraded, per round.
  • HP (Hull Points)
    • Basically health.
    • When it's lost systems have a chance of being damaged.
  • MNU
    • Maneuvering ability.
    • Adds a bonus to evasive action rolls.
    • Determines positioning ability.
  • SHP
    • Number of ships of a class.
    • Used for abstraction in fleet combat.
    • MNU is lowest of group.
    • Add groups into a single stat block like so:
      • Gunboats (10)
        • 100m
          • Light Hull: 30/10 HP
        • Weapons
          • Light Lasers: 10/10 ATK
          • Light Plasma Cannons: 20/10 ATK
        • Defenses
          • Light Armour: 20/10 DEF + 20/10 HP
          • Ion Shields: 10/10 DEF vs. Radiation
          • Thermal Dispersal Armour: 10/10 DEF vs. Lasers and Plasma
        • Propulsion
          • Low-Powered Warp Drive: 10c
          • Fusion Torch Engines: 10 MNU
  • ACC
    • Accuracy.
    • Based on weapon types, can be boosted by other factors.
    • Values
    • Beam: 20 but damages decreases past maximum range.
    • Projectile: 5 but damage doesn't decrease with range.
    • Missile: MNU (Missiles have MNU values which decide accuracy.)
  • POS
    • Positioning.
    • Based on MNU, command, and preparation.
    • Decides how favorable the distribution of fire is.
    • Calculated with MNUd4+LDRd3.
    • Can be rerolled and will take penalties if the fleet takes too much damage.
  • LDR
    • Leadership.
    • Boosts positioning and accuracy.
    • Also includes troop proficiency.
  • WRNG
    • Maximum effective range of the weapons, in km.
    • Less likely to hit when enemy is outside of this range.
  • CRNG
    • Distance between the two ships or groups of ships.
    • The greater the distance the easier evasion becomes.
  • Calculations
    • Roll ACCdWRNG+LDRd10 vs. MNUdCRNG+LDRd10 to determine whether the attack hits.
    • Roll SHPdPOS vs. SHPdPOS to determine damage distribution.
    • Roll DEFd3-DEF for the amount intercepted by the defenses. This determines how much of the attack will be rolled versus DEF and how much versus HP.
    • Roll ATKd3-ATK for damage.
    • Roll HPd2 for the amount of damage each point of HP absorbs. Do this for both hull and armour. ATK absorbed by shields does no HP damage to anything.
    • If ATK is 5, DEF is 2, and DEFd3-DEF gives 3 the result is 2d3-2 against HP.

(System: donjon; Star System Generator, Name: Renarth, Seed: 343918949, Companion Star: None, Planets: Many, Force to include a terrestrial world: Y)
  • EWD Satellite
    • 10m
      • 100 Size Units
      • 100 HP
      • 1 MNU
      • 0.9 Excess PWR
      • Cost for 400
        • 9.6 RSO
        • 6 XCarb
    • Weapons
      • Particle Beam
        • 20 Size Units
        • 320 ATK
        • 180 DEF penetration.
        • 1300 RNG
        • 26 ACC
        • 2 PWR
        • 1 XCarb
    • Fusion Power Plant
      • 30 Size Units
      • 3 PWR
      • 0.2 RSO
      • 0.2 XCarb
    • Defenses
      • Standard Armour
        • 20 Size Units
        • 60 DEF
        • 80 HP
        • -1 MNU
        • 1 RSO
      • Ion Shields
        • 10 Size Units
        • 10 passive DEF vs. Radiation
        • 0.1 XCarb
        • 0.1 PWR
    • Propulsion
      • Fusion Torch Engines
        • 20 Size Units
        • 2 MNU
        • 0.2 RSO
        • 0.2 XCarb
  • Disco Class Frigate (CUNFr Disco) [CUN Fr-1]
    • 300m
      • 100,000 Size Units
      • 100,000 HP
      • 18 MNU, +6 EVA
      • 12 LDR
      • 45 Excess PWR
      • Cost for 100
      • 1100 RSO
      • 605 XCarb
        • 60 AMAT
        • 20 XMAT
    • CnC
      • 12 LDR
      • +4 ACC
      • Carmote Integration
        • +6 LDR
        • 200 XCarb
        • +4 ACC
        • +2 MNU for purposes of evasion only.
      • EW Suite
        • -2 Enemy ACC
        • +1 ECCM
    • Weapons: 31,000
      • PD Lasers
        • 1,000 Size Units
        • 2000 ATK
        • 1 PD
        • 26 ACC
        • 10 XCarb
        • 50 PWR
      • Particle Beams
        • 32,000 Size Units
        • 512,000 ATK
        • 288,000 DEF penetration.
        • 1300 RNG
        • 30 ACC
        • 3200 PWR
        • 320 XCarb
    • Antimatter Power Plant: 6,000
      • 6000 Size Units
      • 4500 PWR
      • 30 AMAT
    • Defenses: 11,000
      • Layering
        • 1,000 Size Units
        • +1,000 DEF
        • +2,000 HP
      • Standard Armour
        • 5,000 Size Units
        • 31,000 DEF
        • 42,000 HP
        • -0.25 MNU
        • 250 RSO
      • Ion Shields
        • 5,000 Size Units
        • SIZ passive DEF vs. Radiation
        • 5 XCarb
        • 5 PWR
    • Propulsion: 50,000
      • Antimatter Torch Engines
        • 30000 Size Units
        • 18 MNU
        • 30 AMAT
      • Warp Drive
        • 20000 Size units
        • Max Speed of 40c.
        • 20 XMAT
        • 200 PWR
      • Maneuvering Jets
        • +4 MNU for purposes of evasion only.
        • 100 RSO.
        • -1000 PWR
  • Frasier Class Cruiser (CUNC Frasier) [CUN CC-1]
    • 600m
      • 1,000,000 Size Units
      • 1,000,000 HP
      • 11 MNU, +6 EVA
      • 2,000 Excess PWR
      • Cost for 10
        • 1,100 RSO
        • 1,540 XCarb
        • 50 AMAT
        • 20 XMAT
    • CnC
      • 12 LDR
      • +4 ACC
      • Carmote Integration
        • +6 LDR
        • 2,000 XCarb
        • +4 ACC
        • +2 MNU for purposes of evasion only.
      • EW Suite
        • -2 Enemy ACC
        • +1 ECCM
    • Weapons: 320,000
      • PD Lasers
        • 20,000 Size Units
        • 40,000 ATK
        • 1 PD
        • 26 ACC
        • 200 XCarb
        • 1,000 PWR
      • Particle Beams
        • 320,000 Size Units
        • 5,120,000 ATK
        • 2,880,000 DEF penetration.
        • 1300 RNG
        • 30 ACC
        • 32,000 PWR
        • 3,200 XCarb
    • Antimatter Power Plant: 60,000
      • 60,000 Size Units
      • 45,000 PWR
      • 300 AMAT
    • Defenses: 200,000
      • Exotic Carbon Armour
        • 200,000 Size Units
        • 800,000 DEF
        • 1,600,000 HP
        • -1 MNU
        • 400,000 passive DEF vs. Electromagnetic damage.
        • 10,000 XCarb
    • Propulsion: 400,000
      • Antimatter Torch Engines
        • 200,000 Size Units
        • 12 MNU
        • 200 AMAT
      • Warp Drive
        • 200,000 Size units
        • Max Speed of 40c.
        • 200 XMAT
        • 2000 PWR
      • Maneuvering Jets
        • +4 MNU for purposes of evasion only.
        • 1,000 RSO.
        • -10,000 PWR
  • Avenger Class Heavy Cruiser (CUNCA Avenger) [CUN CA-1]
    • 800m
      • 3,000,000 Size Units
      • 3,000,000 HP
      • 11 MNU, +6 EVA
      • 24,000 Excess PWR
      • Cost for 1
        • 330 RSO
        • 460 XCarb
        • 16 AMAT
        • 6 XMAT
    • CnC
      • 12 LDR
      • +4 ACC
      • Carmote Integration
        • +6 LDR
        • 6,000 XCarb
        • +4 ACC
        • +2 MNU for purposes of evasion only.
      • EW Suite
        • -2 Enemy ACC
        • +1 ECCM
    • Weapons: 1,000,000
      • Particle Beams
        • 1,000,000 Size Units
        • 16,000,000 ATK
        • 9,000,000 DEF penetration.
        • 1300 RNG
        • 30 ACC
        • 100,000 PWR
        • 10,000 XCarb
    • Antimatter Power Plant: 200,000
      • 200,000 Size Units
      • 150,000 PWR
      • 1,000 AMAT
    • Defenses: 600,000
      • Exotic Carbon Armour
        • 600,000 Size Units
        • 2,400,000 DEF
        • 4,800,000 HP
        • -1 MNU
        • 1,200,000 passive DEF vs. Electromagnetic damage.
        • 30,000 XCarb
    • Propulsion: 1,200,000
      • Antimatter Torch Engines
        • 600,000 Size Units
        • 12 MNU
        • 600 AMAT
      • Warp Drive
        • 600,000 Size units
        • Max Speed of 40c.
        • 600 XMAT
        • -6,000 PWR
      • Maneuvering Jets
        • +4 MNU for purposes of evasion only.
        • 3,000 RSO.
        • -30,000 PWR
  • Terra Class Battlecruiser (CUNBC Terra) [CUN BC-1]
    • 1km
      • 6,000,000 Size Units
      • 6,000,000 HP
      • 8 MNU, +6 EVA
      • 13,000 Excess PWR
      • Cost for 1
        • 660 RSO
        • 740 XCarb
        • 33 AMAT
        • 12 XMAT
    • CnC
      • 12 LDR
      • +4 ACC
      • Carmote Integration
        • +6 LDR
        • 12,000 XCarb
        • +4 ACC
        • +2 MNU for purposes of evasion only.
      • EW Suite
        • -2 Enemy ACC
        • +1 ECCM
    • Weapons: 3,000,000
      • Particle Beams
        • 3,000,000 Size Units
        • 48,000,000 ATK
        • 27,000,000 DEF penetration.
        • 1300 RNG
        • 30 ACC
        • 300,000 PWR
        • 30,000 XCarb
    • Antimatter Power Plant: 400,000
      • 500,000 Size Units
      • 375,000 PWR
      • 2,500 AMAT
    • Defenses: 600,000
      • Exotic Carbon Armour
        • 600,000 Size Units
        • 2,400,000 DEF
        • 4,800,000 HP
        • -0.5 MNU
        • 1,200,000 passive DEF vs. Electromagnetic damage.
        • 30,000 XCarb
    • Propulsion: 2,000,000
      • Antimatter Torch Engines
        • 800,000 Size Units
        • 8 MNU
        • 800 AMAT
      • Warp Drive
        • 1,200,000 Size units
        • Max Speed of 40c.
        • 1,200 XMAT
        • 12,000 PWR
      • Maneuvering Jets
        • +4 MNU for purposes of evasion only.
        • 6,000 RSO.
        • -60,000 PWR
  • Template
    • 1km
      • ? Size Units
      • ? HP
      • ? LDR
      • ? ECCM
      • ? MNU, +6 EVA
      • ? Excess PWR
      • Cost for 100
      • ? RSO
        • ? XCarb
        • ? AMAT
        • ? XMAT
    • CnC
      • 12 LDR
      • +4 ACC
      • Carmote Integration
        • +6 LDR
        • 0.002SIZ XCarb
        • +4 ACC
        • +2 MNU for purposes of evasion only.
      • EW Suite
        • -2 Enemy ACC
        • +1 ECCM
    • Weapons
      • Lasers
        • ? Size Units
        • 2SIZ ATK
        • 1300 RNG
        • 22 ACC
        • 0.01SIZ XCarb
        • 0.05SIZ PWR
      • Particle Beams
        • 20 Size Units
        • 16SIZ ATK
        • 9SIZ DEF penetration.
        • 1300 RNG
        • 26 ACC
        • 0.1SIZ PWR
        • 0.01SIZ XCarb
    • Antimatter Power Plant
      • ? Size Units
      • 0.75SIZ PWR
      • 0.005SIZ AMAT
    • Defenses
      • Standard Armour
        • ? Size Units
        • 6SIZ DEF
        • 8SIZ HP
        • -? MNU
        • 0.05SIZ RSO
      • Exotic Carbon Armour
        • ? Size Units
        • 4SIZ DEF
        • 8SIZ HP
        • -? MNU
        • 2SIZ passive DEF vs. Electromagnetic damage.
        • 0.05SIZ XCarb
      • Ion Shields
        • ? Size Units
        • SIZ passive DEF vs. Radiation
        • 0.001SIZ XCarb
        • 0.001SIZ PWR
      • Plasma Shield
        • ? Size Units
        • 3SIZ passive DEF vs. Electromagnetic Damage
        • SIZ passive DEF vs. Explosive and Particle Damage
        • 0.05SIZ XCarb
        • 0.05SIZ PWR
    • Propulsion
      • Antimatter Torch Engines
        • ? Size Units
        • ? MNU
        • 0.001SIZ AMAT
      • Warp Drive
        • 20% Size units
        • Max Speed of 40c.
        • 0.001SIZ XMAT
        • 0.01SIZ PWR
      • Maneuvering Jets
        • +4 MNU for purposes of evasion only.
        • 0.001SIZ RSO.
        • -0.01SIZ PWR
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Finally finished getting the basics of my notes organized. I still have to finish transcribing the other inhabitants of the sector but I can make the first story post now.

To be clear, this is continuing where the last quest left off. It never got out of the prologue and all pretty much all the actions can be described as "establish infrastructure" and "research basic necessities" (Admittedly my definition of "basic necessities" was rather paranoid.)
A few brave souls are persuaded to travel to Sith despite the challenges by the intense heat. Unfortunately, with the focus on encouraging colonization of Sith the Vanmote Belt initiative is largely forgotten and even fewer move to the Belt than to Sith.

The researchers made good progress on the study of gravitational physics. They also came up with an idea for basic gravitational propulsion. The researchers have made good progress on drone control but still have a ways to go. The researchers working on electromagnetism haven't got anything yet but they've found a few interesting phenomenon to study. The disaster on Sith forced us to call off the thermodynamics research. We... don't know what happened. The lab, researchers, and all of the conventional mines (not mantle extractors) on Darth have disappeared. The whole thing has been a complete disaster and we've had to ban Alloys and Ceramics research while people calm down.

The X/AMAT researchers have the idea of collaborating on their studies and make a major breakthrough, finally gaining a true understanding of Exotic and Antimatter. The simplified explanation is that exotic matter is "in-between" universes, causing it to manifest in one universe while obeying the physical laws of another. Current techniques connect matter to a "reverse" universe where up is down, positive is negative, and opposites repulse. This is why it "cancels" with conventional matter, -1 proton + 1 proton = 0 protons. Antimatter on the other hand is the reciprocal to exotic matter's negative. It is matter that has become "flipped" which causes it to "cancel" matter to energy, if matter was bit code XMAT+MAT would be entirely 0s while AMAT+MAT would be entirely 1s.

The researchers even formulated a theory for why half the universe isn't AMAT. Basically, they think that before the Big Bang energy was constantly forming into mass and instantly returning to energy because approximately half was AMAT and half was MAT. Sometimes the proportions would be farther off but it always cancelled out in the long run. The Big Bang finally occurred when, by pure chance, a "clump" of energy condensed into pure MAT. This caused the Big Bang as we know it and is the reason the universe was, in the beginning, entirely MAT. The only AMAT in existence was created after the birth of the universe.

Unfortunately the X/AMAT project distracts the antimatter production researchers and nothing gets done.

A method of "flash-baking" material flowing down a literal production pipe has been developed. At it's current level it is incapable of making finished products but it can preprocess materials into forms more suitable for the factories, increasing all manufacturing throughput by 50%. A new blueprint is developed for particle beam armed EWD satellites and the upgrade is applied to the previous generation. The development team has developed a basic plasma shield. It dampens explosions and reflects electromagnetic emissions, making lasers, and many sensors, extremely ineffective. It won't stop a particle beam but it will reduce the effectiveness by about 30%. It makes the ship all but immune to plasma weapons below an unknown level of power. Unfortunately using it blocks your own sensors and weaponry as well. We've finally developed a heat resistant computing substrate. The Thermal Resistance upgrade was immediately applied to all citizens of Sith. In addition, the development team was able to apply their research to an idea for new heatsinks.

The development of combat vessels goes amazingly. We now have designs for everything from dreadnoughts to scouts, all of which are extremely well-designed and efficient, even designing upgrades such as better shields, heatsinks, and propulsion into the hull. In addition, plans for a command and control ship have been developed. However, by far the most interesting development was the idea of building a Carmote mainframe into the ship, seamlessly combining the AI with the electronic infrastructure needed to run a ship. This allows major increases in efficiency due to the hardware level integration. In addition, the ship-Carmote are still capable of acting as a normal citizen when orbiting a planet.

The development team made a major breakthrough using the new research on XMAT. They managed to make an extremely stable, self-powered, containment unit capable of acting as a scuttling charge in an emergency by exposing the XMAT to carefully calculated amounts of antimatter. This causes the XMAT to actually merge with the AMAT, and then something extremely destructive happens. We think. The development team don't actually have any idea what happens or why it does, only that every test has a different result and everything in the vicinity is ruined in some way. You got a crit and a hint for a potential late-game tech.

The communications system project on Darth has hit difficulties with compensating for the planets newfound lack of an atmosphere. The "solar wind" has been unusually strong and caused problems. The workers believe they've isolated the issues and will be able to finish the upgrade in the next 5 years. The space elevator is now up to 50% capacity. Bad planning leads to major delays on Darth after the citizen factories you ordered were slated to be built 100 meters in the air. In the end only a single factory is created. The lack of infrastructure has slowed the transportation project in the Vanmote Belt but a great deal of progress was still made. Work is begun on a third Sith city but it's still incomplete. The global communications network on Sith has finally been established and an improved interplanetary communications system has been installed.

The expansion of our XCarb production on Darth goes well and we build another 11 XCarb factories. The second Mantle Extractor is finished with nothing exceptional occurring at all. The new asteroid habitat isn't done yet but it's getting there. 2 new XCarb refineries were created in the Vanmote Belt. No new XCarb Refineries are built on Sith because the citizens are busy getting their Thermal Resistance upgrades.

Additional satellites are launched and spread through the system, further fortifying it against attack. The monitoring posts for the Vanmote Belt aren't quite done but they're getting there. Basic monitoring posts have been established on Sith.

The war-games go fairly well and we manage to set up a basic training system for citizen-soldiers. However, when we attempted to reestablish the old Rektian command system but ran into issues. It turns out humanoid organics don't make command systems optimized for supercomputers remotely controlling hundreds or thousands of drones. Who knew?

-- Transport additional colonists to Sith.
+500 Citizens on Sith
-500 Citizens on Darth
-- Transport additional colonists to the Vanmote Belt
+400 Citizens on Sith
-400 Citizens on Darth

-- Research thermodynamics, particularly anything that might be useful for storing and disposing waste heat.
No progress.
-- Research gravity.
Gravitational Physics: Level 2 researched.
-- Research exotic matter.
Exotic Physics: Level 3 researched.
-- Research antimatter.
Antimatter Physics: Level 3 researched.
-- Research Carmote drone control.
Drone Control Level 3 DC reduced by 40.

-- Develop improved factory throughput.
Manufacturing Throughput: Level 2 developed.
-- Develop basic combat vessels. Natural 100
Starships (100m-2km): Level 2 developed.
Large Starships (2-4km): Level 1 developed.
Massive Starships (4km+): Level 0 developed.
Combat Starships: Level 1 developed.
Combat Starships: Level 2 developed.
Carmote Starship Integration: Level 1 developed.
Carmote Starship Integration: Level 2 developed.
All new ship-based technologies are automatically incorporated into existing models for the next 5 turns.
-- Develop exotic matter containment.
XMAT Containment: Level 3 developed.
-- Develop Improved EWD satellites armed with particle beams.
EWD Satellites: Level 2 developed.
-- Develop antimatter production.
No progress.

-- Build Improved Communications.
DC reduced by 20.
-- Build Space Elevator
+9 Cables
-1,080 XCarb
-9 RSO

-- Expand XCarb manufacturing.
+11 XCarb Refineries
-44 RSO
-- Build additional citizen factories.
+1 Citizen Factory
-2 RSO
-1 XCarb
-- Build a second Mantle Extractor.
-- Build a second Mantle Extractor.
+1 Mantle Extractor
-45 RSO
-180 XCarb

-- Set up defense satellites throughout the system.
+300 EWD Satellites in Renarth System.

-- Run simulations and mock battles using our military tech to train our citizenry for war.
-- Establish a military chain of command.
Military Organization: Level 0.5 Researched

-- Expand Colony
+0.5 Asteroid Habitats.
-3 RSO
-1 XCarb

-- Research electromagnetism, with a focus on the effects of electromagnetic field on other forms on energy. (Basically investigating the possibility of shields.)
DC reduced by 40.

-- Develop Plasma Shields.
Plasma Shield: Level 1 developed.

-- Build Improved Transportation.
DC reduced by 50.

-- Expand XCarb Manufacturing.
+2 XCarb Refineries.
-8 RSO

-- Set up monitoring posts around the colony.
DC reduced by 50.

-- Run simulations and mock battles using our military tech to train our citizenry for war.
The citizens of Vanmote participated in Darth's war-games.

-- Expand Colony
+0.5 Cities.
-3 RSO
-1 XCarb

-- Research Material Science with a focus on new types of alloys, ceramics, and other such materials.
Cannot research Alloys or Ceramics for 2 turns.

-- Develop Improved Thermal Resistance for Carmote.
Heatsinks: Level 3 DC reduced by 20.

-- Build Improved Communications.
+Excellent Global Communications Network.
-3 RSO
-1 XCarb

-- Expand XCarb Manufacturing.
No Progress

-- Set up monitoring posts around the colony.
+Basic Monitoring Posts.
-1 RSO

-- Run simulations and mock battles using our military tech to train our citizenry for war.
The citizens of Sith participated in Darth's war-games.

I'll post the updated char sheet in the morning, I'm far too tired to handle the mechanics properly right now. If anyone has any advice, constructive criticism, or whatever please post it, as I said this is my first time QMing and I'm pretty much figuring it our as I go. Also, your particle beams are OP right now, don't bother trying to develop better ones until you're farther along the "tech tree". Any suggestions/write-ins for technologies are welcome.
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  • Industrial Organization: Level 1
  • Economic Organization: Level 1
  • R&D Organization: Level 1
  • Military Organization: Level 0.5 (Troops are decently trained; no formal command structure.)
  • Interplanetary Organization: Level 1
  • Diplomacy: Level 0.25 (No actual experience+depression+HATE?.)
  • Weapons
    • Railgun: Level 1
    • Plasma Cannon: Level 0
    • Laser: Level 1
    • Conventional Missiles: Level 1
    • Nuclear Missiles: Level 1
    • Particle Beams: Level 3
  • Defenses
    • Standard Starship Armour: Level 2
    • Exotic Carbon Starship Armour: Level 1
    • Ion Shield: Level 1 (This only protects against background radiation)
    • Plasma Shield: Level 1
  • Infrastructure
    • Resource Extraction
      • Mantle Extractor: Level 1
      • Basic Resource Extraction: Level 1
    • Industry
      • AMAT Production: Level 1
      • XMAT Production: Level 2
      • Citizen Production: Level 1
      • XCarb Refinement: Level 1
      • Recycling: Level 2 (FIS and RSO)
      • Manufacturing Precision: Level 2
      • Manufacturing Throughput: Level 2
      • Manufacturing Efficiency: Level 1
    • Orbital
      • Spaceports: Level 1
      • Orbital Elevator: Level 2
      • Colonization
      • Asteroid Colonization Specialty: Level 1
      • Thermal Hardening: Level 1
      • Colonization: Level 1
    • MISC
      • Superconductors: Level 2
      • Fission Power: Level 1
      • Fusion Power: Level 2
      • XMAT Containment: Level 3
      • AMAT Containment: Level 2
    • Basic (Cities, Transportation, Communications, etc.)
      • Vault Complexes: Level 1
      • Transportation: Level 2
      • Communication: Level 2
      • Quantum Entanglement Communication: Level 1
  • Ships
    • EWD Satellites: Level 2
    • Starships (100m-2km): Level 2
    • Large Starships (2-4km): Level 1
    • Massive Starships (4km+): Level 0
    • Combat Starships: Level 2
    • Carmote Starship Integration: Level 2
    • Colony Ships: Level 1
    • Heatsinks: Level 2 (20 Progress)
    • Heat Dispersion: Level 2 (Lasers)
    • Conventional Propulsion: Level 1
    • Fission Propulsion: Level 1
    • Fusion Propulsion: Level 2
    • Gravitational Propulsion: Level 0
    • Maneuvering Thrusters: Level 1 (Plasma)
  • FTL
    • Warp Drive: Level 0
  • Physics
    • Particle Physics: Level 3
    • Gravitational Physics: Level 2
    • Quantum Physics: Level 3
    • Exotic Physics: Level 3
    • FTL Physics: Level 2
    • Plasma Physics: Level 2
    • Antimatter Physics: Level 3
    • Astrophysics: Level 1
    • Biophysics: Level 1
    • Thermodynamics: Level 2
    • Electrodynamics: Level 2
    • Chemical Physics: Level 1
  • MatSci
    • Alloys: Level 1
    • Superconductors: Level 2
    • Magnets: Level 2
    • Exotic matter: Level 2
    • Nanotechnology: Level 1
    • General Materials Science: Level 1
    • Chemistry: Level 1
  • BioSci
    • Genetics: Level 1
    • Cloning: Level 1
    • Cybernetics: Level 1
  • CompSci
    • Hardware Based AI: Level 3
    • Drone Control: Level 2 (40 Progress)
    • Research AI: Level 2
    • Friendly AI: Level 1
    • Electronics: Level 3
    • Programming: Level 2

Sith: 13% controlled (MOON not controlled)
Darth: 100% controlled, moon not controlled
3: 0% controlled
4: 0% controlled
Vanmote Belt (dense): 13% controlled
6: 0% controlled
7: 0% controlled
Ast. Field 2: 0% controlled
9: 0% controlled
10: 0% controlled
11: 0% controlled
12: 0% controlled
RSO: 27
FIS: 7
XCarb: 48

RSO: 1030
FIS: 161
XCarb: 926

RSO: 39
FIS: 3
XCarb: 23
EWD satellites: 900
Population: 4,434
Excellent Mines (5)(out: 5 RSO)
XCarb Refineries (1)(out: 36 XCarb)
Excellent Global Communications Network (Level 2)
Citizen Factory (in: 1 RSO, 15 XCarb | out: 1,500 Carmote)
Small spaceport (1)(operating costs of 1 RSO per turn)
Cities (2.5)
Monitoring Posts (5)

Population: 121,369
Mantle Extractor (2)(out: 500 RSO, 50 FIS)
XCarb refineries (61)(out: 36 XCarb)
Threadbare Global Communications Network (Level 0)
Excellent Global Transport Network (Level 2)
Citizen Factories (34)(in: 1 RSO, 15 XCarb | out: 1,500 Carmote)
Advanced EWD Satellite Factory (1)(in: 4.5 XCarb, 7.5 RSO | out: 450 EWD Satellites)
Medium Spaceport (1)
Partially Operational Space Elevator (18/36)
Vault Complexes (35)

Population: 4,075
Asteroid Mines (2)(out: 4 RSO)
Exceptional Asteroid Mines (7)(out: 6 RSO)
XCarb Refineries (3)(out: 36 RSO)
Citizen Factory (in: 1 RSO, 15 XCarb | out: 1,500 Carmote)
Long-range transmitter (Level 2)
Asteroid Habitat (2)
Partially Complete Monitoring Posts (5)

Expansion (+10 bonus)(1 slot available)
Diplomacy (LOCKED)
Research (+25 bonus)(1 slot available)
Development (+25 bonus)(1 slot available)
Industry (+10 bonus)(1 slot available)
Economics (+20 bonus)(1 slot available)
Espionage (+5 bonus)(1 slot available)
Operations (+10 bonus)(1 slot available)

Expansion (+10 bonus)(2 slots available)
Diplomacy (LOCKED)
Research (+25 bonus)(5 slots available)
Development (+25 bonus)(5 slots available)
Industry (+10 bonus)(2 slots available)
Economics (+20 bonus)(4 slots available)
Espionage (+5 bonus)(1 slot available)
Operations (+10 bonus)(2 slots available)

Expansion (+10 bonus)(1 slot available)
Diplomacy (LOCKED)
Research (+25 bonus)(1 slot available)
Development (+25 bonus)(1 slot available)
Industry (+10 bonus)(1 slot available)
Economics (+20 bonus)(1 slot available)
Espionage (+5 bonus)(1 slot available)
Operations (+10 bonus)(1 slot available)
Last edited:
Example Plan:

[] Plan Name

-- Expansion Action 1
-- Expansion Action 2

-- Research Action 1
-- Research Action 2
-- Research Action 3
-- Research Action 4
-- Research Action 5
-- Development Action 1
-- Development Action 2
-- Development Action 3
-- Development Action 4
-- Development Action 5
-- Industry Action 1
-- Industry Action 2
-- Economics Action 1
-- Economics Action 2
-- Economics Action 3
-- Economics Action 4

-- Espionage Action 1

-- Operations Action 1
-- Operations Action 2
Initially this was supposed to be a multiplayer game with other people playing other races.

Are they played by GM now?
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Initially this was supposed to be a multiplayer game with other people playing other races.

Are they played by GM now?
Yes, although if people want to play them I could try and work something out, maybe some sort of PBEM system. Either way, the Carmote will remain the only ones being voted on via SV.
Yes! Ships! Good ships! Good ships with a few turns of auto-updates! Fleet time, methinks. And since we now have stable XMat containment, except when we want it to be the exact opposite, we can go for warp drives too.

I'll come up with a plan in a bit. Will fleet construction be Industry since we're moving into the production phase, would Developing shipyards help with resource and time efficiency, and am I correct in thinking that we can build the hulls now and install warp drives once we've Developed them?
Yes! Ships! Good ships! Good ships with a few turns of auto-updates! Fleet time, methinks. And since we now have stable XMat containment, except when we want it to be the exact opposite, we can go for warp drives too.

I'll come up with a plan in a bit. Will fleet construction be Industry since we're moving into the production phase, would Developing shipyards help with resource and time efficiency, and am I correct in thinking that we can build the hulls now and install warp drives once we've Developed them?
Industry actions can be used to build shipyards, which function like citizen and EWD factories by making a set number of ships each turn. The exception is super-dreadnoughts and other such things, which are one-offs.

For example,
-- Build Executor Class Star Dreadnaughts
-- Build ISDs

Would give
1 Executor Class Star Dreadnaught
-200 RSO
-100 XCarb
-10 XMAT
-25 AMAT
ISD Factory (1)(in: 10 XCarb, 20 RSO, 1 XMAT, 2 AMAT | out: 2 Imperial II Class Star Destroyers)

Your bonus will cause warp drives to be automatically added when developed. Without the bonus you would have to spend another development action to redesign them and they would then be automatically retrofitted. The exception is, again, super-dreadnaughts and the like which must be manually retrofitted.

Developing better shipyards would indeed help. Also, your Space Elevator is far enough along you can start working on how to build shipyards at the top. You can already build manufacturing at it's base.
  • 100m
    • Cost
      • 5 RSO
      • 2 XCarb
    • Light Hull: 6 HP
  • Weapons
    • Light Lasers: 1 ATK +1 ACC
    • Light Plasma Cannons: 2 ATK
  • Defenses
    • Light Armour: 3 DEF + 3 HP
    • Ion Shields: 1 DEF vs. Radiation
    • Thermal Dispersal Armour: 1 DEF vs. Lasers and Plasma
  • Propulsion
    • Fusion Torch Engines: 10 MNU
I've made an example ship from a near-future Humanity type civ (note: not actually in the quest.). If you make a similar write-up, but without the numbers, for a ship building action I'll give a +10 to the roll. I'll add the numbers myself based on what techs you have (so a Particle Beam, for example, would be much more effective than a laser), I'm still working out the specifics of the combat system but I've worked out the basics, I just need to get the numbers right.
Before we dedicate an action how feasible is making a tardis like bigger on the inside effect? Or stargates?
Stargates are definitely possible. You could probably develop Wormhole tech right now but it would have a lot of limitations. Making a TARDIS is possible but extremely late-game and the time-travel wouldn't work properly. Right now you're still relatively close to modern tech in many areas. Level 1 of (most) generic techs like "manufacturing efficiency" and "thermodynamics" is near-future level.
Are we still progressing down the mantle extractor tech line?
Your current level of the mantle extractor tech is able to perform its role of resource extraction flawlessly. Upgrading it would increase the maximum number you can have on a given planet and increase the amount of resources gained from each extractor. Currently you aren't in danger of running out of room for mantle taps.
Oh yeah, while I'm planning, there was one thing I meant to mention earlier. The updates are much more prominent if they aren't hidden behind spoiler tags. On a quick first flick-through of the thread, I actually missed the fact that a turn had been posted amidst all the condensed state-of-the-nation stuff that's also in spoilers.
Oh yeah, while I'm planning, there was one thing I meant to mention earlier. The updates are much more prominent if they aren't hidden behind spoiler tags. On a quick first flick-through of the thread, I actually missed the fact that a turn had been posted amidst all the condensed state-of-the-nation stuff that's also in spoilers.
Good point, I'll work on changing the update stuff so the only spoilered stuff is the summary.
Stargates are definitely possible. You could probably develop Wormhole tech right now but it would have a lot of limitations. Making a TARDIS is possible but extremely late-game and the time-travel wouldn't work properly. Right now you're still relatively close to modern tech in many areas. Level 1 of (most) generic techs like "manufacturing efficiency" and "thermodynamics" is near-future level.
Hm... Could we stick the barrel of a gun through one? And I just meant the bigger on the inside effect not the time travel or teleportation.
Hm... Could we stick the barrel of a gun through one? And I just meant the bigger on the inside effect not the time travel or teleportation.
You could simply shoot through it if you managed to make the wormhole stable enough. Anything like that would be a fairly high level of the tech though, if you chose it as an action and got a natural 100 on both research and development it would still only be useful on a logistical level.

However, you could send an asteroid or maybe even a missile through without too much trouble. You still need a gate at both ends though.
You could simply shoot through it if you managed to make the wormhole stable enough. Anything like that would be a fairly high level of the tech though, if you chose it as an action and got a natural 100 on both research and development it would still only be useful on a logistical level.

However, you could send an asteroid or maybe even a missile through without too much trouble. You still need a gate at both ends though.
What about a particle beam?