[X] "They'll suffer more if you extract Griffin's data from their intact bodies. Even revenge can be professional. I expected you of all people to know that."
[X] "Kill this bunch, and Griffin'll just roll out a new batch of troopers to replace them; if they haven't already. And you'll be right back where you started with nothing but a pile of scrap to show for it."
[X] Write-in (Considering that Crow is intently staring at us we should match it up with some nice expressions) "You're right. It's will have to be an accident... Because there is no way a single mortar could touch a Griffin T-Doll! They will have plenty of time to hear it and dodge it. And then they will get their guns back from the truck..." (Cue in ) Plan being to catch Scarecrow then she least expects it. The second we notice Scarecrow diverting her processing power from us - Headbutt and tackle to the ground.