Girl's Frontline: Wicked Animandum

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U - P - E - D - A - T
What's that spell?!
I sure am taking my time with updates lately, huh? Anyway, here ya'll go, update number 50. Can't believe we're halfway to 100. This is crazy lads.
Now, I realize this update isn't as good or as long as a milestone chapter like this should be, but hopefully I'll make it up to y'all in the next chapter by writing some badass tagteam kills and the introduction of someone y'all really love~ Have fun! Chapter 51: Rise of the snek

PS: I'm prolly the only person who can so casually forget their own B-day ^^'
Adhoc vote count started by Lurkman on Nov 13, 2019 at 12:13 PM, finished with 18 posts and 8 votes.
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Chapter 50
With AA-12 in front of you ready to take and return fire, and the machine gun SAW at your side, the four of you charge the Sangvis encampment. As soon as the purple glow of their structures was fully revealed, you were shifted into full on combat mode. Reinforced riot walls, stronger than any shield you could just carry. Not too tall to be much trouble climbing over, though it'd be much more trouble for your three heavy companions to do so. You scan what there is to see, a blockade with gaps to enter through. Of course enemy units will be pouring out of those before you get close. But you wonder though, what's with the purple neon lights on the walls? Surely they weren't so obsessed with aesthetics that they made their defense structures this visible in the darkness of the night. But as you got closer you noticed… the lights weren't all that stationary… even less so than the walls they lay on…?

Then they completely separated, and in a flash started racing towards you.


You engaged fire immediately. Even if it wouldn't connect, it'd mess with the drone's trajectory and throw it off course. The other dolls did so as well. You could spot 6 such lights, each already using the trees and branches as cover to get closer.

"Damn, were they expecting us?!"

"No, this is just their guard line, meaning there's more to come!"

"Take them out quickly then, before they'll pile up!"

You all acknowledge the order and shoot to destroy. You coordinate your targets, shotguns picking the close ones,
You and Saw picking off the ones further behind. You take cover behind trees, but generally stay on the move. Sometimes you take cover behind AA-12, which allows the two of you to switch targets while they're having a moment of priority shifting. The drones would soon find themselves overwhelmed by your tactics, the remaining two opting for a self destructive attack to at least weaken you. Their priorities were chosen poorly as they picked Benelli as their target, one shredded by machine gun fire, the other easily swept away by the shotgun's shields and it's shattered pieces scattered over the terrain. After a quick reload, you advance.

You get a few meters closer to the walls, but once again you're intercepted by Sangvis, Ripper and Vespid units coming out this time. Their fire is much more rapid and dangerous than that of drones, and they're only very visible in the dark when they fire, illuminated by the muzzle flash. Thankfully, a T-doll's memory is extensive and accurate, and just one frame is enough for you to determine where the enemies are. Additionally, thanks to the simple behavioral pattern of Sangvis units, it was easy to determine where they will be next time you dive out of cover. Using your flashlight you gave the same opportunities to your teammates, which allowed you to pick off enemies rapidly while still advancing forwards. But you soon got to the chokepoint that is the wall and it's tight gaps, and entering will be a bit more tricky.

"Damn, where's the backup?!"
"They can't be far off, but the longer we wait the stronger the units Sangvis throws our way!"

While your current opposition consists mainly of the nimble Rippers and hard headed Vespids, there is no doubt that stronger units may be hiding further within like Dragoons or Jaegers. Once they've sent enough cannon fodder they'll bring out the big guns. You need to push before they do so, or you'll be caught in the open.

"No helping it then... Teams of two, storm an entrance each! Veresk, stun on my signal!"

Heeding your leader's command, you stick to AA-12 while Saw sticks to Benelli. In one hand you hold a stun grenade, thumb at the pin, other hand always ready on the trigger. You quickly clear the current wave of hostiles before she gives the signal, and you throw the electrical explosive with great accuracy, aiming just behind the wall. One bright flash later, you charge, the shotguns taking point.

[ ] "Fire in the hole!"
[ ] "GO! URAA!"
[ ] "Move your asses!"
[X] Stay silent as you charge.
[ ] Write-in

With her shields raised up, you follow AA-12 through the tight gap in the walls. They were thicker than you expected, possibly able to withstand more than just ballistics. You are met with units still recovering from the jolt you delivered to their systems, and your shotgun companion added some lead to the damage, blowing holes clean through them. However, your charge was soon stopped when you were met with an equal force, a unit that collided against AA-12's shields, stopping her in her tracks. It must've been outside the stun grenade's range and ran straight in after it went off. She groans as she pushes against the force, but you cannot stay in this gap between walls for long. Thankfully, you're an SMG, specifically one with an idea.

"Keep it up, I'm jumping over!"


AA-12 questioned your course of action, but didn't get to react much before she felt your foot on her shoulder. You used her as a stepping stone to kick yourself off of, flying above your shotgun companion and the enemy. It was then that you saw the opposing force, a Sangvis Ferri Guard unit. With a great ballistic shield of its own, it has almost incomparable frontline defense values when it comes to Sangvis units. Thigh high armoured boots, heavily plated top and collar, and layered gloves with bracers, and yet it has quite a few uncovered areas, though those mean little. And what armour is there is mainly to stop what gets past the shield. And there's no doubt some heavy internal armouring as well. Its bright, purple dyed hair makes them very distinguishable, but that's likely the point. It's pushing against the shotgun with great force, it's only directive being to stop the attackers. While AA-12 might be able to overcome this obstacle eventually due to her superior processing power, you can't afford to stay in the open for too long. As you fly above her, you aim the barrel of your gun at its exposed lower spine. The damage was great enough to shred quite a hole, and it weakened the unit enough for AA-12 to get the upper hand. You land, just in time to see the Guard's body fly above you, flung away by a shattering impact. And as if that wasn't wasn't punishment enough, a cloud of shotgun pellets caught up with it, making sure it wouldn't survive the landing.

You were now in a crouched position just past the walls, AA-12 towering over you from behind. There is no time to waste as you let your weapon sign again, Ripper and Vespid units recovering from the stun grenade you threw earlier. You managed to make sure some wouldn't get to stand up again, but the units on your left were already up. They might've gotten a few hits on you were it not for AA-12's shield positioning itself to cover your left, allowing you to focus on the right while AA-12 took care of the left from above you. It was the coordination of someone who had been in the field many times before, as expected of an elite shotgun.

The current wave of hostiles was taken care of swiftly, with the added help of Benelli and Saw reaching your side of the fight. As a group of four once more, you proceeded further within. Walls and covers were more loosely placed here, mostly to protect supplies or equipment from specific directions. It meant more objects to hide behind for you, but also for Sangvis. To your right was still the flowing river, indeed running right by the side of the SF encampment. You know SPP-1 is there providing support somehow, be it forcing the enemy out of cover by targeting their flank or spotting high value targets. One such target was a Prowler unit, the old-fashioned machine types on wheels. She popped out of the water to take a few shots at it, enough to redirect its attention, before disappearing within the current once more. This distraction was more than enough for Saw to turn the robot into Swiss cheese under the cover of Benelli. But more units were coming, Jaegers and Guards alike, forcing you into cover.

That's when you heard sounds of gunfire other than your own that wasn't typical for SF energy weaponry, and you see bright flashes from one of the nearest hills on your left. The other team has finally caught up, and the hostiles are getting lit up by sniper and suppressive fire. You now have an opening to push. After a quick reload, you head out of cover again. The shotguns take lead, covered by the support team, allowing chaos to descend on the surrounded SF units. In retaliation they've taken on a defensive formation.

"About time they showed up!"
"Keep pushing! Work with their cover fire!"

So you did, going on the offensive alongside your squad mates. You were always more of an assault SMG anyway, defense is more of a shotgun thing. Sangvis heads around you popped like balloons, the sniper in question likely using a rather big cartridge size. Taking some quick cover near the river, you have a clear line of sight to Jaeger unit that has gotten a bit too close. It's attempting to take shots at Benelli, and it's apparent obliviousness to you presents an opportunity, allowing you to take out this unit without spending a bullet from your magazine. It will not be able to stop you in time were you to charge towards it now, and with this many allies on the field you could tag team this unit to lower your resource cost. You consider your options, being so close to the river, in full view of the hill, and near the target of this enemy, eventually decide to…

[ ] Tag team with SPP-1
[ ] Tag team with the snipers
[X] Tag team with Benelli M1014
[ ] Take it out yourself
[ ] Write-in
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[X] Stay silent as you charge.
[X] Tag team with Benelli M1014

Wouldn't hurt to earn some points with Beneli. Who knows, maybe going along with SG's will become Veresk's thing.
[X] Stay silent as you charge.
[X] Tag team with Benelli M1014

Ah yes. The heavy cruiser that lost its way in the design stage x3
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Now were talking! On time and over 2k words? This is how it's meant to be ^^
I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, and I think you all will have great fun reading it. Hopefully I haven't gone overboard on that last part, but hey, lil' V's behavior is your guys' fault XD
Adhoc vote count started by Lurkman on Nov 16, 2019 at 2:00 PM, finished with 7 posts and 7 votes.
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Chapter 51
With swift movements, you jump out of cover and charge towards the Jaeger unit. It wasn't completely oblivious to your presence, but by the time it noticed and tried to react it was already too late. Only a few quick movements later, you were clinging to its head like a bug, obstructing its vision. Repeatedly kicking into its arms to mess with aim and weapon stability, you call out to Benelli who had noticed the barrage against her shields had stopped. Seeing you on the stumbling unit, she realizes what your plan is. She got a running start, feet stomping with great force, the charge of a shotgun, a force to be reckoned with. Right wing wound back as she got closer, you prompt your legs and prepare to jump when the moment is right. When you do, in so doing you also push the unit towards the shotgun, and it'll only get a second of reestablished vision until blunt force met it like a truck. The force was well enough to fling the body well over the river, its shattered arm following suit. You saw that all happen just before you yourself landed. While that was a well confirmed kill, Benelli still looked more focused than pleased. You take cover behind her shields as she continues delivering the enemy punishment. Though, over her shoulder she says:

"W-we usually have protocol for things like that!"

"It worked out, didn't it?"

"W-well, yes, but-"

Your attention was brought back to the battlefield as the heavy and rapid fire of an MG got closer, M249 taking cover beside you. Despite the hectic nature of this firefight, she's chewing bubblegum and popping bubbles as she shoots. She had something to add to the conversation.

"C'mon Benelli, it's good to be simple sometimes."


"The more you think about it the longer we'll be here! Just stop thinking so much already!"

The MG might sound only half serious, but even that 50% is a fake. Her performance is good, but you can tell she's barely trying, only putting in as much effort as she absolutely has to. And the more effort her allies are putting in, the less she has to put in. Else that fluffy fox tail wouldn't be so spotlessly clean and white. Benelli responds.

"I can't shield both of you at once!"

"Oh, right… go on ahead Veresk, I'll provide some cover fire."

You're not sure how reliable her suppressive fire will be, but she can't be that lazy that she'll risk her allies' safety… right? You prepare to run out into the firefight again, after leaving one last comment.

[X] "Don't be afraid to let loose, Benelli."
[ ] "Try to take things more seriously, Saw."
[ ] Write-in

Off you go, further into the Sangvis encampment, alongside the river where there are fewer units and more cover. With sniper support and so far no casualties, Sangvis is having an even harder time keeping up. You've trashed a lot of bodies by now, but if there's one thing Sangvis is superior in it's their numbers. Still, you have likely taken out 50% of this outpost's forces already. Only a few more and…


Your gaze snaps forward. Dinergates, the main cannon fodder unit of SF, showing up just now? What kind of tactic is this… you didn't have much time to ponder, there's one already running after you! They might look harmless with their tiny legs and big eye, but if you let them get close that illusion dissipates quickly. You shoot, it attempts to duck and weave, but you get it eventually. Light durability for high maneuverability, but it didn't help lone units. However, just how M16 told you, those little critters always attack ín hordes. Another one is already jumping over the corpse of the last. You shoot again, it's getting closer, but you catch it mid-jump. Suddenly, a third one comes running from your flank. With quick thinking, fast reflexes, and a dash of luck, you evade it's jump and shoot it out of the air as it flies past. At this rate, there's definitely going to be a fourth on-


There's the fourth one, ramming full force into your gut, knocking you off balance. It may not be a bullet, but being smacked by a baseball bat might be comparable enough. And as if to capitalize on their successful hit, another one showed up, charging you as well. You let your gun sing, but it rams into you before you manage to aim properly. The impact throws you back, and before you know it you've lost your footing. But it wasn't the hard ground that was awaiting your fall, but the cold waters of the river. It's a steep drop, your small frame submerged right away. You react quickly, attempting to recover from this fall, but the persistency of dinergtates is as surprising as they are annoying. They're much less threatening under water however, so you can swipe them away and take more shots before they get close. But they're jumping after you one after the other like coins thrown into a fountain, denying your attempts to reach the surface. The current it pulling you who knows where, and your efficiency under water isn't optimal. Without air for proper ventilation, you're running the risk of overheating.

That's when an ally joins you, doubling the rate at which you're taking out the incoming dinergates. SPP-1 swims over to you with swiftness, her blue hair spread out like weightless, the muffled sounds of her pistol firing. With her free hand she gestures towards you, symbols spelling out words for your eyes to perceive in this soundless environment.

Go. I'll take care of this. Resurface.

You nod. You'll be of no use if you drown as a consequence of overheating. Swimming to a spot the dinergates aren't jumping to, as they're thinking you are still there with the handgun T-doll, you reach for the surface away from enemy eyes. The night air surrounds your wet upper body and fills your lungs, breathing it out in an almost steamy form. Internal systems temperatures are dropping again, thankfully it wasn't high enough to start causing damage. You still cough a little, the heat making your stomach burn. You swim towards the shore, your clothes heavy from soaking in the water. To your surprise, you're met with a friendly looking had at the shore, offering to pull you up. A black wrist glove reaching just up to the knuckles, you accept and pull yourself out of the water.

"How embarrassing… want me to keep this failure a secret?"

You look up to see the soft smile of Ots-12, her star-like eyes sparkling.

[ ] "Secret this, secret that, will you ever shut it?"
[ ] "If you know some secret system cooling technique, I'm all ears…"
[ ] "Heh… glad to see the secret weapon in action."
[ ] Cough, cough "... I hate dinergates…"
[ ] "Ots-12? What are you doing here?"
[X] Write-in: smirk "That was my secret ambush plan~"

"Heheh, not time to waste, there's work to be done."

Ots-12 pats your head - seriously, why does everyone do that? - and begins marching off. You follow, as the operation is still far from done. SPP-1 can handle herself under the cover of the river, and you need to get back to your team. The current hasn't taken you too far back, and the two of you catch up quickly. Benelli, Saw and AA-12 are facing a firing line of Sangvis Rippers and Vespids, a strong defense line protected by Guards which they seemingly cannot penetrate. You take cover by your companion with the assault rifle T-doll. AA-12 notices your presence right away.

"Heather! Where have you been? And… Ots-12? The heck are you doing here?"

"Yew Tree reporting, here to provide secret support!"

"D-does anybody here head my command?" a slightly distressed Benelli exclaims as her shields block more and more fire "You were supposed to provide support with the sniper team!"

"Trust me, this is all part of my secret plan~"

"B-but you still need to run your plans by me first!"

"... but then they're not secret anymore, are they?"

The logic of this T-doll is questionable, and it seems the outpost residents have their share of headaches because of it. You and AA-12 can only watch and question yourselves just how often something like this happens. The panicking shotgun only growing more distressed as the assault rifle calmly explains.

"Before I proceeded to your location I've made a small detour. Long but covered path, right Veresk?"

"A detour? Where?"

"To the wall blocking our snipers' line of fire. Let's just say…"


"... it's a secret opening now."

One loud explosion later, you all peek out of cover to see the riot wall on the left of the firing line's position had been destroyed. It was one of the inner walls, the less durable ones, and it appears some carefully placed explosives are enough to obliterate these otherwise bulletproof obstructions. The enemy now open to attack, every griffin T-doll present starts showering the enemy in lead, the Guard's weakness of being only able to defend from one side being their downfall. You all proceeded further, and it wasn't long until you've eliminated to last of Sangvis' opposition. A couple final sweeps of the foothold was made, and eventually it was confirmed that the last units currently operational in the area were Griffin. It was now time to focus on the main objective of this takeover.

"Alright, now that the main threat has been neutralized, we can focus efforts on finding and disabling that jammer. It doesn't happen every day that we take over an outpost this deep in radio silent territory, so keep your sensors peeled for any useful intel. Report any findings as soon as possible."

With the official distribution of the search order, priorities shift from enemy detection to simple area investigation. Sangvis set up various machinery, from radar beacons to limited command consoles. Of course none could be accessed by any of you, or else you'll be infected by malicious malware. But a surface level scan should be enough to determine the device's purpose at least. Saw took a seat at one of the crates containing supplies, soon turning into a full on lie down as her tail was swooshing about. She only did so when Benelli wasn't looking of course. SPP-1 was staying away from any electronic devices for now, drying off after being in the water for a while now. She had a few cuts a bruises you could spot, but nothing serious. Ots-12 occasionally appeared in the corner of your vision. The snipers remained on overwatch, looking out for any potential threats. You and AA-12 - who was already sucking on her sugary stress relief treat - are currently walking around SF corpses trying to spot anything of interest.

"I've got to say… these dolls know how to fight. Even if they're kinda weird…" she rubs her forehead a little, likely tired. Your internal clock says it's very late, it is a night operation after all. You'll be lucky to return as late as you did yesterday. "Hey, how did you get so wet?"


"Heh… aren't SMGs supposed to be good at dodging?"

[X] "That's not the only thing SMGs are good at~"
[ ] "And aren't shotguns supposed to be good at pushing forward?"
[ ] "Oh shush."
[ ] "There were like, 10 of them! … 8!... okay, 6…… 5...?"
[ ] Write-in

"Hey, I've found something!"

The conversation is put on hold as you proceed to the source of the voice, Benelli. She stands in-between three walls arranged in a triangle formation, with a roof supporting some sort of satellite dish and antenna. On one of the inner walls was a console, the display screen of which seemed to be displaying random data until you arrived, then it simply turned to some value indicator. Benelli noticed your arrival.

"This device seems built for the capture and distribution of signals, alongside doubling as a control node. It might be the jamming device, but I'm not sure without further intel…"

"Why don't you access it and find out?"

That ludicrous suggestion was delivered by a sudden, new voice you had not heard before. And looking at the others present, they didn't either. The source of the voice didn't come from behind you, but right in front of you from the console. The display changed, showing a live video feed. The face of a woman… no, a doll. A very special doll. Her eyes grey, skin pale. Hair black, tied into pigtails but with bun on her right side, the pins shaped like spikes pointing upwards. Her expression was prideful, and you couldn't help but be reminded of something when you look at her…

"Come, don't be afraid, it'll spare me the trouble of having to collect your corpses, you'll just walk right on over to me."

"Who… are you the Sangvis ringleader stationed here?"

"Hm, took you awhile to figure out. I sure hope you didn't forget my name too, it'd be a shame if you didn't know who crushed your pathetic resistance so effortlessly."

You could see her, but it seems she could also see you, perhaps a small camera in the screen frame somewhere. Benelli and the others seem weary, carefully picking their words in the face of this unknown entity. But you still can't help but think about the way she looks... seriously, what is it about her?

"Why would you be contacting us?"

"Well, perhaps I want to see my opponent's face before they lose. And make sure my face is the last thing they see or remember. Your pathetic human commander won't even show himself, but if his chess pieces are of any indication… hehe..."

It's on the tip of your tongue. The thing she reminds you of… maybe you should get a word in… Maybe? No, definitely. It's a Sangvis ringleader, how could you possibly not get a word in?

[ ] "... is that a snake?"
[ ] "You look a lot like a snake."
[ ] "Oh hey, a snake!"
[ ] "Is it just me, or is that a funny looking snake?"
[ ] "All I see is a snake… where's the ringleader you're all talking about?"
[X] "That's a cute ass snake."
[ ] "Didn't know snakes could use video chat."
[ ] "Sangvis is now employing snakes. Great."
[ ] Write-in
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She got a running start, feet stomping with great force, the charge of a shotgun, a force to be reckoned with.
15 thousand tons of heavy cruiser barreling down on you. It's a damned miracle nobody was hurt in the district.

[X] "Don't be afraid to let loose, Benelli."
[X] Write-in: Smirk "That was my secret ambush plan~"
[X] "That's not the only thing SMGs are good at~"
[X] "That's a cute ass snake."
[X] "Don't be afraid to let loose, Benelli."
[X] Cough, cough "... I hate dinergates…"
[X] "There were like, 10 of them! … 8!... okay, 6…… 5...?"
[X] "Oh hey, a snake!"
[X] "Don't be afraid to let loose, Benelli."
[X] Write-in: Smirk "That was my secret ambush plan~"
[X] "That's not the only thing SMGs are good at~"
[X] "That's a cute ass snake."
[X] "Don't be afraid to let loose, Benelli."
[X] Write-in: Smirk "That was my secret ambush plan~"
[X] "That's not the only thing SMGs are good at~"
[X] "That's a cute ass snake."

Let the buli of Ouroboros begin
[X] "Don't be afraid to let loose, Benelli."
[X] Write-in: Smirk "That was my secret ambush plan~"
[X] "That's not the only thing SMGs are good at~"
[X] "That's a cute ass snake."
[X] "Don't be afraid to let loose, Benelli."
[X] Write-in: Smirk "That was my secret ambush plan~"
[X] "That's not the only thing SMGs are good at~"
[X] "That's a cute ass snake."
[X] "Don't be afraid to let loose, Benelli."
[X] Write-in: Smirk "That was my secret ambush plan~"
[X] "All I see is a snake… where's the ringleader you're all talking about?"
[X] "Don't be afraid to let loose, Benelli."
[X] Write-in: Smirk "That was my secret ambush plan~"
[X] "That's not the only thing SMGs are good at~"
[X] "That's a cute ass snake."
[X] "Don't be afraid to let loose, Benelli."
[X] Write-in: Smirk "That was my secret ambush plan~"
[X] "That's not the only thing SMGs are good at~"
[X] "That's a cute ass snake."
[X] "Don't be afraid to let loose, Benelli."
[X] Write-in: Smirk "That was my secret ambush plan~"
[X] "Eh, we're even better at survivability. You wouldn't take that dive even if overrun. With all of that weight strapped onto your back~" (give her a friendly slap on the shields)
[X] "That's a cute ass snake."

It has begun.
And I'm loving the idea of Veresk's memories being slightly incomplete to remember Oreo in this way.
[X] "Don't be afraid to let loose, Benelli."
[X] "Heh… glad to see the secret weapon in action."
[X] "Oh shush."
[X] "Didn't know snakes could use video chat."
[X] "Don't be afraid to let loose, Benelli."
[X] Write-in: Smirk "That was my secret ambush plan~"
[X] "That's not the only thing SMGs are good at~"
[X] "That's a cute ass snake."

Orobooboos loves to hear herself gloat :p

So I wonder, is the trophy we get from this quest arc going to be a cube?
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