Ghost/Echo 3:

First post.

See my smile

Life...Life never Changes.
The Commonwealth
One page of rules. One page of the setting. That's Ghost/Echo ( PDF), an RPG where the players create not just the plot, but the world, their characters, hell even the genre as they play.

I'm looking to rerun a game of it. @Kensai ran one of these about a two years ago? , Maybe more, I was extremely interested in a game where the players will be creators as much the GM is. I tried to do it twice so far once we didn't even get started and the other failed because my life got in the way. But, not this time.

So the game will begin in media res.

"While looting in the ghost world, your
crew was sold out. You walk right into
an ambush, with hungry wraiths on your

That's all we have to begin with. Everything else is in your court.

Pick a name - Make it a single word, and make it evocative. The PDF has a list of suggested names but, you don't have to choose from it.

Give us a picture. It could be a literal picture or a description. Show us something about the character. It's they're intro scene. Whatever they say, whatever they doing, whatever we see of them in those few seconds - that's all we're getting, and that's all you're going to give us.

Everything else will be filled in later, in play.

I'll keep recruitment open until I have a cast I'm happy with. I'm looking for around 6 or 7 people. But, I may choose fewer or more depending on mood.

Link to the previous game.
Once more into the breach. I guess *looks at previous thread*

Umm, I was the one who killed previous game? (late posting) ...oops.

AH well, smile can kick or whip me if needs be :V


She swished the cup of milk plus in her hand, sipping bit by bit every now and then. Her other hand resting on the backrest. Her wrists and fingers hurts. Results of frantic interfacing for the last half hour.

"Pulse. Are you not done yet?"

Her head is aching as well, but the lacing in her drink was doing well to sooth it.

"Damn it. There's hordes of them coming"

In front of her, the progress bar was creeping slowly to completion.

"Pulse. We can't cover for you, you need to get out from there"

Her heartbeat was normal, her breath steady. All things considered, she's appeared calm and serene. Relaxing like devil may care. As if its a just overnight works in a regular office (Nevermind the pile of skulls in the corner).


That's maybe partly the juice. But also because she understood there's nothing to be done. She's finished all the steps. Burn her brain to crack it as fast, as successful, as she can. Now its but matter of time. A matter of waiting. So why bother spend more energy on nothing of use? Que sera sera.

"... Pul- arrrghghhh!"

A chime sound came off from the device in front of her. An alert, marking completion.

But a moment later the wall broke, eerily with almost no sound. Through the hole in the wall, a ghastly light shone into the room. Something g̱̥̳̰̻r͏̗̖̗̻o̧̖̭t̘̞̥̝͖̞͈e̛̹̤̣ͅs̷͙͉̰̲̹̼͈q̴̩u̩̺̙͔͙è ̠̺̰̪̜̼̥͜y̠e͈͢t̜͢ ̬̻̫͉̼͞a̹̗͚̝̺͇m̦̗o̢̬ͅr̴̻͔͙͍̩ͅp̫͕̣̫h͓̬̮̝o̸̩̬u̱̕ś̥̠͕͓͎̲ slowly crept into the room.

Pulse's hands already grabbed her gun. Seven special rounds had flown before her cup hit the floor. The ghastly light receded.

"I'm done now." She said calmly. "Sorry, ---------. And thanks. Exfiltrating now"
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Do the application intro scenes need to build off each other and line up, or do they merely need to give a sense of what kind of character we're imagining and we'll worry about lining it all up when the game begins IC?
Do the application intro scenes need to build off each other and line up, or do they merely need to give a sense of what kind of character we're imagining and we'll worry about lining it all up when the game begins IC?

Since we dont know the crew yet. Make your Blurb a stand alone thing.
Sovereign looked around him. He was surrounded. He knew why of course.
"I'm Sorry."
It Started like a day like any other. He Had a job, and he had to complete it.
"I should have never taken the job."
The Location was easy to find, and so was his target. That was the easy part.
"I should've known better."
The Tricky part, oh the tricky part was all the guards. He couldn't slip past them, he wasn't made for that.
He was made to overcome..
The guards for this place, who he slew that day, were chosen for their combat abilities, without regard to what they looked like.
He wanted to use That.
The problem was they were too skilled, the fight caused a panic, and the cops were called.
He Had To Complete his job.
He Extricated himself from the scene, and got inside. The Guards were distracted.
It Was Too Messy, they learned more than enough.
His target was soon dead, and he was out of there shortly after.
They had learned more than enough.
He Learned later that his target was a good man, that filled him with regret.
These Guys were rightfully angry, and prepared to kill him, he knew these were the fellow guards of this contract.
He let them take the first blow, and then let forth his weapons, and killed them quickly.
He had learned something about these guys after the contract, they all had a weakness, which he could easily exploit.
He Stood over their dead bodies, in silence to honor their deaths, and then left just as quickly.

W-where am I?

Where you were before: in the ship, the maintenance bay. I think you were trying to fix the shields, or maybe the weapons, something to keep you safe.

Yes, yes. An ambush. I needed to repair the-- I can't move my arm. What happened?

I didn't try this, you have to realize. Here, let me help.

What did you do?

I took hold of you, latched onto your soul. Don't judge, I beg of you. I was trapped here for so long, eons. Each day I faded, lost a bit of myself. Thoughts forgotten, sensations fading. Going, going, gone. I was dying by inches, and you were alone, unguarded, distracted. There wasn't even enough of me left to stop myself. I wish I hadn't done this, but we're both in here now.

I couldn't leave, even if I wanted to.
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I remember that one. Thought it was going to be more cyberpunk than it ended up being, but that's part of the fun.
(This seems interesting, so let me try)

"This Job Was Suppose To Be Simpler Then This"

"Information not corresponding with given details about mission"

"*Sigh* true, but we should have accounted for this disaster... do we have any means of avoiding the larger groups of Wraiths"

" Scanning all possible pathways will take approximately 10 seconds of full unit cooperation, thus inadvisable during Wraith engagement, based on the current status of the unit, the best course of action is to escape and regroup at secondary extraction point"

With this, Hound began to quietly climb up a wall to make their way to the secondary extraction point.

"Oh sweet Holy Father, fuck you very much."

The words sacred and profane spilled from thin lips pursed in displeasure as monocrystalline obsidian blades glistened in the dark. The girl watched as shadows took form in the angles of reality.

Their mistake. To become corporeal enough to slay was to become corporeal enough to die.

Her voice was milk and honey and whiskey.

"For the sins I am about to commit may the Trimurti forgive my immortal soul. My shell I pledge to its service, to be broken and remade as it sees fit."
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Name: Balderdash

Writing Sample

Of course it was Wraiths. It was always Wraiths. He had tried to tell them this would happen, but he'd been overruled, and now he'd have to survive so he could have the pleasure of citing the age old declaration of 'I told you so'.

"'Let's go to the Ghost World!' They said." The Sublander thought. "'There's lots of untapped hidden loot there!' They insisted.'We just need to find it!' They said."

But of course, it wasn't true. It was never true. The only loot that was ever hiding in the Ghost World was left behind by other adventurers who so foolishly thought they, too, could tap into the mythical hidden loot of the Ghost World. And even that was never around to be found because the Wraiths always got it first by killing those other adventurers.

On the bright side, there was only a handful of them. Easy to fight off. 'Balder' planted his feet in the ground and took up a combat stance, a teal energy lighting up his aetherscar tattoos as he prepared to go toe-to-toe with the masked savages that were on their way.

But then, he heard a sonic screeching noise and looked up to see his companion Scythe flying overhead and echoing out a warning. The furry bat and dragon like creature was clearly worried about something, but what she was saying...

Then followed an explosion, and a Mechrogolem made itself known. A vile abomination of scrap, bone, earth, and stone held together by a green, necro-electric energy.

That was far more of a problem.
Living what I'm getting so far. I have a what I'm hoping the team looks like in my head. I'll let it ride one or two more days and see about getting a few more people in here before I make my final choices.

Nyx did not like fighting wraiths, in fact you might say that she hated it. Not because it was particularly difficult or dangerous, not if you knew what you were doing at least, but because Nyx found them to be the incorporeal equivalent of cockroaches. No matter how many she sliced with her blade or burned away with her psychic energy, there alway seemed to be three more crawling out from underneath the metaphorical fridge.




"Ugh, are you done yet?" The medium complained, brushing her hair out of her face and making her bubblegum pop.
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Interesting. Let's give this a try!

It is said that, to a sufficiently trained mind, the chaos of close-quarter combat resolved itself in a beautiful, deadly dance of parries and dodges, danger zones, ripostes and coordinated attacks – each move and counter part of an intricate chain ordinary people could scarcely imagine.

She personally thought it was bullshit.

Then again, there was a reason she left the sword-swinging and gun-slinging to the professionals.

She had other things to worry about.

"Compass, how long?"

"Five minutes," the woman replied tersely, without moving her gaze from the pattern of lines, charged spikes and artifacts at her feet. Doing her best to ignore the battle all around her, she carefully added another element to the array.

A stray wraith burned as it tried to reach her. The last of her crystals shattered and turned to dust.

"We may not have five minutes, Compass."

She repressed a cry of frustration. She hated this.

Did they expect her to just snap her fingers and solve their problems? A trasposition matrix -even a shortranged one- was not a trick. Collecting and channeling enough energy to break space over one's knee was something definitely not meant to be rushed. Cutting down time by burning her few remaining capacitors was risky enough.

"If we don't have five minutes you'll just have to make them, or wraiths will be the least of our worries."
The Team.
Once more into the breach. I guess *looks at previous thread*

Umm, I was the one who killed previous game? (late posting) ...oops.

AH well, smile can kick or whip me if needs be :V


She swished the cup of milk plus in her hand, sipping bit by bit every now and then. Her other hand resting on the backrest. Her wrists and fingers hurts. Results of frantic interfacing for the last half hour.

"Pulse. Are you not done yet?"

Her head is aching as well, but the lacing in her drink was doing well to sooth it.

"Damn it. There's hordes of them coming"

In front of her, the progress bar was creeping slowly to completion.

"Pulse. We can't cover for you, you need to get out from there"

Her heartbeat was normal, her breath steady. All things considered, she's appeared calm and serene. Relaxing like devil may care. As if its a just overnight works in a regular office (Nevermind the pile of skulls in the corner).


That's maybe partly the juice. But also because she understood there's nothing to be done. She's finished all the steps. Burn her brain to crack it as fast, as successful, as she can. Now its but matter of time. A matter of waiting. So why bother spend more energy on nothing of use? Que sera sera.

"... Pul- arrrghghhh!"

A chime sound came off from the device in front of her. An alert, marking completion.

But a moment later the wall broke, eerily with almost no sound. Through the hole in the wall, a ghastly light shone into the room. Something g̱̥̳̰̻r͏̗̖̗̻o̧̖̭t̘̞̥̝͖̞͈e̛̹̤̣ͅs̷͙͉̰̲̹̼͈q̴̩u̩̺̙͔͙è ̠̺̰̪̜̼̥͜y̠e͈͢t̜͢ ̬̻̫͉̼͞a̹̗͚̝̺͇m̦̗o̢̬ͅr̴̻͔͙͍̩ͅp̫͕̣̫h͓̬̮̝o̸̩̬u̱̕ś̥̠͕͓͎̲ slowly crept into the room.

Pulse's hands already grabbed her gun. Seven special rounds had flown before her cup hit the floor. The ghastly light receded.

"I'm done now." She said calmly. "Sorry, ---------. And thanks. Exfiltrating now"
(This seems interesting, so let me try)

"This Job Was Suppose To Be Simpler Then This"

"Information not corresponding with given details about mission"

"*Sigh* true, but we should have accounted for this disaster... do we have any means of avoiding the larger groups of Wraiths"

" Scanning all possible pathways will take approximately 10 seconds of full unit cooperation, thus inadvisable during Wraith engagement, based on the current status of the unit, the best course of action is to escape and regroup at secondary extraction point"

With this, Hound began to quietly climb up a wall to make their way to the secondary extraction point.

"Oh sweet Holy Father, fuck you very much."

The words sacred and profane spilled from thin lips pursed in displeasure as monocrystalline obsidian blades glistened in the dark. The girl watched as shadows took form in the angles of reality.

Their mistake. To become corporeal enough to slay was to become corporeal enough to die.

Her voice was milk and honey and whiskey.

"For the sins I am about to commit may the Trimurti forgive my immortal soul. My shell I pledge to its service, to be broken and remade as it sees fit."
Name: Balderdash

Writing Sample

Of course it was Wraiths. It was always Wraiths. He had tried to tell them this would happen, but he'd been overruled, and now he'd have to survive so he could have the pleasure of citing the age old declaration of 'I told you so'.

"'Let's go to the Ghost World!' They said." The Sublander thought. "'There's lots of untapped hidden loot there!' They insisted.'We just need to find it!' They said."

But of course, it wasn't true. It was never true. The only loot that was ever hiding in the Ghost World was left behind by other adventurers who so foolishly thought they, too, could tap into the mythical hidden loot of the Ghost World. And even that was never around to be found because the Wraiths always got it first by killing those other adventurers.

On the bright side, there was only a handful of them. Easy to fight off. 'Balder' planted his feet in the ground and took up a combat stance, a teal energy lighting up his aetherscar tattoos as he prepared to go toe-to-toe with the masked savages that were on their way.

But then, he heard a sonic screeching noise and looked up to see his companion Scythe flying overhead and echoing out a warning. The furry bat and dragon like creature was clearly worried about something, but what she was saying...

Then followed an explosion, and a Mechrogolem made itself known. A vile abomination of scrap, bone, earth, and stone held together by a green, necro-electric energy.

That was far more of a problem.

Nyx did not like fighting wraiths, in fact you might say that she hated it. Not because it was particularly difficult or dangerous, not if you knew what you were doing at least, but because Nyx found them to be the incorporeal equivalent of cockroaches. No matter how many she sliced with her blade or burned away with her psychic energy, there alway seemed to be three more crawling out from underneath the metaphorical fridge.




"Ugh, are you done yet?" The medium complained, brushing her hair out of her face and making her bubblegum pop.
Interesting. Let's give this a try!

It is said that, to a sufficiently trained mind, the chaos of close-quarter combat resolved itself in a beautiful, deadly dance of parries and dodges, danger zones, ripostes and coordinated attacks – each move and counter part of an intricate chain ordinary people could scarcely imagine.

She personally thought it was bullshit.

Then again, there was a reason she left the sword-swinging and gun-slinging to the professionals.

She had other things to worry about.

"Compass, how long?"

"Five minutes," the woman replied tersely, without moving her gaze from the pattern of lines, charged spikes and artifacts at her feet. Doing her best to ignore the battle all around her, she carefully added another element to the array.

A stray wraith burned as it tried to reach her. The last of her crystals shattered and turned to dust.

"We may not have five minutes, Compass."

She repressed a cry of frustration. She hated this.

Did they expect her to just snap her fingers and solve their problems? A trasposition matrix -even a shortranged one- was not a trick. Collecting and channeling enough energy to break space over one's knee was something definitely not meant to be rushed. Cutting down time by burning her few remaining capacitors was risky enough.

"If we don't have five minutes you'll just have to make them, or wraiths will be the least of our worries."

Alright so, the team is Hound, Balderdash, Nyx, Elsewhere, Pulse, and Compass.

To you all I'll get the IC up sometime late tonight or early tomorrow. Depends.

Everyone else. You may be brought in as a replacement or as late join so, keep that in mind.
I can re-write my opening IC post if I need to, but given the inconsistencies between certain character's application intros and all that, I wrote my initial IC post in a way that mostly treats my application post as a guideline to the character and an introduction to some of what he can do rather than a canon event in the story.