Chapter 22- Progress and Perseverance
"Stretch your arm out, with your index finger extended upward, and position the leaf on its tip. Concentrate on channeling your chakra to the end of your index finger where the leaf is situated. When you sense a strong connection between the leaf and your finger, carefully rotate your finger downward. The aim of this practice is to maintain the leaf's position on your index finger by utilizing your concentration and chakra control," explained Shikaku

"The entire process, known as the Leaf Concentration Exercise, acts as a preliminary stage in honing your chakra control abilities. As you master the skill of keeping the leaf affixed to your finger, we will gradually introduce more leaves to enhance the complexity of the exercise.

In order to attain the foundational chakra control needed for ninjutsu, you must be capable of holding a minimum of one leaf on each hand and an additional leaf on your forehead concurrently. This means that mastering the Leaf Concentration Exercise with several leaves is a vital step in acquiring the elementary chakra control abilities necessary for ninjutsu practice,"

For the past two days, Rai devoted himself to diligently practicing chakra circulation, engaging in the exercise numerous times daily. He had developed considerable expertise in directing chakra flow throughout his entire body, and he was now prepared to advance to the subsequent stage of his training.

Rai carefully positioned the leaf on his index finger and attempted to direct his full attention toward it. Drawing in a deep breath and shutting his eyes, he sought to eliminate any possible distractions

Rai visualized his chakra as a radiant energy coursing through his arm and converging at the tip of his index finger, upon which the leaf was balanced. As he focused on channeling the chakra to his finger, he experienced a gentle warmth enveloping his hand.

He experienced a mild tingling feeling when the chakra connected with the leaf. As his focus intensified, the sensation grew stronger, causing the leaf to quiver gently. Eventually, after what seemed like eternity, Rai sensed the leaf was firmly attached to his finger.

He then started to carefully turn his finger downward. Aware that even the slightest motion could dislodge the leaf, he proceeded slowly and cautiously. He felt the leaf's weight pressing against his finger's tip, and he concentrated on sustaining the chakra flow to hold it in position.

While turning his arm, Rai detected a minor quiver in his muscles, realizing that he needed to keep his arm stable to avoid the leaf from falling. He locked his eyes on the leaf, striving to maintain a serene and focused state of mind.

With his arm fully extended downward, he hesitated briefly, observing the leaf that remained securely fastened to his finger. After pausing for several more seconds, he gradually turned his head towards his father, wearing a broad smile on his face.

However, as he shifted his attention away from the leaf, he suddenly felt a slight movement in his hand, and to his disappointment, the leaf slipped from his grasp and drifted gently to the ground.

Shikaku observed the disappointment on his son's face and spoke with a reassuring tone, "The key to mastering this exercise is to hold onto the leaf for as long as possible. With consistent practice, you will gradually improve your chakra control, and eventually, be able to instinctively direct your chakra towards the leaf. This will allow you to perform the exercise while simultaneously focusing on other tasks, further enhancing your control and concentration."

Rai took a deep breath and made another attempt, delicately placing the leaf onto his index finger. He closed his eyes and centered his focus, channeling his chakra towards the tip of his finger. As he concentrated, he felt the familiar warmth radiating from his hand, but this time he also experienced a greater sense of command and control.

As Rai carefully turned his index finger downwards, he opened his eyes slightly, maintaining his focus on the leaf. After a few minutes of concentrated effort, he was pleased to discover that the leaf was still securely attached to his finger, a sign of his improving chakra control.

Not content with merely holding the leaf, Rai waited patiently for a few more minutes, ensuring that he had a solid grip before attempting to walk with the leaf still attached to his finger.

As Rai walked, he maintained a steady focus on the leaf, the tip of his index finger, and the flow of chakra. To his pleasant surprise, the leaf remained firmly attached as he took a few steps forward. The sensation of chakra flow was now more pronounced, but he remained focused and resolute, determined to hold on to the leaf for as long as possible.

However, after a few more steps, Rai experienced a sudden jolt, and his heart sank as he looked down to see that the leaf had fallen off. But despite his disappointment, he recognized that he had made progress and was committed to continuing his practice until he could hold on to the leaf for even longer durations. With each attempt, he was refining his technique and enhancing his skills, honing his ability to focus his chakra and sustain his concentration for more extended periods of time.

After a dedicated hour of practice, Rai had made significant progress, successfully maintaining his hold on the leaf while engaging in a conversation with his father. As they strolled around the yard, their discussion ranged from mundane topics such as the weather to more pressing matters like the ongoing war. Through it all, the leaf remained steadfastly attached to Rai's palm

"Excellent work," said Shikaku, his expression conveying pride and approval. "Now, let's take it up a notch."

With a smile, he produced another leaf from his pocket and held it out to Rai. "I want you to try holding one leaf in each hand," he said

Rai accepted his father's challenge, placing the second leaf on the tip of his other index finger. He closed his eyes and focused intently on both leaves, directing his chakra towards the tip of each finger.

As he channeled his chakra, Rai felt a warm sensation spread through both fingers. He opened his eyes and was pleased to see that both leaves were securely attached to his fingers. He maintained his focus as he gradually turned his fingers downwards, holding both leaves in place.

Once again, Rai exercised patience and waited for a few minutes to ensure that both leaves were firmly attached to his fingers. He then took several steps forward, feeling a sense of familiarity with the exercise and a growing confidence in his ability to maintain his grip on both leaves.

However, as he continued to walk, Rai noticed a subtle movement in his left hand, indicating that his grip on the leaf had weakened. Before he knew it, the leaf slipped from his finger and drifted to the ground. Rai let out a small sigh, feeling a twinge of disappointment, as he had hoped to maintain his hold on both leaves for a longer period of time.

Rai quickly bent down to retrieve the fallen leaf, holding it firmly in his left hand. Taking a deep breath, he extended both arms again, delicately placing the leaves back onto his index fingers. This time, he concentrated with even greater intensity, channeling his chakra with precision and focus.

As he turned his hands downwards and stepped forward, both leaves remained securely attached to his fingers. With a newfound sense of confidence, Rai continued to walk around for several more minutes, even initiating a conversation with his father, all while maintaining his hold on the leaves.


Rai devoted himself entirely to the exercise, dedicating another hour to holding onto the leaves while engaging in a variety of activities. He walked around the yard, performed some light stretches, and even practiced basic taijutsu katas with the leaves still attached to his fingers.

However, as time wore on, Rai's concentration began to falter. He felt his muscles growing fatigued, and his mind started to wander. As a result, the leaves fell off more frequently, causing Rai to become increasingly frustrated with himself.

Recognizing his son's growing fatigue, Shikaku suggested that they take a break from the exercise. Rai readily agreed, grateful for the opportunity to ease his mind and muscles. They found a comfortable spot under a nearby tree, listening to the rustling of the leaves in the soothing breeze.

Speaking in a gentle tone, Shikaku reminded his son, "Remember, Rai, perfection is a product of practice. Don't be discouraged if mastering this exercise takes time. Keep persevering and putting in the effort, and you will eventually achieve your goal."

Rai nodded respectfully at his father, feeling grateful for the guidance and support. He took a deep breath, allowing himself to relax and recharge his energy. He then turned his attention to his fingers, noticing the faint outlines left by the previous leaves.

After taking a few moments to rest, Shikaku suggested a new challenge. Rai listened attentively as his father proposed attempting the exercise again, but this time with three leaves instead of two.

Rai responded with a nod of determination. He took a deep breath and proceeded to delicately position two leaves on his index fingers, while placing a third leaf at the center of his forehead. He closed his eyes and centered his focus, channeling his chakra towards all three points of contact, striving to maintain an equal level of concentration on each one.

As soon as Rai had securely attached the three leaves to his body, he immediately stood up and began walking around. He could sense the weight of the leaves resting on his hands, as well as the slight pressure on his forehead, but he remained steadfast in his determination to succeed.

He began by taking small, measured steps, concentrating intently on maintaining his chakra flow and focus in order to hold onto the leaves. Despite the wind blowing against his face as he walked, he refused to allow any distractions to deter him.

With each passing moment, Rai grew increasingly self-assured and began taking longer, more confident strides, even breaking into a light jog. Much to his delight, the leaves remained firmly attached to his body.

Yet, as time passed, Rai's stamina began to diminish, and his concentration began to falter. His chakra flow was becoming weaker, and he felt the leaves beginning to slip. Despite his best efforts to refocus and regain his strength, his body was beginning to tire, and he could feel his energy waning.

Rai came to the realization that he had been pushing himself for several hours and that his body was in need of rest. He gently removed the leaves from his body and settled himself on the ground, taking deep, cleansing breaths to help soothe his weary mind and body. As he gathered himself, his father approached him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

His father approached him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You've done remarkably well, Rai. You've made significant progress in just one day. But keep in mind, this is merely the start of your journey," he said, his expression warm and encouraging.

"What's next, Dad?" Rai asked

"For the next three days, I'd like you to integrate this leaf concentration exercise into your regular training regimen," Shikaku explained thoughtfully. "Once that time period has passed, we'll evaluate your progress and determine what the next steps should be."

Rai nodded, feeling a little exhausted but also proud of his progress. "Thanks, Dad. I feel like I'm making real headway," he replied with a small smile.

"You certainly are, Rai. However, it's critical that you balance effort with adequate rest," his father cautioned. "Let's wrap up the session for today. Take a break and grab some food. We'll resume tomorrow."


You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon.
Chapter 23 - The Art of Playing with Shadows
A/N: Just wanted to give you all a heads-up that the first chapter of the second arc is now live on my patréon! For those who've been wondering about the super-detailed descriptions spanning multiple chapters, they're going to wind down around Chapter 26. Don't worry, there'll still be details, but they won't stretch on for so many chapters. I'm aiming to pack them into a single chapter or even half a chapter when it's needed.

The focus for the second arc will be more on the storyline itself. Also, if you've got a moment, please leave a review for the story. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks a ton!


With a razor-sharp focus on his chakra, Rai deftly maneuvered through his taijutsu katas, meticulously maintaining his hold on the three leaves that were delicately attached to his hands and forehead. He executed each move with finesse and accuracy, fluidly transitioning from one technique to the next.

Rai was acutely aware of the presence of the leaves, yet their weight and touch seemed to guide him into a deeper level of concentration. Each movement felt more deliberate and controlled, as if he were tapping into a hidden reserve of energy and precision.

Through the subtle feedback of the leaves, Rai became more in tune with his own body, honing his senses to a razor's edge. As he moved through the katas with ease, he could feel his chakra flowing through his body like a river.

As Rai continued with his practice, Shikaku observed him with a keen eye, taking note of his progress. With a satisfied nod, he walked over to Rai and patted him on the back.

"I believe you are now prepared for the next phase of your training," Shikaku stated, a smile of approval on his face.

He paused, then asked Rai a question, "Do you recall our discussion about the twelve different hand seals?"

Rai responded confidently, "Yes, Dad, I remember."

"As you recall, the hand seals serve as a tool to manipulate and direct chakra flow. It's crucial to understand the mechanism behind it.

To master the art of jutsu, you must understand that hand seals are not simply a matter of waving your hands around. Rather, they are intricate patterns of chakra flow that operate much like electrical circuits."

He continued, "Each hand seal represents a specific circuit, and when combined in a certain sequence, they can produce a variety of effects. The mastery of hand seals is critical in the manipulation of chakra, as it enables the user to harness their power to a greater extent and perform more advanced techniques.

The initial handseals used in a jutsu are typically designed to draw chakra and create a specific pattern of chakra flow. The subsequent handseals are then used to further manipulate and control the chakra, and the final handseal is often used to release or direct the chakra towards a specific point.

The mastery of handseals demands not only the memorization of their sequence but also precise control of chakra. To achieve the intended outcome, each handseal must be performed with an accurate amount of chakra and coordinated precisely with the rest of the sequence.

Executing a jutsu requires molding the chakra within the body and performing a sequence of handseals in a precise and timed manner to control and direct the chakra towards a specific outcome. It involves a profound comprehension of chakra manipulation and the ability to exert precise control over one's own chakra. The effectiveness of a jutsu is dependent on the shinobi's skill level, as well as the combination of handseals utilized.

While some jutsus may only require a single handseal, it is still essential to maintain proper control and manipulation of one's chakra. More complex jutsus, on the other hand, demand a swift and precise execution of multiple handseals in a specific sequence.

Achieving such proficiency requires an exceptional level of skill and control over one's chakra flow. Ultimately, the success of a jutsu hinges on the accuracy of the handseals, as well as the capability of the user to harness their chakra.

To become a proficient practitioner of Ninjutsu, it is crucial to master handseals and chakra control. This is why we needed to ensure that you had developed a basic level of chakra control before we could progress to the next phase of your training," explained Shikaku as he paused to gather his thoughts.

"Now that we have covered the fundamentals of handseals and chakra control, it's time to move on to the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu.

The Shadow Paralysis Jutsu belongs to our clan's repertoire of Shadow Jutsus, and is considered the most elementary technique in this category.

As the name implies, the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu enables the user to render their opponent immobile by paralyzing their muscles through their shadow. The technique requires the user to focus their chakra into their shadow and then extend it towards the target's shadow.

The connection between the two shadows is vital in order for the jutsu to work effectively. Once the connection is established, the user can paralyze their target by immobilizing their muscles through their shadow. It's important to note that the user must maintain the jutsu while using it, which can limit their own movements.

Originally created to assist the clan's hunters in capturing prey, the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu gradually revealed its potential for use in combat situations. As the technique evolved, it became clear that its ability to immobilize opponents could be a valuable asset on the battlefield.

The Shadow Paralysis Jutsu is considered a secret technique of the Nara clan, only passed down to its members. As a result, it is forbidden for anyone outside the clan to use it. Before a shinobi can even attempt to use the technique, they must meet two prerequisites:

1. Having a yin affinity, which is a rare and specialized chakra nature.
2. Using a special medicine.

The medicine required to use the Shadow techniques is a closely guarded secret, consisting of rare herbs and other ingredients that enhance a shinobi's connection to their shadow. It is only through the use of this special concoction that the Nara clan has been able to maintain their dominance over the Shadow techniques. The recipe for this medicine is known only by the head of the Nara clan, and its secrecy has ensured that the Shadow techniques remain exclusive to the Nara clan.

After consuming the medicine and possessing a yin affinity, a shinobi is eligible to start training the Shadow Paralysis jutsu. It's important to note that the medicine is not a shortcut to success, as it only serves to amplify a shinobi's inherent abilities, and not to replace the necessity of proper training and hard work.

The effects of the medicine are limited and temporary, lasting for only about three hours. If a shinobi is unable to utilize the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu during this time, they will need to consume another dose of the medicine.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the medicine can only be used twice in a shinobi's lifetime, as excessive use can result in permanent damage to the body. Hence, it is crucial that the user masters the Shadow Jutsu within the given timeframe."

Shikaku retrieved a small vial of transparent liquid from his pouch, which he then passed to Rai. "Before we can proceed with Shadow Jutsu training, you must consume this medicine," he said.

As Rai ingested the medicine, he detected a hint of bitterness on his tongue. It was not unpleasant, but it was definitely a unique flavor that he had not experienced before. He sensed the liquid traveling down his throat and into his stomach, followed by a prickling sensation that swept throughout his body, invigorating and sharpening his senses.

Initially, Rai was uncertain of what sensation he was supposed to experience after drinking the medicine. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his chakra, and soon enough, a heightened sense of perception dawned upon him. He became more attuned to his environment, discerning the faintest sounds of rustling leaves and the soft vibrations emanating from the trees.

The presence of his father beside him became more palpable, and he even sensed the minuscule movements of insects crawling on the surface of a nearby tree. It was as if a veil had been lifted, allowing him to see the world more vividly.

But it wasn't just his vision that had improved. Rai was now keenly aware of the presence of his chakra, as if it had been elevated to a new level of potency. He could feel it circulating through his system, surging with power and energy. His awareness of his own body had become heightened, as if he was attuned to every aspect of his being. Above all, he could sense the subtle movements of his own shadow, as if it were an extension of himself.

"I can sense my shadow," Rai announced as soon as he was aware of its presence.

"Very well, Rai. Begin by molding your chakra, and once you have done so, form the Ne (rat) handseal. This will direct your chakra towards your shadow, enabling you to extend it further. Concentrate on controlling the flow of chakra and visualizing the extension of your shadow." Shikaku instructed with a composed tone.

Rai nodded, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes, centering his mind and turning his focus inward to mold his chakra. With deft hand movements, he quickly formed the Ne handseal, feeling a rush of chakra flow towards his shadow.

He focused intently on his shadow, visualizing it extending towards the nearby tree. However, to his frustration, nothing happened - his shadow remained as still as ever.

Rai took a deep breath and molded his chakra once more. He performed the Ne handseal, and this time he poured even more chakra into the technique. Yet, his shadow remained stubbornly still. He continued to repeat the process, each time adjusting the amount of chakra and the way he visualized his shadow extending towards the tree. Despite his efforts, Rai couldn't seem to get the jutsu to work.

Shikaku observed his son's struggle, recognizing that it was important for Rai to discover the appropriate amount of chakra needed through experimentation. "Keep at it, Rai," he advised.

"Concentrate your chakra towards your shadow and carefully adjust the quantity you use. It's all about finding the optimal balance."

Rai nodded in agreement, feeling a little disheartened but also determined to master the technique. He continued to make the rat handseal and concentrate his chakra towards his shadow, but his shadow still wouldn't extend.

Shikaku observed Rai's repeated attempts, patiently waiting for his son to find the right balance of chakra. After a while, he yawned and stretched, feeling a bit tired from the training session.

"I think it's time for me to rest for a bit, Rai," he said. "You should keep practicing for another hour or so, and then take some time to rest and replenish your chakra."

Shikaku waited for a few more seconds before he turned around and walked away. His mind was preoccupied with his thoughts about his son's progress when he suddenly felt an unyielding force grip his body. His feet were rooted to the ground, and his arms felt like they were being held in place by some invisible restraint. It was an unnerving sensation, as if he had been captured by an unknown force.

"What the...?" Shikaku muttered, feeling a surge of panic rising within him.

Meanwhile, Rai watched in amazement as he successfully connected his shadow to his father's. As he focused on maintaining the jutsu, he quickly realized that it was quite taxing on his chakra reserves. He felt his chakra draining rapidly, and he knew that he couldn't sustain the jutsu for long.

"I did it!" Rai exclaimed

Just as he was reveling in his achievement, the connection between the shadows suddenly dissipated, and Shikaku was able to move freely again.

Shikaku was in awe and surprise as he turned to face Rai. He couldn't believe what had just happened. "That was unexpected," he muttered, still in disbelief. His expression showed a mixture of shock and awe as he gazed at Rai. "I'm impressed, Rai. You managed to connect your shadow to mine in such a short amount of time."

Shikaku had been training Rai for only a brief period, yet the boy had already demonstrated remarkable natural talent for the Shadow Jutsu. Shikaku had never seen such skill in someone so young.

He had always known that Rai was special, but this display of skill was beyond anything he could have imagined. Shikaku's heart swelled with a mix of emotions - pride for his son's achievement, amazement at how much he had grown, and a tinge of worry for the responsibilities that lay ahead.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia, realizing that his little boy had grown up so quickly and was now capable of performing such advanced techniques. As he looked at Rai, Shikaku realized that he was no longer a child, but a young man with a promising future ahead of him.

After a brief moment of silence, Shikaku stared at his son, "Rai," he said, his voice thick with emotion, "that was incredible. I am very proud of you." He stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. "You need to work on controlling your chakra flow more accurately. Don't waste your energy by forcing too much chakra into your shadow. It's crucial to find the right balance."

Although Shikaku sounded serious, the pride in his voice was undeniable. Rai's success had impressed him and exceeded his expectations. He was confident that with practice and time, Rai could surpass all previous Nara clan members and become one of the most accomplished ones.

He walked back over to Rai, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Let's take a break for now. We can resume training later when you've had some time to rest and reflect on what you've learned."


You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon.
Chapter 24 - Bruised and Battered
After just one week, Rai had made considerable progress in mastering the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu. His relentless dedication and his father's guidance had paid off as he had become quite proficient in the technique. Rai had spent hours practicing the jutsu, perfecting his chakra control, and becoming familiar with the technique's subtleties.

He was able to effortlessly extend his shadow and immobilize his target, leaving them unable to move any part of their body. However, he was still facing challenges in sustaining the jutsu for an extended duration. After a few seconds of using the technique, he would begin to feel drained and his chakra reserves depleted.

Shikaku ensured that Rai's training was well-rounded by including taijutsu in his routine. He was aware that relying only on ninjutsu would limit Rai's fighting abilities, leaving him vulnerable in certain situations. Therefore, in addition to practicing his Shadow Paralysis Jutsu, Rai also focused on improving his physical strength and agility.

Rai devoted considerable time and effort to his taijutsu training, often practicing his katas all morning. Though he felt confident in his physical abilities, he was aware of the importance of testing his skills against an actual opponent.

He understood that training and actual combat were two entirely different things, and he needed to experience real fights to sharpen his abilities. Despite this, he allowed himself to daydream about defeating even the most formidable adversaries with his enhanced strength.

Rai had been deep in thought, reflecting on the progress he had made over the past year. He had been so absorbed that he didn't even notice his father approaching until he was almost behind him. Rai spun around to face him, but as he looked into his father's eyes, a sudden sense of unease overtook him.

"What's wrong, Dad?" Rai asked, his voice filled with concern.

Shikaku didn't respond immediately. Instead, he stood in front of Rai, his eyes fixed on him, as if he was trying to read his thoughts. Rai could feel the weight of his father's gaze upon him, and it made him feel uneasy and self-conscious.

Shikaku finally spoke, his voice measured and serious. "You've made great progress in your training, Rai," he began. "But the only way to truly test your skills is to face a live opponent. And that's why it's time for you to spar with me."

Rai's heart started beating faster as soon as he heard the word "spar". He had been looking forward to this moment, but now that it was actually happening, he began to feel nervous. As he looked at his father's face, he could see the determination etched on it, and he knew that his father was not going to go easy on him.

Rai's mind was in a state of chaos as he tried to figure out a way to handle the situation. He was aware that he had trained hard and gained experience, but he also understood that his father was a seasoned shinobi with years of experience in the field.

Rai took a moment to compose himself, mentally reviewing his skills and techniques. He knew that sparring with his father would be a significant challenge, but he was determined to do his best. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, bouncing on the balls of his feet to warm up.

He took a deep breath, centering himself, and then nodded his head, trying to exude confidence. "I'm ready," he said firmly, trying to reassure himself as much as his father.

Shikaku could sense the anxiety in Rai's eyes, so he placed a reassuring hand on his son's shoulder to calm him down. "I understand you're nervous, but remember that this is just a spar. I'll challenge you, but I won't put you in a completely unwinnable situation," he said in a firm yet reassuring tone.

Rai braced himself as he took in his father's fighting stance, feeling his nerves heighten with each passing moment. He knew that he had to keep his wits about him if he wanted to hold his own against his father. Despite his attempts to calm himself down, his nerves got the best of him, and he found himself struggling to keep his breathing steady.

His palms were clammy with sweat, and his mind raced as he tried to anticipate his father's next move. Rai reminded himself of all the training he had done, all the practice sessions he had endured, and all the lessons his father had taught him. Rai tried to remember all of the techniques that he had learned in his training, but his mind was a jumbled mess of nerves and excitement.

Ultimately, Shikaku lunged forward, his fist aimed at Rai's face like a speeding bullet. Rai instinctively ducked and sidestepped with cat-like reflexes, barely evading the powerful strike. He scrambled to his feet, but before he could react, his father had closed the distance and launched a crushing blow towards his abdomen. Rai raised his arms in defense, his muscles tensing, but the impact still left him gasping for breath.

The young boy staggered back, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath, while Shikaku relentlessly advanced with a flurry of swift and precise strikes. Each move was calculated and sharp, like a finely choreographed dance.

Rai did his utmost to protect himself, his arms and legs moving in a blur as he blocked and dodged as many attacks as possible. Despite his valiant efforts, he felt cornered, his back pressed against an invisible wall with no room to maneuver.

Shikaku's eyes narrowed as he continued with a lightning-fast jab aimed at Rai's chest. Rai, his eyes widening in surprise, dodged once more and tried to counter with a punch of his own. However, Shikaku easily deflected the strike with a fluid motion of his arm and executed a graceful leg sweep, causing Rai to lose balance and stumble.

Rai quickly returned to his feet, beads of sweat dripping from his brow. He recognized the need for composure and took a deep, calming breath, focusing on his father's every move, anticipating the next attack.

This time, Rai opted for a more defensive stance, his body poised and ready, waiting for Shikaku to initiate. Noticing the change in his son's approach, Shikaku's lips curled into a slight smile as he altered tactics. He feigned a punch, his fist stopping just short of its target, and then delivered a powerful kick to Rai's side. Caught off guard, Rai's body twisted from the impact as he stumbled back, his balance thrown off.

Seizing the opportunity, Shikaku charged at Rai like a predator, targeting a powerful punch at his face. Rai's eyes locked onto the incoming fist, and with a swift duck, he managed to avoid the attack. However, as he evaded the punch, he felt a sharp, searing pain in his ribs. Shikaku had landed a glancing blow, and Rai knew he'd be feeling its effects for some time.

Despite the pain radiating through his body, Rai refused to surrender. Gritting his teeth, he mustered a burst of speed and darted toward his father, feinting left and causing Shikaku to shift his weight in that direction. Rai exploited the opening, his eyes filled with determination as he drove his fist into his father's side with all his strength.

Just as it appeared Rai might emerge victorious, his father abruptly shifted his weight, his elbow connecting with Rai's stomach like a sledgehammer. The impact sent Rai crashing to the ground, the air forcefully expelled from his lungs.

For a moment, Rai lay there, his vision blurred and his head spinning, before he slowly pushed himself to his feet. His body was battered and bruised, but he remained standing. He could feel his father's piercing gaze, watching intently for his next move. Rai knew he couldn't just endure the beating – he had to find a way to reverse the situation.

Quickly assessing his surroundings, Rai identified an opportunity. He spotted a large rock within the training area, its rough surface glinting in the sunlight. It could be the key to turning the tide of the battle.

As Shikaku initiated another attack, Rai sidestepped the punch and lunged toward the rock, seizing it with both hands and swinging it at his father's right shoulder.

Taken aback by Rai's sudden change in tactics, Shikaku retreated several steps. In that split second, Rai threw himself to the ground and rolled toward his father's feet, grabbing his ankles as he went.

Rai used his smaller stature to slip between his father's legs. Rather than stopping and capitalizing on his position, Rai released his grip and continued sliding further. He reached a spot where sunlight streamed through the trees, illuminating a small patch of ground.

Rai acted decisively, forming hand seals for the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu and extending his shadow toward his father. A sense of triumph washed over him as he observed his father's shadow becoming entangled in his own. Rai could hardly believe he had accomplished it.

However, before he could fully relish his success, he felt a sudden, sharp impact at the back of his head. The blow left him dazed and disoriented, and he lurched forward, almost losing his balance.

Rai's mind was in disarray as he turned to face his father, who now stood at a safe distance, a cunning grin playing on his lips. It was only then that Rai's eyes registered the small wisp of smoke rising from the spot where his father had previously stood, leaving behind a wooden log.

Shikaku chuckled at Rai's frustration and raised an eyebrow. "What's the matter, son? Did you think I would just stand there and let you catch me with that jutsu?"

"Well done, though," Shikaku said, dusting the dirt off his clothes. "However, you'll need to up your game if you want to catch me off guard."

Rai's eyes narrowed, and he clenched his fists. "That's not fair! You shouldn't be allowed to use jutsu like that!" he protested.

Shikaku's grin faded slightly as he regarded his son. "And why not? We are shinobi, Rai. We don't fight fair. We use every tool at our disposal to achieve victory," he explained.

Rai sighed, feeling defeated. "I know, I just...I...."

Rai took a deep breath, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over him. He knew that his father was right, but he still felt like a sore loser. "I know, Dad. I'm sorry. It's just...I thought I had you," he said, his voice trailing off.

Shikaku walked over to Rai and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright, Rai. Everyone loses sometimes. The important thing is that you learn from your mistakes and keep pushing yourself to improve."

Shikaku stood there, his stern expression concealing the astonishment he felt deep within, as he couldn't help but be impressed by his son's prowess. He had never witnessed Rai displaying such agility and precision before. Shikaku had always recognized Rai's potential, but he hadn't anticipated such remarkable skill. The accuracy and speed with which Rai executed his jutsu were truly extraordinary.

As they continued their training, Shikaku attentively observed his son, marveling at the progress he had already achieved. Rai was becoming a formidable force, and Shikaku eagerly anticipated the promising future that lay ahead for him.

The pair continued to trade blows, each attempting to gain an advantage. However, unsurprisingly, it was Shikaku who emerged victorious in the end. Despite Rai's best efforts, his father's strength had proven too great.

As he stood there, catching his breath, Rai couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He had given his all, and while he may not have won the fight, he had certainly gained a valuable lesson. He knew he still had a long way to go, but he was determined to persist in his training and grow even stronger.

Rai understood that he couldn't let this setback defeat him. He would continue to hone his skills so that one day, he could surpass his father and become an exceptional shinobi in his own right.


You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon.
Chapter 25 - Study Unlocked
As the departure date approached, Shikaku summoned Rai to his study. Rai had always been intrigued by the locked room and wondered what secrets it held. However, Shikaku had never allowed him to enter it. But now, As Rai stood in front of the door, Shikaku cleared his throat and began to speak.

Shikaku put his hand on Rai's shoulder and spoke in a serious yet proud tone. "Rai, you've grown up to be a strong and responsible young man. I trust you to take on more responsibility now that you're older."

Shikaku's face softened as he let out a sigh. "I've come to the realization that I haven't been as present in your life as I should have been," he confessed. "As a shinobi, I've been overly occupied with my responsibilities, and as a father, I've neglected my duty to you. However, with the ongoing war, I want to ensure that you have all the tools and information necessary to protect yourself and our clan."

Rai looked up at his father with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "What do you mean, dad?"

"I mean my study," Shikaku explained. "It contains some of the most valuable knowledge and secrets of our clan. It's been off-limits to you until now, but I think you're ready to access it.

"As the leader of our clan, I have a lot of responsibilities towards our people and the village," Shikaku elaborated. "However, as a father, my responsibility is to ensure that you are ready to face the obstacles that come your way. You possess the ability to become an exceptional shinobi, Rai, and I have complete faith in your abilities.

You have made tremendous progress in your training, and I am confident that with access to the knowledge and resources in my study, you will become an even stronger warrior."

"I promise to do my utmost, dad," Rai responded with conviction. "I'll work hard to live up to our clan's values and make you proud."

Shikaku smiled, a rare expression of warmth and affection that he reserved only for his family. "I know you will, son, but remember, The knowledge and secrets within my study must be used wisely, and only for the good of our clan and village."

With those words, Shikaku opened the door to his study and motioned for Rai to enter.

Upon entering the room, Rai was hit with a wave of musty air, a sign that the room had been locked up for some time. Looking around, he saw an overwhelming number of scrolls and books neatly organized on shelves and tables, filling every inch of the space.

The interior of the study was lined with dark wood, which exuded a cozy and welcoming aura. The central point of the room was a grand desk with piles of old, yellowed scrolls and ancient tomes scattered across its surface. The desk was made of the same dark wood as the walls, and it was clear that it had seen many years of use.

The room was illuminated by a soft, warm light emitted from lanterns hanging from the ceiling. The flickering light created an almost mystical ambience, adding to the feeling that Rai had entered a sacred space filled with arcane knowledge and secrets passed down through the ages.

Rai walked around the room, examining the countless scrolls and books with curiosity, but he quickly realized that most of them were beyond his current comprehension. The texts were written in a complicated script that he couldn't decipher, and some of the scrolls were so ancient that the ink had faded or the paper had started to decay.

"What is this?" Rai asked his father, gesturing to the foreign text.

"These are scrolls and books containing the knowledge and secrets of our clan. Many of them are written in yōso gengo, the written language of our people. To begin comprehending these texts, you must first master hiragana and katakana, which are the fundamental components of yōso gengo.

With a firm grasp of yōso gengo, the next step in your learning journey would be to tackle kanji, a more intricate writing system that encompasses thousands of characters. As the leader of our clan and your successor, it is imperative that you possess fluency in yōso gengo and a fundamental level of proficiency in kanji.

This will not only enable you to delve into the wisdom and enigmas concealed within these scrolls and books but also to communicate proficiently with other shinobi clans and individuals beyond our community. Your mastery of these language skills will serve as a crucial asset in navigating the complexities of the wider world, as well as preserving and advancing the legacy of our clan."

Rai looked at his father with a puzzled expression. "You mentioned that I only need to have a basic level of proficiency in kanji. Why not strive for complete mastery?"

Shikaku took a deep breath and began to explain. "Kanji is an intricate writing system comprising of thousands of characters, each possessing unique meanings and pronunciations. Achieving complete mastery of kanji is a demanding and time-consuming endeavor, requiring years of unwavering commitment and diligent practice.

As my heir, it is important that you have a some foundation in kanji, but it is not necessary for you to have complete mastery. Basic proficiency in kanji would enable you to comprehend and interpret the most significant texts housed in this chamber.

Nevertheless, mastering all of the kanji characters is a formidable undertaking that could take a lifetime of dedicated study, and it's not necessary for fulfilling your duties as the future leader of our clan. As the bulk of our written records are in yōso gengo, proficiency in this language would serve as the most important skill for your role in preserving and passing on our clan's knowledge and secrets to future generations.

It is customary for official documents, including contracts and mission orders for shinobi operations, to be recorded in our native language. Nevertheless, some of the most crucial and confidential documents, such as ancient scrolls and secret techniques, are inscribed in yōso gengo.

These texts contain invaluable insights and knowledge that have been passed down through generations and require a deep understanding of our language and culture to interpret accurately.

Additionally, it's worth noting that access to documents written in kanji is restricted to a select group of individuals. Kanji is a complex and intricate writing system that not only conveys ideas and concepts but also incorporates hidden meanings and symbolism, which can only be deciphered by those who have attained a mastery of the language.

Therefore, access to these documents is restricted to individuals who have undergone extensive training and possess a deep understanding of the language and culture of our people. This is because these documents contain confidential and sensitive information that must be protected from unauthorized access, and only those with the necessary expertise can be trusted with their safekeeping.

It's important to note that access to documents written in kanji is usually limited to the upper echelons of the clan or village hierarchy. Typically, only the highest-ranking officials and leaders are granted access to these documents, and even then, the level of clearance and authority may dictate which documents they are permitted to view.

The decision to grant access is taken with the utmost care and deliberation, as the safeguarding of such knowledge is critical to the stability and security of our community. Therefore, strict protocols and guidelines are in place to control access to these documents and ensure their protection from any potential threats or breaches.

Kanji holds a pivotal position in the practice of fuinjutsu, a sophisticated form of jutsu that employs seals and symbols to restrain, manipulate, or contain objects, people, or even chakra. Fuinjutsu is a potent and potentially perilous technique, and hence, only a select group of skilled shinobi can master it.

To excel in fuinjutsu, a thorough understanding of kanji is essential, as the intricate seals and symbols that are central to the practice are frequently inscribed in kanji characters.

The significance of kanji in fuinjutsu cannot be emphasized enough. A slight error in the creation of a seal could have dire repercussions, such as unleashing a hazardous entity or triggering a catastrophic explosion. To avoid such mishaps, it's imperative that only those who have achieved a mastery of kanji and possess a thorough comprehension of the meanings and subtleties of the characters are entrusted with the creation of seals.

I cannot stress enough the difficulty of mastering kanji. Achieving proficiency in this intricate writing system requires an extraordinary amount of dedication and concentration. Those who undertake this task often have to forgo other pursuits and devote all their efforts and attention to mastering kanji. However, when the application of kanji extends to fuinjutsu, the task becomes even more daunting.

Shinobi who have achieved mastery in both ninjutsu and fuinjutsu are among the most formidable warriors in the world. This rare combination of expertise allows a shinobi to excel in both offensive and defensive tactics.," Shikaku continued. "Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage, was renowned for his expertise in both ninjutsu and fuinjutsu, which contributed to his reputation as one of the most powerful and influential figures in shinobi history.

Similarly, Minato Namikaze, a rising star in our village, is known for his exceptional proficiency in both these disciplines. A mastery of ninjutsu and fuinjutsu is an invaluable asset, enabling a shinobi to become a nearly unstoppable force on the battlefield. It's a rare and highly coveted combination that can only be attained by the most talented and dedicated individuals.

In addition to its significance in combat scenarios, fuinjutsu also plays a crucial role in iryo ninjutsu or medical ninjutsu. The ability to use sealing techniques enables medical shinobi to seal away diseases and injuries, thereby preventing their spread or limiting their impact.

Furthermore, by using sealing techniques, medical-nin can preserve the bodies and organs of deceased individuals for research and study purposes. This allows for a deeper understanding of the human body and diseases, which can contribute to the development of new medical treatments and cures."

Shikaku paused for a moment, deep in thought. "Rai," he said finally, ""It's crucial to understand that you shouldn't aim to excel at everything. Rather than spreading yourself thin trying to become a master of all trades, it's wiser to focus on your strengths and work towards achieving exceptional proficiency in them. However, this doesn't imply that you should restrict yourself to a single skill or discipline.

As a shinobi, it's vital to have a well-rounded skillset that encompasses a variety of abilities. Therefore, while it's essential to identify your strengths and strive towards excellence in them, it's equally important to diversify your skillset and expand your capabilities."

Shikaku leaned forward, focusing his attention on Rai, and emphasized his point, "You have already displayed exceptional potential in your physical training and your grasp of chakra manipulation. These are undoubtedly your strengths, and you should persist in refining them to reach their full potential. However, it's imperative that you don't overlook other aspects of your training.

For example, having a strong command of yōso gengo and a fundamental level of proficiency in kanji is imperative for effective communication. As we have previously discussed, fuinjutsu is another vital tool in a shinobi's arsenal that can be utilized in various situations, including iryo ninjutsu."

Shikaku sat back and folded his arms. "My point is, Rai, don't be a one-trick pony. Focus on your strengths, but don't neglect other areas of your training. Be well-rounded and adaptable, and you'll be a force to be reckoned with as a shinobi."

Rai pondered for a moment on his father's words. He knew that he had certain strengths that he could build upon, but at the same time, he didn't want to limit himself to just one area of expertise.

After a moment of thought, Rai spoke up. "Dad, I understand what you're saying, and I agree that I should focus on my strengths. But I don't want to limit myself to just one area. I want to explore other fields as well and see where my talents lie. Maybe there's something out there that I'm even better at than what I'm currently focusing on."

Shikaku nodded, understanding his son's perspective. "It's good to have an open mind and explore different avenues. Just remember to always come back to your strengths and keep improving upon them. That way, you'll become a well-rounded shinobi with a diverse set of skills.

But remember, you're still young and just starting to lay the foundation for your future. Don't worry too much about branching out and exploring other areas just yet. Focus on building a strong foundation in your strengths first."

He continued, "As you grow and develop, you'll naturally find yourself drawn to certain areas and discover new strengths." Shikaku paused for a moment before continuing, "But all of that is in the future. For now, focus on mastering the basics and building a strong foundation. As you grow and gain more experience, you'll naturally find your path."


A/N: Hiragana + Katakana= yōso gengo
yōso gengo >>>> Kanji >>>> Fuinjutsu

You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon.
Chapter 26 - Clans Unveiled
In the softly illuminated chamber, Rai's gaze remained fixed upon the ancient scroll that lay open before him, its aged parchment unfurled upon the table's worn surface. Leaning in closer, his hands gently pressed against the coarse texture of the scroll, he attentively studied the intricate characters inscribed upon its delicate fabric. The scroll housed a vast repository of wisdom, unveiling the profound depths of knowledge regarding the esteemed clans within Konoha.

Under the guidance of his sensei, Nishimura, Rai had received an introductory grasp of each clan during his training, but he yearned for more. The surface knowledge he possessed was merely a glimpse, leaving him hungry for a profound comprehension of the histories and time-honored traditions of each clan.

Before departing for the war, Rai's father entrusted him with three scrolls. Two scrolls were passed directly into Rai's possession, while the final one was entrusted to his mother.

As Rai unraveled the first scroll, his eyes eagerly scanned the names of the clans inscribed upon its aged surface. Some names were familiar, evoking a sense of recognition, while others piqued his curiosity, as their significance remained a mystery to him.

At the forefront of the list stood the Uchiha, a revered clan renowned for their prodigious skills as shinobi. Their eminence stemmed from their possession of the formidable Sharingan, a unique ocular technique granting them the ability to perceive and replicate the techniques wielded by others.

The Uchiha clan's mastery of this extraordinary visual prowess elevated them to a position of prominence and respect within the shinobi world. Their reputation as formidable warriors resonated through the annals of history, showcasing their exceptional talents and unrivaled proficiency in combat.

Following the Uchiha, the Hyuga clan emerged, bearing their distinctive and formidable eye technique known as the Byakugan. In stark contrast to the Sharingan, the Byakugan granted the Hyuga an extraordinary ability to perceive beyond mere chakra observation and jutsu replication.

With their Byakugan, the Hyuga possessed the remarkable capacity to peer through solid objects and discern the intricate chakra pathways within their adversaries' bodies. Their exceptional abilities bestowed upon them a fearsome reputation, solidifying their status as a dominant and formidable presence in the realm of shinobi combat.

Conversely, the Aburame clan exhibited a distinctive and unorthodox approach to warfare. Renowned for their uncanny aptitude in insect manipulation, they possessed a remarkable ability to control and utilize swarms of insects as their allies in battle. The mere thought of being encircled by a proficient Aburame shinobi, commanding an army of insects, sent a shiver down Rai's spine.

Yet, he couldn't help but acknowledge the ingenuity and unconventional nature of their combat style. While unsettling, Rai harbored a genuine appreciation for the Aburame clan's unique prowess, recognizing the strategic advantages and unsettling psychological impact their insect-based techniques could wield on the battlefield.

Among the clans listed, the Akimichi clan stood out prominently, possessing a distinctive ability to transform their body mass into an extraordinary surge of chakra. This exceptional capability granted them tremendous physical strength, propelling their prowess to unprecedented levels.

He continued reading, soaking in every bit of information He absorbed the details concerning the Yamanaka clan, a lineage known for their extraordinary ability in the mind arts. The Inuzuka clan, renowned for their profound connection with their loyal canine companions, the Inuzuka exhibited an unrivaled expertise in tracking and reconnaissance.

With each passage absorbed, Rai encountered the notable Senju clan, renowned for their indomitable chakra and their significant role as one of the most formidable lineages in Konoha's storied history.

Notably, alongside the Uchiha clan, they were instrumental in establishing the very foundation of the village itself. However, the tides of time had taken their toll, leaving only a sole survivor to carry forth the legacy of the once-mighty Senju clan.

As Rai finished reading the first scroll, he carefully rolled it up and placed it back into its case. Letting out a deep sigh, he couldn't shake off a sense of dissatisfaction. Despite gaining substantial knowledge about the Konoha clans, there was an inexplicable feeling that something important was missing. It was as if there was a hidden piece of the puzzle, waiting to be uncovered.

With his curiosity driving him forward, Rai's hand reached for the second scroll. As he unraveled it, he immediately observed its elongated length, signaling the depth of information contained within. This scroll delved deeper into the intricacies, divulging comprehensive details regarding the unique strengths, vulnerabilities, and distinctive combat methodologies employed by each clan.

Eager to unravel the secrets of the Uchiha clan's Sharingan, Rai delved into the scroll's description. It painted a vivid picture of the Sharingan as an awe-inspiring ocular technique, granting its wielder the extraordinary ability to perceive chakra, foresee movements, and even imitate jutsu.

However, the scroll also shed light on the darker side of the Sharingan, warning of its potential to consume its user with an insatiable hunger for power, leading to emotional instability.

The scroll mentioned the Uchiha clan's profound affinity for fire-based ninjutsu, highlighting their pivotal role in introducing numerous fire-based techniques to Konoha. However, it revealed that the Uchiha clan tightly guarded the knowledge of higher-level fire jutsu, selectively imparting them solely to chosen individuals within their ranks. The clan's mastery of genjutsu was also emphasized, showcasing their exceptional prowess in the art of illusionary techniques.

Continuing his journey through the scroll, Rai shifted his focus to the next clan—the Hyuga. The scroll unraveled the Hyuga clan's unique fighting style, which revolved around the potent application of their Byakugan. It revealed their uncanny ability to pinpoint and exploit the chakra points of their adversaries, effectively rendering them incapacitated.

Continuing his perusal, Rai discovered that the Hyuga clan held unparalleled proficiency in taijutsu. The scroll revealed that the Hyuga were responsible for sharing most of the village's taijutsu techniques, highlighting their dominance in this field. However, it also cautioned that the clan closely guarded their advanced taijutsu secrets, particularly the esteemed Gentle Fist style, exclusively within their clan. The scroll advised exercising caution and avoiding unnecessary physical confrontations with Hyuga clan members.

In contrast, the Aburame clan possessed an exceptional fighting style that centered around their profound connection with insects. The scroll illuminated the clan's extraordinary ability to communicate with and command diverse species of insects, which they strategically employed in combat for both offensive and defensive purposes.

The scroll underscored the invaluable role of the Aburame clan's insects in the realm of espionage. These loyal insect allies proved instrumental in gathering vital information and executing covert operations, as their diminutive size and inconspicuous nature allowed them to infiltrate enemy strongholds undetected.

However, the scroll also emphasized the potential dangers associated with their usage, cautioning that certain insect species within the clan's repertoire possessed poisonous attributes or carried disease, underscoring the imperative for responsible and judicious application.

The scroll proceeded to unveil the distinct characteristics of the Akimichi clan, renowned for their extraordinary capability to convert calories into chakra, amplifying their physical strength by enlarging their bodies. It expounded upon the clan's unique fighting style, which revolved around their exceptional body modification jutsu. Through this jutsu, they harnessed the ability to augment their bodies' proportions, utilizing their enlarged forms to overwhelm and overpower adversaries.

Furthermore, the scroll shed light on the Akimichi clan's proficiency in the utilization of food pills, specifically formulated capsules designed to augment their chakra levels and physical abilities temporarily. While acknowledging the Akimichi's formidable prowess, the scroll issued a cautionary note, highlighting their potential vulnerability if their access to food pills was severed.

The scroll unveiled the remarkable talents of the Yamanaka clan, renowned for their extraordinary abilities in mind reading and telepathy. Their unique aptitude enabled them to delve into the thoughts of others, effectively extracting valuable information, and communicate telepathically.

This invaluable skill set proved particularly advantageous in the realms of information gathering and team coordination, allowing the Yamanaka clan to operate covertly without the need for spoken words, mitigating the risk of being overheard and compromising their missions.

The scroll delved deeper into the Yamanaka clan's realm of expertise, illuminating their mastery in the art of mind manipulation. It revealed their distinctive ability known as the Mind Transfer Technique, an extraordinary skill that enabled a Yamanaka shinobi to project their consciousness into the body of another individual, thereby gaining complete control over their actions.

The scroll went on to describe the Inuzuka clan, a revered lineage of shinobi known for their deep kinship with their canine companions. It detailed their distinct combat approach, centered around their heightened senses and primal instincts, which they employed to track and subdue their adversaries. Proficient in taijutsu, the Inuzuka clan members skillfully utilized their fangs and claws as formidable weapons during confrontations.

The scroll further highlighted the remarkable attribute of the Inuzuka clan—their extraordinary ability to communicate with their canine companions. This special bond facilitated seamless coordination and collaboration between the Inuzuka shinobi and their dogs on the battlefield. It emphasized that this exceptional harmony granted them a formidable advantage, particularly when engaging in battles as duos or in synchronized packs.

Furthermore, the scroll detailed the meticulous breeding and intensive training bestowed upon the Inuzuka clan's canines, specifically tailored for combat purposes. It revealed that the dogs were selectively bred to exhibit varying physical attributes, with some being larger and possessing greater strength than others. Additionally, the canines were endowed with a remarkable level of intelligence and unwavering loyalty towards their human partners.

The scroll emphasized the significance of this purposeful breeding and training, as it honed the dogs' inherent instincts, augmenting their combat capabilities and aligning them seamlessly with the Inuzuka clan's battle strategies.


As Rai reflected on the diverse and formidable abilities possessed by each clan, he became acutely aware of the vastness of the shinobi world and the limitless potential for growth and discovery. There was an abundance of knowledge and skills yet to be discovered, waiting to be unearthed.

Determined to broaden his understanding and enhance his own capabilities, Rai made a mental note to actively seek out additional scrolls and resources that would expand his knowledge and expertise.

With meticulous care, Rai delicately rolled up the scroll, treating the ancient knowledge within with the utmost respect. Placing it thoughtfully on one of the sturdy shelves, he ensured its safekeeping before turning away, leaving the Study behind and made his way towards the kitchen, enticed by the inviting scent of his mother's cooking.

Taking a deep breath, he greeted his mother with a casual yet respectful tone, "Hey, Mom. I just finished reading the two scrolls Dad gave me. They were packed with interesting stuff. Now I'm ready to dive into the third one. Do you know where it is?"

Rai's mother turned towards him, wearing a gentle smile on her face. "Yeah, I know where it is," she replied, her tone carrying a hint of mischief. "But sorry, kiddo, I can't hand it over just yet."

Rai's spirits dipped slightly, a mix of disappointment and curiosity bubbling within him. "Why not, Mom?" he asked.

"The third scroll is the advanced version of the ninjutsu your father taught you. I have it, but I cannot give it to you yet," she said.

The third scroll is very important and powerful. It requires a certain level of skill and control, and I need to make sure that you're ready for it," she explained. "Only when you can hold me with the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu for more than 30 seconds can you start learning that jutsu."

Yoshino expected Rai to fuss a little, but to her surprise, he simply nodded understandingly. "Alright, mom. I'll keep practicing until I can do it," he said determinedly. He then left the kitchen, heading straight for the training ground.


Lost in contemplation, Rai strode purposefully towards the training ground, his thoughts consumed by the weighty task set before him. Lost in deep contemplation, Rai was unaware of his surroundings until he crossed the threshold into the training ground.

As Rai entered the training ground, a jolt of realization coursed through him. His oversight became glaringly apparent as he observed the presence of other shinobi. He had neglected to reserve the space in advance.

Among the individuals engaged in training, Rai's gaze settled upon a figure that immediately caught his attention—a young man clad in a tight-fitting green jumpsuit. A flicker of amusement danced in Rai's eyes as he took note of the distinctive bowl-shaped haircut that adorned his friend and senior, Might Gai.

Besides Gai there was another young man, who caught his attention even more. What caught Rai's eye was the individual's gravity-defying, spiky silver hair that seemed to defy the laws of nature. The striking hairstyle framed his face, further accentuating his enigmatic aura.

Veiled by a mask that concealed the lower half of his face, the young man possessed a lean and athletic build, exuding an air of strength and agility.

Dressed in attire that exuded a sense of dark elegance, the young man donned a black vest with a low collar, paired with matching black pants. The ensemble was completed by the presence of black fingerless gloves. Notably, he wore a forehead protector adorned with the symbol of the Hidden Leaf Village. A scabbard secured to his back housed a short sword.

Rai couldn't take his eyes off the two of them, as they were engaged in a bout of taijutsu that was mesmerizing to watch. The silver-haired young man moved with incredible speed and grace, evading Gai's attacks with ease and countering with lightning-fast strikes of his own. Gai, for his part, was equally impressive, his movements precise and powerful as he sought to overwhelm his opponent.

As Rai watched, he felt a growing sense of admiration for the two young shinobi. The sheer skill and determination they displayed were truly inspiring, and he found himself longing to join them, to test his own abilities against theirs. For a moment, he forgot all about his mistake in forgetting to make a booking, lost in the excitement of watching these two talented warriors in action.

The essence of this chapter is to emphasize that certain shinobi clans possess distinct specializations within the realm of shinobi arts. Additionally, these clans hold exclusive control over particular jutsus or techniques, such as the Uchiha clan's mastery over fire-style jutsus. While the village may possess basic scrolls on fire-based techniques like the Fireball Jutsu, more advanced techniques like the Phoenix Flower Jutsu or the Majestic Destroyer Flame would be restricted to the Uchiha clan.

These highly coveted jutsus are closely guarded secrets, passed down within the lineage of the respective clans and restricted to their members alone. As a result, outsiders would not have the opportunity to learn or employ these specialized techniques without the explicit permission or authorization from the clan.

Similarly, Mizugakure, holds a monopolistic control over advanced water-style jutsus within the shinobi world. However, there are exceptions to this monopoly, and Konohagakure, is one such case. This exception is primarily attributed to Tobirama Senju, who possessed exceptional skills and knowledge in water-style jutsus. As one of the Leaders of Konohagakure and a member of the renowned Senju clan, Tobirama's influence ensured that the village could also cultivate advanced water-style techniques.
I will be sharing an additional chapter later on. If you have any questions feel free to let me know.


You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon.
Chapter 27 - Taijutsu Showdown
"Kakashi, today we're going to have a pure taijutsu match," Gai declared.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Are you sure about this, Gai?"

Kakashi asked, a hint of doubt in his voice. Gai smiled brightly, a glint in his eyes. "Of course, my rival! We must always strive to improve our skills and become better shinobi, regardless of our strengths or weaknesses."

Kakashi hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Alright, let's do it,"

The two shinobi took their positions on the training ground, their eyes locked in an intense stare-down. With a deep breath, Gai rocketed himself towards Kakashi, a whirlwind of power and speed. His arms were a blur, his fists seeking their mark. Yet Kakashi, calm and unyielding, held his ground. His gaze never wavered from Gai, his mind calculating and ready.

As Gai swooped in, Kakashi elegantly sidestepped to the left, causing Gai's punch to slice through nothing but air. Undeterred, Gai instantly pivoted, releasing another punch in Kakashi's direction, but Kakashi had already ghosted away.

Seeing an opportunity present itself, Kakashi made his move. He feinted a step to the right, drawing Gai's attention, before rapidly darting to the left and striking Gai's side with a swift kick. Gai grunted, the impact sending a jolt of pain through him, causing him to stumble. Yet, he swiftly regained his balance, his resolve unbroken.

The two shinobi began to circle each other like predators, their eyes locked, each probing for a potential opening. Gai launched forward once more, his fists slicing the air, but Kakashi danced around him, his movements a fluid ballet of evasion, each of Gai's strikes missing their mark. Kakashi moved with an almost ethereal grace, while Gai's approach was raw and forceful.

Despite Gai's overwhelming physical strength, he found himself consistently outmaneuvered by Kakashi's agility and lightning-fast reflexes. Kakashi seemed almost spectral, forever just a step ahead, always out of reach. Realizing his current tactics were failing, Gai knew he needed to alter his approach if he was to stand a chance against his formidable opponent.

Gai created distance between them, his eyes never leaving Kakashi. Then, with a burst of energy, he stormed forward, his leg sweeping upward in an attempt to strike Kakashi's head. But Kakashi was quick, ducking just in time as his silver hair trailed behind him, shimmering like a comet's tail. Rising, he returned with a swift knee to Gai's abdomen, knocking the breath from him.

Stumbling backward, Gai gasped for breath, struggling to regain his composure. But he was quick to recover, charging back at Kakashi with renewed vigor. His fists were a blur, a storm of rapid jabs, but Kakashi moved like a ghost, evading each of Gai's attacks with ease. Kakashi read Gai's movements like an open book, exploiting his predictability and landing several punches and kicks of his own.

Yet Gai was relentless, refusing to be beaten down by Kakashi's onslaught. He retreated, using the momentum to propel himself into a powerful roundhouse kick. Kakashi foresaw the attack and ducked, countering with a sweeping kick that Gai narrowly escaped.

Gai tried to retaliate with a punch, but Kakashi was faster. He seized Gai's arm, using it to whirl around him. Before Gai could react, Kakashi's foot slammed into his back, catapulting him across the training ground.

Gai pushed himself up, admiration gleaming in his eyes. "Impressive, Kakashi. You're not just a genius in ninjutsu," he commended, his smile unabated despite the intense fight.

Gai was tenacious, unwilling to accept defeat despite the odds stacked against him. As he backed away, his eyes began to study Kakashi's movements more intently, seeking any weaknesses, any potential openings. Meanwhile, Kakashi remained on high alert, his guard unyielding, prepared for Gai's next move.

Suddenly, with a burst of speed, Gai lunged forward. Instead of the expected punch, he feinted, diverting his attack into a low kick aimed at Kakashi's legs. This unexpected move caught Kakashi off guard, causing him to stumble backward and allowing Gai to unleash a flurry of punches.

Kakashi managed to deflect the majority of the blows, but a few found their mark, striking his ribs and eliciting a wince of pain. He retaliated with a swift kick to Gai's chest, but Gai recovered almost instantly, tackling Kakashi to the ground.

For a brief moment, the scales of the battle seemed to tip in Gai's favor, but Kakashi was not one to be underestimated. Utilizing his exceptional agility, he slipped from Gai's grasp, quickly regaining his footing. Gai attempted to seize him again, but Kakashi eluded his grasp, landing a powerful kick that sent Gai sprawling to the ground.

Kakashi wasted no time capitalizing on this opening. He attempted an elbow drop, but Gai was quicker. He rolled to safety and sprang back to his feet. As Kakashi was about to rise, Gai vanished from his line of sight, leaving behind only a cloud of dust. Before Kakashi could react, Gai reappeared, his signature technique, "Dynamic Entry," striking him square in the chest and robbing him of his breath.

Kakashi tried to retaliate, but Gai was relentless. His fists and feet moved in a rapid, furious dance, giving Kakashi hardly any time to react. Gai's movements were lightning fast, and Kakashi found himself struggling to keep up. It was clear that he needed to devise a new strategy if he hoped to emerge victorious from this intense bout.

Kakashi knew he had to bide his time, waiting for the precise moment when Gai would falter. He kept his movements fluid and light, skillfully evading Gai's assault while vigilantly observing for any sign of an opening. After a furious exchange of blows, Gai's rhythm faltered, presenting Kakashi with the opportunity he'd been waiting for.

The moment was fleeting, but Kakashi was ready. As Gai lunged forward, aiming another powerful punch, Kakashi swiftly ducked, simultaneously delivering a potent uppercut that halted Gai in his tracks. Seizing the moment, Kakashi swiftly followed through with a rising knee that connected with Gai's chin, sending him staggering backward.

Before Gai had a chance to regain his bearings, Kakashi was in motion again. Unleashing his speed, he delivered a powerful roundhouse kick, the impact resonating with a resounding crack. The force sent Gai hurtling across the training grounds, a trail of dust marking his airborne path.

Gai collided with the ground, the impact resonating with a bone-jarring thud. For a moment, he lay there, his chest heaving as he fought to catch his breath. His face, marked with bruises and a trickle of blood.

Slowly, Gai started to stir. His muscles strained as he pushed himself off the ground, his body protesting against the sudden movement. He staggered slightly, steadying himself with a determined grimace. His eyes found Kakashi's, a broad smile breaking through the pain etched on his face.

"You're getting better, my rival," he managed to say, his voice laced with admiration and a hint of pride.

Kakashi exhaled deeply, feeling the thrum of his heartbeat echoing in his ears. "Gai, enough," he implored, his voice carrying a note of fatigue. "You don't have to push yourself so hard."

Yet, Gai's grin only widened, the gleam of determination in his eyes undimmed. "Don't be silly, Kakashi. We've barely scratched the surface of our capabilities. There's so much more we can learn from each other."

Kakashi shook his head, his gaze lingering on Gai's bruised and battered figure. "We've learned plenty today," he asserted, "Let's consider this a draw and reserve the remainder for another day."

However, Gai was already assuming his battle stance, undeterred. "I appreciate your worry, my comrade," he responded, "But I am far from finished. Let's continue the fight!"

With a resigned sigh, Kakashi got back into his own stance, ready to resume the fight. It seemed like Gai wasn't going to back down until one of them was completely exhausted.

Gai sprang at Kakashi, launching a flying kick straight down. Kakashi anticipated the maneuver, swiftly sidestepping the assault. He attempted to capitalize on Gai's brief disorientation, sweeping a leg towards him. However, Gai was nimble in recovery, executing a backflip and following with a front flip that landed his feet squarely into Kakashi's chest, toppling him over.

Kakashi grunted as he collided with the ground, his breath forcibly expelled from his lungs. He labored for air, his chest rising and falling in desperate gasps. Gai towered above him, a fiery resolve etched onto his face. "Rise, Kakashi! Show me what you're capable of!" he boomed, exhorting Kakashi to stand once more.

Kakashi knew that he couldn't afford to stay down for long. With a grunt, he pushed himself back up, ignoring the pain that shot through his body. He knew that he had to be more careful if he wanted to stand a chance against Gai's attacks.

Kakashi fortified himself, preparing to respond to Gai's onslaught. With a rallying cry, he swung both fists with all the might he could summon. Gai braced himself to counter, his legs firmly planted apart. Their fists clashed in a storm of strength and willpower.

Though Gai's stature was more imposing, and his punches packed substantial force, they were slightly less swift. Yet the intense struggle raged on, with neither gaining a clear advantage, until both were gasping for breath, the sheer effort of their battle manifesting.

In a sudden shift of strategy, Kakashi moved with lightning speed. He feigned a punch, instead smoothly wrapping his arm around Gai's broad neck and ensnaring his wrist with his other hand. Jerking Gai's feet off the ground, he seated himself sharply, applying intense pressure to Gai's neck in an attempt to choke him.

However, Gai was far from an easy opponent to overcome. Reacting swiftly, he hurled his weight forward and to the left, collapsing onto Kakashi in a desperate attempt to break free. The abrupt shift broke Kakashi's hold, and they rolled away from each other. Kakashi scrambled to his feet, but before he could fully regain his bearings, Gai was airborne, launching a ferocious kick at his head with the nimbleness of a panther.

The force of the blow staggered Kakashi, but he miraculously maintained his footing. Recognizing the danger of losing momentum, he retaliated with a flurry of swift kicks and punches, forcing Gai into a defensive stance. Gai strained to keep pace with the barrage, countering with a few desperate punches of his own.

The battle between the two fighters raged on, their every blow echoing across the training ground. Neither was willing to concede defeat, their spirits burning bright despite the exhaustion seeping into their bones. The fight was on a knife's edge, its outcome hanging in the balance, and they were both acutely aware of it.

After what felt like an epoch of relentless struggle, Gai finally managed to land a devastating strike to Kakashi's midsection. The impact reverberated through Kakashi's body, his eyes widening in shock and pain. It was an arduous battle, seemingly endless, and the surprise of Gai's successful strike was nearly as impactful as the blow itself.

Seizing the fleeting moment of victory, Gai launched into a rapid onslaught of punches aimed at Kakashi's head. Each punch landed with a resounding thud, the harsh sound punctuating the still air. Overwhelmed by the barrage, Kakashi's body slowly crumpled to the ground, his senses blurring in the wake of Gai's relentless attack. The training ground fell eerily quiet, the echoes of their combat fading into the distance. The fight, it seemed, had reached a dramatic climax.

Gai stood over Kakashi, his heart pounding with the adrenaline of victory. The scoreboard of their rivalry had shifted to 9-1, marking Gai's first win over Kakashi. This was a moment he'd envisioned countless times, the culmination of years of grueling training and fierce determination.

But seeing Kakashi on the ground, winded and defeated, sparked a strange feeling in Gai. Their matches had always been fiercely competitive, with Kakashi always having the upper hand. To see him downed, to know that it was his strike that had led to this moment, left Gai with a sense of unease.

Respect for his rival overrode the momentary discomfort. Gai remembered the countless times Kakashi had bested him, the grace with which he'd taken those wins. He extended his hand to help Kakashi up. This was more than a rivalry; it was a deep-rooted friendship, marked by mutual respect and understanding. Today, the roles had just happened to be reversed.

Their bodies ached from the prolonged battle, with each bruise serving as a reminder of the intense bout. Yet, even though the score was 9-1 in Kakashi's favor, Gai had proven himself to be an equal contender.

But, their silent acknowledgement was disrupted by a voice that echoed across the training grounds. Turning in unison, Kakashi and Gai found Rai standing at a distance. His forehead gleamed with sweat, and his face bore an expression of profound awe. His gaze was transfixed on the two warriors as he exclaimed, "Holy fuck, that was awesome!"


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Chapter 28 - Rivals or Lovers?
Observing the intense battle between Gai and Kakashi, Rai couldn't suppress his admiration and respect for the two. Their mastery over their skills was nothing short of awe-inspiring, each maneuver and retaliatory strike revealing more of their prowess.

Kakashi's ability to seemingly foretell Gai's every move particularly captivated Rai. He was astounded as Kakashi gracefully navigated through Gai's barrage, constantly maintaining an advantageous position. It was as if Kakashi had an innate understanding of Gai's thought process, allowing him to foresee his tactics and plan accordingly.

At the same time, Rai couldn't suppress his admiration for Gai's relentless resolve and unyielding spirit. Despite the apparent odds stacked against him, Gai displayed no signs of surrender, his faith in his capabilities unwavering. He persisted in the face-off with unyielding vigor, resolved to establish himself as a formidable contender to Kakashi.

As the battle continued, Rai could sense the escalating tension with each minute. He observed as both Gai and Kakashi stretched their capabilities to the extreme, neither willing to concede or show vulnerability. It was like watching two titans clash, each one determined to emerge victorious.

Despite the intense competition, Rai could sense a deep mutual respect between Gai and Kakashi. This camaraderie, interlaced with the spirit of sportsmanship, was tangible even as they tried to outdo each other.

He watched as Gai and Kakashi both exchanged one final blow, each resolute in their determination to emerge victorious. And in the endit was Gai who delivered the decisive blow. Despite being the underdog for most of the fight, Gai had successfully shifted the balance in his favor and seized the victory.

"Holy fuck, that was awesome," Rai said aloud, unable to contain his enthusiasm. Gai and Kakashi turned to look at him, and he could see the exhaustion and satisfaction etched on their faces.

Spotting Rai, Gai paused, giving him a long look. "Rai, is that you? Man, you've really grown up," Gai said, sounding genuinely surprised. A small chuckle slipped from Rai, amused by Gai's reaction. Regardless of the age difference, Gai's bold and vibrant character never failed to lighten up Rai's mood.

Taking a moment, Rai reflected on how it had been more than a quarter of a year since he last crossed paths with Gai. Gai had been busy with his missions and the everyday hustle of being a shinobi. Yet, through the passage of time, Gai's infectious energy and warmth were steadfast, a comforting constant that Rai appreciated.

"Yeah, it's me, Gai," Rai responded, a grin spreading across his face.

Kakashi, on the other hand, appeared slightly perplexed. Unacquainted with Rai, he wondered about the connection between him and Gai.

Noticing Kakashi's confusion, Gai quickly said, "Ah, my bad. This is Shikarai Nara, a young man I've had the privilege of imparting some taijutsu knowledge to." Gai explained, gesturing towards Rai.

"Planning to start wearing the spandex like Gai here?" Kakashi chimed in, a teasing edge in his voice. Gai beamed, puffing out his chest in pride. Rai couldn't help but chuckle at the banter, "Nah, I don't think I can rock the spandex as well as Gai does," he responded with a smirk. "But I might give his haircut a try," he added, joining in the humor.

Gai responded to Rai's remark with a hearty laugh, clearly delighted by the compliment. "Did you hear that, Kakashi? The youth of today appreciate the value of a good haircut!" he announced with a wide grin.

Kakashi couldn't help but feel a bit exasperated at Gai's response, realizing that he had entirely missed the sarcasm in Rai's comment. "Right, well...a good haircut does have its merits," Kakashi replied, attempting to steer the conversation in a different direction. Gai, however, seemed oblivious, continuing to revel in the praise he had received from Rai.

Kakashi gracefully withdrew from the conversation, "Given that you have a guest, Gai, I'll take my leave," he mentioned, acknowledging Rai with a nod.

As Kakashi made his departure, Gai redirected his focus onto Rai and inquired, "So, Rai, what's the purpose of your visit to the training field today?" His curiosity piqued.

Rai responded with a slightly embarrassed rub at the back of his neck. "To be honest, I was planning on training," he confessed. "However, I forgot to reserve the training ground for my session, hence I ended up intruding on your spar with Kakashi," he explained.

Gai laughed heartily, "You're right, Rai! Your forgetfulness led to quite an interesting day. You got to see an exciting match between Kakashi and me!" He flexed his biceps with pride.

Rai couldn't help but grin at Gai's infectious enthusiasm. "Sure did. It was quite a sight. Speaking of, you and Kakashi seem really close. Are you guys, you know, together or something?" he asked, a playful smirk on his face.

Gai's eyes nearly bulged out of his head at the suggestion. "Wha- No! What on earth gave you that idea, Rai?" he sputtered, clearly caught off guard.

Rai's grin broadened at Gai's flustered reaction. "Oh? But the way you two were looking at each other after the spar... it seemed filled with more than just 'battle passion'," he explained, trying to maintain a serious expression.

Gai's expression was a mix of shock and embarrassment. "Th-that's the heat of battle, Rai! It's the fervor of youthful competition!" he stammered, his face flushing a deep crimson.

Rai, unyielding in his tease, raised an eyebrow at Gai. "Oh, really? Are you sure it's not the fervor of youthful love?" He shot back, the corners of his mouth curving into an impish smile. Gai sputtered in surprise, his face a bright shade of red. "Wha— No! It's... We're rivals, Rai! Just rivals!" He managed to spit out defensively.

Rai couldn't help but chuckle at Gai's flustered response. He had rarely seen the usually boisterous and confident shinobi this off-balance. "You know what they say, Gai. Two rivals finding love in the heat of battle... Sounds like a top-selling book, doesn't it?" He smirked mischievously. "Maybe I should consider writing it."

Gai let out a nervous chuckle, still visibly embarrassed by Rai's relentless teasing. "Ha...ha... You're quite the joker, Rai," he managed to say trying to regain his composure.

"Alright, I'll stop with the teasing for now," Rai conceded, his laughter subsiding. "On a serious, I recently mastered my first jutsu and was hoping to get some practice in here. Do you have any more training scheduled for today, Gai? Also, what's the remaining duration for your booking of this training ground?" Rai asked, wanting to make sure he wouldn't be intruding on Gai's plans.

Gai flashed a friendly smile, shaking his head in response. "I'm finished with my session for today. The ground was only booked for an hour, and there should be roughly half that time remaining," he clarified. "Feel free to utilize the remainder of the time, Rai.

Gai motioned towards the training grounds and said, "I'll recuperate on the sidelines and observe your practice. Any available equipment is at your disposal."

Before starting his practice, Rai looked at Gai and said, "Actually, Gai, would you mind checking out my jutsu and giving me some tips? I'm still kinda new to this, and I bet you could really help me get better."

Gai's countenance shifted as Rai requested his advice on his jutsu. He drew in a deep breath and met Rai's gaze with a serious look. "I must apologize, Rai, but my expertise doesn't extend to ninjutsu or genjutsu," he admitted, shaking his head.

Gai stared at the ground and continued, "My aptitude in those two areas is quite limited, so I've focused exclusively on taijutsu. It's not that I'm unwilling to help you, but I wouldn't want to provide inaccurate guidance." He glanced back up at Rai with a small smile. "However, I'm confident that there are other shinobi in the village who could help you with ninjutsu and genjutsu if you're interested."

Rai felt a wave of guilt as he listened to Gai's explanation. He realized that he had been thoughtless in assuming that Gai could help him with ninjutsu, and felt regretful for putting him in an awkward position. "I apologize, Gai. I didn't realize," he said contritely.

Gai smiled and placed a hand on Rai's shoulder. "Don't worry about it, my friend. It's natural that you would think I could assist you with ninjutsu," he said comfortingly. "However, the truth is, I'm no longer embarrassed by this limitation. I became a genin using only taijutsu, and I have every confidence that I will continue to progress by focusing on this discipline."

He offered Rai an enthusiastic thumbs-up. "Feel free to practice your jutsu, Rai," he said with a warm smile. "And remember, if you ever need assistance with taijutsu, I'm here for you."

Just as Gai was about to sit down on the side, Rai spoke up suddenly. "Hold on, Gai, I think you might actually be able to help me," he said, facing Gai.

Rai took a deep breath before continuing, "I'm practicing the Nara clan's Shadow Paralysis Jutsu, and in order to advance further, I need to immobilize my mother for at least 30 seconds before I can learn anything more. But I'm struggling to maintain the hold long enough."

He looked at Gai with hope. "Do you think you could help me with that?"

Gai smiled and nodded at Rai. "Of course, I'd be glad to help. What do you need me to do?"

Rai grinned with relief. "Thank you, Gai. All I need you to do is stand still, and I'll handle the rest." He walked over to Gai and stood in front of him, facing his direction. "Just remain motionless, alright?" he asked Gai, who responded with a decisive nod.

Rai took a deep breath, began molding his chakra, and formed the Ne (rat) hand seal.


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Chapter 29 - A Friendly Spar
As Rai formed the Ne (rat) handseal, his shadow extended towards Gai, elongating and shifting as it moved, steadily creeping forward until it fused seamlessly with Gai's shadow.

Almost instantly, Gai experienced an overwhelming sensation of heaviness in his limbs. Rai concentrated on maintaining the jutsu as he could feel the strain on his chakra reserves, but he didn't waver.

Meanwhile, Gai found himself utterly incapacitated, with both movement and speech rendered impossible. The only action left available to him was to glance around, his eyes shifting rapidly in bewilderment.

Despite the passing seconds, Rai remained steadfast. He persistently channeled his chakra into the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu, ensuring Gai's continued immobilization.

But, despite his unyielding resolve, Rai found his chakra reserves diminishing rapidly. He could only maintain the Jutsu for approximately 18 seconds before he felt his chakra deplete. With a sharp intake of breath, he was forced to release the jutsu, his shadow retracting and retreating back to his form.

Rai staggered back, his chest heaving as he struggled to regain his breath.

Observing Rai's moment of exhaustion, Gai swiftly moved towards him, concern etched on his face. "Are you alright?" he asked, genuine worry resonating in his voice.

Rai, having caught his breath, lifted his gaze to meet Gai's. A feeble yet reassuring smile formed on his lips. "I'm fine," he assured Gai. "That was quite... intense," His breaths were still heavy, his chest rising and falling rhythmically.

Gai acknowledged Rai's efforts with an affirming nod. "You performed admirably, Rai. You managed to hold me for how long?"

"Roughly 18 seconds," he responded, his smile broadening with a newfound assuredness. "Not quite half a minute yet, but I'm inching closer each time."

Gai took a moment to ponder before inquiring further, "How have your chakra control exercises been progressing? Have you been dedicating time to practice them as well?"

"Yes, I've been working on the leaf concentration exercise, and I've made considerable progress there as well. I can maintain a total of five leaves while executing my taijutsu katas – two on the index and middle finger of each hand, and one on my forehead," Rai replied.

Gai acknowledged Rai's accomplishments with a nod and a smile. "That's impressive. Although I'm not well-versed in ninjutsu, it's evident that you have a firm grasp on your jutsu," he remarked. However, his tone shifted to a more serious note as he continued, "But what if the issue lies in your chakra control? While you've made some progress with the leaf concentration exercise, perhaps it's still insufficient."

Gai gazed at Rai earnestly and inquired, "Are you aware of the purpose behind chakra control exercises?"

Rai met Gai's gaze and responded affirmatively, "Yes, we engage in chakra control exercises to enhance our control over our chakra. This, in turn, enables us to execute our jutsu with greater efficacy and precision."

Gai attentively absorbed Rai's answer, then proceeded with a subsequent inquiry, "That's correct. Now, how does improved chakra control contribute to a more successful execution of jutsu?"

Rai pondered for a moment before responding, "When we have refined chakra control, we can utilize the optimal amount of chakra required for a specific jutsu. If we provide insufficient chakra, the jutsu won't activate. Conversely, an excess of chakra could lead to wastage or even self-inflicted harm."

Gai acknowledged Rai's response and continued, "Exactly. What if the issue at hand is rooted in your chakra control? Is it possible that you're still expending an excessive amount of chakra for your techniques?"

Rai found himself in a brief silence, contemplating Gai's proposition. Eventually, he responded, "Perhaps you have a point. While I have devoted significant time to honing my jutsu, it may be more beneficial to concentrate on the leaf manipulation exercise for refining my chakra control."

He rubbed his head thoughtfully, admitting, "It seems I've been so preoccupied with acquiring new skills that I somewhat disregarded the foundational lessons I had learned earlier. The solution was within my grasp all along, but I was too absorbed to recognize it." He then gazed at Gai with renewed determination and expressed his gratitude, "From now on, I'll pay greater attention to the fundamentals. Thank you so much Gai.

Gai grinned broadly at Rai's determination. "I'm always happy to help," he said, clapping the younger shinobi on the back. "Now that you've got your answers, How about we have a little spar?"

Rai paused for a moment, contemplating, before speaking up. "Are you sure you should be doing this? You just had a very intense match with Kakashi, and you must be exhausted," he said with a concerned look on his face.

Gai chuckled heartily and responded, "There's no need to be concerned, Rai. I'm always ready for a good spar. Besides, it'll give me a chance to see how much you've improved since our last training session."

"Alright, let's do it then," said Rai as he got up from the ground and assumed a fighting stance in front of Gai.

"Show me what you've got." gai said, a broad smile adorning his face.


Rai launched himself towards Gai, with an explosive burst of energy, aiming to catch him off-guard with the sudden move. However, Gai had already anticipated Rai's maneuver, effortlessly sidestepping and evading his attack.

Yet, Rai was not so easily discouraged. He recalculated his strategy on the fly, weaving a deceptive feint to the left before hurtling a ferocious strike from the right. Gai, however, remained as calm as a placid lake, smoothly retreating just out of reach, leaving Rai to only find empty air where his opponent should have been.

Determined to press on, Rai attempted a rapid jab, but Gai's seamless evasion left him swinging at empty air. Seizing the momentary advantage, Gai retaliated, his leg whipping out like a snake, connecting with Rai's abdomen, causing him to recoil and gasp for precious breath.

Rai stumbled, clutching his midsection, his lungs clawing for air. He knew he had to reassess his tactics if he hoped to gain the upper hand.

With a deep, steadying breath, Rai launched himself forward once more. This time, he led with a swirling overhead kick, aiming for Gai's head. But Gai was already in motion, ducking under the high-flying attack. Rai, however, had more tricks up his sleeve. He swiftly transitioned his spinning overhead kick into a ground-skimming sweep aimed at Gai's legs

Despite Rai's swift maneuver, Gai was not caught unaware. As Rai's sweeping kick sailed below him, Gai displayed a near superhuman agility, leaping over the strike and landing lightly behind Rai. Without wasting a breath, he pivoted and launched a devastating punch, a missile aimed directly at Rai's face.

Rai's eyes widened in alarm as he saw the incoming attack. He tried to evade, jerking his head to the side, but Gai's fist was a blur of speed, too quick to be outrun. It connected with a thunderous smack, a sound that echoed around them, and Rai was thrown to the ground, the world spinning around him.

However, Rai's spirit was indomitable. Casting aside the searing pain, he surged back to his feet and hurled himself forward once more. He rushed forward, unleashing a storm of punches and kicks, a flurry of desperate attacks, but Gai's movements were like that of a skilled dancer. He gracefully stepped to the side, ducked and weaved, blocking Rai's attacks with ease.

Gai's footwork was flawless, the ground beneath him seeming to become his dance floor. His steps were quick and precise, allowing him to change direction and pivot on a dime, slipping out of Rai's reach time and again.

The fight was a grueling marathon, and Rai could feel the exhaustion gnawing at his muscles. His once swift and decisive blows were slowing, his movements becoming less precise, his body no longer obeying his mind's commands with the same fervor. He knew he was teetering on the edge of his limits.

Summoning a final surge of energy from deep within, he launched a low sweep aimed at Gai's knees. But Gai, ever vigilant, predicted the move, his body already tensing to leap over the incoming strike. However, Rai was faster. He arrested his kick midway, pivoted on his heel, and transformed the sweep into a stunning uppercut. The blow rocketed into Gai's chin with a deafening impact.

The sheer force of the strike sent Gai reeling backwards. But even in this, Gai's grace was evident as he twisted mid-air, landing deftly on his feet. A look of astonishment crossed his face as he realized Rai had managed to catch him off guard. It was a maneuver that demanded exceptional control and agility, a feat beyond the reach of most people, let alone someone so young.

However, Rai's last-ditch effort came at a cost. He stumbled backward, his legs giving way as exhaustion overcame him. He crumpled to the ground, his back hitting the earth with a resounding thump.

Gai approached Rai, who lay there gasping for air, his chest heaving like a bellows. Sweat streamed down his face, tracing the lines of exhaustion etched deep into his features.

Gai extended a hand to Rai, offering him aid to rise. Rai gratefully accepted it, though as he hoisted himself up, a piercing pain shot through his side. His face twisted in a grimace, his hand instinctively flying to his ribs. Gai observed Rai's pained expression and inquired if he was alright. Rai nodded in response, but Gai could see the lingering discomfort in his eyes.

"You fought well my young friend," Gai said with a smile. "You've made significant progress since we began our training sessions."

Rai looked up at Gai, still struggling to catch his breath. Sweat drenched his face, and his muscles throbbed from the rigorous spar. "Thank you, Gai," he managed to say between breaths.

"It's clear that you've dedicated significant effort to mastering the Water Flow Kata," Gai remarked. "It was clearly demonstrated in your movements and the execution of that final maneuver."

However, Gai's expression turned serious as he continued speaking. "Your stamina, however, leaves much to be desired. You must concentrate on building your endurance. Becoming this fatigued after a single sparring session is not ideal. Bear in mind that a shinobi requires both proficiency and stamina to prevail in combat."

Gai's expression softened slightly as he continued to speak. "I understand that you have a lot on your plate, but the path to becoming a shinobi demands both sacrifice and dedication. It is crucial to prioritize your training if you wish to excel.

You're set to enroll in the academy next year, and while the initial year may not lay significant emphasis on physical conditioning, from the second year onward, your endurance will be tested through diverse challenges. It's essential that you are ready for that."

You know, I told you on the very first day we trained together that you have potential," Gai said, his voice firm but encouraging. "But potential is merely the starting point. You mustn't squander it. Instead, dedicate yourself to rigorous training to realize your full capabilities. And that included enhancing your endurance.

Naturally, it's crucial not to overburden yourself or exceed your physical boundaries. Yet, steadily and consistently, you should push yourself to the maximum extent possible each day. This approach will foster the development of your stamina and endurance."

Gai rested a hand on Rai's shoulder. "I have confidence in you. I'm convinced you're capable of achieving this because the flames of youth burn brightly within you."

Gai's demeanor lightened after a moment, a playful grin spreading across his face. "But enough of that for now. Let's get something to eat, shall we? My treat." He clapped Rai on the back, I know a place nearby that serves the best ramen in the village. You'll love it."


You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon.
Chapter 30 - Magic
Rai stood in the middle of the training field, surrounded by trees and the sound of rushing water from a nearby stream. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, clearing his mind of all distractions. Then, he began to move.

He started with the basic stances of the Water Flow Kata, his movements slow and deliberate. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his hands flowing through the air in graceful arcs. With each movement, he focused on his breathing, inhaling deeply as he extended his arms and exhaling as he retracted them.

As he progressed through the kata, his movements became faster and more fluid. He moved from one stance to the next, his body twisting and turning in perfect synchronization. With each movement, he could feel his muscles straining, the exertion pushing him to his limits.

But he didn't stop there. As he continued with the kata, he also began to practice the Leaf Concentration Exercise for chakra control. He picked up a few leaves, closed his eyes and focused his attention on attaching the leaves to his fingers and forehead. He took deep breaths and cleared his mind, centering himself on the task at hand.

With his fingers and hands in various positions Rai began to glide through the Water Flow Kata. As he navigated through the different stances and forms, he kept a firm focus on the leaves and their locations. He visualized the flow of chakra from his core to his fingertips, ensuring that his control over it remained steady as he transferred his weight from foot to foot, executing each technique with precision and grace.

With each movement, Rai could feel the leaves on his fingers and forehead shifting ever so slightly, testing his concentration and chakra control. He had to ensure that the leaves remained attached to his fingers and forehead throughout the entire kata, without falling off or losing their position. As he reached the end of the kata, Rai took a deep breath and paused for a moment to steady himself.

He looked at the leaves on his fingers, which remained perfectly still despite his movements. Rai dropped the leaves from his fingers and let out a deep breath, feeling the strain of the training session in his muscles. He knew that rest and recovery were just as important as training, and he needed to give his body time to heal and rebuild.

With a deep breath, he turned to head home. As he walked, he couldn't help but think about what Gai had said. He knew that he needed to work on his stamina if he wanted to succeed in the academy and become a great shinobi.

As he walked through the streets of his village, he felt the warmth of the sun on his skin and heard the sound of people going about their daily lives. He greeted a few people he knew along the way and smiled at the children playing in the streets.

Upon reaching his home, he stepped inside and made his way to his room. Drawing a deep breath, he stretched his weary muscles, sensing the tightness and discomfort gradually dissipating.

Swiftly discarding his workout attire, Rai moved towards the washroom and ran a hot bath. The sensation of warm water enveloping his body brought immediate relief, aiding in easing his strained muscles and providing a sense of relaxation.

After basking in the therapeutic warmth for a good while, Rai emerged from the bath, patting himself dry. Slipping into clean attire, he made his way to the kitchen in search of a quick snack. A quick scan of the pantry rewarded him with a selection of dried fruits and nuts, which he proceeded to arrange in a bowl.

Balancing the bowl of snacks in one hand, Rai navigated his way to the study room. His gaze swept across the multitude of scrolls stacked on the bookshelf before he decided on two titled "Chakra Mastery: Techniques for Control and Manipulation I and II," authored by the venerable Misaki Nara.

Known for her profound insight and understanding of chakra, Misaki devoted the majority of her life to studying and decoding the enigma of chakra control. However, her untimely demise came just prior to Tobirama Senju's appointment as the Second Hokage, a loss that sent ripples of grief through the Nara clan. She was revered not only for her scholarly contributions but also for the warmth and affection she embodied as a clan member.

The scrolls offered an extensive range of chakra control methods, meticulously arranged in ascending order of complexity. At the beginner's level, the techniques focused on rudimentary chakra control and the art of chakra visualization. As the complexity escalated, the techniques demanded a more profound mastery over chakra manipulation.

Yoshino had observed Rai's difficulties with chakra control and recommended he utilize these scrolls as a means of enhancement. Nevertheless, he was granted access solely to the initial two segments of the scroll, as his mother insisted that he first master the rudimentary techniques before delving into the more complex ones.

The initial section of the scroll delved into an exhaustive explanation of the Leaf Concentration Exercise, along with multiple variations and adjustments to increase its difficulty. The scroll offered guidance and techniques to augment focus and concentration, in addition to methods for assessing progress and monitoring improvements.

Rai had devoted numerous hours to practicing the exercises within this section of the scroll, and he had successfully mastered the Leaf Concentration Exercise.

Having mastered the Leaf Concentration Exercise, Rai had acquired enhanced control over his chakra and refined his skills in focus and concentration. He could now effortlessly attach a leaf to each of his fingers and forehead, and even sustain his concentration while executing basic taijutsu maneuvers.

Nevertheless, despite his advancements, Rai was aware that there was still room for improvement. He was only able to hold his mother immobilized with the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu for a span of 25 seconds before his chakra reserves were exhausted.

With his limitations in mind, Rai decided to move on to the second scroll. He unfurled the second scroll eagerly, keen to discover new methods to enhance his chakra control. Nevertheless, the scroll opened with a warning, urging that the exercises within should only be undertaken by those who had already mastered the fundamentals of chakra control and manipulation, as outlined in the first scroll.

The scroll further clarified that chakra inherently possessed three properties: attraction, neutrality, and repulsion. Rai had mastered the Leaf Concentration Exercise, which utilized the attractive property of chakra, allowing him to control and manipulate small objects such as leaves. Many of the more sophisticated chakra control exercises also employed the attractive property, albeit in more intricate ways.

It was to be noted that the neutral property of chakra was an advanced topic that was beyond the scope of the scroll, and that it would not be covered in detail. However, it was briefly mentioned that genjutsu and ninjutsu techniques required the user to manipulate the neutral property of chakra in order to achieve their desired effect.

It was further explained that the repulsion property of chakra often played a critical role in taijutsu techniques, enabling shinobi to deflect assaults or amplify the force of their physical blows. Moreover, this property also found use in specific chakra control exercises.

It was important to note that a shinobi's body would subconsciously utilize all three properties of chakra, depending on the technique being used. There was no method to intentionally isolate and use a single chakra property, as the body would automatically adjust to use the necessary property corresponding to the performed technique.

In essence, there was no requirement for shinobi to dedicate specific training to each chakra property in isolation, as their body would instinctively transition between these properties based on the nature of the technique employed. However, a comprehensive understanding of the chakra properties could be instrumental in devising new techniques or enhancing current ones.

The chakra control exercise outlined in this scroll made use of the chakra's repulsion property. The exercise, known as the Feather Floatation Exercise, entailed manipulating the chakra flow within the body to keep a feather suspended in mid-air. Precise control and expert manipulation of chakra were crucial in this exercise, as even the most minor variances in chakra flow could affect the feather's levitation.

In order to perform the Feather Floatation Exercise, a shinobi would need to hold a feather in between their fingers, with their hand in a cupped shape. They would then have to release just the right amount of chakra from their fingertips to float the feather in the air. This required a great deal of precision and control, as too much or too little chakra could cause the feather to either drop or fly away uncontrollably.

The user would also need to release an equal amount of chakra from each of their fingers, as this was crucial for maintaining balance and stability in the exercise. It was essential to maintain a constant and even flow of chakra through each finger, as any imbalance could cause the feather to tilt or spin out of control.

As the Feather Floatation Exercise progressed to more advanced levels, practitioners would employ both hands to suspend a feather in each palm. This heightened the demand for control and precision over the chakra flow, as the two feathers had to remain in harmony while being independently manipulated.

The final step in mastering the Feather Floatation Exercise was to add rotation to the feathers. This involved controlling the flow of chakra in a circular pattern, causing the feathers to spin in the air. The technique required a combination of precise control, manipulation, and timing to keep the feathers in sync and maintain the rotation.

The scroll concluded by emphasizing the importance of mastering the Feather Floatation Exercise before attempting more advanced chakra control techniques. The user must be able to perform the exercise with perfect precision, control, and timing. It was also advised that before moving on to the third scroll, the user start to focus on strengthening their core.

Rai took a deep breath and closed the scroll, feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information he had just absorbed. He took a moment to contemplate on what he had read, visualizing the exercises and techniques in his mind.

As he delved deeper into the realm of chakra, Rai's awareness of his own limitations grew. Despite his accomplishments and mastery of the Leaf Concentration Exercise, he recognized the vastness of his ignorance. The more he learned, the more he realized the vast expanse of knowledge that lay before him, humbling him in the face of the vastness of chakra's mysteries.

However, Rai couldn't ignore the allure of becoming a true shinobi, capable of harnessing the power of ninjutsu or genjutsu. The idea of wielding mystical abilities and having the strength to move mountains was an irresistible dream. He was willing to put in an enormous amount of work and practice to achieve his goals. After all, what man hasn't dreamt of being able to use magic or becoming powerful enough to split stones?

While it might seem like mere fantasy to others, Rai was resolute in his determination to turn it into reality. To him, chakra was his own form of magic, and he was fervently committed to unlocking its boundless potential through tireless effort and unwavering practice. The pursuit of his dreams drove him forward, propelling him to explore the depths of his abilities and ascend to new heights.


You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon.
Chapter 31 - Shadow Possession Jutsu
Rai sat cross-legged in his backyard, a feather in one hand and his other hand cupped beneath it. He focused his chakra, feeling the energy flow from his core and into his fingertips. With a steady hand, he released a small amount of chakra from each finger, aiming to maintain an even flow.

As he released the chakra, the feather began to lift off his hand, hovering just inches above his palm. He adjusted the flow of chakra in his fingers, tilting his hand slightly to keep the feather from falling or flying away. It required constant concentration and adjustment to maintain the feather's height and stability, as even the slightest fluctuation in chakra flow could cause the feather to become unbalanced.

He had been practicing the Feather Floatation Exercise for a week and a half, and he could already see the progress he had made. With each passing day, he had been able to release a more even flow of chakra from his fingertips, and the feather would stay afloat for longer periods of time.

Having devoted ample time to the exercise, Rai felt it was time to conclude the day's practice. He handled the feather with the utmost care, placing it back into the pouch. Following this, he allowed himself to sink into a state of serene meditation, his focus shifting to the rhythm of his breathing, allowing his chakra to replenish itself. Once he felt ready, he made his way towards the kitchen where his mother was preparing dinner.

"Hey, Mom," Rai greeted as he stepped into the kitchen. "I've been practicing the chakra control exercises from the scrolls you gave me. I believe I've managed to grasp the rudimentary stages of the Feather Floatation Exercise, although I am fully aware that my control needs more refinement."

His mother glanced at him, His mother glanced at him, "That's great to hear, Rai. But what about the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu?"

"That's precisely why I'm here," he responded, "I am certain that my hold over the jutsu has improved considerably. Can you help me out, Mom?"

She nodded, her hands busy giving the final touches to their meal. Once done, she turned to face her son fully, her focus shifting to his training. "Alright, let's do this. Show me what you've got."

Leading his mother into the spacious living room, Rai made sure to clear an adequate area for their practice session. "Alright, Mom, here it goes," Rai said, as he focused his gaze on his mother.

Rai took a deep breath and formed the Ne (rat) hand seal. "Shadow Paralysis Jutsu!" he exclaimed. His shadow surged forth, intertwining seamlessly with his mother's, rendering her immobile.

With a laser-focused concentration, Rai channeled his chakra, striving to sustain the jutsu as long as his energy would permit. His mother was now frozen in place, her expression stoic, her gaze unblinking as she willingly submitted to the effects of Rai's technique.

Rai felt the drain of his chakra, each passing second seemed to leech more energy from his body, yet he clung stubbornly to the jutsu. His teeth were clenched tightly, sweat accumulating on his brow, as he called upon every ounce of his strength.

Ultimately, the inevitability of his exhaustion couldn't be denied. As his chakra reserves hit a critical low, Rai was forced to release the jutsu. He sank to the floor, chest heaving as he attempted to regain his breath. "Held it... for 28 seconds," he said amidst labored breaths.

Even amidst the exhilaration of his efforts, the shadow of disappointment loomed large, as he had aspired to maintain the jutsu for a full 30 seconds. He cast his gaze downwards momentarily, letting himself feel the sting of disappointment. Regaining his composure after a few restorative breaths, he raised his eyes to meet his mother's, "Mom, would it be alright if I asked you for a favor?"

His mother regarded him with a raised eyebrow, interest piqued. "Absolutely, Rai. What do you need?"

Rai hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I was hoping for your permission to study the third scroll."

His mother regarded him with a contemplative gaze, taking a moment to ponder his request before giving her consent. "Very well, but I must insist on one condition. You must promise to abstain from practicing any technique from the scroll until you've sufficiently bolstered your chakra control. Rai, while I have faith in your judgement, I want to make sure that you understand the potential dangers of rushing into something you're not ready for."

Rai nodded eagerly. "I understand, Mom. I promise I won't try to practice the technique until I am ready. I just want to study the scroll and learn more about the techniques of our clan."

His mother's lips curled into a smile, her hand gently ruffling his hair. "Well then, let me retrieve the scroll for you." She then proceeded to fetch the scroll from a cabinet nearby and handed it over to Rai.

Rai took the scroll with a grateful smile and thanked his mother before making his way to the study. He settled himself at his desk in the study and eagerly began to read the contents of the third scroll.


Unfurling the scroll, Rai was greeted with the title of the technique: "Shadow Possession Jutsu." Yet, it wasn't this title that intrigued him. Rather, it was the verse inscribed just beneath it that held his attention.
"Much like a puppeteer with invisible threads,
Begins the master of shadowy dread.
He bends and twists, he breaks and shakes,
All within the shadow's dusky wake."

Without wasting any more time, Rai continued to read the scroll. As He read on, he discovered that the Shadow Possession Jutsu was actually an advanced form of the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu.

The scroll mentioned that in order to learn the Shadow Possession Jutsu, a shinobi must first attain a certain degree of mastery in the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu. The Shadow Possession Jutsu requires a deeper level of chakra control and manipulation than its predecessor, and the user must be able to maintain the paralysis for an extended period of time.

It also explicitly warned of severe repercussions should the Shadow Possession Jutsu be attempted without achieving complete mastery over the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu.

The Shadow Possession Jutsu, as it turned out, imposed a significant chakra expenditure that was much higher than that of its predecessor, the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu. It was clear that without meticulous chakra control, a user could easily exhaust their entire chakra reserve, resulting in severe physical debilitation.

As Rai delved deeper into the text, he found a comprehensive explanation of the Shadow Possession Jutsu. The manuscript indicated that this technique granted the user the ability to manipulate and elongate their shadow, allowing them to control an adversary's movements by forging a connection between their own shadow and that of their target.

Upon establishment of this connection, the target becomes entirely immobilized, forcibly mirroring the user's movements. The text went on to explain the tactical advantage of this, making it an exceptional technique for apprehending or restraining opponents.

The scroll underlined the necessity of mastering the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu as a prerequisite to learning the Shadow Possession Jutsu, given the similarity in their initial stages.

Moving forward, Rai found an intricate depiction of the procedure to enact the Shadow Possession Jutsu. The script described a precise order of three hand seals – Tatsu (Dragon), Hitsuji (Ram), and Ne (Rat) – that were integral to the successful execution of the technique. Any deviation from this sequence could result in either an unsuccessful attempt or unintended consequences.

The combination of these three hand seals - Tatsu, Hitsuji, and Ne - enabled the user to modify the properties of their extended shadow. The nature of the shadow would evolve from confining to imitating, thereby granting the user the ability to control their adversary's actions by mirroring their own movements.

Finally, it was mentioned that proficiency in the Shadow Possession Jutsu could pave the way for more sophisticated shadow techniques. This mastery would enable the practitioner to explore the myriad possibilities of shadow manipulation and uncover its secrets.

Upon concluding his reading, Rai rolled up the scroll and sunk into a moment of introspective silence, meditating upon the profound implications of the Shadow Possession Jutsu. An unease crept within him as he pondered the potential misuse of such a potent technique for malicious intent.

Exhaling deeply, Rai stood up from his desk and walked out of the study. He made his way towards the living room with a lost expression, still contemplating the potential uses and consequences of the Shadow Possession Jutsu. His mother, noticing his contemplative state, asked him about his thoughts.

Rai hesitated for a moment before answering, " "I can't help but think about what could go wrong with this jutsu," he finally admitted to his mother. "It's a powerful technique, but it could also be used for some horrendous things."

He met his mother's gaze, his eyes filled with a hint of unease, "And this is just one jutsu among many. What about the other clans? They must have their own techniques that are equally or even more hazardous." he continued, his tone carrying a sense of concern.

Yoshino nodded understandingly. "You're absolutely correct, Rai. The Shadow Possession Jutsu is just one of many techniques within our clan's repertoire, and the other clans undoubtedly possess their own formidable techniques. However, it is our responsibility as shinobi to wield our abilities with caution, always mindful of the consequences and the impact we have on others."

Placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder, She continued. "I know it can be overwhelming, but you know what..." She paused for a moment before continuing. "I originally didn't want to go, but the Chunin Exams are coming up and they will be held in the village arena.

Even though you are young, I believe it would be beneficial for you to witness the Chunin Exams. It is an opportunity to broaden your horizons and gain insight into the vast array of techniques and abilities possessed by other shinobi."

Rai's brow furrowed in confusion, " "What exactly are the Chunin Exams?" he asked, not quite sure what she was talking about.

Yoshino smiled at her son's curiosity and explained, "In the shinobi world, there exists a hierarchy based on three ranks: genin, chunin, and jonin. Upon graduating from the academy, shinobi are initially classified as genin. However, to ascend to the next rank of chunin, they must successfully navigate a rigorous examination known as the Chunin Exam. This test serves as a comprehensive evaluation of their skills, knowledge, and overall capabilities as a shinobi. As for jonin, you'll learn about that when the time comes."

Yoshino continued, "The Chunin Exams offer a great opportunity to witness the skills and talents of fellow shinobi from our village. It's going to be held three days from now, and we will attend as spectators. It will be a good chance for you to learn more about the different techniques and abilities used by other shinobi."

Yoshino smiled at Rai and said, "But for now, let's rest and get ready for dinner. It's almost time." She ruffled his hair affectionately before turning to leave the room.


You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon.
Chapter 32 - Finding a New Path
Rai smiled and bid his mother goodnight before entering his room. The moment the door latched behind him, however, the crushing weight of reality seemed to descend upon him. His breath hitched, turning sporadic and shallow as the onset of hyperventilation gripped him. Cold beads of sweat surfaced on his forehead while a sense of claustrophobia clawed at him, giving the illusion of the walls inching towards him.

In a desperate bid to regain control, Rai staggered towards the bedside table, intending to take a soothing sip of water. But as he reached for the glass, his hands, betraying his outward composure, trembled uncontrollably. The glass slipped from his shaky grasp, crashing to the floor and shattering into fragments

The resonating crash of the shattered glass amplified his spiraling anxiety, causing his internal turmoil to spin further out of control. He crumpled onto his bed, each gasping breath a battle, his mind racing with all the possibilities of danger and harm that could come his way as a shinobi.

His thoughts were a stormy sea of chaos as he struggled to calm himself down. "No, no, this isn't right...this was never part of the plan.," he thought to himself. "I can't let my fear control me like this. I can't do this." He tried to take deep breaths and calm himself down, but it seemed like a herculean task amidst his current state of disarray.

"This is not a fairytale," he thought. "This is a bloody nightmare." Vivid recollections from the day's events haunted him - the brutal sight of blood, the chilling acts of violence, the looming specter of danger It was overwhelming, too intense for him to digest. He struggled to suppress these ghastly images, yet they invaded his thoughts, unbidden and insistent.

He tried to remind himself of his training and the guidance of his mother and father, but it all felt hollow in the face of the brutality he had witnessed. The world he lived in was harsh and unforgiving, and he wondered if he had what it took to survive in it.

He berated himself, thinking, "How could I have been so naïve? How could I have failed to recognize the gravity of my actions? I was training to become a shinobi, a warrior capable of taking lives. But I never truly considered the ramifications of such a path."

He felt overwhelmed with guilt and fear, wondering if he was capable of such violence and if he could handle the weight of taking someone's life. The thought alone made him feel sick to his stomach.

The intensity of the violence he had borne witness to in the Chunin exams left an indelible imprint on Rai's conscience. It bewildered him to see even youngsters, barely older than him, display such ferocity. "If such was the norm amongst my peers, what of the adults? What about the jonin? I...I can't take this. Why was I brought into this world? What purpose do I serve as a shinobi?" His spirit was in disarray, his sense of direction adrift.

His thoughts threatened to engulf him, and in the face of the surging emotional tide, his defenses crumbled. Tears welled up, tracing hot paths down his cheeks. He acknowledged the futility of just sitting idly, he couldn't just sit there and wallow in despair.

Rai, gathering his composure, wiped his tear-streaked face, thinking, "There has to be something I can do." The notion of surrendering to this grim fate was intolerable. But could he genuinely embrace the life of a shinobi? The allure of learning martial arts or jutsu was undeniable, but to be coerced into the act of killing, that's a hard pass."

Rai was well aware of his roots and heritage as a member of a shinobi clan; abandoning this identity was out of the question. Simultaneously, the concept of taking lives as an integral part of his duty was something he found impossible to swallow. He needed to find a way to reconcile his beliefs with his reality.

As his thoughts continued to churn, a realization hit him. He didn't have to become a shinobi that takes lives; he could become a shinobi that saves lives. Rai's frantic heart gradually steadied, and his breathing normalized. "A medical-nin," he murmured to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. "That seems the most suitable path."

As Rai came to a decision, he knew the first thing he needed to do was talk to his parents about it. Yet, he found himself wrestling with the uncertainty of how to broach this subject. He devoted the remainder of the sleepless night, crafting and recrafting the conversation in his mind.

He didn't want to go against the traditions and expectations of his shinobi clan, but he also couldn't ignore his own beliefs and values.

He mentally rehearsed various dialogues, searching for the right words that would express his feelings without causing conflict. The progression of the night saw Rai's energy waning, yet his determination held steadfast. He was aware that his decision carried far-reaching implications for his life's path. In the early morning, after a long battle with his thoughts, he eventually surrendered to fatigue, drifting off into a restless sleep.


Yoshino woke up the next morning, feeling a sense of unease. She had noticed that Rai had been acting strangely the night before, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. Opting to give him some privacy, she chose not to intrude, allowing him to sort through his thoughts independently.

Yet as the morning hours passed, her concern amplified. Rai was typically the early bird, up before the rest, enthusiastic for training, but today, he was nowhere to be seen. His room remained quiet and untouched. She approached, gently rapping on his door, but no response came.

POV Yoshino:

I slowly pushed open the door to Rai's room and as I entered the room, I found him sprawled haphazardly across his bed, still clad in the same outfit from yesterday's Chunin Exams.

I approached him cautiously, trying not to wake him up. However, as I drew nearer, I could see that his face looked pale and was creased with worry, and I knew that something must be seriously bothering him. Gently touching his shoulder, I softly called out, "Rai? Is everything alright?"

His movements were sluggish as he roused, his eyes opening slowly. "Mom?" he mumbled, his voice hoarse from what I assumed was lack of sleep. "What's the time

"It's late," I responded gently. "You missed your training this morning. Are you feeling okay?"

He ran a hand over his face and gradually rose to a seated position, his features baring a worn-out expression. "I'm alright," he managed to voice out, almost too soft to hear. "Just had a restless night."

Sensing that there lay a deeper layer beneath his response, I refrained from prying. Instead, I mustered a tender smile and pressed a loving kiss to his forehead, assuring him to take all the time he needed to gather himself.

Suppressing any undue concerns, I resolved to not dwell excessively on Rai's apparent distress. I had faith that he would approach me in due course, when he felt ready to share his worries. For now, I needed to trust in his resilience and reassure myself that he would eventually find solace.


POV Normal:

As Yoshino departed the room, Rai lingered for a brief moment, collecting himself and inhaling deep breaths in an attempt to regain composure. He acknowledged that the time for concealing his inner turmoil had reached its limit. With resolute determination, he committed to sharing his burdens with his mother.

Changing swiftly into fresh attire, he made his way to the kitchen where the aroma of breakfast wafted through the air. His voice trembled slightly with nerves as he approached Yoshino. "Mom," he began, his tone betraying a mix of apprehension and vulnerability. "There's something I need to talk to you about,"

Yoshino turned to face him, concern etched on her face. "Of course, Rai. Is everything alright?" she inquired, setting aside the spatula and affording him her undivided attention.

Rai hesitated, his conscience pricking with guilt as he prepared to deceive his mother. However, the necessity of this conversation overshadowed his worries. Lowering his gaze briefly, he inhaled deeply, summoning his resolve before meeting her eyes once more. "Mom, I want to be a medical-nin," he said, his voice steady and resolute.

Yoshino's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly regained her composure. "A medical-nin?" she repeated, curious. "What brought this on?"

Rai drew a deep breath, carefully recounting his observations during the Chunin Exams, the impact of the violence on his psyche, and his newfound desire to bring about change by preserving lives instead of ending them.

"I understand," Yoshino responded, her hand tenderly resting upon Rai's cheek as she offered a reassuring smile "Rai, I'm proud of you for thinking about this. Becoming a medical-nin is a noble goal, and I'm sure your father and I will support you every step of the way.

She continued, her voice filled with encouragement, "In fact, you may possess a unique advantage in this field. While the Nara clan may not traditionally specialize in medical ninjutsu, our lineage has cultivated an extensive history of expertise in medicine and the healing arts."

Rai regarded his mother with a perplexed expression, his confusion etched onto his features. "Aren't healing arts and medical ninjutsu essentially the same?" he questioned

"In a sense, they share a connection," Yoshino clarified, "however, medical ninjutsu primarily revolves around utilizing chakra to mend wounds and address ailments, whereas healing arts often encompass non-chakra-based methods such as herbal remedies, poultices, and other forms of treatment. Each holds its own significance, and having a foundation in healing arts can undoubtedly complement your journey as a medical-nin."

She continued, "As a member of the Nara clan, you possess access to a wealth of advanced medical knowledge and techniques. Coupled with your intellect and dedication, I have complete faith that you will thrive and become an exceptional medical-nin."

Rai's countenance brightened, the burden he had carried dissipating as a smile bloomed upon his lips. "Thank you, Mom," he expressed sincerely, the relief evident in his voice. "I feel better already. I'm glad I could talk to you about this."

Yoshino reciprocated the smile, her hand finding solace upon his shoulder. "Of course, Rai. I'm always here for you. Whatever path you choose, our unwavering support will be with you every step of the way."

Yoshino then turned serious and added, "But I want you to know that the path of a medical-nin is not an easy one. It requires an extensive amount of study, training, and dedication.

If you genuinely choose this path, Rai, then it demands your utmost dedication. Merely being an average medical-nin is insufficient when lives hang in the balance," she stressed. "You will bear the weight of your comrades' well-being and survival, and that is an immense responsibility"

Rai looked at his mother with his eyes filled with resolve and determination. "I understand, Mom. I will work much, much harder than I already do. I want to make a difference and save lives. I won't let you down," he said firmly.

Yoshino smiled, proud of her son's determination. "I know you won't, Rai," she said. "We'll have to make some changes to your training schedule to accommodate your new goal, but for now, let's have breakfast." She turned back to the stove and began serving up some eggs and bacon onto their plates.

Rai felt a sense of relief wash over him, knowing that his mother was supportive of his decision. He ate his breakfast with newfound energy and determination, ready to embark on a new path and make a difference as a medical-nin.

You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon.
Chapter 33 - A New Beginning
Year 62 (After Konohoa was established).

Yoshino fussed over Rai's clothes, adjusting his collar and straightening out his shirt. "Are you sure you don't need anything? Do you have everything packed? Your books and writing materials?" she asked, checking his backpack. "And don't forget your lunch, did you pack it?"

Rai gave a soft chuckle, amused by his mother's attentiveness. "Yes, Mom, I have everything. You've already checked my bag twice," he said, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement.

Yoshino exhaled gently, her gaze growing distant as she looked at Rai. "Yes, I know, I'm just...You grew up too soon, and your father is not here to see you off. He wouldn't have missed this day for the world, but..." she trailed off, her voice catching in her throat.

Rai could see the sadness in his mother's eyes and felt a pang of guilt. He knew his father's absence was a sore subject for her, but there was nothing he could do about it. Instead, he hugged her tightly and said, "It's okay, Mom. I know Dad would be proud of me, and I know you are, too..

"I should go now, or I'll be late for my first day. I'll catch up with you in the evening," he said with a smile before grabbing his backpack and heading inside the academy.


POV Rai:
I walked up to the entrance of the Leaf Shinobi Academy, taking in the sight of the massive building in front of me. I could see other kids milling about, some chatting excitedly while others looked nervous.

The entrance was bustling with activity, with older students hurrying to their classes and instructors calling for the first-year students to gather inside the playground of the academy.

I made my way through the crowd and followed the other first-year students to the playground.

There were around 50 students gathered in the ground, most of them looking confused or scared. Some were talking to what seemed like their friends, trying to calm each other down. I took a spot near the edge of the group.

An instructor came to the playground, dressed in a black and green outfit. He wore a stern expression on his face, as if he was used to dealing with unruly students.

He had high cheekbones, a straight nose, and a strong jawline. His dark hair was pulled back into a neat bun at the nape of his neck. His eyes were a deep brown, and they seemed to bore into each and every one of us as he spoke. His stance was rigid, and I could tell that he wasn't someone to be messed with.

He called out for everyone's attention and instructed us to quiet down and line up.

I followed the instructor's directions and lined up with the other students. As we formed a line, I found myself in the middle of the group. I glanced around at the other students, most of whom were still fidgeting and whispering nervously to their neighbors.

I couldn't help but feel a bit out of place among them. While I was certainly nervous, it did help that I was around 29 years old now if I took into account my age from my previous life.

The instructor cleared his throat and spoke out loud. "Welcome, students, to the Leaf Shinobi Academy," he said in a deep, commanding voice.

"We have gathered out here to wait for the Hokage, who will be arriving shortly," the instructor continued. "He will be here to impart some words of wisdom to our newest students. But before that, let me introduce myself. My name is Hiroshi Nakamura, and I will be your homeroom teacher for the duration of your time here at the academy."

Hiroshi 's voice was stern, but there was a hint of kindness in his tone that made me feel at ease. He then continued, "I expect everyone to be silent and respectful in the presence of the Hokage. Any misbehavior or disobedience will not be tolerated and will result in punishment."

Just then, a voice came from the side, "Now, now, Hiroshi. They are just kids."


POV normal:

The voice belonged to an older man with a with a wise and experienced aura. His face bore the lines and wrinkles that come with age, yet his sharp, dark eyes gleamed with intelligence and determination. He was dressed in a red and white robe and a hat with the symbol of the Leaf Village on it. His white, spiky hair was tucked under his hat and his chin was adorned with a distinctive goatee that gave him a distinguished appearance.

It was none other than Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village. He walked up to the front and stood beside Hiroshi.

Hiroshi bowed respectfully to the Hokage and greeted him, "Lord Hokage, it's an honor to have you here with us today." The Third Hokage gave a small smile and returned the greeting.

Hiruzen then turned his attention to the first-year students, who were gazing at him in awe. He regarded them with a warm and gentle smile before beginning to speak.

"Young shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village, it is a pleasure to be here with you today. You stand at the threshold of a remarkable journey. As you embark on your path to becoming fully-fledged shinobi, you'll encounter trials and tribulations, but you'll also experience great joy and achievement.

During your time here, you will face innumerable challenges and hardships. Your bodies and minds will be pushed to their limits, and at times, you may even question the path you have chosen. However, it is in the face of adversity that we truly discover who we are and what we are capable of achieving. Do not shy away from these obstacles; instead, face them head-on, and let them forge you into the exceptional shinobi that I know you can become.

Remember that you are the future of the Leaf Village. You carry the hopes and dreams of your families, your friends, and all those who have come before you. Your strength, your wisdom, and your commitment will determine the course of our village's future.

As you train and grow, never forget the bonds that connect you to your comrades. In the world of shinobi, teamwork is essential. Your successes and failures will not be yours alone, but shared with those who stand beside you. Cherish and protect each other, for in doing so, you will find strength beyond measure.

Lastly, always strive for greatness, but do not forget the importance of humility and compassion. These qualities are the foundation of a true shinobi's heart.

I have complete faith that each and every one of you possesses the potential to achieve greatness, to leave an indelible mark on our world, and to become beacons of hope for generations to come. So, as you venture forth into this new chapter of your lives, remember the values and principles that define the Hidden Leaf Village. Carry them with you, and you will not only become exceptional shinobi but extraordinary human beings as well."

As Hiruzen concluded his speech, the faces of everyone around Rai were flushed red, and their eyes sparkled with awe and admiration. The powerful words of the Third Hokage had stirred a profound sense of pride and determination within each and every one of them. They stood tall, shoulders squared, and hearts filled with a burning passion to embrace the path that lay before them.

Meanwhile, Rai wore a funny expression on his face as he observed the reactions of those around him. He couldn't help but compare the situation to his previous world, where five-year-olds would have started to fall asleep by now, simply because they wouldn't understand the complexity of such a speech. This contrast between the two worlds amused him and made him realize just how different his current environment was from the one he had known before.

The Hokage noticed the varied reactions among the children and chuckled softly. "Alright, I won't bore you any further," he said with a warm smile. "I'll leave you in the capable hands of your sensei, who will guide you through your training and help you become skilled shinobi. Remember, the journey may be tough, but with hard work and dedication, you can achieve greatness. Good luck!" With that, he nodded to the Hiroshi and made his way out of the training area.

Hiroshi, sensing the anticipation and excitement among the students, motioned for them to gather around. "Alright, everyone," he called out in a firm yet friendly tone. "Please follow me to our classroom." With that, he turned and started to walk towards the building, the eager young students following closely behind.

Upon reaching their destination, Hiroshi stopped in front of a door with the label "Classroom 1-A" inscribed on it. He swung the door open, revealing a spacious room with rows of desks and a chalkboard at the front. Natural sunlight filtered in through the large windows, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

"Welcome to Classroom 1-A," he announced, gesturing for the students to enter. The young shinobi eagerly filed into the room, their eyes taking in every detail of their new learning environment.

Hiroshi looked around at the students, "Alright, everyone, please find a seat and make yourselves comfortable."

The young shinobi quickly scanned the room for an empty desk, excitedly chattering with one another as they found their places and settled in for their first day of class.

Rai's eyes were drawn to a vacant seat near the back of the classroom, right beside the window. He made his way through the room, careful not to bump into anyone, and slid into the seat. The view of the courtyard and the sky beyond provided a calming background, and he thought it would be a perfect spot to observe both the class and the outside world during lessons.

Once all the students had found their seats and settled down, Hiroshi began to distribute their class schedules. He moved from desk to desk, handing each student a neatly printed timetable detailing their lessons and activities for the upcoming weeks. As the students eagerly scanned their schedules, their sensei patiently waited for everyone to become familiar with their new routine.

As Rai looked over his schedule, he noticed that it was exactly as he had expected. There were no shinobi-related subjects listed. Instead, the timetable consisted of mundane subjects like history, science, mathematics, and geography.

The realization hit Rai that he would have to attend the academy despite having already studied all of these subjects and being surrounded by hyperactive children wasn't going to make the experience any less challenging for Rai. Their boundless energy and excitement seemed to be in stark contrast with his more mature mindset.

As Rai wallowed in despair, a voice called out to him from the seat next to him. "Hey, are you alright?" The concern in the voice snapped Rai back to reality, and he turned to see a friendly face looking at him.

The voice belonged to a young boy with spiky black hair and gentle onyx eyes that seemed to be filled with wisdom beyond his years.


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Chapter 34 - Shisui Uchiha
The voice belonged to a young boy with spiky black hair and gentle onyx eyes that seemed to be filled with wisdom beyond his years. His fair skin contrasted with the dark color of his hair and he wore a simple dark blue shirt and matching shorts. The most striking feature about him was the deep red Uchiha crest emblazoned on the back of his shirt.

The boy noticed Rai's curious gaze and extended his hand with a friendly smile. "Hi, my name is Shisui Uchiha. Nice to meet you," he said warmly.

Rai hesitated for a few moments, taking in the boy's friendly demeanor and genuine smile. Then, deciding to return the gesture, he extended his own hand and shook Shisui's firmly. "Hi, I'm Shikarai Nara. It's nice to meet you too," he replied, offering a small smile of his own.

"Are you okay? I noticed earlier that you were looking around a bit...weirdly. Is something bothering you?" Shisui asked.

Rai hesitated for a moment, not quite sure how to explain his feelings. He then offered a small smile and replied, "It's nothing, really. I'm fine."

Before their conversation could proceed any further, their sensei called out to the class, "Alright, everyone, I would like each of you to come to the front row one by one to introduce yourselves. This will help us all get to know each other better."

He then proceeded to lead by example, standing at the front of the class and saying, "As I mentioned earlier, my name is Hiroshi Nakamura. I have been a shinobi for many years, and I am honored to be your homeroom teacher this year. I look forward to helping you grow and learn as we work together."

With that, Hiroshi continued, "My dream has always been to serve our village in the best way I can. As a teacher, I hope to pass on my knowledge and experience to the next generation of shinobi, so that you can protect and uphold the values of the Hidden Leaf Village."

He then gestured for the first student to step forward and begin their introduction. The students watched attentively as their classmates took turns sharing their names and a little bit about themselves, including their dreams and aspirations.

The students' introductions varied widely; some were shy, barely managing to get their words out, while others were loud and brash, seemingly craving attention. The classroom atmosphere shifted with each new speaker, reflecting the diverse personalities of the young shinobi.

Finally, it was Shisui's turn to introduce himself. He stepped forward confidently, his demeanor calm and composed.

Shisui stood at the front of the class, his eyes radiating determination. "Hello everyone, my name is Shisui Uchiha. I am six years old," he said, his voice steady and clear. "My dream is to become a true shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village, to protect our home and the people within it."

After finishing his introduction, Shisui looked around at his classmates with a warm smile. "Let's all get along and support each other during our time here at the academy," he said, his tone encouraging and friendly. With that, he gave a slight bow to the sensei and the class before returning to his seat next to Rai.

Following Shisui's introduction, it was now Rai's turn to share his information with the class. He got up from his seat, feeling a bit lazy and unhurried, and slowly made his way to the front of the classroom.

Keeping his introduction short and precise, he said, "Hi, my name is Shikarai Nara. I'm five years old." He paused for a moment, considering what else to say before continuing, "My dream is to become a medical-nin and help save lives. Let's all work hard together."

After completing his introduction, Rai offered a lazy smile to his classmates. He then turned around and casually made his way back to his seat beside Shisui, settling in for the remainder of the class introductions.

As the remaining students took turns introducing themselves, the atmosphere in the classroom grew livelier.

After the last student had finished, Hiroshi stood up and addressed the class. "Alright, everyone, we will begin our first class in five minutes. I need to step out for a moment, but I expect you all to remain seated and not cause any fuss in the classroom. When I return, we will start our journey as aspiring shinobi. Understood?"

The students responded with a chorus of "Yes, sensei!" before Hiroshi exited the room, leaving them to their own devices.

Despite their sensei's warning, the room quickly filled with excited chatter and laughter as the students eagerly discussed their introductions, dreams, and expectations for the upcoming lessons. Rai and Shisui, however, remained relatively quiet, exchanging only a few words as they waited patiently for their sensei to return.

Soon enough, Hiroshi returned to the classroom, and the excited chatter died down as the students eagerly anticipated their first lesson. Hiroshi clapped his hands to get their attention, and with a firm yet gentle voice, he announced, "Alright, everyone, let's begin our first class.

He proceeded to explain the timetable, saying, "We will have three classes from morning until lunchtime. After lunch, we will have two more classes. This will be our daily schedule, so please make sure you're prepared and ready to learn."

As the day progressed, the students attended the rest of their morning classes, covering a variety of topics such as mathematics, history, and geography.

Rai found himself struggling to stay focused and alert during these lessons. He had to try really hard not to fall asleep, stifling yawns and occasionally pinching himself to stay awake.

Fortunately, lunchtime arrived soon enough, providing the students with a much-needed break. They had an hour to eat, relax, and socialize with their classmates before resuming their afternoon classes.

While most of their classmates excitedly left the classroom for the playground, Rai and Shisui remained at their desks. Rai, feeling exhausted from trying to stay awake during the morning classes, decided to take advantage of the break to catch up on some much-needed rest. He leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

Shisui, on the other hand, seemed content to stay at his desk as well. He used the time to quietly review some notes from the morning's lessons, occasionally glancing over at the slumbering Rai with a small, understanding smile. The classroom was unusually peaceful, with the sounds of laughter and play from the playground faintly echoing in the background.

A few minutes into Rai's nap, he suddenly stirred awake with a start, realizing that he had been drooling in his sleep. He quickly wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, feeling slightly embarrassed. As he looked around to see if anyone had noticed, he caught Shisui's eye.

Shisui grinned playfully and said, "Looks like you really needed that nap, huh?"

"Honestly, I was bored out of my mind." Rai said, rubbing his eyes.

He then glanced over at Shisui, who seemed to be working on something quietly at his desk, and asked, "Why aren't you playing outside with the rest of the kids?"

Shisui looked up from his work and replied, "I just wanted to get a head start on some of the assignments we were given. Besides, I like the peace and quiet in here."

He then gestured to the empty classroom and added, "Plus, it's not often we get the chance to enjoy the classroom like this without all the noise and chaos."

Shisui then turned the question back on Rai, asking, "What about you? Why didn't you go outside to play with the others?"

Rai thought for a moment before answering, "Well, I was really tired, and I thought I could use the time to catch up on some sleep. But now that I'm awake, I guess I'll just enjoy the peace and quiet too."

Both Rai and Shisui took out their bentos and began to eat in silence, enjoying the calm atmosphere of the empty classroom. They quietly savored their lunches, appreciating the break from the lively chaos of their fellow students playing outside.

As they continued to eat, Shisui glanced at Rai and asked, "I noticed you didn't seem very interested in class earlier. Is everything alright?"

Rai looked at Shisui and thought for an answer. Finally, he sighed and told him, "Well, the truth is, I've already studied all the mundane subjects offered at the academy. I guess I just didn't find the lessons very engaging since I'm already familiar with the material."

Shisui raised an eyebrow and asked, "Have you ever considered applying to skip grades? If you already know the material, it might be more challenging and engaging for you to advance to a higher level."

Rai's eyes widened in surprise, and he asked Shisui, "Wait, can we actually do that? I didn't know that was an option here at the academy."

Shisui nodded in confirmation, explaining that skipping grades was indeed possible for students who demonstrated exceptional knowledge and abilities.

Shisui continued, "Since the entire first year is filled with mundane studies, you can just apply to skip grade one and move to grade two, where the shinobi-related classes are introduced. If you can prove that you have a solid grasp of the basic subjects, the academy might consider letting you advance to the next grade."

Rai, eager to take advantage of the opportunity, asked Shisui, "Can I take the exam as soon as tomorrow, or is there a specific time when it's held?"

Shisui thought for a moment before responding, "I'm not sure about the exact schedule, but you should be able to talk to our sensei about it. He should have all the information you need and can guide you through the process."

Rai nodded thoughtfully, considering Shisui's advice. "I think I'll consult my parents first and see what they think about it."

Shisui agreed, "That would be for the best."

He then looked down for a moment, clearly embarrassed, before hesitantly asking Rai, "Um, what are you planning to do after school today?"

Rai was taken aback for a moment before he responded, "Oh, I don't have any special plans. I'll just be going home after school."

Shisui, still appearing a bit embarrassed, hesitantly asked, "Would you... maybe want to hang out after school? We could do some training together or just relax, whatever you prefer."

Rai, seeing Shisui's hesitance, responded enthusiastically, "How about we meet at training ground three? That way, we can do some training together and relax afterwards if we want to."

Shisui's face lit up with a broad smile, clearly excited by Rai's positive response. "Great! I'll be there around 4. Looking forward to it," he said, his enthusiasm evident in his voice.

After finalizing their plans, Rai and Shisui engaged in casual conversation, discussing mundane topics and getting to know each other better. They chatted amiably until their afternoon classes began, signaling the end of their lunch break.


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Chapter 35 - The Spark of a New Rivalry
Rai and his mother were strolling down the familiar path back home, the academy's buildings gradually fading into the distance behind them. Her gentle hand securely held Rai's as they walked in comfortable silence, enjoying the peaceful ambiance of their village during the late afternoon.

Rai was clearly distracted, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt and casting sidelong glances at his mother. Despite the tranquil ambiance, his mind seemed to be elsewhere, tangled in some thought or concern that made him unusually restless.

As they arrived home, Yoshino turned to Rai, her eyes filled with concern. "Rai, what's the matter?" she asked gently. "You've been fidgeting all the way home. It's clear you have something on your mind. Want to talk about it?"

Yoshino gave Rai a moment to collect his thoughts, observing him with a patient and understanding gaze. After a few seconds, she prompted, "Did something happen in class today, Rai?"

"No, no, nothing of the sort," Rai quickly reassured her. "It's just that we received our schedule for the year today and it only included all the mundane subjects." Rai's voice trailed off, his tone expressing his clear disappointment.

Rai continued, his gaze meeting his mother's. "I already have a good grasp of all the subjects. Nishimura-sensei taught me well. I was really bored in class today," he admitted.

He let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. "I couldn't do anything but fall asleep today, and I'm certain it's going to be the same for the rest of the year. It's all too simple, nothing challenging," Rai expressed his concern, his words hinting at his craving for more stimulating learning.

"Go on, Rai. There's clearly more on your mind," Yoshino urged.

Rai hesitated for a moment, then continued, "Well, I kind of spoke with a classmate of mine today. He told me that students can apply to skip grades by taking early exams." His voice trailed off, as if uncertain about how his mother would react to this information.

Yoshino sighed softly and replied, "Yes, Rai, your father and I are aware of that option. But there's a reason we didn't suggest it or push you towards skipping grades."

She continued, "The sooner you graduate, the sooner you'll be involved in the ongoing war. Even if you become a medical-nin, you'll still be part of a three-man cell and could be sent to the front lines. This isn't something we want for you, not at such a young age."

At his mother's words, Rai's face turned pale. Rai's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, but one stood out clearly above the rest. This was the reality he had been trying so hard to avoid. He didn't want to become a part of the war, he just wanted to be a medical-nin and save lives, not be a part of taking them.

Seeing the worry etched on Rai's face, Yoshino laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. "But there is a solution, Rai," she said gently, her voice breaking through his turbulent thoughts.

"Here's what we can do," Yoshino continued, "You can skip your first year at the academy. You've already grasped the basics, there's no need to waste time re-learning them. However, you will stay at the academy for the remaining years, as planned. This way, you can move forward at your own pace without rushing into the battlefield."

Rai's face lit up at his mother's words. It was a solution that he hadn't considered, and it brought him a great deal of relief. His eyes sparkled with newfound enthusiasm, a stark contrast to the worry that had been clouding his expression just moments ago.

Just as Rai was about to respond, Yoshino held up a hand to stop him. "Before you get too excited, I need to discuss this with your father," she cautioned. "This isn't a decision I can make on my own. I will write him a letter regarding this matter. Depending on when his reply comes, you'll have to continue attending the academy as a first-year student until then."

Finding his mother's proposal acceptable, Rai couldn't help but express his gratitude. He reached out and gave his mother a heartfelt hug, his young face beaming with relief and appreciation. "Thank you, mom," he said sincerely, his arms tightening around her in a warm embrace.

Yoshino returned the hug, smiling at her son. After a moment, she pulled back and gave Rai a gentle push in the direction of the kitchen. "Go on, get something to eat," she said warmly, "And remember, whatever happens, we're doing this for your best interest."

As Rai was about to head towards the kitchen, he paused and turned back to his mother, "Oh, mom," he started, "I forgot to tell you. I made plans to meet Shisui at training ground three around four. Can you reserve it for us?"

As Rai started to leave the room, Yoshino called after him, "Wait, Rai. Who's this Shisui?" Her eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion.

Turning back towards his mother, Rai replied, "Shisui is the one who told me about the option to skip a year. His full name is Shisui Uchiha. He's a classmate from the Academy."

Yoshino's eyes widened as she processed Rai's words, before a bright smile spread across her face. Suddenly, she rushed towards her son, pulling him into an exuberant hug. "My little Rai, you've finally made a friend your age!" She exclaimed, cartoonish tears streaming down her face in an exaggerated display of joy. Rai could only blush in embarrassment at his mother's dramatic reaction.

Despite the sudden outburst of emotion, Rai managed to pull away slightly, his cheeks glowing a light pink. "Mom, he's not... he's not a friend, just a classmate," Rai tried to clarify.

Yoshino chuckled softly, "Sure, sure, whatever you say," she said playfully. "Now, go on, get something to eat. You don't want to be late. I'll make sure to reserve the timeslot for you."


As Shisui moved towards the training ground, he couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. He had always been somewhat solitary, not because he didn't want companionship, but because making friends had always seemed like a puzzle that he could never quite solve.

While there were children of similar age within his clan, Shisui found it challenging to truly connect with them. They often struck him as immature, their worldviews limited and their concerns trivial. Their incessant chatter and childish antics felt alien to him, a stark contrast to his own, more mature disposition.

The thought of Shikarai Nara brought a hopeful glimmer to Shisui's thoughts. He found Rai different from the rest; he didn't possess the typical childish demeanor that was so common among their peers. There was a sense of maturity and understanding in Rai that Shisui found refreshing and intriguing. He felt a spark of connection, a sense of camaraderie that he hadn't felt with the other children in his clan.

As Shisui entered the training ground, his eyes landed on Rai, who was deeply engrossed in practicing the feather floatation exercise. His eyebrows shot up in surprise as he noticed not one, but two feathers floating in the air, each gently swaying above one of Rai's palms.

Shisui was taken aback by the sight. Even though he was hailed as a prodigy within his clan, controlling even a single feather was a challenge for him. He had managed to master the skill, yes, but it required significant concentration, and he definitely couldn't handle two at once with the same ease as Rai.

This revelation about Rai's exceptional chakra control was a bit shocking, but also intriguing. It made Shisui realize that Rai was not just another ordinary student at the academy. Despite his laid-back appearance, he clearly had a level of skill and control that was far beyond the average student's. This only added to Shisui's interest in getting to know Rai better.

On top of Rai's outstanding chakra control, Shisui also realized that Rai was the only other student in their class who was from a well-known shinobi clan like himself. This fact made Rai stand out even more in his eyes.

The shinobi clans of Konoha were known for their unique abilities and techniques, and the Nara clan, to which Rai belonged, was no exception. Shisui found himself curious about Rai's abilities and how they compared to his own.

Not wanting to disturb Rai, Shisui tread lightly, making sure to minimize his noise as he moved further into the training ground. He found a spot a fair distance away and started stretching to warm up his muscles.

Once he finished stretching, Shisui took a deep breath and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small, soft feather. He placed it on the palm of his hand, focusing his chakra to his hand. His brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to imitate Rai's control, trying to get the feather to float.

Shisui was known as a prodigy in his clan, but even he found the exercise difficult. He could only float one feather at a time and that too with considerable effort.

Both boys continued their solitary practice for several minutes, each engrossed in their own world of focus and control. Rai's concentration was so intense that he didn't even notice Shisui's arrival until he decided to take a break.

Slowly, Rai opened his eyes, the sensation of floating feathers gradually fading. He was pleasantly surprised to see Shisui there, practicing the same feather flotation exercise.

Rai quietly observed Shisui, not wanting to disrupt his concentration. He watched as Shisui continued to practice the feather flotation exercise. Once Shisui finally finished, Rai decided to make his presence known.

"Hey, Shisui," Rai greeted, How long have you been practicing?"

"I've only been here for a few minutes. I saw you practicing and didn't want to disturb you." Shisui responded.

"Are you done with the feather flotation exercise?" Rai asked

"Yes, I just finished," Shisui replied, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "Why do you ask?"

Rai's eyes sparkled with excitement as he asked, "Would you like to spar? It could be a good way for us to learn from each other."

Shisui hesitated, only looking at Rai but not giving an answer. It seemed like he was contemplating the offer, perhaps unsure of whether or not to accept it.

Observing Shisui's hesitation, Rai quickly added, "We'll only use taijutsu, nothing else. Just a friendly match to learn from each other."

Snapping out of his thoughts, Shisui gave Rai a small nod, "Sure, I'd be happy to spar with you."

The reason for his initial hesitation wasn't fear or reluctance, but rather surprise. As someone considered a prodigy within the Uchiha clan, Shisui rarely found others his age who could match his abilities, much less spar with him.

"All right then, let's not hold back," Rai declared, a gleam of anticipation in his eyes. The two of them stepped back, creating ample space between them as they adopted their respective fighting stances, ready to begin their spar.


You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon.
Chapter 36 - Duel of Prodigies
Rai launched himself forward, his fist streaking towards Shisui's face. Shisui, however, narrowly dodged the attack, swaying his head to the side just in time, his response swift and precise.

Capitalizing on the momentum, Shisui lashed out with a swift counter-attack, his leg sweeping out in a low arc aimed at Rai's legs. But Rai was quick on his feet, deftly hopping over the sweep and retaliating with a roundhouse kick.

Shisui crouched low, just in time to evade the whirling kick. Seeing his chance, he moved in closer, his fists a blur as they came swinging towards Rai. The latter was no less fast, his arms working like a shield, deflecting and countering Shisui's rapid strikes.

Rai lunged for another punch, aiming for Shisui's face. But Shisui twisted his body with an uncanny agility, making Rai's fist fly over his shoulder. In a quick turnaround, Shisui closed in on Rai, his elbow targeting Rai's chest. Rai reacted quickly, leaning back just in time, his own fist flying towards Shisui's face. But Shisui was just as quick, ducking under the punch and aiming a low kick at Rai's waist.

Rai, showing an impressive level of flexibility, bent his body in an almost impossible angle, narrowly avoiding Shisui's kick. Straightening himself quickly, he stepped into Shisui's guard, the palm of his hand thrusting forward like a spear. It hit Shisui square in the chest, sending him skidding backwards.

Shisui managed to catch himself before he could fall, his feet digging into the ground, creating furrows in the dirt. His eyes widened in surprise as he looked at Rai, clearly impressed.

He had barely a moment to steady himself before Rai was upon him again, an almost unceasing storm of punches. Backhand, fronthand, jabs - they came at him in a relentless flurry, each one as unpredictable and quick as a lightning strike. Shisui was left to defend, a constant battle to block each strike as they came.

Though Shisui was quick, the relentless assault from Rai began to wear him down. He was fast, but Rai was faster, his attacks a constant stream that left Shisui no room to breathe. Sweat trickled down his face, his breaths came in ragged gasps.

Suddenly, Rai feigned a punch, causing Shisui to raise his guard. Capitalizing on Shisui's momentary distraction, Rai shifted his weight low, and with a surge of power coursing through his leg, unleashed a ferocious kick to Shisui's unprotected chest.

Rai's kick connected solidly with Shisui's chest, the impact so strong that it lifted Shisui off the ground. Shisui's eyes widened in surprise as he felt his feet leave the earth, and the next moment, he was hurtling backward through the air.

He collided with the earth with a gut-wrenching thud, a cloud of dust billowing around him as he skidded across the floor. His body tumbled, rolling over and over in the dirt, the momentum from Rai's ferocious kick forcing him to roll uncontrollably until he finally came to a halt.

For a moment, Shisui laid there, his body sprawled out and unmoving. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he fought to draw breath back into his lungs, his eyes closed as he battled the waves of pain rolling over him. But he couldn't afford to stay down. Ignoring the burning pain in his chest, he forced himself to roll onto his stomach and push up from the ground, determination burning in his eyes.

Gritting his teeth, Shisui hauled himself onto his hands and knees. He stayed there for a moment, swaying slightly as he fought against the lingering dizziness. He willed his legs to support him, his muscles trembling slightly as he rose.

Rai watched as Shisui got up, a look of surprise on his face. He hadn't expected Shisui to recover so quickly, but he was impressed by his determination.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Shisui settled back into his fighting stance, his eyes never leaving Rai. He managed to crack a small grin, his voice coming out in a ragged breath. "That was a good kick, Rai," he said, "But don't think you've won just yet."

Shisui charged towards Rai, His right leg snapped up, a lightning-fast kick aimed straight for Rai's head. But Rai was quicker. He dropped into a split, his body just inches from the path of Shisui's kick, and then using his hands for balance, he flipped his body upside down in one swift, fluid motion.

Rai's legs spun around in a powerful roundhouse kick. Shisui, still recovering from his missed attack, didn't have time to dodge. Rai's foot connected with his face, sending him flying backwards once again.

Shisui landed hard on his back, the impact leaving him dazed. He groaned, clutching his throbbing face.

"You..." Shisui groaned, sitting up and cradling his throbbing face with one hand. He blinked a few times to clear his vision, then looked at Rai, eyes narrowing in confusion. "What the hell was that?" He demanded, trying to sound angry despite the ringing in his ears.

Rai just grinned at him, a sparkle of triumph in his eyes. "Just a little something I've been working on," he replied, looking quite pleased with himself. "You okay?"

Shisui grumbled something under his breath, too quiet for Rai to hear, but he slowly pushed himself back to his feet. He was still a bit wobbly, and there was a visible bruise forming on his face. Yet, despite the pain, his resolve seemed unbroken, his spirit as fiery as ever. After all, he was an Uchiha.

The air around them seemed to hum with tension as Rai locked his gaze on Shisui. "It's time to end this," Rai declared, his voice ringing clear and resonant in the stillness.

And with that, Rai bolted. His legs were a blur as he sprinted towards Shisui, the distance between them closing in mere moments. When he was just a few feet away, Rai exploded upwards, his body twisting in mid-air.

His leg shot out, connecting with Shisui's chest once, twice, and then a third time in rapid succession, his foot hitting with the force of a sledgehammer. Each kick was delivered with such precision and power that it sent Shisui hurtling backwards, skidding across the ground until he was a crumpled heap of limbs in the dirt.

Rai landed on his feet with the grace of a cat, a satisfied grin spreading across his face. He stood there for a moment, his chest heaving as he drank in the sight of his opponent. A rush of emotion welled up inside him - relief, pride, and a newfound confidence. For once, he wasn't the one on the receiving end of a beating.

Ever since Rai had discovered the truth about this world, he had been seeking out Gai for frequent sparring sessions. He had felt a desperate need to improve, to grow stronger. His reality had been shattered, and he needed something to hold onto. The martial arts, the sweaty, bruising spars with Gai – they grounded him, gave him a sense of control when everything else seemed to be spinning out of his grasp.

Those sparring sessions had been brutal, Gai showing no mercy as he taught Rai the hard truths of combat. But Rai had welcomed the pain, the exhaustion. It meant he was growing, improving. And now, as he looked at Shisui on the ground, Rai realized just how far he'd come.

For the first time, he wasn't the one being picked up off the ground. Today, he was the one standing tall. He couldn't help but wonder if this was a turning point, a sign of things to come.

Rai's brief moment of triumph faded as he realized the reality of the situation. The person he had just beaten was Shisui, a child barely six years old. A sense of unease washed over him, replacing the triumphant feelings he had just experienced.

He remembered his recent sparring sessions with Gai. Every time they sparred, Gai had taken him down easily, even when he wasn't going all out. The memories of those defeats were still fresh in his mind. The bruises had faded, but the lessons remained. He knew he had a long way to go before he could truly compete against the likes of Gai.

Sure, today he had won, but it was against a child. He couldn't let this victory go to his head. Instead, he should use it as a stepping stone, a reminder of how far he still had to go.

He glanced over at Shisui, who was still laying on the ground, clutching his face. Rai felt a pang of guilt. He knew he had to get stronger, but he didn't want to hurt his friends in the process. He made a mental note to go easier on Shisui next time.

With a deep sigh, Rai walked over to Shisui, who was still on the ground. He extended a hand to help Shisui up, a soft smile playing on his lips. "You alright, Shisui?" he asked, his voice full of genuine concern.


POV Shisui:

I stared across the training ground at Shikarai, my heart pounding in my chest. I knew he was good, but I hadn't expected him to be this good. Every move he made was calculated, his strikes were precise and powerful, and his speed... It was like nothing I had ever seen before. I felt a rush of adrenaline as we began to spar, my own skills being pushed to their limit.

He came at me with a flurry of attacks, each one faster and more powerful than the last. I tried to keep up, but he was always one step ahead. Just when I thought I had him figured out, he would switch tactics and catch me off guard. It was like trying to catch a leaf in the wind.

I managed to land a few hits, but they were nothing compared to what he was dishing out. Each blow he landed sent a jolt of pain through my body, and I could tell that he wasn't even going all out.

His movements were fluid and precise, each one carefully calculated to deliver the maximum amount of force. The way he was able to twist and contort his body to avoid my attacks was nothing short of amazing. I had never seen anything like it.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy mixed with admiration. Finally, there was someone my own age that I couldn't even remotely compare to. I've always prided myself on being one of the best in the Uchiha clan for my age. The elders would often compliment me on my skills and potential. But Rai, he was something else entirely.

The fight had been a wake-up call. I was no longer the best. Not when Rai was around. For the first time, I found myself in the shadow of another, and it was a feeling I didn't particularly enjoy.

But, rather than dampen my spirits, this realization ignited a spark within me. A spark of competitiveness, of determination, of a drive to better myself. I would rise to this challenge. I would not allow myself to be left behind. I would work harder, train longer, push myself further.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, I felt a shadow fall over me. Looking up, I saw Rai standing there, a concerned look on his face. "You alright, Shisui?" he asked.

I was momentarily taken aback by his question. After our intense spar, I had expected him to be triumphant, maybe even a little smug. But instead, he was looking at me with worry in his eyes. I couldn't help but feel a little touched by his concern. "Yeah, I'm good, Rai," I assured him, managing a small smile. "Just need a moment to catch my breath."

As I lay there, catching my breath and looking up at Rai, I felt something I hadn't felt with my clan mates. It was a sense of camaraderie, a bond that extended beyond the rigid structure of the clan. It felt... different.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I had found someone who could truly understand me, someone who saw me as more than just the best of my age in the clan. Rai saw me as Shisui, nothing more. And that was something I hadn't realized I was missing until now.


You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon.
Chapter 37 - The Leap Forward
It had been approximately two weeks since Rai had his first spar with Shisui. Over that time, Rai's strict daily routine hadn't wavered. Every morning he would rise with the sun for endurance and taijutsu training. After several hours of practice, he would then attend the academy. In the evenings, he would once again immerse himself in training, focusing on agility, balance, and chakra control.

In these two weeks, Rai had sparred with Shisui once more. The result was strikingly similar to their first match, Rai having a landslide victory. Shisui, despite being an exceptional shinobi for his age, was no match for Rai's unique fighting style and unparalleled control over his body.

Life at the academy proved to be a difficult adjustment for Rai. The classroom lessons were far too simple, and he found himself bored and unchallenged. To pass the time, Rai took to sleeping during class.

His teachers, noticing his disinterest, tried to engage him by asking questions. However, each time they did, Rai answered promptly and correctly, leaving them with no reason to reprimand him. Seeing that he was not disrupting the class in any way, they eventually ceased to bother him.

It was just another day, and Rai was returning home from the academy. His mother had initially insisted on picking him up after school for the first three days, but Rai had assured her that he was capable of getting home on his own. Recognizing her son's maturity, she reluctantly agreed to let him be. And so, Rai made his way home on his own each day, navigating through the bustling village streets.

As Rai reached home after another uneventful day at the academy, he began to look around for his mother. "Mom?" There was no immediate response, so he called out again as he took off his shoes. Usually, she would be in the kitchen preparing dinner, or in the living room tidying up. But today, the house seemed unusually quiet.

He made his way to the kitchen first, his eyes scanning the space, but his mother was nowhere to be found. He could see that the ingredients for dinner were already laid out, but there was no sign of his mother.

Rai's worry was just beginning to nudge at his calm exterior when he turned the corner into the living room. There, he found his mother. She was seated on the couch, a letter in her hands. Her eyes were focused on the paper, her expression unreadable.

"Mom?" Rai called out again, this time louder. His mother finally looked up from the letter, her eyes meeting his. Rai took a step towards her, his brow furrowed in concern. "Are you alright?" he asked, his eyes studying her face carefully for any signs of distress.

"Oh, Rai," Yoshino said, looking a bit startled. "When did you get home? I'm sorry, I was so engrossed in this letter from your father." She waved the letter slightly to indicate it.

Curiosity piqued, Rai moved closer, peering at the letter in Yoshino's hands. "What did he say?" he asked, his eyes scanning the familiar handwriting of his father.

"The usual, about the war and everything," she began, "but there is something new. Your father said that it's fine for you to skip a year ahead at the academy."

Rai finally heaved a sigh of relief, his body visibly relaxing. "Finally," he said, a hint of exasperation in his voice. "Any more of that and I would've..." He trailed off, not quite sure how to finish the sentence, but the sentiment was clear. The monotonous routine at the academy had been wearing on him.

His mother smiled at him, understanding his frustration. "I'll go with you to the academy tomorrow," she told him. "We'll schedule a test for you so they can evaluate your skills and determine if you're ready to move up a year."

"Even though I know you'll pass," Yoshino said, "don't be overconfident. You should still review your studies. It never hurts to be prepared."

Rai nodded in agreement and reassured his mother, "Don't worry, Mom. I'll make sure to review everything. There's no need for you to worry about me."


Three Days later:

Rai emerged from one of the testing rooms in the academy, his body heavy with exhaustion. His usually bright eyes were clouded with fatigue, and his footsteps were a tad slower than usual.

He had spent a grueling five hours in the examination room, answering questions on a variety of subjects. From basic geography village history and mathematics. Exhausted from the hours spent in the examination room, Rai's mind was a whirlwind of numbers, historical dates, and geographical facts.

The exam itself wasn't too difficult for him, but the sheer volume and variety of questions had tested his endurance. It was a mental marathon, one that left him feeling drained. But now, finally, it was over. Rai stepped out of the room, a sigh of relief escaping his lips as he felt the tension drain from his body.

Instead of heading to the training ground as he usually would, he decided to give himself a break. Today had been a day of intellectual battle, and his body and mind both craved rest.

His house welcomed him with the comforting familiarity of home. He kicked off his sandals at the entrance, trudging towards his room with heavy steps. His bed looked inviting, promising the comfort and rest he so desperately needed.

Without bothering to change, he fell onto his bed, his body sinking into the soft mattress. His eyes fluttered closed almost immediately, the exhaustion pulling him towards sleep.


The next day, Rai woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after a well-deserved rest. With renewed energy, he prepared himself for the day ahead and headed straight to the academy.

Upon reaching the academy, Rai made his way directly towards the staff room, bypassing the busy corridors filled with students.

The staff room was bustling with activity as the teachers prepared for the day's classes. Navigating through the crowd, he located his sensei and received his results, discovering that he passed with flying colors.

Not wasting any time, his sensei gestured for Rai to follow him. They weaved their way through the academy, eventually arriving at a classroom filled with second-year students. The murmur of conversations ceased as they entered, all eyes turning to the new arrival.

His sensei stepped forward, capturing the attention of the students. "Good morning, everyone. I'd like to introduce a new member to your class. This is Shikarai Nara, and he will be joining you from today onwards."

Just as Hiroshi finished his introduction, another teacher walked through the classroom door. She had a kind-looking face, adorned with a warm smile that instantly put the students at ease. Her gentle eyes scanned the room, taking in the curious gazes of the students.

Hiroshi greeted her warmly, addressing her as "Miwa-san." He informed her that Rai would be joining her class, as they had discussed earlier.

Hiroshi turned to Rai, offering a pat on his shoulder. "Good luck, child. I know you'll do well in Miwa-san's class. Work hard and make the most of your time here," he encouraged before turning to leave the room.

Just as Hiroshi left the room, Miwa stepped forward and introduced herself to Rai with a warm smile. I'm Miwa Hirano, your teacher for this year. Welcome to our class. Before we begin, I'd like you to introduce yourself to your new classmates."

Rai took a deep breath and stepped forward, "Hello, everyone. My name is Shikarai Nara. It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I'm excited to be a part of this class and I look forward to learning and growing together."

As he finished introducing himself, Rai glanced around the room and noticed an empty seat towards the back. It was the third bench on the right, and the only occupant was a kid wearing a high-collared shirt that covered his mouth, along with a peculiar-looking cloak with the hood up. The mysterious student also sported black-colored glasses, adding an air of intrigue to his appearance.

Curiosity piqued, Rai made his way towards the empty seat. He took his place, offering a polite smile as he settled in. The boy glanced at him briefly before returning his attention to his studies, seemingly uninterested in engaging in conversation.

As Rai settled into his seat, their sensei, Miwa Hirano, approached him with a kind smile. "Shikarai, during lunch break, please come and collect your schedule from me. I'll make sure you have all the necessary information for your classes and activities," she informed him.

Rai nodded in acknowledgment, grateful for the guidance. "Thank you, Sensei. I'll make sure to come and get it during lunch," he replied politely.

With that, Miwa returned to the front of the classroom to continue the day's lessons.

Rai found himself engrossed in the lessons as the subjects delved into the intricacies of being a shinobi. Science class involved elements of physics, where the trajectory of kunai was taught, along with the principles of momentum and force.

In basic chakra theory, the teacher explained the fundamentals of chakra manipulation, its flow, and its importance in executing ninjutsu techniques.

During lunch break, Rai made his way to Sensei's desk to collect his schedule for the year. She handed him a neatly printed sheet of paper. Rai glanced over the schedule, taking note of the subjects, timings, and locations of each class.

As he scanned through the details, he realized that the practical training sessions would commence in fifteen days. Until then, the focus would be on theoretical knowledge and foundational concepts.

Rai realized that he had to make the most of the remaining time to study and catch up on the syllabus. He would need to dedicate extra effort to cover the two weeks of missed classes, ensuring he was well-prepared for the practical training to come.

After collecting his schedule and making a mental note of his study plan, Rai headed back to the classroom to have his lunch. He entered the room and found a seat at his desk, unpacking his lunchbox and taking a moment to relax before diving into his meal.

As Rai unpacked his lunchbox, he couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. He had grown accustomed to Shisui's company. Without him around, the room felt quieter and a bit emptier.

The day went by, filled with classes and the completion of various assignments. Rai continued to observe his classmates from afar, noting their interactions and dynamics.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Rai gathered his belongings and prepared to leave.

As he walked home, He realized that the schedule and routine he had experienced today would likely continue for the foreseeable year. The classes, the subjects, the assignments—everything seemed to fall into a predictable pattern. Rai understood that he would have to adjust and find his rhythm within this structure.


But, in the ever-shifting tapestry of existence, our plans are but feeble threads in the face of an unknown future, where destiny weaves its intricate pattern with merciless uncertainty.


You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon.
Chapter 38 - Dedication and Neglect
A month had passed since Rai joined the second-year students, but his daily schedule had fallen into a monotonous routine. Each day followed a predictable pattern, with Rai engaging in the same activities over and over again.

Mornings began with rigorous endurance and taijutsu training. Rai would push himself to the limits, honing his physical strength and combat skills. After the morning training session, Rai would attend the academy, where he would spend the majority of his day.

While the academic curriculum was necessary for his growth as a ninja, it had become a mundane routine that failed to captivate Rai's interest. The repetition of the same subjects and teaching methods made the days blur together, stifling his enthusiasm.

His evenings were dedicated to agility and chakra control practice. Although these practices were essential for his overall development, the lack of variety made them feel like a repetitive chore.

Amidst Rai's otherwise mundane daily schedule, there was one glimmer of excitement and progress: the discovery of a new taijutsu kata called "Sōshūden" Kata, the Hidden Leaf's Dance of Essence. This technique, the basic foundation taught at the Leaf Shinobi Academy, provided a much-needed respite from the monotonous routine.

While Rai's integration of the "Sōshūden" Kata into his usual taijutsu techniques was a work in progress, he was making remarkable strides. His fighting style underwent a remarkable transformation. The integration of this new technique into his repertoire allowed Rai to refine his movements and elevate his overall combat proficiency, however, it also presented Rai with a new challenge: he had surpassed his classmates in skill.

Despite his recent sparring sessions and practical classes, Rai found that none of his peers could match his abilities. Not even Shisui, who had recently been promoted.

In theoretical classes, Rai quickly grasped the foundational concepts and principles being taught. The basic nature of the curriculum provided little intellectual stimulation for Rai, leaving him yearning for more in-depth and advanced knowledge.

Unfortunately, this longing for intellectual stimulation and his rapid progress had unintended consequences, leading him to become somewhat of a pariah in his class.

Rai's remarkable abilities and advanced understanding of the material made his classmates feel inadequate in comparison. Some students became envious of his progress, resenting the gap between their own abilities and his. The feelings of jealousy further isolated Rai, as his peers distanced themselves and avoided interactions with him.

Additionally, the sheer magnitude of Rai's talent intimidated many of his classmates. They were apprehensive about engaging with someone whose abilities surpassed their own. Fear of appearing inferior or saying something wrong stifled their willingness to approach Rai, creating an unintended barrier between him and his peers.

Amidst this isolation, Shisui remained the sole person who maintained a genuine connection with Rai. Shisui's clan held high expectations and strict traditions, which often placed considerable pressure on him to conform and prioritize clan duties over personal relationships.

However, Shisui saw beyond these constraints and recognized the value of genuine connections and meaningful friendships. Despite the pressure from his own clan, Shisui's loyalty and friendship remained steadfast, making him the one person Rai could truly call a friend.

But, Rai's class wasn't the only place where he was receiving attention. Despite his isolation within the class, Rai's exceptional abilities and dedication to his training had caught the eye of several influential individuals within the village.


"My lord, the rumors are indeed true," Yuudai spoke, "The Nara boy has shown exceptional abilities when it comes to taijutsu. His skills surpass those of his peers by a significant margin."

The other individual nodded, acknowledging the information. "Not only that, but his intellectual abilities also seem to be far beyond what is expected of his age. It's truly remarkable. What's even more astonishing is that I've heard he has sparred with Shisui Uchiha, the prodigy of the Uchiha clan, on multiple occasions, and has always come out on top with ease."

The lord leaned back in his seat, "Fascinating. To possess both exceptional physical abilities and a keen intellect is a rare combination indeed. Especially for a Nara."

The lord's expression grew serious as he leaned forward. "We need to take action swiftly, Yuudai. If the Nara boy continues to grow and develop at such a remarkable pace, we may soon find ourselves unable to enact our plan as intended."

Yuudai bowed deeply. "As you command, my lord. I will ensure that all necessary preparations are made promptly.

The lord regarded Yuudai with a piercing gaze, his voice taking on a menacing undertone. "I trust in your capabilities, Yuudai. But remember this: failure is not an option. You see, I have a theory that needs confirmation, and the Nara boy is an essential piece of that puzzle."

Yuudai's eyes widened, sensing the weight of the lord's warning. "I understand, my lord. I assure you, I will do everything in my power to ensure success. The consequences of failure are not lost on me."

The lord leaned forward, his eyes narrowing with intensity. "Good. I would hate to think of the repercussions should our plans falter."

Yuudai felt a chill run down his spine, "Rest assured, my lord, I will dedicate myself fully to this task. I understand the gravity of the situation, and I will not disappoint you."

"See that you don't, Yuudai. The consequences will be severe, both for you and your wife."

Yuudai swallowed hard, "I will not waver, my lord," he said firmly. With that, he bowed deeply and turned to leave.


Meanwhile, our protagonist, deep in thought, sat in his father's study. Unfurled in front of him was a scroll on anesthetics. Ever since Rai had made the decision to become an iryo-nin, he had been actively seeking knowledge on various topics related to the field.

The scroll on anesthetics was just one of the many resources he had acquired to broaden his understanding. While he hadn't yet been able to study under the guidance of a mentor or instructor, his father's study provided an abundance of material for him to cover before he could embark on his actual training.

With dedication and discipline, Rai diligently worked his way through the materials available to him. He delved into scrolls on anatomy, studying the intricacies of the human body, its systems, and its vulnerabilities. He familiarized himself with the fundamentals of diagnosis, understanding how to assess injuries and ailments accurately.

The shelves in his father's study were lined with scrolls on herbal medicine, traditional remedies, and advanced medical techniques. Rai dove into these texts, immersing himself in the properties and uses of different herbs, learning how to create healing salves, poultices, and antidotes.

But, Rai soon realized that the collection lacked specific scrolls on iryo-ninjutsu and the advanced techniques associated with medical ninja. Such scrolls, it seemed, were reserved for a select few individuals with specialized training and entrusted only to those deemed worthy by the village's medical authorities.

While the absence of specific scrolls on iryo-ninjutsu posed a challenge, Rai remained undeterred. He understood that true expertise in the field required guidance and training from experienced mentors. However, he believed that the foundation he was building through his studies in herbal medicine and traditional remedies would serve as a valuable complement to his future medical training.

Beyond his father's study, Rai discovered an opportunity to expand his understanding of medical practices. Within his clan's laboratory, where medicines were created and experiments conducted, Rai was granted permission to observe the skilled individuals at work.

Although he was not yet permitted to participate in practical tasks, Rai relished the chance to witness the intricacies of the laboratory's operations. He observed the meticulous process of extracting medicinal properties from various plants, the careful measurements of ingredients, and the precise mixing and formulation of medicines.

Under the watchful eyes of the laboratory members, Rai learned about the importance of quality control, the significance of sterile environments, and the protocols for handling potent substances. The researchers patiently explained the theories and methodologies behind their work, providing him with a glimpse into the realm of advanced medical practices.

While he yearned to take a more active role, Rai recognized the value of observation. Every moment spent in the laboratory allowed him to absorb the knowledge and techniques employed by the skilled professionals. He observed their attention to detail, their collaborative approach to problem-solving, and their dedication to improving medical treatments.

Rai recognized that his privilege to observe the laboratory operations was primarily due to his position as the clan heir. That is why he approached his interactions with the skilled professionals in the laboratory with a profound sense of respect.

He understood the significance of their work and the expertise they brought to their tasks. With this in mind, Rai always ensured that he spoke to everyone with the utmost respect, patiently waiting for them to finish their work before approaching them with his questions.

In his quest for knowledge and advancement as an iryo-nin, Rai sought guidance not only from the laboratory professionals but also from his mother. During a conversation, she revealed that starting from his third year, they would be offered elective courses, allowing Rai to choose the basics of iryo-ninjutsu as a means to establish a strong foundation for his future as a medical ninja.

As he prepared for the elective courses, he remained focused on developing his chakra control—a crucial skill for any iryo-nin.

Rai had recognized early on that chakra control was paramount to his path as a medical ninja. He understood that precise control over his chakra would allow him to perform delicate medical procedures, enhance his healing abilities, and execute complex medical ninjutsu with precision.

In his pursuit of mastering chakra control, Rai had achieved a significant milestone. He had successfully held his mother under the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu for more than 30 seconds.

While his accomplishments in chakra control were commendable, Rai had inadvertently neglected his ninjutsu training due to his sole focus on becoming an iryo-nin. The rigorous dedication he had applied to his medical studies and chakra control had left little time for the development of other ninjutsu skills, including the shadow possession jutsu.

Despite his qualification to begin practicing the shadow possession jutsu, Rai had yet to fully integrate it into his repertoire. The limited attention he had given to his ninjutsu training had resulted in an inability to effectively execute the jutsu.


The consequences of his decisions and his cowardice would soon come to haunt him in the future. Because, in the realm of shinobi, hesitation births regret, and cowardice begets an ocean of remorse. The path untraveled, the skills unmastered, yield a harvest of regret that consumes the soul.


You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on my patreon.