Geth Fleet vs Protoss Fleet

No holds barred.
Protoss Tribes and Factions unite.
Khala or not (Taldarim etc.)
They meet on a solar system.
Protoss has all air units (SC1 to SC2 LotV)
The Geth has everything in their arsenal all possibly 10,000 of the ships.
Mothership is not allowed to create a void nor is the arbiter allowed stasis.

Who eats who?


By the way the Geth is on their latest code thanks to Legion and have Legion on their side (IDK if it would matter cause it's a collective mind) and Artanis, Selendris, Mohanddar, Urun and Felanis all working under the command of Tassadar in Ganthritor (No questions asked).
The Geth have more than 10,000 ships. But it really matters not. Terran ships throw around megatons and gigatons? Protoss stomp.
:p. Based off the pictures on your OP, I think it symbolizes how much the Protoss will crush the Geth.

But seriously, Protoss Firepower and Shields....
Protoss stomp even if we go low end.

Megaton shields and weapons for low end.

Mid end, gigaton level firepower and shields.

High end, teraton level stuff.

Super high end, petatons.

Meanwhile, the Geth Dreadnoughts output 96 kilotons per a shot.

Cruisers output about 19 kilotons.

Frigates, useless Cannon Fodder that might as well use themselves as meat shields or go RAMMING SPEED.
Frigates, useless Cannon Fodder that might as well use themselves as meat shields or go RAMMING SPEED.

Ramming speed will of course output a lot of energy, that could pull this off.

(1/2)mv^2 and your velocity is 3.00x10^8, oh and also its FTL and so it should be even faster than that.

EDIT: Council ships go at 50 times the speed of light and Reaper ships go at 10,958 times the speed of light.
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But the Geth have never displayed that tactic and I recall that their FTL prevents that as well.

I don't think the Reapers tampered with their FTL drives, just the organics?

So I don't know how heavy the Geth Ships are, but using mostly velocity that's already about
225000000000000000000 Joules which is 53.776290631 Gigatons..and I was discounting mass so the amount of Joules could be even calcs could be wrong though.
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I don't think the Reapers tampered with their FTL drives, just the organics?

I'm going have to look through the Codex but I recall it being a failsafe.

So I don't know how heavy the Geth Ships are, but using mostly velocity that's already about
225000000000000000000 Joules which is 53.776290631 Gigatons..and I was discounting mass so the amount of Joules could be even calcs could be wrong though.

What mass are you using?
I'm going have to look through the Codex but I recall it being a failsafe.
What mass are you using?

I'm not actually using any mass, but I'm doing an estimation using the KE= (1/2)mv^2. Already the velocity is 3.00x10^8 m/s and also council ships are supposed to be 50 times faster than the speed of light. And so I just squared 50x3.00x10^8. which is 2.25x10^20 joules. I didn't factor in the (1/2) though, nor did I factor in mass, but seeing how mass is factored in Kg and Geth dreadnoughts and Cruisers should be weighing many tons, I can see my estimation being even larger than that.
I'm not actually using any mass, but I'm doing an estimation using the KE= (1/2)mv^2. Already the velocity is 3.00x10^8 m/s and also council ships are supposed to be 50 times faster than the speed of light. And so I just squared 50x3.00x10^8. which is 2.25x10^20 joules. I didn't factor in the (1/2) though, nor did I factor in mass, but seeing how mass is factored in Kg and Geth dreadnoughts and Cruisers should be weighing many tons, I can see my estimation being even larger than that.

Now can you prove that the Geth will use this?

Cause there's nothing in the games nor Codex about ramming enemies at FTL speeds.

Edit: And some Protoss information,

Some Protoss space tactics

Ship numbers

Mid/high level Protoss Carrier shields
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The reapers didn't need to fuck with this cycle, it was an intrinsic part of the prothean FTL as well, the geth based their FTL off of prothean drives, so they have that restriction as well.

Now can you prove that the Geth will use this
Cause there's nothing in the games nor Codex about ramming enemies at FTL speeds.
Edit: And some Protoss information,
Some Protoss space tactics
Ship numbers
Mid/high level Protoss Carrier shields

I can't because Geth never done it, but if SVers were controlling the Geth, it would be a viable tactic.
Ramming speed will of course output a lot of energy, that could pull this off.

(1/2)mv^2 and your velocity is 3.00x10^8, oh and also its FTL and so it should be even faster than that.

EDIT: Council ships go at 50 times the speed of light and Reaper ships go at 10,958 times the speed of light.
I'm not actually using any mass, but I'm doing an estimation using the KE= (1/2)mv^2. Already the velocity is 3.00x10^8 m/s and also council ships are supposed to be 50 times faster than the speed of light. And so I just squared 50x3.00x10^8. which is 2.25x10^20 joules. I didn't factor in the (1/2) though, nor did I factor in mass, but seeing how mass is factored in Kg and Geth dreadnoughts and Cruisers should be weighing many tons, I can see my estimation being even larger than that.


Also, Council ships travel at 12-24 ly/day, or 38000000c to 760000000c.
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You can't use normal KE equation for FTL objects. Not to mention that Geth will at best detect Arbiters only as they can cloak whole fleets.
The Protoss has practically never displayed the capability to deploy more than a few hundred ships to one place, and considering the usual sizes of Terran and Protoss fleets seen in SC I wouldn't say the Protoss fleet numbers reach anywhere near the 10,000 of the Geth. Whether or not their purification energies are utilized in space combat is questionable at best. Depending on calcs, the Geth can win a phyrric victory due to numbers or gets wiped out.
I'm going have to look through the Codex but I recall it being a failsafe.

The Codex mentions this being a failsafe, but if a bunch of turian terrorists managed to bypass it, the Geth can.

Of course, whether will they or not is a whole other question. Their victory pretty much hinges upon this.

Other than this, the Geth have a large advantage in numbers. That's all they have going for them. The Protoss hilariously outgun them.

The Geth may have 10k+ ships, but only a few dozen are Dreadnoughts. If the main bulk is in Cruisers, they might make it, but if the main bulk are frigates, then I doubt their capability to even scratch the Protoss' shields.

Other than that, even normal ramming could do appreciable damage. A commercial cruiser rammed a city center and made a 5 kilometer wide crater, putting that at high megatons (I think). Warships probably mass more and fly faster.

Desperate Measures
Faced with utter annihilation, military planners have considered extreme solutions in their quest to stop the Reapers. The two most plausible are the destruction of mass relays and the use of starships as suicide weapons.

Destroying a mass relay to stop the Reapers' advance is infeasible. Although it has recently been proven that mass relays can be destroyed, a ruptured relay liberates enough energy to ruin any terrestrial world in the relay's solar system. It would take too long to evacuate the millions or billions of people living near each relay, and the Council is unwilling to sacrifice that many lives when combat stands a chance of saving them. Even if a garden world were to survive the relay's destruction, the Reapers have infinite patience. They traveled out of dark space using conventional FTL--travel within galaxy is not an insurmountable barrier.

Meanwhile, starships are too costly to be used as projectiles, given that it would take many collisions to seriously harm a Reaper. Some armchair admirals suggest that a single starship traveling faster than light could obliterate a Reaper capital ship, but all ships based on mass effect technology possess hardwired safety features to prevent FTL collisions. If a ship's FTL plotter finds a significant object in the path of a planned jump, the FTL drive refuses to fire in the first place. This is not a perfect safety feature--the sensors can only scan for objects within a reasonable distance at light speed, and a navigator must plot the rest of the course--but it is so inherent to the FTL warm-up process that removing it is nigh impossible. Cynical intelligence analysts note that the secret of mass effect technology, including that safety system, has always been attributed to the Protheans--just as the mass relays were.
So, inconsistent firepower and technology vs completely inconsistent firepower and technology.

Why do we even have these space fleet matches? Virtually none of the usual source materials are reliable.
So, inconsistent firepower and technology vs completely inconsistent firepower and technology.

Why do we even have these space fleet matches? Virtually none of the usual source materials are reliable.

The Geth are extremely consistent in their abilities... so I'm not really sure what you're talking about.

As for the Protoss, I think it is generally obvious that they generally have megaton to gigaton weapons with some high end outliers thanks to a few comic book scenes. And potentially higher powered weapons when they purify planets. But that those aren't always effective in space combat.