Get Away From Brockton Bay! "Tinker of Fiction" SI

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Oh boy. Brockton Bay. As a tinker. It could be worse, right? Of course it could be. But in a 12 years old body with a serious lack of control over some your reactions, things get complicated. Hopefully it will go right. Right?!
Act 1, Chapter 1
Koszalin, Poland
Hello. Inspired by Tinker of Fiction quest by Monk Penguin I decided to start a story based on the concept. But based on me as 12 years old. With my current memories mixed in. It doesn't mix well.

I'm a beginner writer, but I hope you will enjoy my writing anyway. 24 Pages of writing in two days, I'm insane x_X. I doubt I can keep up this pace, but I will try to update at worst once per few days.

I send my thanks to Magus Zanin, Hydralisk and other people on "Penguin's Monastery" Discord for helping me out with writing so far and doing some beta work.

My english isn't perfect, not even close, so feel free to point out whatever is wrong. Constructive criticism is also welcome, as I want to improve as a writer.

It turned out to be a nice day. Even if the previous club of my new buddies from Fautline's Crew didn't survive the Leviathan attack, at least we managed to secure a good spot in Philadelphia instead and created a new Palanquin Club . As far away as from Brockton Bay as possible. Thankfully, friggin hell. I smiled amused when suddenly my new companion called Alf walked towards me and decided to sit in front of me and pushed his alien head towards me to pat it. Oh, you pat maniac, you.

Sheesh, I love to spoil my creation… I mean my new Case53 companion. Yes, of course. It's not like I would dare to biotinker and bring ire of people like Piggot or Tagg, who would scream and rage how I deserve Kill Order. Thankfully Earth-Bet I ended up in haven't been one of those more nasty fanon worlds.

Of course if I decided to actually produce some that may self-replicate, I would end up in a position similar to Blasto and end up with a Kill Order on my head. Those last few weeks… tested my patience, resolve and determination, but I managed to reach a goal of escaping Brockton Bay. Again, fuck that hellhole. Also I noticed that being stuck in a 12 years old body and my tendency to swear more in English then Polish have been something that left me with mixed feelings, but living on Earth-Bet is not a very relaxing activity in the first place.

Even if a glare from my boss was something I never wanted to repeat in the first place. Because in the end mercenary work is all about reputation, but once I presented my plan of a fake Case53 she relented… somewhat. And creating the perfect replica of the infamous black alien from Alien vs Predator series is not something normal people liked to deal with. Or more mentally stable parahumans, which my Boss sure counted as.

"Honestly I still wonder why I accepted this idea in the first place." Faultline stated with a deceptively calm voice, but I knew that if needed she was a harsh, but fair taskmaster. And while she pretty much never raised her voice, I realized that she wasn't pleased. Oh well, I have been a reliable teammate to this point and we both knew it. And even if my tinkering laid more on an insane side, it does make our team that much more efficient, which also brings more money to us. I'm not a greedy asshole by definition and I know personally how coming from a high middle class may actually ruin your life as much as being very poor, but this is a story for later. But I still liked money. Because everyone knows that money is the best superpower of them all.

"Come on boss. Alf here already participated in one of our missions and performed reasonably well."

"Ah yes, he mauled four of our targets that we were supposed to knock out and deliver to Las Vegas Protectorate, but he didn't kill them. Thankfully that wondrous healing stick of yours from that game Team Fortress 2 managed to prevent that mess." Her glare intensified and my poor buddy Alf whined, clearly stressed. Obviously like a good friend I hugged him and whispered to him and our boss can be a pretty scary lady, but she cared about us in her own way.

"Boss Lady is a bit mean, but in the end it turned out well! And you are a good boy! Aren't you? But be careful next time, alright. Some humans and parahuman can be pretty squishy and all."

"You… I give up. Train him properly next time. And I admit when Night Hag jumped on us, he managed to help us survive. So good job. Also I wish you were more serious most of the time." Even when Melanie said it, I could see a tiny ghost of a smile. Ha, I knew you would get used to my new alien buddy. He's adorable in that very strange way. Also Elle adores him, even if others aren't as happy to see the guy.

"Dude, I can't get used to this alien. No offense big and scary alien guy thing. And I think he would be easier to deal with, if he didn't act… like a big and friggin scary puppy."

"Yo Newt. On the other hand if I left the original template on him… it would turn out ugly for obvious reasons. Right now he is like a very, very intelligent dog that improves with each new action. At one point he will be around human intelligence, but I programmed Alf so he will slowly get smarter with time, so it's easier for him to adapt."

"You're a great buddy, but it still gives me creeps. No offense. At least we are doing better than ever."

"Yeah, I'm that good and all." I ignored an eye roll from Melanie. No need to be jealous and all. Although it's good that I could finally relax and enjoy time I have spended with people I start to care about.

Nothing against some people like Taylor, Danny or Missy as some examples, but their loyalty towards Brockton Bay of all places made me tremble in disgust. Seriously. At least some people like Shadow Stalker and Coil received what they deserved, so it's good. Even if Protectorate at this point REALLY wants me to return to them. Ha, yeah, fuck them! Although the way I escaped them, I doubt they would be happy to see me back. Oh well, Fautline's Crew are really good at what they do and so far no one can find me. Even if I lost my secret identity, even if not in public thankfully, I'm doing more than fine at the moment.

"Any new missions at the moment, Boss Lady?" I asked.

"Not really. Although we may afford to take a break now. Some vacation wouldn't hurt." Fautline answered calmly.

"Really? Awesome! So where do we go?" Newter answered in excitement.

"Whelp, planning to go wild, Newt? Hmmm… only US, right?" I was honestly bored, so this change of pace was appreciated.

"Yes, it's simply safer this way."

"I always preferred to go on vacations where I visit some interesting places then lay on a beach or something similar." Because in the end, while I didn't mind beach time, it wasn't my favourite activity on my vacations.

"Sounds nerdy." Yeah, laugh it up Newter.

"Oh shut it. I dislike sun bathing, my skin doesn't take it well. Although swimming is always nice. Although some bikinis…"

"Ha! I guess you're at that age already. Ah, they grow up so fast these days." He even made 'remove fake tears' gesture.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. So… Honolulu? Sounds good?"

"Yes, it sounds reasonable. I just need to book some tickets and we may go. I just need to inform others as well." And this was it from our strict boss lady.

Yeah, even if Earth-Bet was hardly a nice place, in the end it still had some decent people in it. And by Earth-Bet standards Faultline's Crew are almost like saints. Sure, they are first and foremost mercenaries, but I may deal with it. I'm more than cynical for it. And people of Brockton Bay like Skitter? Sorry, but I was never obsessed with the story in the first place. And how creepy some self inserts could be with how hard they tried to 'befriend' the main protagonist disturbed me greatly. Especially when over 20 years old guys insisted on getting into a friendship zone with a 15 years old. Come on, ridiculous.

Thankfully it turned out alright so far. Even ignoring the incoming apocalypse and me missing my family, it could have turned out to be far worse. And in the end I will still try to do everything in my power to prevent it. And if not? Well… at this point I will end up dead or be already in a different dimension. Hopefully with my new companions.

Clearly relaxed, I closed my eyes and let Alf lay in front me. Even though I wish I could forget some things that happened. And what exactly happened so far? Well…


"Hello Mister Hebert. It's nice to see you. I hope we will do fine together."

"Call me Danny, Kamil. I know it must be overwhelming to you to end up in a new country and… an accident that happened, but I hope you will enjoy your time in Brockton Bay."

Like fucking hell I will. Once I get a chance I'm out of Brockton Bay. I have nothing against you both, but I'm not suicidal. And Brockton Bay is one of the worst places when it goes to personal survival.

"Danny then. Again, I hope I'm not a bother."

"No, no, it's fine. And your parents left you with a pretty impressive inheritance, so you aren't a burden on us when it goes to finances. And your english is pretty good"

"Thank you. That's good. Also mister social worker, is that all?"

"Yes, all formalities are confirmed. Enjoy your time together."

Once a social worker that I completely didn't care about left, I sighed and moved towards the Hebert household. Awkward silence was pretty obvious, but I didn't really mind. Silence is something I always prefered over loud noises and crowds always made me uncomfortable.

Once I entered my new home, I noticed on the stairs moving towards us a teenage girl. Yep, it was Taylor Hebert, alright. Black, curly hair, glasses and a bit too wide mouth. In real life I would say she was completely… average. Honestly it was pretty cruel how they bullied and ridiculed her looks, because I met far, far worse. It was never truly bad for me, as I was also considered aggressive with my old temper issues. I was called fat all the time, but a good few punches and it shut up people in the past, which caused trouble to me back then. Later on with the help of a psychologist I almost eliminated my anger issues, but I'm again in my young, far more aggressive body… It's not a good combination. My old 32 years old body would even find her reasonably attractive, of course once she would get at least a few years older.

Of course I barely contained myself. In a way for me this was a nightmare scenario and I barely kept my far, far younger chubby body in check. I didn't want to be here and deal with a nightmare called Earth-Bet. I hated to admit it, but I spended few sleepless nights dealing with this issue. It was really unfair. But if I learned something in my previous life that I rarely needed to do, if ever applied to anything. Survive.

"Who are you?" Yep, she was already on defensive. Those bitches really screwed her up. Tightened jaw, clear mistrust in her eyes, grimace on her face. And while part of me felt sorry for her, I also wanted to avoid getting attached to her. Survival. Think of survival.

"Kamil Horowski. Your cousin from Poland. I know you never heard of me, but uncle Danny may confirm it. Also before you adopted me, I was an orphan, as my parents died in a car accident."

Talk about cliche. You couldn't be more original, could you ROB? Or whoever the hell sended me here. Anyway I had plans to escape this place, so hopefully everything would go right. And February 21st showed me that I still had some time to do what I needed to do.

"Camille? It sounds like a girl's name." I laughed, because in Polish Kamil in a way sounds similar. Although I could say that she was already more positively more inclined. Dead parent was something we had in common here after all. "In a way it's true. But it's a male name. I have no idea how American version would sound… I guess Carmelo? Yeah, let's go with Carmelo."

It's not like it was important in the first place. I just needed to deal with my tinker urges for a week, where I would end up in a school. I had a plan for this part of the escape plan once I would end up there. Just be polite and talk when needed.

Attack on Titan technology wasn't something I would find amazing, but it was pretty decent anyway. And it had some interesting gadgets, like vertical maneuvering equipment. Jumping around like a Spider-Man wannabe, here we come! Also it thankfully required some very basic tools and equipment, so I didn't need a lot to build it in the first place. Now to only find a moment and place to do it, without Taylor and her bugs spying on me all the time.

So I had a week to ignore those tinker urges and hope for the best. Without anything going wrong. Hopefully. Be patient and survive. Survive.
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Act 1, Chapter 2
Chapter 2:

Last few days were pretty much calm, even if I struggled to simply rest. It was too much for me. I never dealt with heavy stress well. I managed to pass some important tests in the past, but I always felt it was always closer than it should be.

I hated pressure and I always worked better when I could simply relax and take my time to deal with problems or issues. And Earth-Bet was a problem that I really wanted to avoid. Mom, grandma, bro… I missed you. I will adapt, but I think it will take me a very long time before I'm over it.

I ignored the tears that gathered in my eyes and yet another almost sleepless night. I was at my limit, but at some point I will simply drop, because I'm too tired. I sighed heavily and slowly woke up, while also ignoring that urge to tinker.

No wonder tinkers needed to tinker. It was bad. Not horrible yet to the point I must do something, but I slowly reached my limit. I slowly stood up, changed my clothes and moved to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. Once I was done, I noticed slowly moving in my way Taylor, also clearly not happy with an obvious grimace and realization, that she needed to go to school and deal with her problems pretty much from the start. And yes, I despised Mondays myself. Although it was a day I was introduced to the new school with a bunch of 12 years old brats. Unfortunately I was one of them, but the thing is that I always disliked kids. Little nightmares I swear…

"Hello." I simply said. Her tired look showed that small talk is something she preferred to avoid. But I could also see that she at least wanted to be polite.

"Hello Carmelo. Today is your first day at a new school, right? Are you looking forward to it?" I suspected that saying this with a straight face took a herculean effort for her, taking into account her horrible school experiences.

"Not really. But I guess I should give it a chance, right?" No, not really. If everything went right, today would be the first and last day I spent there. Hopefully after today I will be out of Brockton Bay. And try my luck somewhere else, like Stafford.

Also yesterday I spent time gathering some information. Internet cafes, libraries and also I purchased a few small cameras. When Danny raised his eyebrows on those, I simply stated that Brockton Bay has a pretty bad reputation and I prefered to record everything just in case. Trust no one and record everything was pretty much my line of thinking. I clearly saw that this line of thinking troubled him, but inside I scoffed. If you really wanted, you would move from Brockton Bay a long time ago. Trying to revive that pretty much dead skeleton of a city was pretty much pointless in my opinion.

I know some people are very attached to the places they live in, but personally I never have understood that attitude. Sometimes some places simply aren't worth living in and it's better to move on.

"This is a new start for you. And maybe you will find a friend or two. Just be careful, alright." I barely managed to hold my wince, when she said all of this in almost bored monotone. I could tell that Taylor forced herself to say it.

Some things were better left unsaid and this was one of those situations. And anyway I prefered to not get used to it. Because in the end I wanted to avoid this whole mess in the first place.

After breakfast and Taylor moving out of the house towards her school, Danny picked me up and drove me towards my new school. Once he parked his car, he held my hand and we moved together towards possibly the few most boring hours of my life. Delightful. Also laughing and screeching brats made this experience even worse. It was time to move on and ignore that need to tinker.

Introduction to my new principal was as boring as I expected and all I did was politely answer some questions and with a fake smile I pretended to be excited and looked forward to meeting my classmates.

Afterwards the next few hours I could describe my experiences in a few simple words: boring, annoying, angry, tired and overall unhappy. Of course some little shits pretended to whisper about that fatso that was creepily silent. Well, thankfully I sat behind them, so one well placed rock towards one of them was satisfying to shut one of them up. Gosh, I needed a break. Badly. And to start my new plan.

"Excuse me, Miss Morris. I need to go to the toilet."

"You can't hold it in? It's just 10 minutes left."

"I really, REALLY can't. Please, I need it badly."

"Oh alright, but please try to come back quickly."

"Obviously Miss Morris."

I instantly stood up and ran as fast as possible towards the door. Thankfully with a blouse with a big cowl I could pick up some things before I left. Like that stolen penknife, which I admit left me with mixed feelings. I never stole in my previous life, but current circumstances… I needed all the advantages I could get. And I suspect Danny wouldn't want to buy me one because of my age. Sigh, so annoying.

I remembered at the start of the day when one of the students, whose name I forgot, presented me some classes where I could find a janitor. Some old guy who liked to move around once in a while for several minutes and check things at school. Idea here would be to simply wait and let my power tell me how to use penknife and open the lock. Yes, Attack on Titan specialty helped here. Even if I found it strange, I was glad for it.

I needed to be quick. With some difficulty I somehow opened the lock and checked everything that was around. Thankfully that specialty required very few materials and time to work. Although I decided to pick up what I could, including a gun. Nothing I recognized, but honestly I never truly cared about guns in the first place.

I quickly picked those, locked a door back and picked up some keys and one of the classrooms that were empty. I had no time to lose, and my power instantly helped me out.

I focused on vertical maneuvering equipment and a miniature version of Thunder Spear, which I could for some reason build with absolutely minimum amounts of materials. Tinker bullshit at its finest. Also some sort of stone to turn blades far sharper than they should be from the few knives I picked up and attached them to few sticks to turn them into primitive versions of bayonets. Whatever was left from a gun, I hid in the pockets of my blouse.

I quickly checked my watch and it was alright. Around 15 minutes. I heard the commotion outside, although it wasn't panicked if I heard it right. Satisfied with my work, I used one of my new knives to cut some rags I found and cover up my face and hair in bandana-like fashion.

While I was confident, I had some doubts. My tinker need was satisfied and I was certain it would work, but it was risky. I knew that I would need to commit some risky actions, Earth-Bet and all, but something felt off to me.

I shrugged, inhaled and opened up the window while I prepared my special maneuvering equipment. I smiled with glee once a hook attached to the closest building and I jumped.

Just one jump and I felt like I was in heaven. This feeling of almost flying in the air with some mid-air turns made me feel incredible. Man, no wonder Spider-Man loved to jump like this. Incredible wasn't even close to describing it. I knew the general direction I wanted to move on, while avoiding bigger gang territories. I needed to be as fast as possible, and so far it looked good. If I noticed a bigger group of people, I instantly jumped to the ground and threw my hook as close to the walls of a random building in quasi-climb fashion. I felt confident. It was looking good. Man, such simple equipment and it provided so much fun! And while I wished I had something better to work with, like Mass Effect or something similar, this wasn't bad at all.

I landed on some random building somewhere near the end of Boardwalk. Only Downtown and I would be free. Yeah, I suspect people wouldn't appreciate what I did, but Brockton Bay wasn't a place for me. Now I needed to be more subtle and…

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

Oh shit! That voice sounded like coming from a teenage girl. So in Brockton Bay it means Rune or Glory Girl. And while both options were horrible, the first one was really bad news. Nazis are bad people and all.

I turned around and noticed both Glory Girl and Panacea, which she carefully put on the roof of the building. I ignored the brunette afterwards, as I couldn't help, but look at this human wonder and that absolutely stunning blonde. And those legs to die for…

What? What the fuck? That… THAT AURA!

This left me speechless. I deep down knew that her aura affected people around, but this was still something I wanted to avoid. Maybe my reaction was so strong, because of my new very young body and how tired I was, but I think with how surprised she was here and how she slightly backed off, when she noticed sheer fury on my face. I reacted before I could think about it and pulled off my Thunder Spear and instantly shot in her direction. I ignored the shocked scream, although I doubted it would hurt her. It never crossed my mind that I actually managed to land that hit and that it pushed her away some distance from the sheer recoil. And I screamed as my arms suddenly exploded in pain.

Once I shook my head, angry Panacea moved in my direction, clearly not amused. I dropped Thunder Spear without thinking and pulled off one of my blades, and clearly aimed in her direction, which made her stop.

Oh boy, it escalated in some very wrong directions. Also I knew what both Panacea and Glory girl did to some criminals. And while part of me thought that they wouldn't do something truly bad to me because of the age of this body, I wouldn't trust them for shit as well to behave.

"What the fuck! That fucking mindraping aura! Keep it in fucking check!"

"What is wrong with you brat? That could hurt someone! And language!"

"Screw you, barbie! And you! Tell your sister to keep this shit in check! My body reacted on its own because of it. Holy hell, why does no one call you on it?!"

"You shot her, you little psycho! And Vicky, AURA!"

"My body went into 'danger mode', because of that aura!"

"Maybe someone like you needs to be spanked? And what are you doing here at this hour?!"

It was a chaotic mess. No one moved close to each other, but I knew I wasn't winning this one and I think only my words about aura and my age stopped them from literally jumping me just like that. I exhaled. I needed to deal with being tired, angry and in a bad spot. I needed to CALM DOWN.

"Stop! Just… stop. Please. I'm… tired." I dropped my knives on the floor as well. I raised my hands to show I have nothing in them. Thankfully Vicky calmed down and I kept looking at her. I ignored the annoyed huff from Panacea, because of course she can't be ever happy. Annoyance was still there on Glory Girls face, but it softened a bit.

"Ok, answer the question again. What are you doing here?"

I wanted to lie. To simply keep it that I tested equipment or something similar. But I think my tiredness started to catch up with me. So I simply told the truth.

"I want to escape Brockton Bay and never see it again."

Their surprised faces pretty much told the whole story. They didn't expect this answer. Although sudden looks of pity that followed up afterwards I wanted to ignore. Because I HATED pity aimed towards me. Amy raised an eyebrow, and stated.

"Or maybe you are lying? Parents didn't give you some attention and this is some childish rebellion?"

"My parents are dead, you insensitive cunt."

Ah, that look of shock on her face was fantastic. And I think the look on my face said it all. I didn't really care what happened to parents here, it was a very different story in my previous life. At least mother, because my father could fucking rot for all I cared. Gosh, I miss them. And I know they miss me as well. I just… it's not fair.

"Don't cry, okay? It's… alright."

"Ok, yeah, sorry. Geez…"

So I cried. Fuck this premature body. Oh well, I needed to wipe those tears, so I did. I decided to sit and simply close my eyes.

"Ok, I feel better now. To say why? Because this city FUCKING SUCKS. I never wanted to end up here, but the only family I have left is here. And I know they love this shithole for some reason."

"It's… not that bad. There are still people around that are worth fighting for. Isn't that right, Ames?"

Amy was silent and I suspected the reason. She hated healing and with all that violence around, she would never run out of people to heal. And while fanon heavily exaggerated the amount of healing she dealt with, it's more than enough to make her tired of it anyway. Also add to this neglectful and paranoid bitchy mother figure called Brandish and she's pretty much a mess. I never liked her and I think of her as a bitch, but some parts of her life sucked balls.

"Yes, like you Vicky." Ah yes, also the whole Vicky mess. I obviously never planned to touch it with a 20 foot pole. As I'm sure as hell was not qualified for it. Also for me it was clear that she pretty much only cared for Vicky with this sentence, while Vicky took it here as one of the people worth fighting for here. Obviously Worm communication at its finest.

"That's… they care about you, right? And they don't neglect you, right?"

"No, nothing bad happens. And we barely know each other. Pretty much been with them a week."

"So give them a chance."

No, fuck it. It was pointless. This city would be my grave and I refused to die here. And with all that incoming shit like Leviathan, Bakuda, S9 and some others… it was hopeless. Pointless.

"Honestly I'm baffled you keep your spirits like this. After the whole Fleur fiasco and all."

Ugh, that was a wrong thing to say. Her aura flared out and I choked. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

"Vicky, AURA!"

"I'm sorry!"

And it receded. Fuck this, I'm not dealing with her anymore. Even if I needed to secure a restraining order. It was horrible.

"Anyway I plan to continue. I have some ideas on how to proceed."

"Wait, wait. Why not join The Wards?"

Ah yes, and deal with Piggot, Shadow Stalker and fucking Coil messing with things around. With possibly most corrupt and incompetent branch of Protectorate, while also vulnerable to all villains around, with a city being a feudal criminal mess. No thanks.

"In this city? Hah, forget it! Not happening."

"Ok, I get it. You don't like this place. You are also really cynical for your age." I rolled my eyes, which she ignored. "But maybe you can… be transferred or something?"

Also something I was sure wouldn't happen. Piggot needed all the parahumans, and Heberts also wouldn't do it. Maybe I'm too cynical, but I didn't like my odds. And well… I suspected probationary membership is something I would end up with. And realization on how reckless I was hit me like a hammer. Oh, that was bad. Why…

"I'm not interested. You may as well help me or leave me alone. I need to keep going."

"Be reasonable. It will be alright, I'm sure of it!" When suddenly she flew in my direction and caught me, I started to trash in her hands.

"Oh, leave me alone! Help!"

"Stop struggling. Amy!"

When Panacea moved in my direction, I didn't like the look in her eyes. Once she touched me, I started to get sleepy.

"Oh you bi…" And my eyes closed. And darkness was the last thing I saw.
Act 1, Chapter 3
Chapter 3:

I opened my eyes. Silence was the only thing that greeted me. I woke up in a typical room with white walls, a single bed and some basic table with two drawers. Yeah, I realized that I didn't know where I was and started to slightly panic. Also I noticed my missing equipment, which made this situation even worse. Still kind of groggy I tried to remember what happened to me.

Oh gosh, I hope it's not Coil. No, I think someone would react already. I think. What happened? At school with stolen items I managed to tinker some equipment, escaped the school and at one point Glory Girl and Panacea caught me. It turned out ugly and… they knocked me out? Oh that bitch! But from what I see I have my old clothes on, so they didn't find those two small cameras I had on me. Good.

I already suspect where I was. Especially once I heard the door open up and I noticed two PRT troopers. One male and one female. Also it was hard to miss the third person there, a very famous Brockton Bay parahuman called Miss Militia.In panic I checked my face, but at least I had something cover my whole face and hair, so at least they did this right. Oh, I was still angry, alright. But I already didn't like my situation. Oh well, I guess I needed to see how it goes from there. I hoped Heberts were smart enough to at least enter the PRT building with some masks on their faces. Although they could have had no idea. I quickly pulled off my wallet and missed my new ID. Oh… I wasn't sure which annoyed me more - that PRT/Protectorate didn't respect my privacy or that Glory Girl and Panacea didn't. Second was slightly better I guess?

When I turned my head to look at eye-smiling Miss Militia and two silent troopers, I raised my eyebrows, but I also didn't say anything. I think they wanted me to say something first, but I preferred to wait on their first move. One of the troopers, female one, stepped in and stated.

"Hello Bangee." I raised my eyebrows. That was the nickname they picked for me? I guess something like Jumper was already taken, which would fit better. Maybe? Meh, whatever. "You aren't officially in trouble. Your guardian is contacted and should show up soon." At my glare, she continued undisturbed. "No, we didn't take your ID and checked your identity. Also we don't know who he or she is, because the one who informed him or her are Glory Girl and Panacea, who bringed you out here. Although honestly your… actions and escape weren't exactly subtle."

At this I groaned, because it was true. I literally acted like a burglar, stole some items, including a gun and tried to escape without informing anyway. Yeah, at this point I may at best expect criminal probation. Fantastic. Although my young age here may be helping here. It was so reckless, why did I…

I gritted my teeth, because I suspected why that was the case. This young impulsive body made me commit to the action otherwise I wouldn't really go for. Add to this my desperate need to tinker and powers wants to be used… My desperate urges pretty much fooled me. Parahuman recklessness at its finest. I need to learn how to control those or I may end up in bigger trouble then I already was in.

"It's alright. You're at a safe place and once you will see some other Wards, I hope you will give us a chance. Plus you're with us heroes, so it will be alright." Miss Militia calmly said with her trademark smile. I barely hold a snort. She tried to be nice and polite. If I didn't know how bad the situation in this city was and how I disliked 'yes-please' types like her I would maybe fall for it. I needed to be calm and maybe it will work out.

"So… now that I'm not in trouble, may I simply pick my things and leave? Also do you by any chance have my equipment?" I ignored the way they exchanged the looks and slowly stood up. Miss Militia coughed to bring my attention to her and from a bit more strained smiles, I knew that it wouldn't work. But oh well, it was worth a shot.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. You committed some… actions that may be hard to simply be pushed aside." Ah, what a gentle way to say 'you committed some crimes and we can't simply let you go'. Peachy.

"Let's not beat around the bush. You stole some equipment from your school, including a privately owned gun and used those materials to create illegal untested tinkertech. Also your escape attempt was also not exactly something that people would approve." Ugh, even if he had a point, it was annoying. Plus was this some sort of good cop, bad cop routine?

I didn't know what to say. Because what could I say? I did those things. I pretty much gambled on a smooth escape and trying to live somewhere else. It failed and I needed to deal with consequences. Vicky and Amy, you really made this complicated for me. But I needed to blame myself as well. Kurwa…

"Language. Most people know this polish swear" Ah, that polish kurwa escaped my mouth on instinct. I pretended to be embarrassed, with a troubled laugh that followed afterwards. I noticed disapproval on their faces, but I really didn't care. And I just left a big hint towards my identity, although at this point they must know it already.

With a heavy, defeated sigh I simply stood up and slowly moved towards the door. They allowed me to move first, while they followed me afterwards. Inside it was… normal? I noticed some tinkertech in some spots, but it was pretty much like any government owned building. Also I suspect this was PRT headquarters and not a Protectorate base on the island, as it didn't look really… advanced. Yeah, I think that was the correct way to say it.

"Also what time is it?"

"7:58 PM. You slept for around 8 hours."

I still felt not great, but much better. I was really that tired, huh? Also I needed to prepare myself, because I was about to deal with some people I wish I never had to to deal with in the first place.

Yep, I noticed a door with Piggot's surname on it. Oh boy, wild ride incoming. Back then I hoped she was the only one. Nope, never mind. I noticed Heberts, thankfully with masks on. While this wouldn't protect their identities, at least there was a pretense in case someone wanted to take advantage of it and blame it on PRT/Protectorate or something.

Other people I wanted to avoid as well. Armsmaster, Gallant, Piggot, Miss Militia, those two PRT agents and that's it. I noticed Gallant's reaction and some shift in his body language and possibly whispered something to his superiors? I think my annoyance, anger, resignation and some other feelings were obvious, huh?

Anyway Dean decided to step in first and presented his hand for a greeting. I didn't see any reason to at least not do this, so I grabbed his hand and shook it.

"Maybe it's not ideal, but we all make mistakes. Plus from what I heard you are a reasonably nice guy, outside of what you did recently. So it's nice to meet you, Bangee. And please give us a chance, we are a group of people you can trust. And sooner or later we make sure this city is worth fighting for."

Ah, so they knew why I did that. My flat, unimpressed look was an obvious answer on what exactly I thought on the subject. I knew that maybe trying to be more cooperative would be more reasonable, but I was really out of fucks given at this point. This whole situation was inevitable at this point. The only people I kind of feel sorry for are Heberts, because in the end they didn't deserve to end up in this mess.

"Why did you do it? Ka…" Danny stated and almost continued.

"Bangee. Use parahuman names, please. Secret identities. Although at this point I'm pretty sure they know anyway. But let's keep the pretense. So if I eat a bullet or something, at least we may know who will be responsible for a leak of my identity. So just in case sue them please."

Ahh, those troubled looks mixed up with angry ones. It bringed a satisfied smile on my face, which made it even worse. Yeah, it's inevitable what is coming, but I sure as hell will make it as annoying as possible with the superpower called spite. Maybe being a brat isn't so bad sometimes, if it allows me to do things like that.

"Why are you like this?" Ahh Taylor. It's still strange to see someone both so naive and jaded at the same time. Before the whole Warlord Skitter mess and all.

"Because this city is a walking corpse? That heroes are really good at walking around in costumes, while only keeping things barely from escalating, instead of fixing problems here? That you are so used to criminals that you can't imagine this city without Nazis around, because they pretty much exist since you were born here? That Brockton Bay may be as well called a feudal criminal hellhole, because they literally occupy american territory and no one does anything about it? So yeah, I simply want nothing to do with this. Pretty much any other American city is a better place to live in."

That almost oppressive silence was so delicious for me. You didn't expect a 12 years old to say something like this? Yeah, I wouldn't expect it as well if I were in your position.

"I see that you already have your opinions clear. Even if it sounds like you know what you're talking about, you don't really know. How hard it is to keep things from escalating. How we operate on limited budgets and how we keep things around and make people believe in us. Working in a city like this requires very delicate balance." Ah Piggot, your condescending voice clearly showed your true intentions. And I suspect some things I said struck a nerve with my future boss.

"Ah yes, the wonders of PR. Pretend to the bitter end." At Piggot's glare, I almost smirked. Being a snarky little git was really fun and because of my age, far easier to get away with. As I mentioned, I didn't plan to make it easier for them.

"You really believe in what you said, don't you?" The Armsmaster's calm voice bringed my attention. Honestly I was surprised they were so shocked. Maybe my outsider perspective allows me to see things like that far easier? Because we do have a tendency as humans to miss some obvious clues when we are used to something, even if we see them in front of us? Maybe I was too blatant about it, but I could see Armsmaster in deep thought already.

"I lived in Poland. It wasn't great, but here it's kind of ridiculous." And it was true. While in other cities like Boston or New York some things looked somewhat similar, at least some things were in reasonable order. Even if it was thanks to criminals like Accord.

"You… are a very intelligent young boy. But trust me, we all lived here for a long while and we know it's not as bad as you describe it." Miss Militia stated, still confused. I guess it may be true? Because even Heberts weren't constantly harassed and other people in the room live in the best parts of this city, so from their perspective it never looked truly bad.

"Anyway this isn't what we are here for. Your guardian wanted to talk with you and we allowed it. And also we wanted to confirm why you did what you did." I shrugged, because this was a very clear attempt to gain her control back. And with what I planned to do afterwards, tension would be back with a vengeance.

"I assume we are about to enter a less nice part of the negotiations. If that may be called those in the first place." I wasn't hopeful. I did commit those crimes, even if pretty minor. And I also wasn't delusional. I wasn't in any position of power here. But I may make things a bit more difficult. And I won't work with someone like Shadow Stalker. Fuck that. Even if part of me thinks that it's not a very reasonable approach. But being bratty and petty in this body was allowed.

"Let's recall what happened. At 12:40 you called the classroom that you wanted to go to the toilet. Miss Margaret Morris agreed to it and you used this opening to open up the janitor's room to pick up items to tinker with. List of items included a privately owned gun of Mitch Morris, a few types of knives and basic items to build things like screwdrivers, hammers, nails and several others. Is this correct?" I nodded, because there was no point to lie about it. I ignored some worried or disappointed looks. Ok, those coming from Heberts didn't feel nice, but I could get over it.

"Afterwards once you tinkertech your equipment, which took you.. "15 minutes." "15 minutes you pick up your equipment and decide to instantly use it to attach it to the closest building and jump around the buildings. Somehow no one noticed you, before the incoming confrontation. I don't think lucky covers it." Piggot grumbled under her nose the last sentence and was that some hint of… respect in Armsmaster's eyes? Attack on Titan isn't really an advanced tech tree, so it kind of makes sense you may build it fast, unless it's one of the bigger inventions, like cannons.

"At around 13:15 you were caught off guard by patrolling around Glory Girl and Panacea." That was an understatement. Also I noticed how both surprised and excited Taylor was about that confrontation. Cape geek, huh?

"Both testified that you reacted badly to Glory Girl's aura and because of it you picked up a tinkertech firearm and shot Glory Girl." Ah yes, those gasps were pretty obvious. And I think Gallant wasn't happy about it, seeing his stiff body language. "And afterwards aggressive arguments followed up." Also understatement, although I admit I'm positively surprised that Vicky admitted about her aura screwing things up. "And they tried to convince you to stop, while also in the end they captured and bringed you to us. Is this all true?"

It was more or less true. This whole mess still grates on my nerves and I wanted in some very not delicate words to say what I really thought about it, but it wouldn't help here too much. Of course, I could complain about it.

"Sigh… let's make some things clear. I find Glory Girl and Panacea as well as menaces." I ignored the whispers and continued. "Glory Girl is completely reckless with her aura, it's ridiculous. She doesn't even pretend to control it and Panacea needed to literally scream at Glory Girl to make her stop using it. Maybe my reaction to this was harsh, but for me it felt at first like she was the love of my life and I wanted to check out her legs. Literally. It wasn't a nice feeling. I wasn't in control. So afterwards once Glory Girl's aura weakened, in anger I lashed out, because I lost control over my body." The Armsmaster nodded. Gosh, you couldn't make it more obvious with a lie detector, did you? I exhaled and continued.

"Some… very harsh words followed up from all directions and I felt too tired, so I dropped my equipment and I explained pretty much why I wanted to escape Brockton Bay. Also Glory Girl lashed out with her aura again, when I said that I was surprised that she can feel so positive about Brockton Bay after Fleur died."Yeah, those winces were clear on how much I screwed up. "Yes, I screwed up. But this time instead of love, I felt fear. It was horrible and suffocating. Panacea needed to scream about aura again. Afterwards I tried to escape, but Glory Girl caught me and didn't let me escape, while I tried to escape. Afterwards Panacea used her power on me without my permission, which I also don't appreciate." My growl surprised some people, but it was not ok and I made it clear for them. "And that's it."

"I guess we will need to have more words with Panacea and Glory Girl in the future."

"Please do. I also recorded that whole incident." I reached near the pocket small attached camera. Clear grimace on Piggot's face that showed up wasn't nice.

"I hope you don't record right now with this camera."

"I don't." And it was true. WIth this one. Other one I still had to record everything.

"One more thing. Please SERIOUSLY test Glory Girl's aura. I mean it."

"We performed tests on Glory Girl's aura."

"Yes, short term. But did you long term?"

Ah, that delicious silence. Because seriously, those two needed to be kept in check. And they needed this heavy reality check.

"Long term?"

"Yes, think about it. We have evidence that Glory Girl doesn't keep her aura in check really. Maybe short term it's perfectly fine to be under it, but long term? If she causes everyone to love or hate her, maybe it does affect people's brains? Causes issues with their hormonal balances? Or it may in fact make them permanently fall in love with her or want to kill her instead? She participates in all classes at her school, right? Do you want to imagine potential long term consequences and number of affected people on a regular basis? Exactly. And for all of us let's hope I'm wrong."

Ah yes, shocked reactions is what I expected here. And I sure delivered. And I knew it wouldn't be hard to test. And now that I bringed it up with some evidence that clearly shows that Glory Girl doesn't control it for shit, they couldn't really ignore it anymore. And if they did… Well, I still had that second recording. Was I spiteful? Yeah, I was. Because in the end they really needed this. Also the looks I started to receive now were… contemplative and wary? Oh, maybe I pushed too far.

"And also who said her family is immune? They may be, but again they may not be. It may explain some of her… reputation." For being reckless pretty much. Because if no one reigns her in, it may explain why she acts the way she does and my hint was as subtle as a hammer to the face here. Ahh, Gallant slightly shaking really shook his beliefs. Oh well, I think this relationship will be either done for or actually survive it. Maybe.

"That was… insightful." Yeah, I pushed too far. I didn't want them to look too closely to me as a person, so I needed to go with refuge in an audacity approach.

"Also on Panacea. She used her power without permission on me. I only ask politely, if possible, for a restraining order against them. I don't want them near me in any shape and form." I stated clearly, and I think they would comply here.

And oh boy, I caused an uproar. I said absolutely nothing and closed my eyes, while others whispered, talked, argued and some other things. Although with the way Heberts looked at me was uncomfortable the most. Like I was an alien that showed up out of nowhere. Sigh… I really made my life difficult with my lack of restraint, didn't I? Ugh, this lack of self-control as a twelve years old sucks.

"Silence." Piggot stated firmly and the room quieted down.

"Thank you for the theory. We will investigate these issues and test things in detail." Ah yes, she is clearly not happy with Glory Girl and Panacea. Although maybe them taking me more seriously back then had a specific advantage with what I was about to do.

"But in the end we are here about you. Did you admit to the crimes you committed?"

"Yes, I do." There was no point in denying it. And if I played it right, they would give me more leeway this leeway for being more cooperative.

"We will discuss this in more detail with lawyers, but criminal probation is what you may expect here. You did commit a crime, but it's not that serious, so leniency is expected here. From my experience it looks like 2 years probation, but I won't confirm anything here." I grimaced at this amount, but I wasn't a lawyer, so… it was hard to truly confirm if it was too much here. Thankfully I still had some ideas how to deal with this here. Although I doubted people would appreciate some of those ideas.

"Also I think I need to give a warning about something."

Not amused look of Piggot clearly showed what she thought about it, but it was also somewhat contemplative. Yeah, I think I left an impression here.

"About what exactly."

"Shadow Stalker."

Ah, that also caused the return of whispers and some shocked body languages of people around. And the defensive body language of Piggot was reasonably obvious. Trouble in paradise? Well I can imagine how annoying to deal with Shadow Stalker must be.

"Care to elaborate?"

"Sure. Shadow Stalker is someone I wouldn't trust to cover a hot dog booth and obviously not me. She is in fact a completely unrepentant psychopath who enjoys hurting people. In fact her life philosophy is a belief in survivor/predator/prey mindset. If she considers someone 'weak', then she will let them rot."

"What are you saying? She's… rude and abrasive, but she does her job. Her personality is difficult, but she may change." Miss Militia voiced this one. Oh you have no idea.

"Yeah, Shadow Stalker may be considered complex and I admit she's over the top sometimes, but you say way too much." Oh Gallant, your power alone should tell you the whole story.

"Oh, maybe in a cape costume she may act reasonably, but in a civilian persona? Ha, you have no idea. Although I suspect she pretends to act reasonable, because you keep her on a leash."

"You better choose your next words carefully. Revealing an identity of a cape is a serious crime." I shrugged, not really impressed. I refused to work with Shadow Stalker and if I must to make my situation worse, so be it. I'm on criminal probation anyway here, so whatever.

"You know what? Fuck it. She deserves it. I REFUSE to work with her. Someone here knows her really well after all. And from the worst possible side. Does the name Sophia Hess ring a bell? Yep, that fucked up psycho is in fact a Ward."

Oh boy, that look of pure murder on Taylor's face made me flinch. Oh, that buzzing noise… not good. Not good at all. I quickly moved and grabbed her hand, which she instantly understood. Hopefully no one noticed it. Anyway she deserved it to know, even if I felt sorry for her, because oh boy, it was a nasty mix of furious and resigned. And oh boy, she also had been crying.


"Please cal…" Miss Militia tried, but oh boy, there was no stop to this.


Oh boy, I bringed out something nasty. Danny instantly hugged her and glared at everyone around, while I tried awkwardly to hug her, but it was simply hopeless.

Oh, that look of anger on Piggot's face was pretty telling. Although I suspected it was aimed mostly at me, whoops.

"Are those accusations true?" Her voice was calm, but I could tell something dangerous was behind it.

"Taking into account this girl ended up in a hospital pretty recently because of your Ward and her idea of a 'prank', then yes, they are. I have no direct proof myself, but if you actually bothered to check on her in the first place, you would avoid this issue." Suddenly Armsmaster's voice with "Truth" ringed out around. Gosh, this guy… you couldn't make it more obvious that you use a lie detector. Although we talk about someone who asked Taylor 'are you a villain' based on her costume and also used words like 'truth' or 'lie' in some conversations. And thanks for the opening.

"Lie detector? Really? Is this even legal?" Ahh, Armsmaster, you are hopeless. Also you shouldn't be so surprised that someone called you on when you made it so obvious.

"This isn't a court and in court it wouldn't be admissible." True, but it wasn't a point. "But it still sounds sketchy as hell to use even in this situation. But it also makes some things easier."

"Also what do you mean not check on them. We have a dedicated handler.."

"Then ask yourself Director Piggot. Why do you hear very different turns of events compared to 'official' ones whatever they are?"

Ah, her completely red face was completely comical for me. And I would feel sorry for Blackwell and Sophia's handler, but I didn't. I'm not a great guy, but if I can, I may as well help when something like this happens.

"And how do you know this?" Danny asked some pointed questions I would prefer to not answer.

"Her diary. I'm sorry for reading it, but something bugged me about you." And it was true in a way. Taylor's body language does scream 'victim abuse' and her avoidance of talking about school was also obvious in the last days we talked about a bit. Plus I did some research just in case I did end up in an alternate version of Worm. I also found it at one point where she went to school, but before I ended up in school. My fingerprints should still be there on it, so physical evidence is here and it works as an excuse. Sort of.

"I doubt it told you about Shadow Stalker." Sceptical voice of the Armsmaster was obvious and how he fished for information.

"True. But I was bored with researching. I checked out on Winslow as well via the internet and some discussions mentioned that Ward may be in Winslow." Ironically this was true as well. Of course it was mostly conspiracy nutjobs, but it worked for my argument just fine. "And it's also not a secret that Shadow Stalker is black, which you mentioned when you recruited her. And well… Sophia looks like a very athletic teenager black girl. Add to this Winslow rumours and how some people complained about her being aggressive… I suspected this was true."

"Half-true." Ahh this lie detector was an issue. Because in the end I did this research, but my source of information is different.

"I learned this information from someone, but I refuse to say it." That was the best I could do. Because I did learn it from Wildbow.

"And why don't you want to say it?"

"Simple. Imagine what I said about Sophia is true. What if Sophia learns about it and decides to take it on that person? Sorry, no can do."

"I insist." Ahh, trying to be pushy? No can do.

"And I refuse. And simply - if you didn't know about Sophia, why would I trust your information security?"

Ah, that flinch. You didn't like when I pointed out this to you, do you? Well, I think this was also needed. Because it may increase their own security, so hopefully some spies are about to have some difficulties with their spying.

"You… really like to cause trouble, don't you?" In a way I did, but honestly I also wanted to avoid lots of future issues.

"Yes, I can be petty and vindictive, but I needed to touch those subjects. I refuse to work with someone like Shadow Stalker. And Glory Girl and Panacea issue is a problem."

"Well it already happened. So I just need to prepare NDAs for you to sign and we won't have a problem…"

"No can do."

"What? How dare…"

"I dare, because as a minor NDA pretty much doesn't apply to me and that girl over there. And even if, it can't be used to cover up criminal activity, which Shadow Stalker is accused of."

"It's not proven yet." Ahhh you fight fiercely Piggot.

"Shadow Stalker doesn't strike me as a very intelligent person, so simply investigation will prove it. And taking into account her character, I'm pretty sure she is on a criminal probation, just like I'm about to end up in. Like call her in and check her phone? It should at least provide a lead or something?"

"Can you even do it? She has her private life, right?" Gallant said. Although I could say that realization who he worked with slowly sinked in.

"On a criminal probation, you don't have privacy. People may check anytime your private possessions and call off at any time probation and instead put you in juvie."

"This also applies to you." Ahh, you are really unhappy with me, aren't you Piggot?

"So be it. I did something stupid, I don't deny this fact. But I'm also not a bad person. Not really. My guardian and his daughter deserved to learn this truth. Also the way I see it, I'm not impressed with you people so far as well. Because even if you didn't know this, it still shows you as incompetent instead of corrupt, which in a way is as bad. And in a city like this, I'm surprised you trusted people under you so blindly. And who knows what we may learn next? Spies hired by villains? Who the heck knows at this point!"

"I'm still a busy person with my own set of problems. Brockton Bay is a very hard city to keep in check."

"True, maybe I'm too harsh. But there is that thing called work review. Trust, but verify, right? Yep. Don't trust blindly and all. Also I think you may be worried about the whole Shadow Stalker issue and how you will compensate people hurted by her."

Piggot was furious, I could easily tell. But she also realized that the situation was delicate enough that brute forcing any issue may be a bad idea. And I knew that revealing the identity of a Ward will possibly make this probation worse than it could be. But I left enough information and hints that it should also affect not only Glory Girl, Panacea and Shadow Stalker, but also Coil. Hopefully. Also I doubted they would believe that I found out all of this on my own and may suspect my Thinker rating as well. It sucked, but I knew it would be a difficult situation to say all of it and not get this suspicion to be a thing in the first place.

Meeting afterwards ended pretty quickly. They decided that I will spend a night at their headquarters, which was reasonable after I tried to escape. Next time meetings between lawyers would happen and it would be my first day as a Ward.
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Informational: Timeline
Chapter 1 (Part 1, Fautlines Crew): Unknown

Chapter 1 (Part 2, Hebert Household): 21st February

Chapter 2: 28th February, 8-13:20 AM

Chapter 3: 28th February, 19:57 PM

Chapter 4: 1st March, 6-7 AM

Chapter 5 (Taylor/Danny Part): 1st March, 8 AM - 14 PM

Chapter 5 (Wards Part): 1st March, 3 PM - 6 PM

Chapter 6 (Confrontation with Shadow Stalker's Handler): 28th February, 20:59 till the end of the day.

Chapter 6 (Next Day): 1st March, 7 AM - 7 PM

Chapter 7 (Vista & Taylor Scenes): 2nd March

Chapter 7 (Krieg Scene): 3rd March
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Act 1, Chapter 4
I have some things to say before this chapter. This chapter is dialogue heavy and it's a transition chapter, so it's not an action one. But I think it's important to establish some things and to present important plot hook. Also this chapter is a bit personal to me, as some things I described here happened to me.

Also 'slice of life' will be an important part of this story and situations like this will show up. Anyway one more chapter and I plan to write Emily Piggot interlude. Thank you for reading and I hope you will enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 4:

I woke up around 6 AM, which surprised me. I hated to wake up so early in my previous life and I expected to be the same here. I recognized the same room from yesterday, so I assumed I wasn't free to go yet. Things… could go worse, but I also felt that it would go better. With a sigh I stood up, and when I was about to do something else, doors to my temporary bedroom opened up and two PRT guards I knew walked in. One of them carried a tray with some breakfast-like meal and the other one simply observed, although that police club was a bit too much? Oh well, it's not like I had a choice really.

"Enjoy the meal and afterwards we will go to Director Piggot to confirm your probationary status and secure some agreements with lawyers as well." Female trooper passed the tray to me and I started to eat. Ahh scrambled eggs, I missed you. Any breakfast without eggs for me is a disappointment. Eggs for the win!

I could be pretty and prolong my breakfast for as long as possible, but there was also no point for it. I suspected my probation was already in a pretty complicated spot, so I may at least for now play ball. More or less.

Once I was done, they guided me towards Piggot's office. I noticed Danny was already there and Armsmaster. And some lawyers. No one else was this time around, so I shrugged and walked in.

This time around I ignored voices around me and analyzed what happened to me. I almost grinned in a realization that the tech tree may in fact change for me. Mentally when I realized what kind of tech tree I received, I wanted to jump and whoop in joy. It obviously wasn't a complete game changer like Starcraft or something like Marvel, but it was good in its own way. With a smile I accepted the change. When I realized that I was a 'Tinker of Fiction', it didn't mean it couldn't be different. Like for example if I rejected something, it may not wait to be picked later, but permanently removed from tech tree selection.

And Asterix from very famous french comic books was too much for me to pass. This series was one of the things that pretty much defined my childhood. And Gaulish Magic Potion alone is an incredible force multiplier. Of course I wouldn't reveal it, because I simply haven't trusted my superiors and it's still the truth till this day. Obviously rest I could reveal it, because with this one I felt like a pretty much alternate version of Cask. Awesome.

Suddenly someone gently tapped my arm and I raised my head towards Director Piggot. Her poker face was pretty impressive, but there was that small amount of glee in it as well. Oh boy, Piggot as a winner was not a nice thing to deal with.

"Nothing to add Bangee?" Will they keep this nickname? It's odd. Although once they realized that my tinker specialties swap, they were forced to drop this cape name anyway.

"Nothing at all. Although… I was kind of distracted?" I admitted, which caused people to raise eyebrows and Piggot to frown. Oh well, it was waaay too early to play any sort of mind games. And doing it with a 12 years old… seriously Emily? Never mind, this sounds like something you would do if annoyed enough.

"It's something close to 6:15 AM. Only insane people wake up at this hour."

"No, this is normal for people that perform their duties." Well, I guess you received that military training far back in the past and you not so subtly hint that I'm spoiled. I guess I couldn't be the only one completely petty.


"Obviously at one point we may organize a specific schedule for you. I think you have potential to be reasonable, but in case we have specific boot camps that also help troubled Ward to train their powers in a safe environment." I hated to admit it, but I flinched a bit on this. In my previous life I managed to avoid compulsory military service, which was a thing in Poland, before they removed it about 3-4 years later. I always hated strict discipline and this whole boot camp, possibly with fucking Alexandria, wouldn't be something I would enjoy.

I also needed to check how my sugar levels looked in this life. I doubted I had diabetes and thankfully I never needed to apply needles with insulin to my stomach in my previous life, but I had slight tendencies for too high sugar levels.

Anyway I didn't like this smile on Piggot's face. Seriously, don't smile. It always gives me creeps when I see it. And yes, yes, you noticed one of my weaknesses. Sue me. Or better not.

"So you did your research here as well." Director Piggot stated in a very neutral voice, but I wasn't fooled. She did to pretty much test my reactions as one of potential 'sticks' and she liked the overall result. Fuck you Piggy, fuck you. I was both angry and somewhat impressed that she could be this petty.

"Director Piggot, I hope boot camp isn't what I think it is." Danny stated, clearly not happy with Protectorate after yesterday. I suspected once signing my probationary Ward contract, he would negotiate a potential Shadow Stalker issue.

"I apologize for that use of a language. It's pretty much something similar to summer camp, but for parahumans. We don't really use any specific military training in those, but instead have hired guardians that have experience working with parahumans or parahumans that know how to train other parahumans." Oh, that wording was pretty good. It doesn't deny military training, but the way she said it like it wasn't relevant and guardians suggested that potential younger parahumans are safe in those types of camps and that they may trust them. I'm both annoyed and impressed with it.

"So it's not military in any shape and form?"

"Obviously not. We will even present recordings from some of them, provided to us with permission obviously." It calmed Danny down, and I had a feeling he may not take my words too seriously, because I shouldn't have any specific evidence for otherwise. Reasonably well played, unfortunately.

"So… are we done here?"

"Almost. I will simply state for our young charge here that Wards probationary contract is officially signed. Because of your… reveal of Wards identity and illegal theft of firearms and illegal use of it your probation is set up for a 4 years period with a potential to shorten it by a year for good conduct."

I raised my eyebrows. My displeasure was pretty clear on my face, but a hand of Danny's on my shoulder calmed me down. For now. Plus sometimes it's better to let things go and attack later on when someone doesn't expect it.

"Thank you for your time. Today you have a free day, as we need to organize specific changes, like your classroom schedule." To make it easier to keep me in check I suspected. Would they pick Missy to spy on me? It wouldn't surprise me knowing them. "And your first few days as a Ward and to learn what you need to be one properly."

I nodded, even if I felt it would be horribly boring. And that some people would organize in a way I would like it even less. Although I needed to ask for something.

"Director Piggot. I need to ask something though."


"Could you like… organize something so I'm tested out and I may study in higher class?"

"And why would I do it?" Because you may do something nice for a change? It would be a nice gesture. Maybe she does have a superpower no one knows about called pettiness. I wanted to say that I'm simply too smart and bored for those classes, but hinting on anything off with me would be a bad idea. Day before I pushed really hard and I was pretty sure I overdid it anyway.

"Never mind."

"I'm pretty sure experts would agree with me that you may need to socialize with your peers, even if your personality suggests that you get along with older people better." Of course this argument needed to be bringed out. Dealing with screeching 12 years old demons for hours per day is an exactly perfect example of a good time. I have nothing against kids as a person, but I also don't really like them. No, I would never hurt them and who does this on a regular basis is the worst kind of scum, but I would need to get over it. Or think of something on how to make it bearable. School.. Oh gosh. And I was pretty sure it was yet another thing to annoy me.

"Thank you Bangee. Plus wait for me for a moment as I also have something to discuss with Director Piggot." Danny stated firmly, while I tried to leave a room. Some PRT troopers stopped me before it happened and applied something that looked like a yellow-black watch. Oh, that was a tracking bracelet. At least they made it look like a watch. Wow, they really don't want me to escape. Although with my last attempt I was considered a fly risk to be fair, so I needed to take this into account for some of my future plans as well.

I took a nap on some random chair and woke up, when Danny left a room. He wasn't happy, but I also don't think he was that disappointed as well. In other words a negotiation where the winner isn't clear, which is what I expected. More or less.

We quickly left the building and we entered his van. For a few minutes we said nothing, but I decided to break the silence first.

"Danny… are you satisfied with your negotiations?"

"More than less. I didn't sign any NDA, but I also promised to not sue them directly. Plus it was clear she was in a tough position of trying for it to not explode in her face, while also not appear weak." He sighed to clearly also gather his thoughts. "But everyone else is a free game. Brockton Bay School Board, Regional Centre of Brockton Bay, City itself and some others. Amount of money is still not certain, but it should be a pretty satisfying amount. Plus I still have that stick with Shadow Stalker and they know it. I also secured a promise of PROPER investigation this time and a transfer to Arcadia for Taylor. So people responsible for it like Blackwell, Sophia's handler, Emma and some others are about to regret it. And from yesterday I knew Piggot wasn't happy with them, so she should take it seriously." Ahh, that hint of satisfaction in his voice was clear. It could be better, but also far worse. It was indeed on a more positive side. And Piggot was many things, but people avoiding law she hated with a burning passion.

"It's good. Although 4 years for me was a bit too much. I think."

"It started with 6." I choked in disbelief. That was waaay too much. They really wanted me as a Tinker. I stared at him, because I was pretty sure I misheard him.

"What?! No way."

"Kamil, while I agree that was too much, but that spectacle yesterday and the reveal of Wards identity was a serious issue. It's a really serious crime. Some people in the past died because of those kinds of reveals."

"I… know. I think." I paused to gather my thoughts. "While I admit some of that motivation was selfish and I wanted to get rid of a Stalker, it also wasn't fair to you, especially Taylor. I can act like I don't care, and in some cases I don't. But I also know I put you in a very awkward spot yesterday and I also did some things to take heat from you."

"Take heat?"

"I did some things to help myself and you by proxy as well. I turned that whole gathering into a spectacle, so I would show myself as that weird insightful kid, because I suspected they could try to blame some revelation on you and that you used me to encourage those actions. And instead they completely accepted that Sophia reveal was on me and it had nothing to do with you and Taylor."

Danny looked at me with that look I described earlier as "who are you", because I really didn't act like a twelve years old and I knew it.

"Kamil… I don't know what to think about you." And oh boy, was it a loaded statement. Because I wasn't sure myself. I preferred to stop thinking about it, but right back then it returned with a vengeance. Are memories of my previous life real? Or am I some very weird 12 years old that simply received those memories and both personalities mix? Or I did something afterwards about my trigger event that revealed some information like different life and Worm events?

It was a blur. My mind screamed to me to not look for information, because trigger events are a serious deal for lots of good reasons. For a short while this body was alone, after they both died and it triggered from that loneliness and hopelessness of it not being possible to be fixed. Also it screamed and argued that our father wasn't bad. He could scream sometimes, but he never hit us or did any things it received information about from different life. I thought that Attack on Titan wasn't my first tech tree, but some strange precog mixed up with mind technology? It was so confusing. Was it a dream? Or it actually happened?

Sudden headache and tears showed up on my face. Danny suddenly stopped and awkwardly tried to… make me stop crying? Or hug me?

"I… don't know." And it was true. In the end this whole mess was confusing as hell for me. "I.. think I did something to myself. Like when I received my powers, I think I used some technology on myself. On my mind." At his alarmed look, I waved my hands. "Although it feels like a dream. It's like hidden behind some curtain. Honestly I have no idea."

"Are you really alright?" That concern in his voice was clear and it made me feel bad. Because I put him in a very awkward position yesterday and I knew it wouldn't be the last time. I had certain goals and ambitions, and I refused to bend. I refused, because I wouldn't like it if I changed my mind here. I had a clear goal and I would stick with it.

"Yes, I'm better. Thanks." At his unconvinced look I shrugged and tried to change the topic. But Danny was faster.

"About Brockton Bay. It's really not that bad." Sigh, I really wasn't in a mood to argue with this one. I think I showed what I thought there, because he continued. "I'm serious. While crime is an obvious issue for Brockton Bay, outside of most isolated spots it's not as rampant. I know how places like TV and the internet present it, but it's true."

It was hard to argue with someone who pretty much spends his whole life in Brockton Bay. Story and fanfiction presented crime as something that was almost like blood vessels of this city. Something impossible to deal with and inseparable. But it was also presented mostly from a perspective of a very unreliable narrator called Taylor Hebert.

Maybe cape fights and blatant crimes at day weren't as often as I believed. Maybe Taylor Hebert caused a chain reaction that truly changed things drastically for worse. Because in the end we didn't know a lot as readers about Brockton Bay before canon started.

I wanted to avoid all of this for obvious reasons anyway, because there was a very high change that everything would go to shit and I wanted to do everything in my power to not end up in the middle of clusterfucks like Leviathan or S9, but I would at least observe and learn more about Brockton Bay. Because in the end sheer knowledge from some web novel wouldn't cover how it truly was.

"Maybe you're right. I barely know this city after all. And it has lots of cape tourism, as otherwise I think people wouldn't risk it if it was far worse." It was a reasonable argument? Anyway after this rest of the drive we spended in silence.

Once Danny parked his van and we entered the house, I noticed silently sitting Taylor watching TV. She looked… bad. Bloodshot eyes, unvoming body, the sheer desperation she hugged the pillow. I didn't know what to say. And while Danny and her hugged together, it was awkward. Gosh, this word would describe lots of interactions here, wouldn't it?

I guess it was up to me to do something? Oh boy, I hated to be in situations like this.

"I'm sorry." Wow, what an opening.

"Are you? It's not like you care about Brockton Bay. And what you did had lots of selfish reasoning about it, didn't it?" I winced, because part of it was true and some venom behind her statement hurted. Danny tried to look disapproving, but I raised my hand. She… went through horrible revelations yesterday, and her being angry and bitter about it was completely justified.

"Yes, some of it is true and some of it was motivated by me being selfish." That look of anger and satisfaction of something that applied to her worldview was a strange mix, but I could see it. "But I also try to not be an asshole. You deserved to know the truth, even if… reveal could be far more gentle." Understatement should be my new name. "And I'm very blunt as a person. It's not an excuse per se, but I'm always brutally honest. This, I swear, is true. Even if the truth turns out to be harsh."

"I… don't know what to think. I'm both angry and glad some things are over." She inhaled and continued. "It hurts. That realization that a hero could be someone like her." And oh boy, you have no idea how bad it truly is. Not even close. Sophia is simply one of the symptoms of the whole group of issues. This world is rotten to the core. "I wanted badly to do something about it. Or for things to change. I thought it was just normal bullies being bullies. But the truth turned out to be worse." Danny hugged her and she cried. I closed in and caught her hand and gently squeezed. Although the way she said, was worrying, because it was clear she wanted to be in control and fix it on her own. And some part of her is bitter about it.

"But in the end it will change things for the better. I think." It should. Although with Taylor being parahuman and Shadow Stalker revealed, I doubted she wanted to be a Ward.

"Taylor, I'm sorry. I should have helped better. It's…"

"It's alright dad. You have your own things to worry about."

I disagreed with this statement. Danny fucked up in some very important moment, and honestly he deserved to be called on it.

"Danny… you did screw up." I looked at him in disapproval and I could tell Taylor wanted to protest, but I raised my hand and continued. "Fact is that Taylor was bullied for 2 years and you missed it. It's a fact."

"I didn't tell him." "True, but in the end it's his responsibility as a parent to raise his daughter." "As I said he is also busy." "Maybe he should work less or ask some people instead if needed?"

"Both of you stop." Danny stated and we stopped. "Yesterday was a wakeup call. For all of us I suspect. I realized some things. I will try to do better from now on." I appreciated that he said 'will try better' instead of for sure, because it was far more honest.

"I also managed to secure most things I wanted in my negotiations. Taylor, you will be transferred to Arcadia. If anything, ANYTHING happens, INFORM me and I will deal with it. But I learned Arcadia has no bullying policy and they apply it. And rumours say that Wards go there, and I KNOW they won't want to make us angry." He clearly looked at me. Well, I already have a certain reputation from what I managed to secure. I nodded, because it was true. "And I will talk with Kurt and Lacey and try to organize my working hour to be a bit different."


"I'm sorry Taylor, I will try to do better from now on. Also don't be too harsh on Kamil."

"Just call me Carmelo. I'm fine with it."

"What happened?"

"My… spectacle yesterday added me 2 more years of probation. Playing with a gun and revealing the identity of a Ward, even if she was a very bad person, is a pretty serious crime."


"That's how it is. Government dislikes being shown up and the Brockton Bay department has… issues." Yeah, understatement. Snorts all around clearly stated what they thought about it.

"No wonder the city is in the state it is." I think her hero worship died a brutal death.

"I think it's mostly incompetence and not corruption. While both are bad, the first one doesn't have that malicious intent behind it." And while my opinion on Brockton Bay is very not flattering for obvious reasons, in the end Piggot and other heroes want to fix Brockton Bay. It's not completely their fault that people like Coil and Cauldron fuck this up or set up situation to be this way on purpose. When I can, I should try to be objective. And this was one of those moments.

"It doesn't make it so much better." True Taylor, true, but at least some people want things to be better. Also in this moment Danny explained why I acted the way I did and she sended me the same look Danny did earlier. Also he explained what I said in his van, and I looked at him unimpressed, because I wanted him to leave my breakdown alone.

"Ok, let's change the topic. Something else?" My change of topic wasn't very subtle, but they thankfully complied.

"Yes, there is something for you." I raised my eyebrows, because I had no idea what he meant. "Someone delivered it yesterday and I think it's some sort of… family heirloom?"

Family heirloom? Danny moved from the room and brought me a… box? No, a trunk would be more accurate. Not a big one, but it was beautiful. Creamy white with lots of golden elements. That creamy look was strangely familiar. And that symbol of an elephant that happily raises its trunk. No way…

"Is that… made of Ivory?" My voice of disbelief was clear. And yes, it was shocking, because holy hell, Ivory is so illegal to use for products it's not even funny.

"While I can understand your reaction, ivory is legal again to be picked for the last 6 months. Elephant populations in both Asia and Africa actually reached the levels it did around 50 years ago. It's strange to be honest." No shit. People are really that busy fighting each other that no one hunts them, or maybe it's some parahuman responsible for it, like a biotinker? While it was interesting, it wasn't really important back then.

I curiously opened up the box. Last few days were hectic and I needed to admit that I forgot about my parents in this world. It wasn't as… important. But I needed to learn about them here, because who the heck knows what they were responsible for here.

I noticed lots of photographs. Mostly family photographs and how we stayed together. I recognized both my mother and father. They looked pretty much the same as in my previous life, but much younger. And strangely my father didn't look like a complete waste of a human being destroyed by drugs and alcohol. The wonders would never cease. And two envelopes.

I picked up both of them and opened them up. In the first one there was a letter and in the second one some photographs, that I ignored for a short while as I needed to read a letter first. It was in Polish.

Kamil, my dear son.

It's me, Irena. Your mom.
I can't write much, because I'm in a dangerous situation.
Also if this letter is delivered to you, it means that I'm dead. Don't cry too much after me, because no matter what happens I love you.
But I need to warn you about something.
It's unfortunately your father. Or rather his past.
He joined a… bad crowd. Nazi bad crowd.
In other envelope there are photographic truths of this.
I don't know why he joined. I don't know why he started to cheat on me. Why he started to beat me. I know that you remember him fondly, but he changed. For worse.
I don't know if he is still alive or not, but be careful.
Parahumans are dangerous people and they also don't live very long lives, but it's true.
I managed to secure this trunk and managed to find a way to make sure you landed up in the United States, as Poland isn't safe anymore.
I need to thank Rose Hebert for helping. She's a harsh, but fair woman. Also I was so sad when I learned about Annette's Hebert death, her daughter. Give a Hebert family a chance, they are good people.

Be careful. And I love you.

Irena Horowska

I was both angry and sad at this moment. Tears freely moved on my cheeks and I didn't realize when I was hugged. I translated words from the letter and their shock, disgust and at the end some bittersweet happiness were clear.

So this version of my father was even worse. What a shocking surprise on Earth-Bet. In my previous life he was antisemitic, I clearly remembered that conversation. I argued a bit on how conspiracy theories with Jews were stupid. He disagreed, but we never returned to that topic ever again. Later on I found out the he way a drug user, hardcore alcoholic, beat up on my mom and loved to participate in some… orgies. It was as horrible as it sounds. And how he started to act out and how I wanted to almost kill him. Thankfully we separated before it was too late. At this point it was 15-16 years ago, but I still remember how bad it was. And I think it affected me long term. I'm still scared of any relationships, because I didn't want to end up in the spot of my mom. Because I also learned that friend of the family, Dorota, started this whole relationship and it escalated from there.

Something changed here. I guess the far bigger influence of Nazis like Gesellschaft here changed things around. And my father joined them, because I suspected he decided it was a good way to make money and secure some business deals. I hated him, but it was true that he had a good business sense and he did secure the position of our family in the higher middle class. Before drugs and alcohol destroyed him that is.And he didn't really disagree with them, and here he could be far more openly racist. It made sense.

I picked up another envelope and checked the photographs. And oh boy, they were discriminating. Like from some shitty movie. People standing in 'sieg heil' poses. Some drunken hugging, with people wearing SS uniforms. Some hunting photos. But one of them shocked me the most.

I recognized this person. It was cape Krieg, happily shaking the hand of my father in a greeting. And my father wore some sort of tinker armor. Did he trigger? Cauldron Vial? He… was a member of Gesellschaft. I felt sick.

And it made my situation that much more complex. Did Empire88 already know about me? It would explain why I ended in Brockton Bay, but on the other hand I would end up in a different family. I needed to think about this. And desperately think on how to fix this issue. Because what was I supposed to do?
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Act 1, Chapter 5
I decided to post this chapter before some beta work (they were busy and I respect it), and I don't want to hold this back from being posted. I have mixed feelings towards this chapter as it's also one of those chapters that are mostly dialogue/exposition heavy and needed to move from one event to other one. At the end there is a small cliffhanger, but I post pretty fast so far, so you shouldn't wait long for the continuation.

After this as I mentioned is Piggot Interlude and after this there should be some action. And from there things should slowly start to escalate/some plotpoints gain traction. This is one of those chapters that I feel needed to be presented to move into something IMO more exciting. I hope you will enjoy this anyway, but I personally feel it's my weakest chapter so far. But hey, I may be wrong, who knows.

EDIT: I removed last confrontation scene. I thought about it and I can't really explain in a way it's believable.

Chapter 5:

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

I needed to tinker and tinker fast. I also needed to prepare for unexpected contingencies. Because this may escalate quickly out of nowhere.

I also suspected Empire88 would respect the Unwritten Rules here. I hoped so. But if they learned about me, they wouldn't push it, because of a simple fact that I was a Ward. But I also didn't think they knew about my powers yet. Because they would have sent someone to talk with me.

Other factions weren't an issue. Lung at one point in March moved out of Brockton Bay to personally visit Bakuda. Merchants are Merchants, they are pretty much always a wild card. And Coil… who knows. But I doubt even he would be stupid to push anything. But the way his powers work, you pretty much never know. And my paranoia really didn't like this feeling of the unknown.

Of course the looks of panic on Danny and Taylor were obvious, but I raised my hand. Surprisingly they complied, although I could tell they were bewildered and didn't know what to do.

"Danny, Taylor. I need some notebook or something and a ballpen. I have lots of things to write about." And it was true. It was better to prepare for even the worst case scenario, like my own death. I felt shivers go through my body, but my practical side decided that I needed to prepare with the worst case scenario as the possibility.

Taylor quickly moved out and returned with a notebook and a pen for me. I sat and started to write. I pretty much ignored them, and kept writing. Although I suspect they would stop me or call me on somethings I wrote in that notebook. Because oh boy, some of those were informational bombs. And would easily get us all killed.

Taylor interrupted my writing with a gasp. Ah yes, I noticed what shocked her. Danny also paled a bit, because some of those identities were shocking.

"Max Anders is Kaiser? Medhall CEO? Biermann Sisters are Fenja and Menja? You want to tell me that PRT consultant Thomas Calvert is also a villain called Coil?"

I turned to them and I started to explain some things. Because in the end this needed a delicate touch and would unfortunately disillusion them towards Protectorate even more. At least for now.

"Yes, at my… breakdown." Which I informed them of already. "I also received some information. It's not very organized, but I remember somethings in more or less detail."

"This… this is big. I think we need to contact Protectorate and…"

"Danny, as much as I want to, that won't work."

"And why not?" Taylor asked, clearly unhappy. But I could also read that resignation on her face. It still jarring for me on how much I destroyed her opinion on Protectorate. Or rather how fast I did it. At this point I should get used to it.

"Cape community is a bit odd. Because there exist something parahumans call Unwritten Rules. To keep it short and simple. Those rules exist to keep capes from attacking other capes in their civilian lives and their families, no lethal force, no brainwashing and no forced sexual activities." I ignored their sharp looks and continued. "Also avoid guns unless you can use them in a non-lethal way and if the situation requires for capes to unite, you do it and it happens no matter the grudges you hold."

"Like Endbringer battles and S9?" Danny stated and I nodded. Also Taylor realized something, and I suspected what it was.

"Some villains and heroes are needed for situations like Endbringers, right? This is why some people are left alone. Like… like Shadow Stalker." I nodded sadly, and it was sad to hear that resignation in her voice. Danny with one arm hugged here, while I squeezed one of her hands.

It was one of the reasons. Others like Cauldron keeping society barely stable, and their need for as many capes as possible is one of the others. I wasn't suicidal, so I left this unsaid obviously. And Endbringer argument is perfectly fine to explain it.

"Something doesn't add up here. People like Hookwolf and Lung have kill counts. I think people like Kaiser do too. Why is Brockton Bay different?" Taylor voiced her skepticism and it was a fair point.

"I have a theory, but I'm not sure if I can verify it. I think it may be that Empire88 capes participate in Endbringer fights and in some other critical situations like S9, so they get some leniency, I guess. And Lung? Well… he did manage to fight Leviathan head on. Solo. He lost obviously, but at one point they may hope that he may become useful again."

"That's…" Fucked up? Unfair? Sure it is. Earth-Bet is a dying world and I think this realization slowly sinks in for them.

"Although if they end up being captured, they are tossed into The Birdcage. They at least must keep this up, and keep some law in check, because otherwise it would turn into complete anarchic chaos. I have an opinion on this though."

"Opinion?" Danny observed with a worry in his voice. Honestly he had a good hunch here.

"I think the government should do something more… drastic about it. There is a whole Kill Order, but it also creates a different kind of issue."

"What?! Carmelo, that's too much! And how can you say that?!" That outrage in a way was understandable. I think if it was me from 14-15 years earlier I would be far more eager to agree with that point. But I think in my older years I turned out to be too cynical and jaded. Earth-Bet is one of those worlds that needs some… cleaning. Although to be fair I wanted first and foremost to be left alone and live my life. But I also couldn't say the whole truth, like about my previous life experiences.

I sighed. It wasn't a nice smile, but one full of bitterness.

"And what gives them the right to kill people with little consequences? Why humour someone like Lung, when he doesn't even show up to Endbringer fights? Why the hell Nazis of all people occupy American territory? Pretty sure ancestors of people here must be rolling in their graves with disgust." I spat, clearly unhappy, but I also knew that dealing with this is an uphill battle at best.

"Also what is a Kill Order?" Danny asked. Good question, so I nodded to it. "Simple. Once Kill Order is up, you are nothing in the eyes of the law. Your human rights disappear. In other words you have nothing to lose. Parahumans may take it as a provocation. And it happens. Also it does sound illegal, because everyone should have access to things like law or lawyer help, which this does remove. I would say it's unconstitutional."

"It's also one of the reasons why Unwritten Rules are a thing?" I smiled proudly towards her, which made her troubled and kind of pleased. She realized the point here though. Because if people completely ignore some points, like go after someone's family, it may end up with bloody escalation. In a way it connected.

"It's true, but also don't be mistaken. People are people. If they can get away with ignoring Rules, they will." I stated it completely seriously and they exchanged looks. Yes, nothing is ever simple. "In a way they also make things worse ironically. Because the best protected people by them are those that have the highest amount of influence and power, because in case someone breaks them, they can simply punish them for it. Or they have that power to break those rules and get away with it." With a heavy sigh I hated to say it, but this is how it was. "Although it may change depending on groups, people and some other factors. Also there are discussions on how it applies to normal people. Because in some cases they should follow them and in some it's argued they shouldn't. Directors like Tagg and West are… infamous for causing controversies here."

"And how does it apply to Brockton Bay?" Danny asked.

"Empire88 more or less respects them. But I suspect if they can get away with not respecting them, they will go for it. Our situation is more comfortable as I am a Ward, and Protectorate can't allow their Wards to be hurt, because it would put their whole Wards program into risk. It's too important." Although there were cases where it happened, like with The Fallen kidnapped some Wards and them not returning. But I also didn't want to cause panic in an already heavy discussion.

"ABB is in a similar spot I suspect. Although Lung is a good stick. But if you are a rogue or independent hero, I doubt they would hold back. Merchants are a wild card like always, and I think the main issue is that they don't hold back territory per se, but are mobile and move around all the time. And the worst offender is… Coil."

"You mentioned Coil, but I never heard of him. He's small time, right?"

"Not even close. Honestly I'm baffled how people underestimate him, and say he doesn't have powers. Hah, funny." Not really, but it was odd. "He has mercenaries with TINKERTECH equipment. It's EXPENSIVE and overall cost ends up in MILLIONS of dollars just to keep it functioning. Also he does have Undersiders, a small group of villains, but not to be underestimated, of parahumans thieves under his rule. And some other individual capes like Circus, Chariot and Trainwreck. Where the hell does he get all this money, right? Also the worst thing about it is his power."

"He's a long term planning type, right?" I nodded to Taylor. "And that power is?"

"The way his power works is that he creates two simulations. He sees both at the same time and chooses an option that is more favourable to him. Yes, it allows him to do things in other timelines with no consequences. Like ignore Unwritten Rules. See the issue?"

They both nodded spooked, because his power is really damn hard to deal with, if you don't have a plan for it.

"But I'm also a Ward, so I don't think he will do anything stupid."

"Ah… this is why you said that thing about the spies after Shadow Stalker reveal. And you made it sound like an annoying thought, because you were disappointed with Protectorate, so you made it sound like this may be yet another failure on their part." Not bad Danny.

"Pretty sure Coil must have some people. I mentioned his civilian identity. Empire88 is rich and influential enough to also do it. No ideas on others, but who knows."

"Also something else is nagging me." Taylor said, while observing me. "What I think is why you used the word feudal exactly. Like it's completely natural for things to be the way they are. And the whole occupy territory thing." Ah, I flinched and they noticed it. They narrowed their eyes and I raised my arms in surrender.

"I… can't say exactly." I think they wanted to protest, but I cut them off. "I'm serious. I simply can't. I need technology that blocks Thinkers power. I'm serious, just don't push it." I kind of pleaded and they relented seeing my worry and some fear in my eyes.

"Anyway I wrote pretty much everything I know about Brockton Bay, including identities. I leave that as a last resort and nuclear option. Don't use this information, unless it's truly necessary. Revealing some of that information may get us all killed or worse and if Empire88 decides they have nothing to lose, bloodbath will be inevitable. Also they outnumber heroes, so this is also one of the reasons the status quo is a thing. Also I include even more explosive information about the rest of the world and what I know. DON'T READ IT. Hide it somewhere and only use if some… illuminati things happen. I'm completely serious."

I ripped some pages and presented him to Danny. At his raised eyebrows, I continued.

"Those herbs, medicines, and basic chemistry set are for my tinkertech. I'm something like a mix between… potions tinker and blacksmith tinker? Something like that. Focus on those."

Black Oil
Clover Leaves
Green Grapes
Animal Parts (Bones, Hooves, Skin)

"Why those?"

"Because it's the best recipe from them all. A potion that grants temporary Brute/Mover combo." They widened their eyes and I smirked. "Pretty much Alexandria Brute package, just without flying." Rest of ingredients thankfully I could chemically recreate (like four leaves clover, which should be pretty much impossible to find) and special liquid addition made of several different herbs, purified water, caffeine capsules and epinephrine. Well, tinkering. "But if you also pick up more things from this list, it would also give me more options to work with. But focus on what I mentioned. Fresh are better, but they aren't strictly necessary. And steel cauldrons. Bigger the better, but I may work with smaller ones. And some flasks to store the liquids."

Everything that needed to be mentioned, was mentioned pretty much. Danny moved from the house and surprisingly it took him slightly above an hour to organize what was needed. And some pretty old and massive cauldron and a few smaller ones. I was impressed. I checked the clock and it was 12 AM, four more hours before my meeting with the Wards.

"Good job Danny. Now I may need an hour or two to organize this and tinker something good."

I focused on Gaulish Magic Potion and Glue Mover, while other recipes I left for later, when I had more free time to work on those. Pretty much most recipes worked in a mixture of chemicals and herbs. And depending on additions they would grant similar effects, just superpowered. So for example if a herb improves your eyesight, elixir will grant specific eyesight powerset, like seeing in the darkness. It was a really good tech tree. Healing potion was also there, which was even better, although Gaulish Magic Potion does have some healing effect as well. Glue Mover was interesting in a way that the body produced some very slimy glue through my skin on command. While I could produce it in amounts that literally allowed me to slide on it, removing any friction on any surface, and also granting the user immunity to it. In case I preferred to slow down or interrupt my opponents, instead of going directly into a fight, although it could work this way as well. I'm pretty sure this never showed up in the series, but I suspected that shard provided me new options, because it could. And well, it was also dirt cheap, something that worked just fine as I worked on very limited resources back then.

"Perfect. We have 11 flasks, so 3 for each of us of Gaulish Magic Potion and 2 for me of Glue Mover ones just in case I simply need to escape, while slowing down potential problems. Rest I would suggest to hide really well and keep them for emergencies. If needed, pick up a few people as each drink should grant power for 2-3 hours. To be safer assume 2. And run away if needed."

Afterwards me and Danny moved to his truck, while Taylor mentioned that she planned to shop and pick up some books. I also suspected she didn't want to come, because she's still angry at Wards about the whole Shadow Stalker thing. Which I understood and didn't push for it. Danny also didn't do it. And it was better to leave her for now, because the day after tomorrow school started for both of us again. I shuddered in disgust thinking about it, and I couldn't help, but grimace about it.

I put on some basic mask. I also said goodbye to Danny and asked him to take me back in a few hours. Oh well, I was both curious and exasperated about this meeting. Honestly I had no idea how this would go, although I suspected in some cases they may be annoyed at me. Or maybe they would appreciate it? I had some idea how some of them would act, but in the end real life and story are two very different things.

Suddenly I noticed Miss Militia who greeted me, and I greeted her in return. She guided me to the Wards lobby and we stopped. At this moment she mentioned that Wards needed to prepare to put their masks and/or costumes on, to which I simply nodded and said nothing.

Once the door opened, I noticed pretty much all of them. With an inner smile I noticed Shadow Stalker was already missing, so for now it was a good start. And while I wasn't an expert, I noticed that most of them were… guarded? Wary? Only Clockblocker and Kid Win had more neutral body languages, although wasn't there that thing that Clockblocker had 'hots' for Shadow Stalker? But yeah, I could say that I already had a reputation. It wasn't like I really wanted to befriend them per se, but being professional, somewhat that is, wouldn't hurt. The first one who broke the silence was in fact our clocky jokester.

"Ahh Bangee. I hope you aren't too… jumpy. We recently lost someone like that very recently after all." I think he wanted to continue, but a slap from Vista silenced him. Honestly that pun had… few meanings and I wasn't sure which one was the right one. And from someone with a nickname Clockblocker of all things it could be anything.

"Forgive Clockblocker. I'm Aegis, the leader of Wards team. It's nice to meet you." He presented his hand to me and I grabbed it in return. "Although I hope you don't plan to do anything as reckless as you did before." It wasn't a mean jab, at least the way he said it didn't sound mean in any shape and form, but I think it was a clear warning. I guess it could be worse?

"Bangee here. Even if I find this nickname ridiculous." I said with a smile, even though this nickname did annoy me. Although they would change this nickname, once I revealed what kind of a tinker I am. I sighed. "Yes, I said it before, but I did something stupid indeed. I won't repeat it." At his sceptical look, I shrugged my shoulders. It's not like I could prove it. But it was a clear sign that they believed I had some sort of wild and reckless personality. Joy.

"I think you went too far." Yep, that was Gallant. I guess he wasn't happy with his already missing girlfriend. And maybe it was crude the way I did it, but it was also possibly the best moment for it.

"Was I really wrong? You heard me. It was a possibility and we both know it." Yep, it was pretty much an argument incoming.

"Glory Girl has her power for 2 years. If it would be the case, someone would already notice something wrong long term with her aura."

Like you? Oh yeah, you did such a marvelous job with detecting Shadow Stalker for example, I thought with annoyance. Best empath on the planet right there. Ah, I think I started to irritate him.

"Sigh… maybe nothing will happen and it will turn out alright? No one tested it long term. And if I'm right, we will avoid a big problem."

"Or maybe you did it because of what happened to you?" Ok, this was partially true. But the fact was that the way she used her aura was completely reckless!

"Yes, partially this is it." I think he wanted to say something, but I interrupted. "But the fact is that I reacted badly to her aura, because it may depend on each person. Like with let's say allergies. Some people react to some things better, some worse. I reacted REALLY BADLY. Dude, I felt like I wanted to creepily massage her legs and worship her. It was friggin creepy, she should learn how to keep it in check. And later on when she used it again, I felt like I wanted to piss my pants in terror."

"And why did you reveal it the way you did it? Why not go to Brandish or Lady Photon and do it this way?"

"Because I needed to make sure people would listen to me. Also to be clear - do you know how that conversation happened?" They all nodded, so I continued. "I did it the way I did is because I NEEDED them to take me seriously. I presented an argument and suddenly they started to take me seriously. If I tried to do it unofficially, I had a feeling they would dismiss me. And you know why? Because they wouldn't take 12 years old like me seriously in any normal circumstances." Realization in Vista's eyes was obvious and if there was anyone who would understand this was her. A person dismissed many times because of her age and underestimated as well. But I could also see that she also wasn't my fan. Although I think it slightly improved my position in her eyes.

"You could still talk with Lady Photon or Brandish. You have a way with words." Yeah, I left an impression, but I doubted it. Maybe Lady Photon would listen. But Brandish? Her perfect daughter would never do anything wrong, and knowing her she would dismiss me or something similar to it. That woman could be… stubborn.

"Also you remember part that her family could be compromised as well?" He raised a finger, and I continued. "This is why the PRT/Protectorate also needed to be informed."

"Or maybe you wanted to distract them from the issues you caused." It was partially true and I did want to buy some goodwill from them. I think results from my spectacle were mixed. It could be worse, but also could be better.

"Yes, I did commit a crime. Yes, I also apologized for it and it was reckless. Obviously I wanted to be punished less, which is also obviously natural. And let's not pretend they didn't overdid it. Both of them."

"Panacea tried to stop you."

"Because Glory Girl forcefully picked me up against my will. And Panacea used her power without permission, which I also know she needs to get before she does anything with her power." How stubborn you can be in defending some people. My temper started to raise. Breath, deep breaths. "Also she called my escape attempt a childish rebellion. I mostly wanted to move from a dangerous place like Brockton Bay and I mentioned my dead parents."

"Maybe she was right." Oh, oh you fucking… he raised his hands, but it was too late.


Silence that followed afterwards was oppressing. Oh boy, I sure did explode in anger. I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths. It was hard to deal with a body this young again. I had serious temper issues in the past and they returned with vengeance. I just needed to stop thinking. I was furious, and deep down I knew that being this angry wasn't productive. But it was so hard to keep this anger in check, argh!

"Stop it this instant and apologize to each other." Aegis' calm voice was the first to pierce through that silence. Although honestly he shouldn't allow this to escalate in the first place.

"I went too far and I forgive you." Wow, so Gallant. Fantastic. "But I think you also went too far." I think this is why I disliked people like him. Always trying to be so perfectly polite. To be neutral to the point to never take side, unless he was clearly biased towards someone. He had a tendency to call Glory Girl without permission in the story and it caused additional problems, because SHE NEVER CONTROLLED HERSELF!
But sometimes it's better to simply be a bigger person and let it go. But again, it was so hard to do so in this hormonal body.

"I'm sorry as well." I think none of us were honest about it, but again, I needed to not let this anger control me. Was it just me or maybe it was also the whole shard subtly nagging me. I didn't like this realization, because it could be true.

"Well, that was explosive." Clockblocker's comment caused him to receive yet another slap on the head from Vista. I think she decided to say something on her own.

"Bangee. Everything about Shadow Stalker is true?" I think she mostly mentioned this to change the topic, which I kind of appreciated.

"Yes, she broke her parole. I suspect she will go to juvie. And yes, she put a girl in a hospital, because of a prank she caused. And it wasn't just that. She bullied people in her civilian life and also liked to hurt people." I confirmed it. I also noticed Kid Win clenching his fists. I think he also had some issues with bullying, because of his dyscalculia?

"I'm glad she's gone. She was always horrible." Kid Win stated and I nodded to him. I didn't want to work with her and I'm glad I decided to get rid of her.

"We lost three capes fighting on our side." Aegis' neutral comment made me turn my head to him, with an unimpressed look. "I just state the fact. It won't make things easier. I don't approve of what Shadow Stalker did and from what I know Glory Girl and Panacea could do this far better then they did."

"At least you should leave Panacea out of it." Gallant and his comment almost made me angry again.

"I doubt they will do anything to Panacea. They need her too much as a healer." I stated calmly and it was true. She was at this point possibly untouchable. Or they would at best slap her on the wrist and maybe apply some basic community work on the side. Also if she decided to rebel and say everything that happens to her, public opinion would bury Brandish alive. Because as a healer she was that valuable. Sigh… this family, I swear.

"Do I need to reprimand you again?" We both said no and stopped.

"Bangee." I turned my head towards Vista. "You admitted that you made a mistake." I nodded on this. "Good. But I'm wary of you, because you clearly don't like Brockton Bay. We try our hardest, so please don't make it harder then it should be." I said nothing, and she continued. "Even if I wish we could do more." Well she was clearly not satisfied with being 'babied'. "You proved yourself to be reckless. And you have anger issues." I cringed on the last one, because I was not happy with my outburst, even if I feel it was justified at least a bit. "But from what I know you are a smart guy. And you can be polite as you proved at the start with your greeting. If you'll give us a chance, we may surprise you. Also why weren't you transferred in this case while we were at it?"

"It's not a secret Brockton Bay wants all the capes they can. At least I don't think it is. Plus my guardian doesn't want to move from Brockton Bay. And well, as I am on probation, it does limit my options." And it was all true. "And yes, I made mistakes. I admit it. But I will at least be more professional from now on."

Vista nodded, somewhat satisfied with those answers. But I also felt that she would keep a close eye on me and that mistrust was there. But it lessened hopefully?

"I think you would make for a good leader." I said it and she sputtered surprised, but also pleased. Meh, simple compliments never hurt, and I needed to be at least somewhat cordial with them.

I noticed that Aegis was communicating through his PRT phone. I think something happened. Or was about to happen.

"It's 5.25. We are about to move on a patrol. Kid Win, you go with me. Who is on console today?"

"Me." Vista confirmed, although I think she would prefer to be directly in action. But it was also clear she tried to act as professional as possible, to make herself look that much more mature.

I watched them leave the Wards headquarters, while Vista offered me to show me how console duty looks like. I needed to get used to it.
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Emily Piggot Interlude
New chapter.

Also I'm NOT an expert on procedures in organizations like PRT/Protectorate, so if something feels off, feel free to tell me. Also I'm NOT a scientist.

Emily Piggot Interlude:

I couldn't decide if I should be furious or exasperated. This evening was supposed to be yet another recruitment situation. I expected trouble, because in the end parahumans rarely, if ever commit to actions that are reasonable. It's a fact as obvious as Brockton Bay being a criminal paradise.

And it was so frustrating trying to deal with this, while never receiving any proper support in the first place. And from my experience, I could tell this child would mean trouble. Not in a way of Shadow Stalker, but in a way I suspected would be worse.

It was in a way of his body language. And the look in the eyes of that boy. And later on the way he talked. It was off, completely off. Not completely unheard of, as some triggers caused drastic changes in their hosts. Either physical or mental, and in some cases both. And depending on their powers, their attitude also changed.

But something as this was odd, even by the standards I knew. And literally the first complaint from him told me so much and so little about my new recruit. Even ignoring the whole morbid sense of humour with a bullet. What… What was wrong with this brat?

"Because this city is a walking corpse? That heroes are really good at walking around in costumes, while only keeping things barely from escalating, instead of fixing problems here? That you are so used to criminals that you can't imagine this city without Nazis around, because they pretty much exist since you were born here? That Brockton Bay may be as well called a feudal criminal hellhole, because they literally occupy american territory and no one does anything about it? So yeah, I simply want nothing to do with this. Pretty much any other American city is a better place to live in."

Those few sentences had been ringing in my head pretty much since he said that and in a way they never stopped. It was both insulting and shockingly insightful. I tried my best and sacrificed so much for this city, and yet it was never enough. And the worst of this all was that I'm used to it.

And the way he used the words 'feudal' and 'occupy american territory' was strange. Like he hinted to something. Is he also a Thinker? Possible. More than likely in fact. But it wasn't just that. And also how he compared that in Brockton Bay it was especially ridiculous. I needed to sit on it and think about it. Hard.

Later on, recruitment started to get more and more complicated. And irritating. So irritating that Kamil never relented, never stopped being insulting, and his flare for dramatics almost made me lose my temper at some moments. It's like he wanted to show off, to be as annoying as possible. Like the young teenager he is supposed to be. Was he acting with a purpose in his mind? Did this child want to distract us from something? At least he was as angry about criminals as me, and he could admit to the crimes he committed.

But that was just the start. His arguments about Glory Girl made sense and we didn't in fact test Glory Girl for long term exposure to her power. And again that manner of speech and language. Was that brat really a child? Why do parahumans have to be so complicated? And Panacea did use her power without permission. I just knew that the incoming headache would only get worse and worse with each hour from now on.

And of course it wasn't enough for that headache inducing brat, who loved to drop 'bombs' on everyone involved. Of course he couldn't take into account the amount of work this would require to fix this all up. I think he covered us in so many 'explosives', that if they turned real, we would all die in a very gruesome fashion. Great, that morbid sense of humour infected me.

And I knew how problematic Shadow Stalker could be, so in a way I also needed to be grateful. If that turned out to be true, which I couldn't assume just yet. But deep down I knew my most rebellious Ward would be found guilty, as it was in character.

And it happened in front of the victim, and I turned out angry, because this was clearly deliberate and it left us in a very tricky spot. And I couldn't even use NDA's as a cover up, because it wouldn't hold in the first place! I hated to be taken advantage of and I would remind that brat later on why it's a bad idea. Even if a certain handler and principal covered it up and clearly didn't report this to me. Oh, heads would roll, I would make sure of it.

And brat had a point about trust. I should have not trusted some people under me. Thomas Calvert was a good reminder that no one could be truly trusted as one of the more extreme examples, treacherous bastard. Powers or not. That if you want to do something, do it on your own. And spies… was I really compromised? Does this explain why things go so wrong in my department?

I broke the silence. I had so much to do and I suspected so little time to deal with. I suspected I would get at best a few hours of sleep, if even that. I ignored the pain and didn't even check on dialysis, because it would be a reminder of my weakness. And especially at this moment it was unacceptable.

"What do you think? Opinions?"

"That boy was… strange." Understatement, Miss Militia. Even by parahuman standards. "And he pointed out some facts I never thought about, but made sense. Very smart and insightful. A child with an attitude, mistrustful and authority issues were pretty clear to me. At least he dislikes criminals and is able to admit when he is wrong, which isn't really that common." The parahumans were left unsaid, but I heard it clearly. If only more people were like you, Miss Militia. Follow orders properly and do their jobs.

"He also never told a lie. Outside of one half-true, everything he said was true. Or he believed it to be true."

"Also next time Armsmaster be more subtle with your lie detector reading. He figured it out quickly, and seriously, why would say true loud. It wasn't hard to figure out." I scolded him, because it was true. I ignored his tightened jaw. Not my fault, and this should be a lesson for you. Your attitude is so problematic. At least you are competent.

"Crystal clear director."

"I suggest a morse code in such situations. I know it well and you know it as well. Also your opinion."

"As mentioned before, the attitude problem." You saying this is pretty telling. Sigh, and you can't even see it. Or pretend to not see it. "Outside of it reckless, confrontational, strangely insightful for someone of his age and possibly loves to show off or likes to be the centre of the attention. And his… dislike towards our city was very blatant. I suspect Thinker rating. And if possible, I think transfer would be recommended. Although as a minor it may be hard to do so, because his guardians would also need to agree"

Normally I would say that you don't need powers to be insightful or be good at gathering information, but in this case I also suspected Thinker rating. Not very high, but it should be there.

Also of course the issue of a transfer was there. And I would refuse it. I suspected that even if I managed to secure it, I would receive in return someone less useful. And tinkers, pretty much no matter the specialty, were one of the best force multipliers with some invested resources. Thankfully as a minor and someone on criminal probation this was very unlikely. And in the end I would very soon lose one parahuman, so I needed to keep this one no matter what.

"Transfer is very unlikely, because of the reasons you mentioned. We will simply make sure that he adapts properly, and he will learn to accept it." And it was true. Some discipline never hurts, and I would make sure he becomes a proper member of the Protectorate in the future. Plus he needed some firm hand. "Also what is your opinion on his Tinker specialty and Thinker power sets?"

"I can't say anything for certain, but my suspicion is towards something like personal equipment tinker or some sort of archaic tinker. His equipment was strangely both archaic and advanced. Blades I analyzed were strangely sharp, to the point I found it unnatural and the firearm operates on a flintlock mechanism and yet it's mechanism complex enough to be something I would consider for some of my own equipment. Also intriguing equipment for vertical jumping and it may be possible for me to recreate it in some fashion and may grant me a unique way to reach some places. And the speed it took to build was impressive. Maybe he could even build equipment for other people."

It was a strangely high praise coming from someone obsessed with efficiency. And his very high standards. "But unfortunately I don't think our specialties will connect well. My equipment is simply far more futuristic. And on Thinker rating - I suspect pretty low social or information gathering Thinker. About 1, because in the end his analysis sounded vague and I don't think it has any serious combat applications."

I agreed with him and nodded. I turned my sight towards Miss Militia.

"Yes, I think I agree with all of this. But I would still consider that he is simply smart. The way he stated those facts and observations, it sounded like he was more annoyed that he needed to do so, then proud or happy about it. Thinkers do have a tendency to be proud of facts they know and very clearly say it to other people."

It was true. Thinkers do have a tendency to be arrogant and proud, while thinking that everyone is beneath them. It's not always the case, but it was common enough.

"I will leave Thinker 1 and we will verify it later on. Armsmaster, potential Tinker rating?"

"Obviously this requires proper testing, but I would say Tinker 3. Maybe 4. His equipment may be effective, but with proper equipment PRT team may deal with him. But I would still recommend avoiding melee confrontation because of those blades. Also Mover 3 subrating. Again, PRT agents may keep up with him with vehicles, and he should be able to jump pretty impressive distances, but it's not very fast. Our main movers like Velocity or Dauntless should be able to keep up. Or me on my motorcycle."

"Anything else? If not, last thing before we move to different subjects." She turned towards Gallant. "What emotions did you feel mostly coming from him?"

"Annoyance and shame at first, m'am.. He clearly didn't want to talk with us, but I think he also realized that he screwed up. Later on in some moments he felt satisfaction, especially when he received reactions out of us, that made us angry or troubled." Ahh that little cheeky… so some of it was staged, or he wanted to provoke us. "And when it reached the Glory Girl and Panacea revelations, he was clearly angry and annoyed. Shadow Stalker also made him clearly angry, annoyed and disgusted."

"And I think we know how the other two people with him felt." I stated and decided to dismiss him.

"It's getting late, but I need to make sure I have this conversation today. And I will have it. I don't care what Amanda does, but I want her here yesterday. And we will have words with her about Shadow Stalker."

I growled in anger, because if she just did her damn job, I wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. "Agent Marconi, Agent Proudwater. Your orders are simple - bring Amanda Jones to me as fast as you can. I don't care what she does now. Bring her in. Dismissed." They both nodded and left, while I had more orders to relay.

"And on Shadow Stalker." Oh, I was angry and I needed to calm down. "Miss Militia. I may need you to stay at headquarters just in case. I don't want that girl to escape, no matter what." She confirmed and I turned to Armsmaster.

"You and Velocity will prepare for Shadow Stalker. Call her in and that there is something important to discuss with her. Just in case she refuses, deliver tinkertech electric handcuffs, and join Assault and Battery in potential arrest or capture. Once it happens, interrogate her and gather all the evidence you can. If you need, you have my permission to check all her belongings, including her phones with Dragon to assist you if possible. If she turns out to be guilty, lock her in and prepare her cell to make sure she can't phase through. Also if more guilty people turn out because of it, contact BPPD and leave it to them. I want EVERYONE responsible for this picked up." He nodded, but I also told him to wait. His lie detector may come in handy very soon.

It took about 20 minutes for Amanda to show up. She looked like she was preparing for a date. I didn't care. Her bewildered look was obvious, but I could also see some nervousness in her body language as well. Oh, I knew something was off. And I suspected exactly what.

"Agent Amanda Jones. Do you suspect why I called you in?"

"I'm afraid not Director Piggot." Truth. Strangely.

"So please tell me how Shadow Stalker is doing these days." She nodded, and I knew at this moment that she was hiding something.

"She's behaving better than expected. She's friends with Emma Barnes. Her overall school marks could be better, but she's keeping them around C-B with A on physical education." Lie on behaving. Rest was irrelevant. Oh, I was getting really angry. And I knew it would get worse.

"I see… so I will ask you one more thing. So was Shadow Stalker responsible for pulling off a prank in January on her classmate that landed her in the hospital?" It wasn't hard to find this information in the first place, which infuriated me that much more, because if I bothered to check in more detail, I would possibly learn the answer that much easier.

Ah, that look of shock. Good, because it was just a start.

"No one could find anything on the potential perpetrator." Lie. Oh, I think I was about to explode. "No one reported anything to Principal Blackwell as well." This was strangely true, not even a victim herself? What was going on?

"Do. Not. Lie. To. Me." I snarled and I could see panic on her face to be even more obvious. "Answer the question one more time, did Shadow Stalker do it.?"

"Emm… yes? It was… just a prank? I didn't want to waste your time, director."


Oh, the way she flinched on this one made it clear. Possibly some agreement with Blackwell.


"So answer me why you did it. Maybe if you admit your guilt, we will be more lenient to you." I would try to make sure we wouldn't.

"The truth… the truth is that Principal Blackwell for my silence shared a part of the funds both our organizations pay Winslow, and I would make sure reports on Shadow Stalker stay positive."

No, don't kill her. It's not worth it. It's so tempting, but don't do it. Let others deal with this annoyance. Thankfully I'm about to make sure she will never work in any position of responsibility ever again. If she will get out of prison in the first place.

"I see. I'm afraid you won't be able to go on that date of yours." A true shame. "Amanda, leave your badge and documents here. Agent Marconi. Agent Proudwater. Please make sure to call BPPD to arrest Amanda here. Explain to them what happened and cooperate with them. Also allow them to investigate Amanda's belongings here as well if they require it. And Amanda? I really hope to never see you again." With that she was picked up and moved out of the room.

"That's it for today. Also Armsmaster, you know what to do. I want the girl captured and locked up today. No matter what. Do not fail me, or I will do everything in my power to make sure you will regret it. I'm really not in the mood." With that, I turned to Miss Militia and nodded. She saluted me and left.

I ignored my tiredness and finished my paperwork. I knew I wouldn't sleep well, but I needed at least a few hours of rest, so I can survive yet another day of problems I needed to deal with.

Thankfully the next day started in a reasonably pleasant fashion. My new Ward was clearly not amused but this time he wasn't his normal self and decided to hold back. It wasn't bad at all, but I also needed to prepare. Or at least provide a plan on how we will proceed with some new issues, like New Wave. I had a whole day to deal with this and I hoped it would be enough. 7 AM was pretty early on after all.

Plan here would be simple - we set up discreet tinkertech scanners that may be used for not only checking potential brain changes, that also allow us to confirm someone is parahuman or not, while we call closest Glory Girl acquaintances for routine 'medical checkups'. Obviously we never use those without permission, we're not risking breaching of the rules, unless it's truly necessary. Obviously it depends on each case, and if someone would force me to make specific anti-rules decisions, I would do it. I'm in the end a normal person.

Thankfully we managed to organize it quickly and put this round of tests as absolute first priority. We just needed a big enough group sample to make potential confirmation reasonably conclusive. 20 people would do for now. In the end we couldn't pick up too many people at once or it would be too suspicious. It took 4 hours and with some dread I awaited the results. I really hoped that brat would be wrong about this, because this would be yet another problem on my head.

"Doctor Emilia Lancaster." 5,3 feet (160 cm) thin woman with a short bob-like haircut nodded towards me in greeting and explained to me the first results of potential aura issues. And I sighed. It was a heavy one, because the results weren't promising. No, in fact they were bad. I asked her to concise the explanation to make it as simple as possible. I'm not a scientist, and I wasn't educated enough in this kind of subject to truly understand it. To keep it simple, explanation was thus:

"Glory Girl's aura works in a way of exposing the target towards extreme levels of love' or 'fear' through what we call the 'aura field'. We couldn't find victims exposed to the extreme levels of 'fear', as we suspect most likely victims on this side of her aura spectrum would be criminals and she hasn't spent enough time with any criminals to make this an issue for obvious reasons. Hormone responsible for the feeling of love called Oxytocin, depending on level of direct exposure, in victims bodies showed even a quintuple amount of normal levels the human body should hold for the targets of this age. Some numbers are lower, but in overall it's pretty obvious evidence that Glory Girl's aura does affect long term hormonal balance of affected targets. We will obviously keep checking and analyze more people to gather more data, to potentially learn new conclusions. But yes, we do recommend moving Glory Girl to a different environment till she learns to keep her 'aura field' in check or we manage to create something to drastically lower or eliminate that aura as a problem."

I politely thanked her and dismissed her. I couldn't help but groan. It was as bad as I expected. And I had a feeling that with more samples it will stay similar or the same. I checked the clock, 1 PM. There was no choice but to contact New Wave. I needed to be polite, but firm. I hated to admit it, but Brockton Bay needed New Wave. Even if not as active, outside of my current very obvious teenage case of a headache.

The New Wave showed up 1 hour later. I made it sound as a very urgent case. And it was. I suspected Lady Photon would be most reasonable about it, but I also knew that she could be someone who prefered emotion over logic. From that family she was the most professional one. If she worked with PRT/Protectorate, I think she would be the one I would like to work with the most. But when it goes to parahumans, it wasn't saying much. Brandish was the most combative and confrontational, but in this case she wouldn't be able to do much. Be polite, but firm. Remember that, Emily.

They both entered. Lady Photon politely smiled and greeted me in that kind and soft tone of voice. Yes, there is a reason why she is a leader of this group. Charismatic, photogenic, and still had this confident presence about her. Very well trained in PR. Brandish on the other hand entered in that characteristic to her stiff, somewhat confrontational way. Not militaristic, I knew that very well, but controlled in a way, that she could always suddenly be in your face and overwhelm you. She has a reputation of a pretty vicious lawyer, and honestly I never liked the woman.

"Hello Director Piggot. How can we help you?"

"Hello Director Piggot. I assume it's pretty important news for New Wave that you called us in so urgently?" It sounded pretty polite, but I could hear an edge in her voice. I think she knew something was wrong, and she was right in that suspicion.

"I'm a straight forward person. I want to deal with this quickly, so I will keep this short."

I opened up the laptop and presented an edited video of Glory Girl and Panacea confrontation with my new charge. Mostly editing was there to hide the face of Bangee. Also I explained the conclusion of my team of scientists. I observed the looks on their faces. On Sarah Pelhams' face I could see a mix of embarrassment, shame and some grim realization. On Carol Dallons' though shock, anger and grim determination. I knew this look, and I knew she would do everything to not let this ruin her and her family. It wasn't my goal, but I also needed to put them on the backfoot.

"That's… what do you plan to do with this, Director Piggot?" Obviously she thought that I would use this against them. I was so tempted to do so, I really was. But New Wave was an ally, and we need that ally. And Panacea's healing is too important.

"Also the angle, that boy recorded this, didn't he? Did he set this up? And did you confirm that evidence is truly conclusive?" Obviously she goes straight to that conclusion. I knew that brat was capable of doing it, but it was clear in his body language, reactions and words that they surprised him. It wasn't faked, and anyone could see it.

"I invited you here to discuss what to do with this issue. If I wanted to do something drastic, we would have a very different discussion. And I would visit you at your house instead." I clearly suggested that it would end up in arrest. Ah, Lady Photon was troubled by this, and Brandish almost wanted to snarl. I had a temper myself, but something inside me told me that something was off about Carol Dallon.

"I doubt this would hold in a court. Also it's sad that Panacea decided to use her power without permission. I'm disappointed. And I'm pretty sure Glory Girl didn't do it on purpose, something I suspect agitated her." I calmly observed Brandish. The way she sounded it was like she was in some sort of denial, and tried to push guilt on Panacea? What was going there? Trouble in paradise? Not so ideal family home?

"Director, please consider the potential issues this could cause. It looks bad, but we know that my nieces are good people." Sarah Pelham stated, and I more or less agreed. As heroes they both had good intentions, but it also clearly showed that they couldn't control themselves, and were both reckless and careless. Very bad characteristics in parahumans with this potential. Glory Girl is a high level Brute/Mover parahuman, while Panacea is a human biokinetic.

Thankfully she has this human Manton Limit, because I shudder what her being able to work with ALL biology would mean. There is one Nilbog, and it's enough. If in my city another one would show up, I would volunteer first to put a bullet in her head. Deep breath, don't get agitated.

"I agree." The looks of surprise on their faces pleased me, because it showed that I had a specific advantage here.

"There are extenuating circumstances. Glory Girl had no idea about potential long term issues, and with shame we also didn't. That changed. And Panacea followed up the directions of her sister, which is in a way a natural reaction."

Or she may be also a victim of long aura exposure, which we will test with her as well. We didn't do it yet, as this could bring too much attention at the moment. With this one we need to be the most careful, as we do desperately need her healing. "But we do have clear evidence that there are issues with their self control. And we need to do something about it."

"And what about that boy?" I think Brandish tried to change the subject, to buy some time to think. I answered anyway.

"It's pretty simple. That boy is my new charge. He is a Ward right now and we have made sure it will stay this way."

"He also endangered my daughter." That was a strange way to phrase it. Like Panacea wasn't one. I may be forced to look into this closer. And I had a feeling it was bad. Why was I cursed with this city and ALL its problems?!

"When Glory Girl literally overwhelmed him with his aura."

"What kind of reaction is that? He decided to shoot my daughter?! Shouldn't you arrest him instead?"

"As I said he received an offer, and this boy is on probation. He also apologized for what he did. And also? He's a TWELVE YEAR OLD boy. The ones responsible in that situation should be your daughters. BOTH of them. Also that boy DEMANDED restraining orders against your daughters. And after seeing this? I'm inclined to agree." I firmly stated, and I observed their reactions.

While Sarah Pelham was clearly troubled, ashamed and apologetic… Carol Dallon was still angry, but also kind of resigned. And the way she reacted to both was like she realized something she didn't before and very conflicted and confused on her look was something that I had trouble to read. Did it connect to her dismissing Panacea? Now that she should do something differently?

"Also be thankful it ended this way. If he missed and shot Panacea instead? We could possibly have a far bigger problem." They also realized the problem. Lady Photons' face was pretty much a pure shock, while Brandish something between worry and fear.

"So this is my proposition. As a leader of Brockton Bay PRT, I can't let this continue. Glory Girl has issues with controlling her aura. It's a fact. My suggestion is thus to let our specialists from the Parahuman Research Team test in more detail Glory Girl's aura and find countermeasures to it. Or make a way to block her aura from being released in the first place." I inhaled sharply and continued.

"We can't afford to let her continue to affect people close to her, so we are willing to compromise and allow her to be transferred to Boston. It's the closest city with facilities that will help her. You have my word that we will do everything in our power to help her. I may not agree with her… methods." Understatement of the millenia. "But she is a hero."

"How do you plan to do it, Director?" Sarah Pelham asked, and it was a good question. I ignored fuming Carol Dallon and proposed something simple.

"We will prepare an invitation for Glory Girl and two chosen people to visit Boston, and let our scientists present it as a new project called 'Parahuman Power Similarities in Parahuman Families'. It's even partially true, because we will test Glory Girl's aura in far more detail." Also it will let us check two members of the family as a bonus, because I was certain they would choose two of them from their own team. I suspected Laserdream and maybe Shielder, but any combination would be good here.

"We worked together for a long time. We both care about this city, and trust me, I would prefer this didn't happen, but it did. So I ask you politely to have a SERIOUS discussion and explain why this is necessary. We may even make sure that we will pay for potential transport for your potential visitations." I gritted my teeth, but for the sake of keeping it from exploding, I agreed to this small 'carrot'.

I hated wasting my budget on things like this, but Brockton Bay needed New Wave. And turning this into a 'media circus', where my people enter the New Wave household and arrest Glory Girl and possibly also Panacea would cause a mess, that would be catastrophic from a PR point of view. And I would need to answer questions I preferred to not have answered.

"Anything else?" Brandish wasn't happy, but I was also unhappy with LOTS of things. Learn to deal with it.

"Thank you for bringing it to our attention, Director Piggot." Brandish left my office, while I politely called Lady Photon to me. I wrote one sentence on a small paper and passed it to her.

What I wrote on that small piece of paper was 'I will contact you via email on one more important subject for your eyes ONLY'. She raised an eyebrow at this, but I dismissed her, and presented the 'mountain' of my paperwork. She understood and left.

What I planned to write to her was pretty much my suspicions on Panacea. Or the way Brandish tried to ignore or dismiss her. I REALLY didn't want to deal with THIS family mess, if my suspicions were right, but I may not have a choice. I felt like giving them one chance may at least allow me to avoid this mess.

Haha, who am I kidding, it will end up being my issue as well. And if the human biokinetic deals with some serious issues, her mental breakdown would be something, I would REALLY not like to deal with.

Already tired of this day, but knowing my work was necessary, I picked up a random document from that massive pile near me.

It was nearly calm, when I checked on cameras. I knew that Bangee was about to interact with my Wards. Once I noticed how they started to argue, I wanted to close my eyes and never wake up. The urge to scream was strong, but I endured. I would have a word with that brat tomorrow, because I was done for today.

I continued with my duties, when Aegis contacted the console and I received news that I disliked. Pretty much what happened was Aegis and Kid Win encountered Empire people. They were allowed to engage, as none of them had firearms and none of them looked like capes.

It turned out to be a mistake. Boys tried to back off, but Othala, Victor and Krieg occupied them, and both Victor and Krieg acted as excellent shields. Victor pretty much ended with granted by Othala invulnerability, while Krieg and his shaker aura that allowed him to control kinetic energy, made my Wards hopeless in trying to stop them. And I also knew that the rest of my people were occupied in other parts of the city. They clearly needed distraction, and I could do nothing to stop it. This frustration was so annoying!

Also with the rumours that Lung left the city, although I couldn't confirm them yet, I felt something was coming. And what surprised me the most, that Krieg turned out to be talkative.

"No offense boys, but we are simply here to check out one of our leads. We look for a specific person. And once we are done, we will move away."

Empire88 looks for someone? Who? Some things started to change, and I don't like this. My instincts were screaming to me that something was wrong. And I felt I had very little time to figure out what was coming exactly...
Act 1, Chapter 6
Yeah, this chapter is the longest one so far. And I don't plan to write ones as long as this one. But I felt one additional event was needed to be placed here, so yeah. Here it is. I hope you'll enjoy.

I spended the evening mostly listening to Missy, and her talking about how things work in Wards, and Protectorate. It was frankly… boring.

One word could describe the rules she described, and I could call them by one word - regulations. Regulations repeated like 20 times, just to spite me. Although I guess everyone suffered here, so at least I shared that? Sigh, it was clear that they first, and foremost tried to reinforce discipline. Even if 'capes', and military people were two very different groups of people. First, with a snark, needed to mostly look good, and while still doing their jobs, it was secondary. Second one needed mostly to follow orders, but also perform their duties and missions, while if necessary also remove some problems permanently.

But Vista was reasonably skilled in presenting those rules.

Like that Wards needed to wait for adult capes, in case engagement was too dangerous. How to present themselves to the public, which was pretty much keep your back straight, smile a lot, and never sign more than 3 autographs at once, because from their experiences fans literally overwhelmed some capes, and most of the time ended up wasted on signing those autographs.

And of course keep to your role, and don't swear. Oh boy, don't you dare! Because as we all know, swearing is bad, children. Actually I wonder who said it first? Also I remembered some people arguing, including psychologists, and scientists, that swearing isn't so bad for them.

But personally I wasn't convinced. I think that showing more human, normal side, would make potential capes that much more approachable. Honestly I had no idea why Protectorate insisted on this so much. Ok, I suspected somewhat. Cauldron wanted to present capes as those unbeatable, and amazing juggernauts. We can't have those 'normals' shoot our meatshields, it would be bad, you know. Although in some cases it would help. It's not like some of those people help with protecting humanity, by participating in Endbringer fights for example.

Or at least don't make things worse. This one was my long term plan, and I preferred to not think what may be necessary to do. Maybe with some luck, I would end up with a tree that allows me to escape dimensionally?

"Some of those rules are pretty simple. Some… are."

"Restricting? Annoying? Insulting?" Missy snarked back, and it made me smile. This girl was so serious. It was both amusing, and adorable. No wonder people babied her, which I obviously didn't say loud. I've needed to be more in control. Some of my recent outbursts were… bad.

"Kind of all three? Although they mostly focus on our conduct, and they way we act. Like these are obviously useful pieces of advice, but I can see how it's mostly about acting. Showing your image." I knew Protectorate was obsessed with PR, but it was kind of over the top.

"Yes, the way we need to be flawless is tiring. And I wish we patrolled more, instead of organizing those PR events, like photo shoots, or how we assisted on tourist tours around The Rig. It takes… so much time! And I'm sorry, but I'm so tired of it."

I nodded. But it was more like to simply agree with her. It's not like I particularly cared. At that moment my most important ambitions so far, was to simply tinker and wait for my chance to get the hell out.

"Well… I can see why some of those are important."

"Yes, yes, I know. But seriously, way too much time. And about those regulations… you could learn them from this book."

She suddenly kneeled, and picked up a very fat folder. I raised my eyebrows in disbelief, and turned my look towards her. I think she tried pretty hard to not smile. She tried too hard to act professional.

"Don't tell me you memorized it all?"

"No, not a chance. But they wish we would do it."

"How many pages is this?"

"358 pages."

Yeah, no, too much. Those people were insane. Did parahuman insanity infected people working for PRT as well? It would kind of make sense. Being normal people, and dealing with people like Hookwolf or Long certainly wasn't great for your potential sanity. Even if sometimes doing some insane or stupid shit was fun, but well, everything has limits.

Suddenly she focused on the console, and received a message.

"Vista, the people we engaged, three of them are Empire capes! Othala, Victor, and Krieg." Aegis' surprised voice was clear.

I stiffened on the last one. My feelings on that subject were mixed at best. Even if this life wasn't the one, I had too many feelings attached too, learning your father was a first rate Nazi was obviously horrible. Thankfully Vista was too focused on the situation to notice my nervous reaction.

"Retreat. Eta 20 minutes." Gosh, why so long? Was it because other heroes were literally occupied? If those were standard response times, no wonder it looked this way.

"We can't. They engaged us. Once we can, we will move away."

I didn't see them winning this. I doubted Nazis were reckless and foolish enough to seriously hurt Wards of all people. Fighting continued, with Nazi side being clear winners. They didn't even fight, but delayed instead. Once mooks picked up, and moved some things, Kriegs' voice answered.

"No offense boys, but we are simple here to check out one of our leads. We look for a specific person. And once we are done, we will move away."

I gritted my teeth. I suspected who they looked for. What should I do about it? I needed to prepare. Check my options, but make them more effective. If my suspicions were right, I could hopefully do something. But my logical side also knew that he wanted to confirm something, and he could answer some questions.

And even if he learned my identity, he wouldn't kidnap or force a Ward. Plus I suspected it would buy me some time. Because if he gathered proper information, checked my profile, and knew that I was forced into Wards, he could simply wait.

Yeah, they wanted Tinker badly, but in their current situation it wasn't necessary, and they still wanted some PR. Forcing a child sounds like a bad way to show that you are more 'civilized'. Also unlike PRT/Protectorate propaganda, forcing a Tinker may end up badly for you. Because who can fuck you over? The most versatile of parahumans, outside of extreme outliers like Eidolon, Tinkers! Ding, ding, we have a winner!

But my specialty right now was so valuable as a force multiplier, that I needed to buy time at least till the end of the week. If hurted me inside to do it, because Asterix provided good options, but I couldn't risk it, and forcing Nazis to pick me up, even if it would risk potential conflict with Protectorate, for an army of Brutes may be worth it, even if temporary.

Would they 'Gesellschaft' me? I shuddered. I would rather die.

"And yet more villains escape." Frustration, and annoyance in Missys' voice was clear.

"I would say something, but I doubt it would help." Like why even care about Brockton Bay, but I doubt she would appreciate it. Just a gut feeling.

"So do you know what will happen to you, Bangee? When will your Wards inauguration happen? Meeting with a PR specialist? Watch out on this one, as this one is a nightmare with how they will want to make you more 'approachable' or 'adorable'."

Her shudder gave me goosebumps, because the way she sounded, was like she was haunted.

"Also I wonder how they will organize patrols with you in? Or when is your power testing?"

Yeah, no. I wasn't interested in the first one. I wasn't prepared for it, and honestly tinkering is a more useful ability when you spend most of your time on it. I doubted they would force me to patrol. At least I friggin hoped so. I noticed a lack of Youth Guard representatives, so it could be one of 'those' universes.

"No idea. Tomorrow I still have some free day, so they can organize some paperwork. Bureaucracy at its finest." I snarked, and she nodded. "Although I don't think I will patrol."


"I'm a tinker. I'm more useful 'working' and doing my job. And well, I suspect they may decide that I'm a child, so they shouldn't risk me or something?"

Ah, that grimace and anger was clear. She clearly thought that it was disgusting to 'hold me back' like that. But you know what? Surprise, fuck them. But she also observed me, and noticed how neutral I sounded.

"You really don't care? Why?" Did she doubt me earlier? Like I wasn't completely serious about it? I guess they trained her well to be uncritical of them and Brockton Bay. Sigh, this was fucked for me. To see someone so young, and so used to that violence and organization like Protectorate. Although here they obviously didn't reveal to her how corrupt and incompetent they can truly be.

I raised my eyebrow. "I think you know why." I answered in a deadpan.

"I know how it was for you. At least you can not take it out on us?"

"Fair enough. This I can promise. I will at least be professional."

"Also you may learn to trust us. We aren't bad people."

"And yet you don't want to unmask to me. Any particular reason why?"

I felt a bit bad about her flinch, but honestly it was tiring. And also they talked about trust, and yet when I first entered that room with Wards, that mistrust was clear. I didn't really care, but I also disliked hypocrisy by principle. Honestly this actually annoyed me more, than lack of trust. As a paranoid by nature person I even understood lack of trust.

My approach towards new people was pretty mean, but in my book 'acceptable 'If you see a new person, assume they are an asshole or an idiot. If they aren't, enjoy being pleasantly surprised'.

Vista was still a child, and kind of throwing it in her face was bad, but I think this may be something she may remember later.


"Because you don't trust me. A guy on probation. Ok, I get it. I'm a mistrustful, and paranoid person myself. But please don't talk about trust, when you don't want to present it yourself."

I could tell she was thinking about it, so I decided to add.

"Sometimes if you expect help, or you want to change something, you need to be the one to make the first step sometimes." Yeah, that sounded too preachy for my tastes. Although in many scenarios it, in my opinion, worked.

"You're right. The way we refused to unmask to you, we isolated you, didn't we?" She felt ashamed at this realization. She was young, but she also wasn't stupid.

"In a way it's true."

Suddenly she took her visor, and smiled towards me, while she presented her hand to me. "Hi, I'm Missy Biron."

I decided to do the same. She decided to be polite about it, so I followed. I didn't need to be completely prickly.

"I'm Kamil Horowski. But I know Kamil sounds like Camille, so call me Carmelo. Polish thing. Whichever you prefer."

"Carmelo than?"

"Sure, sounds fine by me."

Aegis and Kid Win returned from the patrol. We greeted each other, and at this point I decided to return home. I greeted the Heberts, we ate a meal, and talked a bit. It was very stiff, but I could tell Danny tried harder. He asked about Taylors' day, her shopping trip, and what she picked. It was still really awkward, but it was less

Next day started with being very early (6 AM), with Piggot mentioning why I argued and exploded like I did. I simply stated that Gallant provoked me, and it was true. She mentioned that she will reprimand him, and I shrugged. Also unmasking wasn't required, but preferred. I said that trust goes both ways.

Piggot ignored this point, and she quickly mentioned that my power testing will happen on 3rd March, and meeting with a PR specialist on the 4th with a chosen costume on the 4th. Piggot mentioned that one of the designs I must accept, with a potential list of chosen heroic names, and that I would pick one of them. Probation status and all, and the way my probationary contract was set up.

And with some luck, the costume would be ready between 8-10th March, and that next day my Wards inauguration would happen. I raised an eyebrow on it, and asked if they can even organize it so fast. Piggot simply answered that they worked extremely fast in the past if needed, and that they needed to cover up the lack of Shadow Stalker. Of course the way she said it was like it was my fault. Ok, it was, but of course she needed to be annoying about it. But I suspected some capes in the past committed some crimes, so they quickly needed to rebrand them, before people realized they were responsible for their crimes.

Afterwards school happened. People were themselves, some annoyance about being a 'weirdo' and 'boring', and some other nonsense. Although I was surprised Missy approached me, and some two other girls. One called herself Na Li, and the other Afro American Veronica. It was a nice gesture from Missy, and I accepted it for what it was. We talked a bit, and school ended.

I picked a bus, because my school was in a reasonably nice place near Boardwalk, so I considered it reasonably safe by my standard.

I quickly moved to the attic, where I had my own place for tinkering. I needed to think. Was it possible to create what I wanted, and make it permanent?

In theory it should be possible. I KNEW Obelix in the story ended up permanently powered up by Gaulish Magic Potion. But the thing was that he was a baby. Did it matter? Was I already too old? I looked at my recipes, and my chemical set. I concentrated. I walked around the home, and gathered what I could. Spider webs, detergents, some dead insects, some products from the fridge, and more. It was like I wanted to collect everything.

Suddenly I entered tinker fugue, and this time something was off. My headache started to get worse. When I almost wanted to scream in pain, I stopped. In front of me were 3 Gaulish Magic Potions. But instead of sick yellow, those were red. And more red substance was left. Just about enough substance to cover two/third of the pot.

Everything around me was a mess. I was out for about an hour. I had no time, and I started cleaning everything. I gathered some glass to put some of it in for three flasks of it. I opened the door of the Heberts' house and noticed a second stair step with that hole in it.

I noticed no one around, and I pushed them inside, and slightly to the left two bottles. It was a strange way to hide something, but I knew Heberts never checked it, so it was ironically a pretty good spot.

I quickly returned inside, and closed the door. I managed to do it. This was it. There was a trepidation in me, because I had zero control over it. Also I simply didn't remember the recipe. Was it my shard creating artificial limitations on this project? Was this even safe? Deep down, I was scared, because I felt this Nazi pressure was closing on me. Like a vice. Only thing I was certain of was that I wouldn't be able to drink any recipes, so this was it. And honestly it was a fair trade off.

In the Asterix comics, there are two contradicting versions. In one of the comic books Obelix drank magic potion, but nothing happened to him. In other ones… he turned into a stone. Yeah, I wasn't risking it. And deep down I knew it was a bad idea.

I prepared myself. I was close enough to the toilet, and I held some rug. I expected anything - extreme diarrhea, vomiting, hallucinations, or pain. I inhaled, and drank it in one goal.

Agony. I shoved a rug in my mouth, and screamed, screamed, and screamed even more. I was convulsing. I never thought pain could be this bad. That was easily 10/10 on the scale, if not more. The feeling inside my gut, and on my skin, felt like I bathed in lava. And my muscles, organs, and bones went through a metaphorical grinder, with no anesthesia. Did my potion literally shapeshifted my organs, just to prepare the body better for potential Brute upgrade. Gosh, that was stupid, I realized with dread. Fuck that tinker fugue! Fuck that fear! I had yet to receive a medical checkup. I wanted to keep this a secret! Fucking dammit! Suddenly, I blacked out.

I woke up. I heard the door opening. I think it was Taylor. Or Danny. Fuck, I still trembled. I quickly threw the bottle through the window and I dear fucking hoped I didn't kill someone with that throw, although I wasn't sure if she didn't already know about what was happening.

Yeah, I needed to stop thinking about it. Yeah, I think she ran up the stairs. Yeah, I think she planted some bugs on me, and realized that my body was still trembling. And I heard some agitated buzzing.

"Carmelo, what's going on?!" She tried to check up on me, but I instantly backed off. The hurt look on her face was obvious, but I quickly explained.

"Bad idea." I gritted through my teeth. I hope this wasn't permanent, because I could barely say it. "Some good painkillers. Now." She quickly moved out of the bathroom. Even tears slowly dripping on my face hurt.

She quickly returned, and presented me with a few tablets and some water, and very gently with my fingers managed to pick it, and somehow drink, without completely shattering the glass. I gently presented it to her, and with lots of difficulty I managed to move to my normal room, and placed myself on the bed. She observed me with both worry, and anger. Oh, she suspected something was off, and that I was responsible for it. Man, that glare was scary. Although very cuddly in comparison to that pain. Gosh, I wasn't sure if it was worth it, it was that bad. I inhaled, and exhaled. She started to get more, and more worried. Fuck, this isn't going to be a nice talk.

"What happened?" She asked me. It was both gentle and firm. I think in that moment I understood why she turned into a big name in canon. Emma almost destroyed her, but right now she felt she needed to be strong.

"Tinker fugue." With realization, her eyes widened. Pain started to lessen. I think she wanted to go down, and call for help. With gritted teeth, I told her to stop.

"You're in literal agony! Why would I?"

"It's getting better? See? I slowly stop trembling."

"Again, answer me."

"That new recipe is permanent."

Oh, what a way to present it. At her even more agitated look, I think she suspected that whatever I did to myself was permanent. Yes, it was permanent, but it's not like I would stay like this. Hopefully. Because without Panacea, there was no one who could possibly help me. Ok, there was Othala, but fuck her, I'm not asking for that assistance. At least I could talk better after a while.

"No! Goddamit, don't call an ambulance! It will out me." That stopped her, but I could tell she wanted to do it anyway. "I... can't. I don't trust them. And I know you don't as well." I meant Protectorate, and she knew it. And using that argument was disgustingly manipulative. And she knew as well, as subtle I wasn't for sure. And I could barely think.

"It better be a good explanation. I'm serious." Oh she meant business, alright with that serious look in her eyes.

"I created a recipe, the same one, like the Gaulish Magic Potion. Ok, slightly stronger." I inhaled and continued. "But this one is permanent. I can't drink anything else. I'm a Brute/Mover package. Combination of strong and fast. And this is also why I told you to back off, as I could do something to you, and I need to check how it works now."

There was some understanding in her eyes, but she was also clearly NOT happy.

"I have yet to hear why I shouldn't call an ambulance."

"Oh come on, don't be like that. See, I stood up." On a bit shaky legs, but I could actually talk with some comfort, without sheer agony.

"Nicely done." Ouch, that sarcasm. I would be impressed with that sass, but not this time. "Also why exactly that recipe affected you so badly?"

"Well…" She crossed her arms, and continued to glare at me in my pathetic attempt to prolong the explanation. "My body needed 'tune up' so to speak. Harder bones, far more efficient muscles and organs. I just had no idea that such drastic changes would cause so much agony."

"Agony? Are you really alright?" Her voice slightly softened, but I could tell she was angry as well.

"Yes. I still breathe fine. My heart still beats the same, although I think it beats harder, then it did before to make up for the changes. My limbs function the same. I'm just… superhuman pretty much. And yes, I will grow the same." This I was certain. My tinker knowledge agreed here, and in the series Obelix grew up just fine. Although I had no idea if I wouldn't end up in some drastic growth spurts.

I slowly moved around, and I made some basic moments. Arms and legs up, crouching, and walking. I sure as hell didn't want to risk running or jumping yet. Yes, I felt fine, and she realized it as well.

"You aren't lying at least from what I see. But it was reckless!" She shouted at me, and it was a fair call.

"Ok. Also I kind of realized something, and you may not like it."

"What now?"

"Taylor… do you have powers?"

Her eyes widened. I knew she could lash out, but in a way it was also a good moment, because she knew I was hurt very recently. But I feel we needed this conversation. And in the end, she could help me, and I could help her.

"How do you know?" There was an edge in her eyes, and suddenly she turned defensive.

"Taylor, I'm sorry, but subtle you weren't." At her questioning, and somewhat panicked look, I answered. "At first I wasn't sure, but I think I realized it at first when I revealed Sophia. That buzzing… was there. And I damn hope they didn't hear as well."

"I was angry. And you are the one who provoked me."

"Taylor, no offense, but you need to keep this in check, because you may out yourself by accident sooner or later." I stated firmly, and she with a small nod acknowledged it. But yeah, she wasn't someone who liked to be on the defensive, with the whole control freak tendencies.

"And it wasn't the only moment. Like literally several minutes ago your insects also started to buzz, and you literally started to run in my direction. You placed some of them on me, didn't you?" She nodded, although she started to get used to me being more insightful, than I should be.

"You aren't really creeped out?" She asked with some confusion, because I pretty casually mentioned her bugs on me.

"Not really. Like… pretty much everyone ends up with insects on them. Mosquitoes, fleas, and some others. It doesn't really disgust me." And it was true, in the past life, I had a pet tarantula for a pet. I liked dangerous animals like that. Snakes still fascinate me for example, but I never had a chance to have those.

"So… what do you want to do with this?"

It kind of stung, that mistrust. But I think it was her expecting betrayal, and backstabbing in pretty much every single situation. It really was nasty what those girls did to Taylor.

"Me? Nothing. Ok, no, I may need your help." I think she slightly brightened at that admission, but she also radiated scepticism, because she didn't believe she could do it. Sigh, I hoped my logical approach would work here.

"Can I really? My power is disappointing. Like bug control? How can I really be a cape?"

"Ok, let's do some basic brainstorming. Few basic questions at first. How many bugs can you control at once? How good is your control? Can you use bug senses and see through them? How fast do they move? How much can they lift? What is your range?"

She answered pretty fast. "I have yet to reach a limit. I managed to use spider silk to start creating my costume, so I would say pretty precise. I think I can see or sense through them, but touch is far more reliable. I don't think they move faster or that they can lift more than normal bugs can. Something between 2-3 blocks?"

I nodded to her. It was a pretty good summary of what I expected. Also I knew some of the things she did in canon weren't really possible for normal bugs, so I know some people argued that something like a Breaker rating could be there.

"So pretty much infinite multitasking. Your control is very precise. You can possibly see something, but bug sense by our standards may be weak, but from what I remember there are exceptions. On lifting and speed - test it in detail. And the range is pretty big. Did I miss anything?"

She shook her head in a 'no' gesture, but she clearly waited for my punchline. And I had one.

"Congratulations. You are a biblical plague." She sputtered, and it made me laugh. At her glare, I quickly clarified. "No, I'm serious. You could pick up bugs and literally eat cereals from farm fields, and do it pretty quickly. You could, with time and effort, gather enough bugs to literally flood everything in 2-3 blocks with your insects. Although I guess it's not limited to just insects, right?"

"I may also pick up some strange things like worms, and arachnids."

"Like black widows?"


"Sorry, but you are friggin scary. You may literally pick some, and use them to kill someone out of nowhere. Black Widows are pretty scary."

"I would never do it!" Oh you would, I know it pretty well. But I ignored this, and continued.

"I never said you need to. I just mentioned it as a possibility. And I think you need to admit that I have a point." She turned contemplative, and spooked out. I think she realized that she may at least be a really good killer. Honestly I was glad I wasn't an enemy of this girl. Even now, I doubt I would enjoy being choked to death, or poisoned so hard, that my brute rating wouldn't really help.

Issue with it was that I was strong, and fast, but I wasn't THAT durable. I was bullet resistant, but I wasn't sure if bulletproof applied. It's a phenomenal recipe for taking blunt damage, but far worse at tanking piercing one. So things like arrows, bullets or blades may hurt me. I feel like I'm fast enough and my senses are much sharper now, so I may avoid those. But if I'm caught by surprise - I would be in trouble.

I suspected I wouldn't sleep that day too much. I needed to at least learn how to control myself. But it wasn't so bad.

"So you mentioned some sort of plan." She stopped me from thinking, and it was simply time to move on to the main event.

"It's still early enough. Do you know where your dad shopped?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I need more materials." The way she observed me the way 'I sucked a very bitter lemon' style made grimace, because I knew what she thought.

"If you think I will let you…"

"No, no, not the same recipe. I learned my lesson. But a different one. I can see it clearly, but it's like my power doesn't like me doing too drastic changes."

"You make it sound like it's alive." Taylor was an observant girl, and I was clearly out of it, as this slip of a tongue was a dangerous one.

"Argh, I think I'm still tired. I mean like I can't see this project fully." But yes, it was like that 'behind the curtain' feeling. And with that limitation that once permanently enchanted, it felt like it would be limiting new options. And when I thought about it - it made sense. They want to experiment, to create new things. This limits them, but still allows it in some limited fashion? Why? To increase my survival odds? But it's not like shards really care about their hosts, with some notable exceptions?

"Let me explain. And you will say yes or no. Alright?" She stiffly nodded, and I continued. "This recipe would pretty much allow me to create a mixture about the size of a big pot, that instantly allows your bugs to grow up in size." And it was true. It was possible to change the 'turn adults into young children formula' and made it work the other way around. It was as dangerous as the previous one, but insects have far less developed nervous systems. And they do work on animals as well. So yes, it was about to become scary.

"It's kind of random, but it will work on animals just fine. And bugs do have far less developed nervous systems, so pain doesn't register to them nowhere near as much." If my memory was right. "Thing is that chosen bugs will become somewhere between 2, and up to even 8 times as big as their natural looks. It's random, and it depends on each bug pretty much. But yeah, suddenly you may end up with a european hornet, that suddenly AT WORST reaches Asian Giant HornetSize. At best, you end up with something twice as big as Asian massive representative of the species."

I shuddered. From all insects hornets always have bringed out in me that worry. It wasn't fear per se, but I automatically have wanted to avoid them. Maybe it wasn't the best pick to present this example now when I thought about it.

"That's… insane." Yes, it was. And it was just the beginning. "I'm not sure if I feel comfortable with it."

"Taylor." She looked at me, and I continued. "While it's true that it is spooky, you always prefer to have more options, than less. When I said I wanted to help you, I meant it." And I meant it. I started to be worried, and making already good cape that much stronger would help me in the long run. I ignored that voice, that could make her that much harder to deal with if she decided to chase me, once I had a chance to run away.

"I can see it. I don't really like it, and I know you also do it for yourself." I nodded. "But it's also fair. You are scared about that whole Nazi thing, aren't you Carmelo?" I nodded more eagerly, and I could see that she accepted it. "Even it meant a risk to yourself." I cringed, but after some hesitation I also confirmed it.

"I'm still not happy about it, but… I can see you are more or less fine now. But if ANYTHING happens, you know what this will mean." Ugh, I couldn't really argue it. Just making me think about that pain makes me shudder.

"That's fair. I also have half of the pot left of that potion I used for myself." I could tell she wanted to protest, but I simply suggested very simple use of those. "Use it for your other bugs."

"So they will become that much stronger?"

"Oh yes. Like an insect version of Brute/Mover combo. They will grow stronger, faster and far more damage resistant. Things like fire or cold are still obviously a problem, but they will be better at taking damage. Much more. And they may also lift more, much, much more." I just imagined how it would go. It's still nerfed, I felt it by instinct, but I was strong.

Obelix as a normal human could lift an adult elephant with no issues for example, and I know he has more impressive feats on his list. I don't think those bugs would be THAT strong, but even if they could lift around 100-200 times their body mass, it would be an amazing bonus, and if grouped up they should be able to lift Taylor for example. And it's not that unheard of in nature. I didn't remember the name of that one beetle that could lift over 1000 of its base mass. Now feeding THAT magic potion would be phenomenal. But unfortunately we work with what we have.

"It's phenomenal. But I'm not sure if I want to do it. No, I appreciate what you did, just... I want to be a hero." Sigh, while villain Taylor could be a very, VERY scary cape, being a hero with this power was hard, but doable."

"Well… to be fair being a hero with this power may be hard." I raised my hands, before she would go down her depressed spiral. "But it's mostly an issue of image."

"PR issue?"

"Oh yes. Imagine you walk in hiding inside your biblical plague, and your insects buzz everywhere around. You use them to bite people, and shove them in people faces, skin, and other places on their bodies. This is like a horror movie scenario. Insects are a pretty popular target of those movies." She cringed with realization, but I had a solution.

"Simply focus on being a vigilante type. Although it may be possible to keep it far more PR friendly. But I don't think you are the type, to be that inspiring hero type, no offense."

"It's about how I look, and…"

"No, stop. Being pretty, and all obviously helps, but it's not completely required. Average, and ugly people can be charismatic. Let's talk about both examples."

I inhaled, and continued. "Vigilante type would be far easier. Your power is aimed for being scary, to 'punish' criminals. And it may also mean you mean 'business'. That you 'don't fuck around', excuse my language." She clearly listened to me. I could tell she didn't really like it, but she may do it. "Alexandria is a good example. Yes, teenagers love her, and all that." If only you knew how she can act. But she was almost giddy hearing this one.

"She is?" I think she idolized her too much, because if you sat on it, it was obvious.

"Yes. Compare her to Eidolon, and Legend. How different is she?" I may as well let her come to her own conclusions. To make her see things on her own.

"Costumes. Legend wears very bright colors, and he is the most charismatic of them all. Eidolon wears darker green, which presents him as more serious, but green is a pretty positive color, so it's a mix between two. And Alexandria… pretty dark one."

"Yes, well done." I smiled with pride, and told her to continue.

"Also reputation. She barely does any interviews, and if she does, they are far more to the point, and clipped. Like she's there to simply do her job, and move on." I nodded to her. I didn't know this exactly, but I knew her character just enough to see it. "Yes, she's the one who shows up the most when something needs rougher approach. Her absurdly strong brute power makes this image that much stronger."

"See? Not bad at all. One of the other examples was Shadow Stalk…"

"Other option." Ah, yeah, that was the strong move on my part. She clamped up on this one.

"I'm sorry, but it was true. But I won't bring it up and let's move on." She stiffly nodded.

"For this one, butterflies, and other cute bugs like ladybugs. There aren't a lot of those, but there are some of them." She summoned more butterflies and some ladybugs. Not bad.

"When it goes to all your bugs, make them drink my elixirs. Also if you don't mind shopping?"

"Yes, I will be back, reasonably soon."

It took a while, but she returned. I quickly focused and created the 'Growth Formula'. Thankfully this time it wasn't so bad. She patiently waited for me to finish. Once we did, we ate some basic meals, and continued.

"Focus on females. Especially those with eggs. Like let's go with a 10-1 ratio. 10 female, 1 male. If needed, lower it." She did this, and she realized what I wanted to test

"You think it will pass to their children." I grinned at her, and it was a bit of a feral smile.

"Don't smile like that. It really is not a good look for you."

"Oh, don't be like that. Sometimes fun can be like that." I chuckled a bit at this.

"It will take a few days, but it should work. Breed them, and never stop. Now, focus on the adults you can, go with fliers as priority."

"Because fliers are more mobile?"

"This is obvious, true. But remember the lift part? Would you like to fly?" I grinned at her, and in realization she beamed as well.

"So they will pretty much keep me in the air, and let me fly." That shocked realization was pretty amusing to me.

"You should be on the lighter side, so it should work. I think a shape of a throne would do."

At first it was awkward. She struggled to visualize it and some pretty much bugs worked as 'chains' to keep up this shape, while flying insects boosted by Magic Potion did the heavy lifting. It was amazing to see. She casually sat on her 'bug throne' and floated unsure at first, but she quickly learned. She started to literally fly on her throne, although carefully obviously in a room. But she couldn't stop making the circle rounds in her excitement. It wasn't really that fast, but it was enough. I would say something between Mover 1-3? Also each generation may become that much stronger, faster and durable then the next one. Because in the end this is how evolution works. And insects breed new generations absurdly fast. It was mind boggling to watch.

Yep, I created a monster. And looking at the sheer size of some of those insects make me tremble. Holy shit, this is both terrifying and amazing to observe.

Her very silent giggling was amusing, even if it looked like she tried to hide it. Like she wasn't used to being happy anymore. Oh, I wasn't a really good person, but this made me angry at what happened to her. I ignored this thought, don't get attached. You know your goals, focus on them.

"I see that you have some fun."

"Oh yes! I always wanted to fly like Alexandria when I was a child. I never dreamed for it to be this way, but it works very well." I think it was the first genuine smile I noticed on her face since I knew her. It was a nice thing to see. "Thank you. I mean it. This is amazing." Ah, she was crying, but it was a happy way of smiling.

"It's good that you enjoy yourself. Last one thing before we move on, Danny should show up soon." She nodded at that, and gently stepped on the floor. "And don't tire them out, but I think you can feel it." She nodded, and everything dispersed, while also hiding them around.

"My idea on PR approach. I propose to create 2 separate identities. Heck, it may even work as 3."

"Really? How do you want to make this work?"

"Pass me the pen." She did, and it broke in my finger. "Ahh… maybe you write for now. I will need some sticks to practice. Sorry?"

"Here is the list of suggestions you may go for."

1. Use insects to pollinate flowers for example. It would help florists, and farmers alot. Doing it manually is absurdly expensive.
2. Work as an exterminator. Pretty much pest control. You can eliminate all insects in places like kitchens. Also you may literally use bugs to eat rats and mice for example. No one can do it better than you.
3. Pick up some basic range weapon, like sling-shot. And test how good your aim is, when you plant bugs on someone, and find and shoot at them. Also test if you can see if it works in melee, like someone wants to punch you, but bugs help you predict attackers' moves.
4. Not sure if your power works with things like crabs, but it may work. If it does, find someone to sell sea food for you. It's expensive, and will be even more expensive when caught by a cape.
5. Test bug senses. Smell, sight, hearing, etc. Now they should fare far better with superbugs, as it also improves their all senses.
6. Experiment with creating 'bug clones'. This one is very important for identity solutions. Buzzing may work as a voice. Or a hidden microphone.
7. Train with your bugs on how to lift things. Like imagine you may suddenly use bugs to carry baseball bats and harass people this way. They should be strong enough for it.

"Some… of those ideas are good. But I also don't plan to make money with those?"

"I will think on more points later. Or you do, research. And why not? You may be both a business rogue, and independent hero on the side. And before you say heroes don't take money, all Protectorate heroes have salaries. And Wards also get some money. It's fine, trust me. But for now it's not that important."

"Also those bug clones. And how does it connect to my identities?"

"I think it's pretty obvious."

"So you say that I may create bug clones, and use them as my identities? Like monster capes?"

"Case53's, but yes."

"Ok, I can see it, but 3?"

"Yes. Test if you can, if bugs help you predict attacks or make you aim better." She nodded at this, strangely excited. "As they can also act as your 'bodyguards' and mobile 'brutes'." I noticed that she already started some practice.

"You are one person, and only a human member of your team. You pretty much sense everything in your area, in that 2-3 blocks range?" She confirmed. "Congratulations, you are a Thinker. Now if you can use those in combat, you are Combat Thinker. And you can easily hide that you control bugs in the first place, the surprise factor is important. Your power should work best when NO ONE expects it, so automatically make you a better hero." She was intrigued by this line of thought.

"And use your bugs, and if you make voice things work, through buzzing or some other way like microphone, create two monster cape identities." Yep, she was completely focused. It was fun to make things like this reality, when in previous life I could only speculate.

"Use one with creepy bugs. Call it Skitter or something else. It's that 'vigilante' creepy teammate that I mentioned before. Another one uses butterflies and more pretty moths. Everyone loves butterflies, so she will be 'representative' of your team, not the scary one. Train in front of the mirror, and smile. Speak softly, gently in this form. And it's also easier to accept that one scary teammate, when two others are far more approachable."

"Do you really think people will believe it?"

"Honestly? Maybe? But you may explain that they gained their power at the same time, or that it is a split personality thing, yin and yang. And we have one example of something like this in Brockton Bay."

"Fenja and Menja." I smiled, as she remembered when I mentioned Brockton Bay capes.

"Yep, we have a winner here." I announced in amusement, and she actually played along, and bowed! Progress!

"Also one more thing - do you have a costume?"

"Ahhh, work in progress. Do you want me to show you?"

I nodded. She returned with some part of it. Yeah, it needed more work, but with upgraded bugs it should also work much better. And spider silk should be far stronger thanks to my upgrade.

"Looks good. But too dark. And that mask may look like something a villain would pick. Sorry."

"Ah yes, I see it."

"Unless you want to go vigilante?"

"No, I will try a different color."

"Something like Dark Red or Dark Green I would say? I'm not an expert. There is Parian, a clothes power rogue in Brockton Bay. She may help. Avoid white, as it may get too dirty too quickly"

"I'm not sure if I can afford this one?"

"Set up an agreement. Your spider silk for some of her work. She may be good with fashion or something."

"Fair enough. Is that all?"

"I think so? I hope I helped?"

She nodded, and I slowly hugged her. She was shocked, but she returned it. I also gifted her my potions I didn't drink, so she had a few more of them just in case. I think it was a very constructive evening for both of us.. We almost finished, when suddenly we heard Dannys' car driving in. We split up, and hid what we did. We spent some time watching TV together, and we left to our rooms. It was frustrating, but I managed to train enough control with my body to not break everything around.

Afterwards the next day started calmly. It was boring as expected. Missy left a bit earlier. Me, Na Li, and Veronica left the classroom together a few minutes later. I pretty much listened only, and said something when asked. What surprised me, was a young blonde teenage girl. She kind of reminded me of that old live show Sabrina, very identical look. Ah… Rune. I stiffened. And confrontation that I was worried about. I had a pretty good Brute/Mover package, but worry was still there obviously.

I also noticed her scowl, when she noticed both Na Li and Veronica. Yep, that pretty much sealed the deal. I was almost certain it was her.

"Sigh, I'm here to simply pick you up. Fuck this. Just follow me up. And think about people you talk with."

In answer I eyerolled, which she scowled at.

"Will you be alright? She's kind of mean." More reserved Veronica said, which I also agreed with.

"I think you may consider going with her?" With a glare answered far more confident Na Li. When Rune wanted to react, I raised my hands.

"It's fine. Thanks. Cya around." They turned around, but in the end they moved away. I raised my eyebrows, and showed her to move on.

"Nigger, and a chink? Really?"

"Wow, you don't even pretend, do you? So I may say 'A Nazi bitch? Really'?

She glared at me, and I think she tried to swing at me. I simply moved my head, and grinned. She was about to swing again, but she realized that I was called, and growled instead.

"Wow, you are one lucky punk. Seriously, stop pissing me off."

If I wanted, I could absolutely destroy you. But I wanted to keep my parahuman status hidden obviously. I shrugged my arms. We walked towards the parking lot, and I noticed a pretty fancy small scooter. We sat on it.

"Not bad. Also who I'm about to see?" I knew who, but I hoped that maybe I was wrong.

"James Fleischer. Big business man. I don't give a fuck, but he also paid me, so whatever."

"You're such sunshine. True lady type."

"Shut your mouth, you little shit."

"Yep, milady. Queen Elizabeth would be proud."

"Are you always a smartass like this?"

"For annoying cunts like you? Sure I am".

She growled, and barely held herself in check. Ah, being an annoying shit was kind of fun sometimes.

We moved slowly. Also before that I called from my phone. Not PRT one obviously, but other ones. I purchased it earlier, but I didn't inform Heberts for obvious reasons. Although this is yet another thing I should talk with them about.

She almost pushed me into a pretty basic building. White walls and all. Fuming, she left, while I entered in. Inside though, it was a different story. Wow, luxurious. Mahogany wood, victorian style decorations, and marble top quality floor. Yeah, he loved luxury. Or maybe it was some sort of power play? To show that joining them is a worthy goal?

Yep, it failed. Money ruined my previous family, and I really wasn't impressed. But I suspect cameras were everywhere here, so I observed around with fake wonder. How should I approach this? Act like a child? No, I wouldn't be able to fake it. And if he did basic research, I doubt this would fool him anyway.

I decided that I was already bored, sitting in one of the chairs. Man, I almost melted sitting in one of those. Maybe all of this I considered pointless, but I needed to admit that this piece of luxury felt nice. Although with how I needed to wait, I guess this was yet another power play. Making someone wait, you may show them how unimportant you are, and make them start to think of the worst kind of scenarios. In this case it kind of worked, because Nazis are Nazis.

Suddenly I was called in. I noticed the guy in the end of the room. He observed me calmly. He looked kind of unimpressive to be honest. Bald, with beady small green eyes, and a more slim figure then I expected. It was like I met one of those older accountants, that were completely ordinary in the way they wore their clothes, and how they looked and acted. Only things that changed that impression in a way was a very luxurious watch, and a suit with mixed white, red, and black colors. Wow, he wasn't even hiding it. I guess red and white were a very small part of it, but for me it stood like a sore thumb.

So this was Krieg, huh? He looked unimpressive, but I could say the same about Taylor, and especially Ciara, and they could be really damn deadly. And there were many other examples of this type.

And in direct power confrontation, I wouldn't like my odds. It was one of those bad matchups for me. His control over kinetic energy meant that even if I jumped directly into his face with a fist, he would simply reduce this energy to nothing or close to it. And his power was at its strongest in very direct close combat, which I was best at. Although maybe it could go better, if I lifted that desk in front of him, and used it to bat him through the window? No, bad thoughts.

"Hello Kamil. I'm not sure if you know me, but it's nice to meet you. They call James Fleischeir, but just call me James."

"Nice to meet you, sir." He nodded pleased. I almost wanted to roll my eyes, because he reacted the most at 'sir' part. Do you like boot lickers so much?

"You probably wonder why you were called here?"

"Honestly? Yes. I'm just a kid after all. And I heard that you are a pretty good businessman."

"I am indeed. I worked hard for my success, as you see around." I nodded, but I think he was prodding for something. Checking my reactions. He quickly stopped, and continued. Yeah, I think he realized that wealth doesn't impress me. Well, most of it. Searching for different angles on how to approach me.

"Yes, congratulations, indeed. I assume you started in Germany?"

"Indeed. Why do you ask?"

"Because choosing this city for business opportunities sounds like a risky deal? I'm not an expert, but with so many criminals like ABB, Merchants, and Nazis, potential issues like collateral damage may be a problem? Is there any particular reason why this pick?"

He calmly started writing something on the paper, but I think I stumped him. He didn't expect this kind of observation. But with the information I suspect, he at least heard rumours about me at this point.

"You're an intelligent boy, aren't you?"

"I try. Although I would like to make a complaint."

"Oh? Something not to your liking?"

"Not sure and it's not about here. It's about that girl that picked me up. Rude and obnoxious."

"Ahhh, I apologize. She's a niece of one person that works for me. If she offended you, I will reprimand her."

"Ah yes, the way she looked at my friends at school. And how she called them a 'nigger' and 'chink'. Pretty offensive, isn't it?" I asked innocently, but I could tell he didn't believe it for a second. Yeah, I was probing at him in return. To see his reaction.

"In the past she was attacked by people of different skin color. And she decided that she feels the safest in this place."

That wasn't a bad counter. In a way he said people of different skin color, like it simply happened. Without any direct racism. And that Brockton Bay was actually pretty safe. Both to slowly 'implant' an idea in my head that people of different skin color may be bad, and that Brockton Bay isn't so bad. Maybe if I really was a twelve year old it would work. But yeah, it was obvious otherwise.

"But it's full of criminals?"

"It happens. There are lots of villains in all North America to be fair."

Which was fair, and in a way also good deflection. Just to show that North America isn't so much better then Brockton Bay. Also I think he heard about my dislike of Brockton Bay. Which… was bad. He possibly learned it from a source I REALLY didn't want him to learn from.

"Like that criminal called Lung? The most powerful one in Brockton Bay?" Ah, his lips subtly tightened. Ah, that jab felt good.

"Everyone has a weakness. Sooner or later someone or some group of people will take him down."

"I guess it's true. Also about that girl… is she like this to everyone?"

"Yes, unfortunately. She isn't bad per se, but her experiences kind of shape her up. Also she can't call people 'chinks' or 'niggers' in public. This girl, I swear."

I subtly flinched, Fuck, he played me. He did pick her up on purpose, because people around knew what kind of interests she has. And that she never hid her Nazism. And if he knew or suspected me of being a parahuman, or that I suspected them, I wouldn't refuse them. And he picked her up, because he preferred parahuman for this job just in case I would violently refuse. And with him being German, that impression may be even stronger. And I think I also revealed that I suspect them of something.

And if I try to deny, they will think that I lie. So it means some people may start to look oddly at me. And in this case he may present more 'polite' people, to show that Nazis are in fact very trustworthy people, while Rune is just that 'bad apple', to create that contrast.

Oh gosh, and my reputation is already kind of shaky pretty much everywhere. And while I said I want to leave Brockton Bay, they may in their paranoia believe it's me simply lying. Fucking hell dammit. Fuck you bastard.

"Something wrong?" Yep, he knows. "No worries young man, that girl may be a menace. And she is in some moments. But there are always other people to befriend."

Yep. Ah, it was so grating, that he trapped me. And rubs it in my face.

"I'm doing fine on this front, thank you. I'm not a person who likes lots of people around him. I'm kind of… introverted." Oh, that sounded weak, but I was still pissed off.

"No worries, take your time." It's not like they couldn't wait in theory. I was very young, so they could wait.

"I also enjoy my current family so far."

"Ahh Herberts, right?"

"Yes, they are nice people. They care about the city. Also from what they told me they are French, Hebert sounds like it." I clearly presented it, that I knew they weren't Jewish or anything. And Hebert is a pretty known name, so they simply couldn't remove him. I just made it clear that they are 'white' enough to make sure some idiots don't go for them. Although with Taylor right now, it may be a very bad idea for whoever tries.

"Head of hiring in DWU, and his daughter. It's horrible what happened to her, coming from that girl. She quickly disappeared, strange indeed." It took all my willpower to not react to this one. I was almost certain he knew about Shadow Stalker, and he suspected that Locker Event was something serious. And we know how those kinds of events end up for some people.

They wouldn't break Unwritten Rules, hopefully. But it was bad. I needed to warn them. Gosh, this conversation isn't really going in the directions I want to. Or maybe he is probing, and I leave some clues behind? I hated to admit it, but he was good at this. And it takes one idiot, like in the case of Fleur, for something to go to shit.
"Yes. But they do fine, and try to do their best."

"It's hard to do a proper job in his situation. Although with time the situation should improve. People like ABB or Merchants can't run around all the time. And once it happens, some investors may show up, and offer some lucrative offer."

In other words, Nazis sooner, or later will get an opening. And that financially people in DWU struggle financially, so they will accept it sooner or later. And when you sit on an empty stomach, it's true. Or they may resent Heberts, as right now financially we are far better than people around us. Just one bad rumour about let's say bribes…

"Is there also any other reason you called me in?"

"Yes, I wanted to tell you that I knew your father."

"Really?" He nodded.

"Yes, we worked together in the past. He sold cars, while I mostly tried my luck in household good trade. We teamed up, and we worked together well."

"I see. What kind of a person he was?"

"He had a temper, and he had a tendency to gamble too much, but his instincts were always good. He died unfortunately, but he supported me, and people close to me. I don't want to bore you with my stories, so I prepared an album and some of the things he typed in his diary. This isn't an original, as the true one disappeared."

Bullshit. Pretty sure you present me an edited version, to present him in as positive light as possible. But so far he was pretty subtle. But I guess I may do something, although it may be crossing some line.

"About those criminals. ABB, Nazis and Merchants. But there is also that guy Coil, right?"

"Ah yes, I heard about him. A small timer."

"Is he really? Like him being so small sounds suspicious by itself. Also I heard about his mercenaries. Like… those tinkertech rifles. I heard those must be absurdly expensive."

"Yes, when I think about it, it's true."

"So I'm pretty sure as a businessman, where does he get this money? And where he is hiding all the time?"

He blinked. He realized something, and he didn't like the result. What I did wasn't subtle, but I wanted to bring more trouble to Coil, and give them something to be occupied about. Whatever happens, it should work to my advantage. And at this point pretending was pointless. To at least buy time.

"Strange indeed?" Krieg asked.

"Criminals. I don't like this city, but oh well, it's part of my home now."

He finished his drink, which I suspected was coffee, and politely thanked me.

"If there is something you need, don't hesitate to call me." He passed me a phone number, and I picked it up. "And feel free to visit me anytime."

It was yet another trap. If I refused to show up again, it would literally scream that I know something about him. But if I started to show up more often, rumours would get worse.

I really hated this fucking feeling. Being surrounded and trapped. Will I really need to escalate, and do something permanent? Long term I didn't think I could win this. Empire was both financial, and combat wise a juggernaut. Literally they didn't need to do anything, but wait. And if something more drastic started to be happening, they could decide that me and Taylor need to be permanently recruited. Although me being a Ward does help here a lot, which ironically I friggin despise. Or maybe I'm too paranoid, and it works against me?

I thanked him, and asked him where the nearest bus station was. He smiled, and said that I shouldn't bother, and that he will ask someone to drive me to my home. I saw no reason to disagree, so I accepted. Once I entered the house, and this time I noticed that Taylor was already in, I walked towards her, and told her my suspicions. That really didn't go well. Like at all...