Vote tally - GCPD: The Dark Deparment

Adhoc vote count started by Stewart92 on May 25, 2017 at 12:01 PM, finished with 61 posts and 15 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
GCPD: The Dark Deparment
Post #1
Post #61


  • [X] Plan Solid Foundations
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [x]Patrica Star
    [x] Jessie Wagner
    [x]Mentalist: +3 to Admin and allows bonuses when dealing with fine details.
    [x]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [x]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [x]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomancy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.
    [x]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [x]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
    [x]The OIC will scout out a series of assualt cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the vicitms. Time: 2 turns. Succes: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succedding. ??
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [X] Sasha Montreal
    [x]Patrica Star
    [X] Vincent Morelli
    [X] Medium: +3 to learning and allows talking of ghosts.
    [X] Nina - Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [X] Sasha - Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [X] Marcus - There is a odd number in the account of the department. The OIC might be able to figure out how some money isn't quite adding up. Time: 1 turn. Success: 80%. Reward: One money point added one!
    [X] Patricia - The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [X] Vincent - The OIC would research simple foci to enhance magic. Time: 2 turns. Success: 50%. Rewards: All SOBs get +1 to their magic bonus.
    [X] Plan Solid Foundations
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [x]Patrica Star
    [X] Vincent Morelli
    [x]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [x]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [x]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomancy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.
    [x]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [x]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
    [x]The OIC will scout out a series of assualt cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the vicitms. Time: 2 turns. Succes: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succedding. ??
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [X] Vincent Morelli
    [x]Patrica Star
    [x]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [x]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [x]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomancy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.
    [x]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communites. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [x]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
    [x]The OIC will scout out a series of assualt cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the vicitms. Time: 2 turns. Succes: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succedding. ??
    [X] Plan Basic
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [X] Sasha Montreal
    [x] Jessie Wagner
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [X] Aura user: +3 to leadership and allows bonuses with teams.
    [X] Marcus - Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [X] Sasha - Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [X] Luke - There is a odd number in the account of the department. The OIC might be able to figure out how some money isn't quite adding up. Time: 1 turn. Success: 80%. Reward: One money point added one!
    [X] Nina - The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communities. Time: 2 turns. Success: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [X] Nina - Send the OIC to a known magic bar, see how they feel about SOB. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: +2 reputation with Hedge Wizards. + 2 diplomacy with Hedges for the next two turns. Gained knowledge of Hedge Wizards(weak). Optional: use 1/4 of a money point to buy the bar a round. increases chance to 80% State if you wish this or not. - Spend money
    [X] Jessie - The OIC would work the SOBs to the bone. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: all SOBs get +4 to combat rolls for the next 3 turns.
    [X] Sasha Montreal
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [x] Jessie Wagner
    [X] Aura user: +3 to leadership and allows bonuses with teams.
    [X] Marcus - Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [X]Sasha- Send the OIC to scout nearby bars with a...less than solid reputation. See what magical folk may or may not be just hiding in plain sight. Time: 2 turns. Success: 40%. Reward. Awareness of threats around the station. +5 to rolls with the magical community and other community for the next three turns.
    [X] Marcus- The OIC would learn about SOB's assets. What could one type of magic do that others could not? They'd best start with their own. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Magic users unlock another use of their magic. Condition: Must have magic to use this.
    [X] Luke- There is an odd number in the account of the department. The OIC might be able to figure out how some money isn't quite adding up. Time: 1 turn. Success: 80%. Reward: One money point added one!
    [X] Nina- Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
    [X] Jessie- The OIC will scout out a series of assault cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the victims. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succeeding. ???
    [x]Nina Ramonaz
    [x] Luke Kilpatrick
    [x]Patrica Star
    [x] Jessie Wagner
    [x]Mentalist: +3 to Admin and allows bonuses when dealing with fine details.
    [x]Do a simple meet and greet. The officer in charge(O.I.C) of this would choose a simple activity to get the ball rolling. Time: 1 turn. Success: 70%. Reward: Department morale +3, 10%of OIC to gain a trait. Morale bonus last until one of the first recruits dies or leaves.
    [x]Send the OIC to wander the station. Collect information on which department is open to SOB and which is not. Time: 1 turn. Success: 60%. Reward: Information gained of the police station and SOB gains +5 to all plotting rolls to do with the GCPD.
    [x]The OIC sets down to figure out exactly what it can and cannot do in relation to other departments. Time: 2 turns. Success: 70%. Rewards: +5 to diplomacy rolls with GCPD in future rolls.
    [x]The OIC needs to know the common threats that existed in the unseen communities. Time: 2 turns. Sucess: 80%. Reward: Information about Werewolves, vampires, hedge mages and ghosts become unlocked (level of knowledge: weak(+1 roll))
    [x]Time to send someone around the departments and try to foster some decent relationships. Time: 2 turns. Success: 60%. Reward: +5 Diplomacy with future GCPD rolls.
    [x]The OIC will scout out a series of assault cases that seem to happen in the same alley for the last two weeks. No suspect and no one entered or left the alley other than the victims. Time: 2 turns. Succes: 60%. Reward: SOB puts a stop the trouble, gains +2 to diplomacy and plotting rolls to the GCPD for succeeding. ??