alright, becuase I got all distracted re-reading The Great Alicorn Hunt, there is no longer enough time to do an update tonight, so you'll have to wait until I'm off tomorrow around ten-ish. feel free to debate, propose plans, ask any questions you might have, ETC.
their ability to feild vast fleets of powerful
field not feild

Set the governor* of your Homeworld:
[]Manufacturing: dedicates the planet to providing raw industrial power, usually to run shipyards.
[]Research: Focus on unlocking the secrets of the universe.
[]Wealth: All empires need money, and someone has to pay it.
[]Balanced: Pursues a balanced approach, starting with Manufacturing, the Research, then Wealth (though effort to avoid net loss will be made)
How canon is this going to be? in galactic civ it is vastly more efficient to specialize each world to work on only one thing. You tend to have one or two money worlds, a couple of industry worlds to pump out ships (as many as you can afford), and the rest of the worlds are research worlds.

But that is just bad balancing as far as the game is concerned. would a balanced approach actually give us balanced results rather than inferior ones?
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I have the Genisis Project mod. that means any planet can effectively have ALL THE TILES.
the AI uses the (poor, IMO) Governers system and seems to pick basically randomly.

in this case, a 'balanced' world will end with one 'superhex' of factories (that is, a Power Plant surrounded by Factories), one of Research (co-ordination center+labs), and a variably-sized number of economic, entertainment, and food buildings*. an Industrial world might have a couple labs or whatever to take advantage of tile bonuses, while a Research or Wealth planet will sport a PP and a factory or three but mainly their respective focus.
for the record, in my typical games three-four balanced worlds feeding a shipyard are perfectly capable of pumping out contemporary Large warships in under ten turns- throw an Industrial in the mix and you can throw out a Frigate every turn. my suggestion is to vary your approach based on both the era of your colony's founding and the bonuses you get on-planet- putting Manufacturing on a Ghost World is a wast of its 50% Research bonus, and a world with two Manufacturing tradegoods and a couple tile bonuses is a shoe-in for Manufacturing. and so on.
frankly, I tend to end up playing a Balanced homeworld most of the time purely out of necessity- Research so I don't get out-teched by the AI (too much, Fucking Alterains,) Production so I can do landgrabs, and wealth just to keep my empire from imploding with debt. honestly, though, with the latest update I've found it more efficent(not to mention more lore-friendly!) to just grow more people if I want more production, since more Pop equals more everything, including tax revinue to keep your nice big fleet in bullets and burgers, as it were.

*I generally aim for what I semi-jokingly call a 'konoha', that is, Food distribution surrounded by farms with a Hospital stuck somewhere along it so it gives two farms adjacency- which can be expanded into a 'pill' around the Hospital if I really need it (hint: I rarely need it) and well, 70+ in all attributes without a focus checkmark speaks for itself. and that's when there isn't any Manufacturing or Population bonuses, the actual average tends to push three digits...
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alright, rolling...

Final score:

[X]Interstellar Travel
[X]Colony Ship

Turn 2 report coming shortly.
Mechanis threw 3 2-faced dice. Reason: Tiebreaking Total: 4
2 2 1 1 1 1
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Turn 2
Turn Two Report:

-No Notable events-​

Earth: Basic Factory, ETA 11 turns
Sol Shipyard: Colony Ship, ETA 170 turns

Interstellar Travel: 23 turns remaining.

Net: +1 BC
Total Reserve: 5001 BC​

[]modify construction queue
[]Buy: Basic Factory (Earth) 273BC
[]end turn
[]skip to next event (will automatically end turn with current directives in place until something notable occurs)