Gaiadimension Neptunia OOC

Goddammit, so basically I can't do 'interesting' so either I have to go to 'absurd' or I have to go to 'semi-common'.

The next thing that came to mind was Platypus Magic. Send biologists screaming "THERE IS NO GOD", or words to that effect.

For fucks sake look at the kinds of magic me and the others have. Either elemental like (fire/water/earth/air) or stuff like illusions or say healing.
Vulcanism, weather magic, paper magic, summoning magic...

Even if you go with relatively 'common' varieties of magic, there's still a huge range available.
RL Location: Barcelona, Catalonia
Mortal Name: Will (Will will fit, won't it?)
Divine Name: Carbon Heart
Share Power: Second Wind (at a high Shares cost, Carbon Heart may heal herself completely. All negative status effects will be removed, stamina and mana will be fully recovered and in general she will be left pristine)
Magic: Healing (includes negative status effect and debuff removal. Magic manifests as harmless fire and smoke for thematics' sake)
Weapon: I G N I S (& Bone of Morius)
Apparent Age:
Gender: Female
Mortal Description: This minus the inhuman features. This outfit, hairstyle and coloration.
Divine Description: This face and body-type, the horns are actually vents for superheated air and smoke. The hair has this glassy look and glows red like so. Finally, this is the outfit, minus the weapon. The processor unit resembles a sleek metal backpack, out of which a pair of wings seemingly made out of fire and smoke are projected. The fire and smoke are purely cosmetic, so no accidentally burning anything they brush past or saturating a room with toxic fumes.
Mortal Personality: She'll be the first one to tell you that a bastion of sanity she is most certainly not. She personally blames all the lucid dreaming, left her logic and sensibilities a tad bizarre in her unreliable opinion. Or she could just be fucking with people, filthy reaction junkie that she is. Or both, both's good. If there's someone who when faced with an eldritch horror beyond mortal ken will seriously consider inviting them over for tea, it is this madwoman.
Divine Personality: Her morbid curiosity has been brought to the fore, causing her to be very eager indeed to pull apart her enemies to see what makes them tick. Her magpie tendencies have likewise received a boost, prompting her to drag back the carcasses of anything she defeats to harvest for materials.
Likes: Biology, fire, cats, reptiles, books, videogames, heavy metal
Dislikes: Noise, kids, crowds, parties, tobacco smoke
Anything Else: The likes of Gehaburn are not welcome in this place, away with you!
Shares: 100SP
Followers: 0
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RL Location: Barcelona, Catalonia
Mortal Name: Will (Will will fit, won't it?)
Divine Name: Carbon Heart
Share Power: Second Wind (at a high Shares cost, Carbon Heart may heal herself completely. All negative status effects will be removed, stamina and mana will be fully recovered and )
Magic: Healing (includes negative status effect and debuff removal. Magic manifests as harmless fire and smoke for thematics' sake)
Weapon: I G N I S (& Bone of Morius)
Apparent Age:
Gender: Female
Mortal Description: This minus the inhuman features. This outfit, hairstyle and coloration.
Divine Description: This face and body-type, the horns are actually vents for superheated air and smoke. The hair has this glassy look and glows red like so. Finally, this is the outfit, minus the weapon.
Mortal Personality: She'll be the first one to tell you that a bastion of sanity she is most certainly not. She personally blames all the lucid dreaming, left her logic and sensibilities a tad bizarre in her unreliable opinion. Or she could just be fucking with people, filthy reaction junkie that she is. Or both, both's good. If there's someone who when faced with an eldritch horror beyond mortal ken will seriously consider inviting them over for tea, it is this madwoman.
Divine Personality: Her morbid curiosity has been brought to the fore, causing her to be very eager indeed to pull apart her enemies to see what makes them tick. Her magpie tendencies have likewise received a boost, prompting her to drag back the carcasses of anything she defeats to harvest for materials.
Likes: Biology, fire, cats, reptiles, books, videogames, heavy metal
Dislikes: Noise, kids, crowds, parties, tobacco smoke
Anything Else: The likes of Gehaburn are not welcome in this place, away with you!
Shares: 100SP
Followers: 0
Nihilo I don't see a processor unit on this.
Or you could pick a normal magic.
I did say I wanted to make it interesting :p

...I guess I could go straight chaos magic, but that tends not to play well with others if taken literally.



For fucks sake look at the kinds of magic me and the others have. Either elemental like (fire/water/earth/air) or stuff like illusions or say healing.

How does biology magic sound? With it starting with basic effects, like accelerating healing(but not healing by itself) and shifting up to actual fleshcrafting/Build-A-Beast stuff.

@NSMS Not really. Paper and summoning would probably fall under 'conceptual', unless by paper you meant...manipulating paper. Because, as I asked earlier, methodology magic isn't allowed.

Which puts a MASSIVE crimp in the ability to make things that are interesting.

I've legitimately taken to mashing the random power on the superpower wiki and so far the only idea it's given me that's reasonably interesting is eye magic.
I did say I wanted to make it interesting :p

...I guess I could go straight chaos magic, but that tends not to play well with others if taken literally.


How does biology magic sound? With it starting with basic effects, like accelerating healing(but not healing by itself) and shifting up to actual fleshcrafting/Build-A-Beast stuff.

@NSMS Not really. Paper and summoning would probably fall under 'conceptual', unless by paper you meant...manipulating paper. Because, as I asked earlier, methodology magic isn't allowed.

Which puts a MASSIVE crimp in the ability to make things that are interesting.

I've legitimately taken to mashing the random power on the superpower wiki and so far the only idea it's given me that's reasonably interesting is eye magic.
Read this manual and learn to Cut, then.

Meti's Sword Manual

Reach heaven through violence.
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I did say I wanted to make it interesting :p

...I guess I could go straight chaos magic, but that tends not to play well with others if taken literally.


How does biology magic sound? With it starting with basic effects, like accelerating healing(but not healing by itself) and shifting up to actual fleshcrafting/Build-A-Beast stuff.

@NSMS Not really. Paper and summoning would probably fall under 'conceptual', unless by paper you meant...manipulating paper. Because, as I asked earlier, methodology magic isn't allowed.

Which puts a MASSIVE crimp in the ability to make things that are interesting.

I've legitimately taken to mashing the random power on the superpower wiki and so far the only idea it's given me that's reasonably interesting is eye magic.
NO. For fucks sake grub. Again, look at what the other sheets have for magic. I have illusions, Ube has Time, Xal has lightning, Nihilo has heals.
Read this manual and learn to Cut, then.

Meti's Sword Manual

Reach heaven through violence.
No. No. NO. That would be a SP, and I would nerf the shit out of it.
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How does biology magic sound? With it starting with basic effects, like accelerating healing(but not healing by itself) and shifting up to actual fleshcrafting/Build-A-Beast stuff.

@NSMS Not really. Paper and summoning would probably fall under 'conceptual', unless by paper you meant...manipulating paper. Because, as I asked earlier, methodology magic isn't allowed.

Which puts a MASSIVE crimp in the ability to make things that are interesting.

I've legitimately taken to mashing the random power on the superpower wiki and so far the only idea it's given me that's reasonably interesting is eye magic.
From the OP and the example in it, healing magic is allowed, as is illusion magic. Summoning should therefore also be allowed, as it's a similarly 'classic' form of magic. Paper magic I meant paper manipulation, but honestly the other form (transcribing spells on prayer strips or something) doesn't sound like it'd be outside the bounds of this system.

Also, 'conceptual' isn't the same as 'methodology'. Conceptual is directly fucking with reality so you pick an outcome of some kind and reality changes to match, methodology just means a specific approach to casting/using magic.
From the OP and the example in it, healing magic is allowed, as is illusion magic. Summoning should therefore also be allowed, as it's a similarly 'classic' form of magic. Paper magic I meant paper manipulation, but honestly the other form (transcribing spells on prayer strips or something) doesn't sound like it'd be outside the bounds of this system.

Also, 'conceptual' isn't the same as 'methodology'. Conceptual is directly fucking with reality so you pick an outcome of some kind and reality changes to match, methodology just means a specific approach to casting/using magic.
Summoning would need to be talked over with me. Mostly because I would need to figure out how it works in detail.
From the OP and the example in it, healing magic is allowed, as is illusion magic. Summoning should therefore also be allowed, as it's a similarly 'classic' form of magic. Paper magic I meant paper manipulation, but honestly the other form (transcribing spells on prayer strips or something) doesn't sound like it'd be outside the bounds of this system.

Also, 'conceptual' isn't the same as 'methodology'. Conceptual is directly fucking with reality so you pick an outcome of some kind and reality changes to match, methodology just means a specific approach to casting/using magic.
Go for summoning.

Cut deals with spirits and demons, it will be fun.

Maybe not for you IC, but fun nonetheless.
Summoning would need to be talked over with me. Mostly because I would need to figure out how it works in detail.
That's fair, but it still proves what I was talking about: that despite not being an elemental form of magic, you're still open to allowing it.
That's fair, but it still proves what I was talking about: that despite not being an elemental form of magic, you're still open to allowing it.
Yep. General rule of thumb for what I allow: Is it super duper OP? Does it let you easily mimic other forms of magic? Is it conceptual? If the answer to all of those is No, I'll probably allow it, but if even one is a YES then I probably won't allow it.
Welp. Assuming you were including eye magic as a no, then I'll go with either weather or transmutation magic, I guess? :p

...Actually, just scrap eyes. My ideas for eye magic were kinda hideously grotesque, likely enough to meet or exceed Nihilo's standards.
Like, being able to grow extra eyes on something, then graft eyes from one thing to another while letting the original see through them. That kinda grotesque.
Welp. Assuming you were including eye magic as a no, then I'll go with either weather or transmutation magic, I guess? :p

...Actually, just scrap eyes. My ideas for eye magic were kinda hideously grotesque, likely enough to meet or exceed Nihilo's standards.
Like, being able to grow extra eyes on something, then graft eyes from one thing to another while letting the original see through them. That kinda grotesque.
Just make a sheet first before we talk about magics. And PM the sheet to me.
Summoning would need to be talked over with me. Mostly because I would need to figure out how it works in detail.
May I suggest something derived from KSBD?

Grab a chunk of mindless chaos, put a mask on it then bind its form and power in a shitton of names.

Then you cut a deal, fully expecting for the now sapient piece of shit to try their best to backstab you via loopholes and remove as many names you piled on 'em as possible.
Thulsa Drulle's Daemoniac Maleficum said:
"It doth not suyt a Sum'nr of Devyls to speak on their Propertys, as those godsblood Fools who speak them into beyng must by varyos Means know their Nature as the Back of their Hand. But here I shall make a vayn Attempt for those who doth possess Wyts markedly Thin and Tyme markedly Lyttle, and thereon elaborate wythyn thys Tome.
Let us begyn symply:
Fyrst, the Pallyd, also known as the order Cacodaemonya. The weakest of Devyls and, yea, the most numerous as well. The Pallyd Devyl posseseth a Body most fyne but he also possesseth a weak Intellect. Hys form doth resemble an Insect or other such crawylng thyng, hys Blood argent, hys Mask whyte or fayntly yellow. He is most suytable for Tasks menyal and of low complexyty. He feedeth on Blood and Livestock. Great Care must be taken for he is bydden to count any Item whatsover strewn before hym with a passyon most confoundyng."
Thulsa Drulle's Daemoniac Maleficum said:
"Next I wyll speak on the Ymps, or Blue Devyls. Ymps are flymsy of Body but possesseth a Tongue most vyle and skylfull in the Art. The Blue Devyl possesseth Skin of nyght-hue, hyr Mask is royal, and hyr Blood is ebon. Ymps have a certyn Fondness for Lyquor and Vyce that suiteth a crafty Sum'ner well should he wysh to gayn Employment of these Fiends."
Thulsa Drulle's Daemoniac Maleficum said:
"Next I wyll speak on those Devyls most pryzed and sought by Kyngs, Rulers, and those Fools who clasp for earthly Power. The Crymson Devyl, or War Devyl, is massyve of Form and Syze and myddlyng of Wyts. Hys Flesh is ebon or royal, he is well Furred, hys Mask sanguine, his Blood ebon. He hath powerful Fangs, Horns, or other natural Weaponry for whych to dysmember his Enemeys, for the war devyl is extremely fond of Vyolence. He is greatly pryzed in thys Matter, synce for the pay of a few bottles of Lyquor or feeble Trynkets he wyll dysmember well-trained Soldiers from Dusk until Dawn for he does not partake in Sleep. A sum'ner may consyder hym a dull Creature until they fynd he has exployted some Loophole in theyr Contract and feasts upon their Entrayls."
Thulsa Drulle's Daemoniac Maleficum said:
"Next I wyll speak of the Verdant Devyl, or Dead Man's Devyl as they are called. Hys Skyn is scaled or horned verdant, he carries the Vysyge of a Death's Head, hys Mask verdant, and hys Blood thyck and argent. The Verdant Devyl is a remarkably strange Creature for he affects a certayn Languor whych could be mystaken for a lack of Motyve, hys blood is cold and he moves with Torpydyty. No Thhyng could be further from the Truth, for in hys Languor he collects many dire Secrets and has an insatiable Appetyte for Ruin. He is fond of Bargayns and lyes often. He wyll Peel a man lyke a Grape, should it please hym."
Thulsa Drulle's Daemoniac Maleficum said:
"Next I wyll dyscuss the Gylded Devyl, or Yellow Devyl as they are sometymes called. The Gylded Devyl has the appearance of one tall and shrouded, hyr Mask is Or, hyr Blood is Ebon. Hyr shryveled Flesh is sayd to have a certayn corpse-lyk Qualyty. Gylded Devyls are in Possessyon of the most terryfyng Intellect of common Devyls, and for thys reason Summoners are advysed agaynst attemptyng to bynd them. The Gylded Devil is fond of Moneys and other items of Wealth, she remembers Anythyng whatsoever sayd or seen, and she counts everythyng in metyculous Detayl. Moreover, she cultyvates a profound and honed Malyce whych she wylll not hesytate to turn on Mankind most cruelly.
I myself had an Apprentyce once who summoned one to take care of hys Book Keeping only to fynd to his great Dismay some Weeks later she had bought hym as a Slave."
Thulsa Drulle's Daemoniac Maleficum said:
"Fynally, I wyll speak on the Ebon Devyl, or True Devyl.
A Devyl when he is born as Pallyd has many hundreds of Names, none of whych are useful to hym, a method of his Bynding that gyves Shape to rawest Chaos whyle styll allowyng him to be controlled. As he grows older he makes secret Bargayns with Fools and finds clever ways to lop these Names off, and thus metamorphoses, changing Color and Shape most drastycally. Thus does the Pallyd become Blue, the Blue become Crymson, the Crymson become Verdant, the Verdant become Gylded.
An Ebon Devyl has but a syngle Name. There are but a few Dozen in all of Creation.
I wyll speak no further on the matter of Devyl Bynding for the Hour grows most late and a Chyll is settlyng up my old Spyne.."
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May I suggest something derived from KSBD?

Grab a chunk of mindless chaos, put a mask on it then bind its form and power in a shitton of names.

Then you cut a deal, fully expecting for the now sapient piece of shit to try their best to backstab you via loopholes and remove as many names you piled on 'em as possible.
....Can you PM that wall of text to me? And then edit the wall of text out of your post?
........Okay, I am now ridiculously tempted to use a ridiculous color name.

Because apparently, things like Drunk Tank and Banan are colors.


I could not make ANY of these up.

........Okay, I am now ridiculously tempted to use a ridiculous color name.

Because apparently, things like Drunk Tank and Banan are colors.


I could not make ANY of these up.


Grub I will be blunt you are on thin ice when it comes to if I will accept you or not already and you haven't even made a sheet.
Roland’s sheet.
RL Location: Canada Ontario Hamilton
Mortal Name: Robin Styles
Divine Name: Ruby Heart
Apparent Age: 19
Gender: Female

Share Power: Damage conversion: Can covert the damage they received into blows twice as strong as what she was hit with.

Magic: Metal

Weapon: Knuckle Dusters

HDD: Chain blade gauntlet: A gauntlet that can unleash a blade at the knuckles the blade can either stay close range or can shoot out attached to a chain.

Mortal Description: Short curly brown hair in a bob cut (the picture attached with the darker haired girl is what I imagine the hair looking like), light cherry red eyes with constant bags under them, 5'2" slightly pale, not particularly busty. Has a case of resting bitch face and is never seen without her leather Jacket

Divine Description: Grey bodysuit ending a little past the knees and elbows accented with small lines of light red. Eyes are a deep red wine colour, with shoulder length hair a vibrant ruby red shade. Slightly bustier and much taller having shot up to 5'8". Wings take the appearance of two black holographic angelic styled wings.

Mortal Personality: Generally laid back happy to spend time with friends but is introverted and as such enjoys quiet time to read and relax. She does have a bit of a wild side though often willing to take risks to experience an adrenaline rush. Cares a great deal over those she considers friends and family but trys not to be overbearing or suffocating about it.

Divine Personality: The defender the protector that care she feels toward her friends and family is amplified by one hundred leading to a while mostly the same person, someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to keep those she cares about safe, in this state the person who wanted to harm her people will be hunted relentlessly until they are no longer a threat.

Likes: Reading, video games, family, friends.
Dislikes: Hypocrites, limiting others, Indirectness, bigots.
Shares: 100
Other: weeb trash

Followers: 0
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Grub I will be blunt you are on thin ice when it comes to if I will accept you or not already and you haven't even made a sheet.
Look, I'm just being silly at the moment. It is insanely unlikely that I'll use any of those.

Edit:As in I'm not, because I already picked a less silly one. This was just a draft I decided to post for some reason.