Gaiadimension Neptunia OOC

The OP of the OOC/The rules/My Sheet


Sleepy Queen of Destruction
The Future.
Welcome to Gaiadimension Neptunia. The premise of this RP is that one day the PCs wake up one day as CPUs(like the goddesses of Neptunia), and now the world has reports of well... Monsters, showing up and causing havoc. I would prefer that the PCs are self inserts.

Discord Link(the channel is where most OOC talk takes place): Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

Rules: The Rp itself, besides from the costs and such for Share Powers and Transforming, is run narratively. But there are some rules:

  • All PCs are Self Inserts.
  • You can summon and dismiss your weapon at will.
  • You can "equip" a set of clothing/armor to allow you to summon and dismiss it at will. Your CPU Form's clothing/processor unit will override them.
  • Transforming into your CPU Form costs 5 Shares, as well as a upkeep cost of 1 share every GM post. Turning back does not cost anything.
  • If you are sent to 0 Shares when in your CPU form, you revert to your normal form.
  • Your Share Powers are instinctive, your magic not so much, though it does respond to your will.
  • Shares regenerate when: Believes in you/puts their faith in you. Does NOT have to be religious faith. See the share system for more details.
  • CPU/Divine Form/HDD functions as a stat(speed, toughness, and strength are all super-human, strong enough to pick up a van or truck with ease, tough enough to shrug off bullets, fast as a speeding car), and you can fly in it.
  • Out of CPU/Divine Form/HDD, your still superhuman. You can't pick up a truck, bullets hurt but are not one-shot-kills, and your fast enough to dodge most non-gun weapons.
  • Don't be mean to each other.
  • No god(dess)modding.
  • What I say goes.
  • Have fun people.
  • To prove you've read these, put "No Gehaburn's allowed." In your sheet under Anything Else.
  • Besides myself, I will likely select 4 to 7 players.

Sheet Template:
RL Location: (where your PC starts off. This should be where they went to sleep last night).
Mortal Name:
Divine Name. (Something, preferably a color) Heart
Share Power: (a power unique to you. Powered by Shares)
Magic: (What kind of magic are you naturally able to use? Examples: A element(fire, water, earth, air, etc), Healing, ETC)
Weapon: (This can be a mechashift/RWBY style weapon, if so please describe BOTH forms, or how it is both a ranged weapon and something else.)
Apparent Age: (Stick within 5-19 years.)
Gender: Female (You're a goddess now. This cannot be changed.)
Mortal Description: (Please include any accessories they always wear, like the Neps D-Pad hair clips.)
Divine Description: (A older version of above, don't forget to describe what their processor unit, aka machine like wings and floaty bits and other accessories look like, as well as their weapon)
Mortal Personality:
Divine Personality: (Remember, same person as above, but with a different bit of your personality emphasized)
Anything Else:
Shares: 100 SP
Followers: 0

An uncapped counter for your shares. 100 shares is simply the starting amount everyone has. You get them through faith in you and good will, at a rate of roughly 1 share per person in the area (plus people directly affected, such as if someone has their house nearby) when you do helpful things such as fighting off a monster. Another one for your followers. Regardless of if they actually worship you or simply give respect and thankfulness genuine enough to work just as well.

They generate 1 share per day without need of any action on your part. They also keep an eye out for news about you, so if you fought a monster and it got recorded or otherwise passed around, expect them to give you extra shares as if they had been present.

My sheet:
RL Location: Portsmouth, NH, USA
Mortal Name: Lilliana
Divine Name. Violet Heart
Share Power: Boost: When activated, briefly(as in enough to move and do one thing) doubles power/speed/toughness. -10 Shares per use.
Magic: Illusions
Weapon: Viol: A halberd with a white hilt and head. The edge of the axe-head and the spear tip are both purple. It's big enough she has to use it two handed. It can transform into a rifle, the head folding to create the barrel, as the trigger and grip fold out of the hilt. The rifle mood looks kinda blocky, and packs a punch. When in HDD, the halberd form gets bigger, turns black, has the point and axe-head glow violet and are larger relative to the hilt, and violet circuitry covers it. The rifle form is also bigger and black, and the violet circuitry that covers it glows when it fires.
Apparent Age: 16
Gender: Female (I'm a goddess now! Woot!)
Mortal Description:

She's 5'1 tall and has a C-Cup.
Divine Description:
A adult version of the above. She wears a black unitard, with violet circuit like designs that show off her body. Her hair turns a dark violet, while her eyes are a lighter hue. She wears high heels with heart motifs. Her hair-clip is now futuristic looking, and her long hair flows down to her thighs. Her processor unit is composed of a pair of floating, comma shaped mechanical wings, that each have 3 "feathers" of violet light. The base of the wings each have a d-pad on each side. In addition, her processor unit also includes a headband that flares out as if it was a pair of small black horns. 6'1 tall with a E-Cup chest.
Mortal Personality: A kind and introverted (trans)girl, who happens to be a massive sadist. Her introversion comes from most people being annoying and far too loud for her hearing. Is possessive of her stuff and does not like her friends being hurt at all, being quite protective of the people she cares for. Has a sense for drama, and loves to see people react to things. To her, creepy and cute are the same thing. Is always sleepy/tired. Has had issues with self hate and depression in the past.
Divine Personality: She is hedonistic, doing what brings her joy. So. She's a massive cuddler, enjoying time spent with her friends. And hugs. So. Many. Hugs. In addition, her protective nature is also amplified, and is somewhat maternal in some ways on that front.
Likes: Chocolate, the cold, the quiet, cuddles, books, the internet, reading, her friends, digimon, gothic lolita, fire, cute stuff, creepy stuff, science, cosmic horror and sleeping.
Dislikes: Being woken up, loud noises, people touching her stuff, people who hurt her friends, sour stuff, headaches, pseudo-science, being referred to as if she were male.
Anything Else: If you call her a man/guy or worse refer to her as her birth-name... you will die screaming.
Shares: 100
Followers: 0
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UbeOne: The Co-GM's sheet.
RL Location: Metro Manila, Philippines
Mortal Name: Rae
Divine Name. Amethyst Heart
Share Power: Time Stop (Freezes a target in time. Costs 10 Shares per target)
Magic: Time (Haste, Slow)

Weapon: Entropy - A pair of canes, one shorter than the other. Featuring black shafts and silver handles, they are also semi-automatic rifles, firing .50 caliber rounds, whose recoil can aid the user's movements and attacks. The shafts of the canes serve as the barrels of the guns, and the imagery they evoke is that of the hour and minute hands of a clock. Reloads are magically generated as needed. In HDD, the weapons increase in length and size, and gain glowing purple circuit lines on the shafts, indicating their upgraded strength and firepower. They become capable of firing 20mm rounds.

Apparent Age: 19
Gender: Female

Mortal Description: A female version of myself, with a height of 5'6" and an average build, filling a cup size of C. My hair, still black as night, now reaches my upper back, while my eyes remain black in color, but are no longer in need of glasses. My light brown complexion is retained, and is now unmarred by allergy and dryness. A silver gear-shaped hair clip could be found on the left side of my head, and I would be found wearing a ruffled beige blouse, a denim skirt with shorts underneath, and gray sneakers.

Divine Description:
Has a more slender build, with an increased height of 5'11" and filling a cup size of B. My hair is now waist-length and dark purple in color, good for hair flips. My eyes, meanwhile, are violet with white-colored power symbols within them, while my hair clip becomes a diamond-shaped amethyst in appearance. What I wear is mainly composed of a unitard with long sleeves and legs, as well as shoes and fingerless gloves. The upper part is colored white with a light gray diamond pattern, while the lower part is colored black with a line of purple diamond shapes on the sides. Meanwhile, a small, silver buckler could be found on my left forearm. Composed of concentric sections, and featuring a black clockwork pattern, the buckler's sections rotate independently when Time Stop is used. However, that's just for cosmetic purposes, for it doesn't actually cast that power.

My processor unit, referred to as the Amethyst Processor Unit, is a set of polished, floating accessories colored in purple. First are the wings behind my back, composed of three pairs of blade-like feathers, which are shaped like lengthened gear teeth and connected to a central, circular hub. Second is a ring-shaped gear, positioned horizontally above my head like a halo. Last are pauldrons, cuisses and greaves, featuring embossed gears, which protect my shoulders, thighs and legs, respectively.

Mortal Personality: Usually the quiet, introverted type, but can get excitable (whether in a subdued way or not) regarding things I like. Tends to stay out of arguments.

Divine Personality: I obtain a colder demeanor, as well as a streak of vindictiveness. Any anger expressed in this state would be in the form of tranquil fury.

Likes: Cars, planes, tanks, warships, traveling, food, weapons, video games
Dislikes: Violence, misery, early death, politics, bullying, "kicking the cat"
Anything Else: No Gehaburn's allowed
Shares: 100
Followers: 0
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Interesting. Seeing as by my read of it this takes place in modern Earth, how much (if any) knowledge of the Neptunia setting/mechanics is needed for this? Because I'm basically at the point of 'it exists, and it involves goddesses who are somehow linked to computers and shares'.
Interesting. Seeing as by my read of it this takes place in modern Earth, how much (if any) knowledge of the Neptunia setting/mechanics is needed for this? Because I'm basically at the point of 'it exists, and it involves goddesses who are somehow linked to computers and shares'.
Not a super lot, but reading the wiki helps.

If I want to sign up for YET ANOTHER of these, I see 2 options.

One: Do Sanguine again. Make Magic Darkness, go Edgardo and "control the darkness within men's hearts" for MAXIMUM EDGE!!!
Pros:Blood Fountain! Since I have Ichor as being fueled by Shares, and Shares are uncapped in this, that means that I can potentially bleed LITERAL RIVERS.
Cons:I think that I've kinda pushed the 'edge' thing as far as I can, I don't really think I can make it translate well one more time...

Two:Make a new goddess with a new power. I like this new ruleset--it doesn't have a arbitrary Share cap to restrain me. I'll probably keep the goddess personality, but change the name.

@ForgottonFuture Possibly a deciding factor--Can I make a method into my magic, instead of a aspect? Like, instead of dark/light/fire/earth/etc, Sword Magic(magic channeled by the use of swords), Music Magic(magic channeled via music), etc?

Edit:Goddammit, now I want to have Fist Magic for lulz.
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If I want to sign up for YET ANOTHER of these, I see 2 options.

One: Do Sanguine again. Make Magic Darkness, go Edgardo and "control the darkness within men's hearts" for MAXIMUM EDGE!!!
Pros:Blood Fountain! Since I have Ichor as being fueled by Shares, and Shares are uncapped in this, that means that I can potentially bleed LITERAL RIVERS.
Cons:I think that I've kinda pushed the 'edge' thing as far as I can, I don't really think I can make it translate well one more time...

Two:Make a new goddess with a new power. I like this new ruleset--it doesn't have a arbitrary Share cap to restrain me. I'll probably keep the goddess personality, but change the name.

@ForgottonFuture Possibly a deciding factor--Can I make a method into my magic, instead of a aspect? Like, instead of dark/light/fire/earth/etc, Sword Magic(magic channeled by the use of swords), Music Magic(magic channeled via music), etc?

Edit:Goddammit, now I want to have Fist Magic for lulz.
No. Has to be a element. Sword magic would be making and controlling swords if I allowed it, AND Ichor is premptivly denied.
KamenRaida’s sheet.
RL Location: Oxnard, California, United States
Mortal Name: Sarah
Divine Name. Sky Heart
Share Power: Incinerate (Costs 25 Shares per target)
Magic: FIRE FIRE YEAH!!! (CANNOT start a fire inside a living target without using Share Power)

Weapon: Cleansing Flame - A silver looking axe with blue flame designs. It is also a pump-action shotgun, firing 12-gauge buckshot. The shaft of the axe serves as the barrel of the gun. Reloads are magically generated as needed. In HDD, the weapon increases in bulk, and gains glowing sky blue circuit lines on the shaft, indicating its upgraded strength and firepower. The shotgun becomes capable of firing 8-gauge incendiary shells at automatic rate of fire.

Apparent Age: 19
Gender: Female

Mortal Description: A female version of myself, with a height of 5'8" and a slightly bulky build with a B-cup. My hair, now chesnut, has grown to just past my shoulder, while my eyes have become blue in color. My somewhat pale complexion is now somewhat tanned, and is now unmarred by allergy and dryness. A large sky blue buckle is always on my belt, and I can be found wearing a black vest, orange polo shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers.

Divine Description:
Has a more mature build, with an increased height of 6'0" and a D-cup. My hair, now long enough to reach the small of my back, is sky blue in color, and in a ponytail. My eyes, meanwhile, now glow with red-colored power symbols within them, while my buckle becomes a star-shaped sapphire in appearance. What I wear is mainly composed of a unitard with long sleeves and legs, as well as shoes and fingerless gloves. The upper part is colored the same as the midnight sky with a pattern that resembles stars in the sky, while the lower part is colored to look like the sky in the middle of the day with a line of white cloud shapes on the sides. In addition, a round, golden shield can be found on my left forearm.
My processor unit, referred to as the Sky Processor Unit, is a set of polished, floating accessories colored in blue. First, the wings behind my back, appearing as three sets of blade-like dragonfly wings, which have barely visible serrated edges and appear to be directly connected to my back. Second is a stylized sun, positioned horizontally above my head like a halo. Finally, there are pauldrons, cuisses and greaves, featuring stars and clouds, which protect my shoulders, thighs and legs, respectively.

Mortal Personality: Somewhat calm and quiet (except about certain topics), but with an explosive temper when truly provoked.
Divine Personality: Extremely calm and somewhat quiet (except about certain topics), but with a highly explosive temper when truly provoked.

Likes:Tokusatsu shows (like Kamen Rider), Kaiju movies (especially the Godzilla franchise), food, weapons, video games
Dislikes: Pointless violence, racism, politics, bullying
Anything Else: Bullying is a BIG no-no
Shares: 100
Followers: 0
No. Has to be a element. Sword magic would be making and controlling swords if I allowed it, AND Ichor is premptivly denied.
Well then.

The most interesting magic I can think of, in that case, would be Unbound Magic, as in, removing limitations.

At low levels, it would be physical, nonliving limitations, like unlocking things or starting cars without the key. Stretching the definitons of low level, things like stripping away melting/breaking points from items.

At middling levels, it would be physical/mental limitations of living things, like being able to make chickens, turkeys and ducks crossbreed to make a TRUE TURDUCKEN!

At high levels, it would allow things like UNLOCKING YOUR HIDDEN POTENTIAL removing the limit of how much a human can lift, for instance. Or unbinding people's minds, but, uh, welllllll....

At absurd levels of proficiency, it would allow unbinding things from physical laws, like conservation of mass and energy or lightspeed limitation.

It's either this, or Blankets.
Well then.

The most interesting magic I can think of, in that case, would be Unbound Magic, as in, removing limitations.

At low levels, it would be physical, nonliving limitations, like unlocking things or starting cars without the key. Stretching the definitons of low level, things like stripping away melting/breaking points from items.

At middling levels, it would be physical/mental limitations of living things, like being able to make chickens, turkeys and ducks crossbreed to make a TRUE TURDUCKEN!

At high levels, it would allow things like UNLOCKING YOUR HIDDEN POTENTIAL removing the limit of how much a human can lift, for instance. Or unbinding people's minds, but, uh, welllllll....

At absurd levels of proficiency, it would allow unbinding things from physical laws, like conservation of mass and energy or lightspeed limitation.

It's either this, or Blankets.
I said elements. And that is too OP. Grub, think of something NOT game breaking please?
Seeing as Ube has Time magic, would Spacial magic be acceptable? To me, as clarification, that includes things like teleportation, warping distances, 'it's bigger on the inside!' tricks, portals, distorting space to attack, etc.
Seeing as Ube has Time magic, would Spacial magic be acceptable? To me, as clarification, that includes things like teleportation, warping distances, 'it's bigger on the inside!' tricks, portals, distorting space to attack, etc.
Sure. You'll start out limited to portals and teleports, and not for super long ranges.
RL Location: Birmingham, England
Mortal Name: Thalia
Divine Name. Electric Heart
Share Power: Overcharge - The longer I fight, the more electrical energy builds up inside me, making me faster, stronger, smarter and more reflexive. (Exact mechanics TBD)
Magic: Electric
Shock and Awe - A Cyan Chokuto, Shock, that when sheathed in the Green Scabbard, Awe, can be reconfigured into a Rifle form.
Apparent Age: 17
Gender: Female
Mortal Description:
Divine Description: An Adult Thalia with light teal hair in a braid identical to Purple Heart's. Dressed in a blue catsuit with lime green light running down in in a circuitry style. Her eyes are now teal to match her hair and have a glowing power symbol in them, however, her eyes are covered by a blue futuristic virtual visor. Her wings continue the futuristic aesthetic by appearing like Mecha Thruster Jets. Her gloves and boots are the only things besides her hair and catsuit that hint at her femininity, reaching her elbows and knees respectively, the matching blue garments have emeralds set in the end in a diamond shape, acting almost like elbow and knee pads. Shock and Awe only gain a more futuristic and smooth look rather than any overt changes.
Mortal Personality: A bit of a grease monkey, Thalia is a free spirit who likes to live just as fast as the rides she makes.
Divine Personality: Electric Heart is just as erratic as her name implies, quick-witted, cutting and always seeking the next thrill, she'll make your world come alive and be gone in a flash.
Likes: Mechanics, Excitement, Computers, The Future, Innovation, Anime, Japan, Girls, Freedom.
Dislikes: Maths, Boredom, Retro Systems, The Past, Stagnation, Western Cartoons, Religion, Prudes, Rules.
Anything Else: No Gehaburns allowed
Shares: 100
Followers: 0
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I said elements. And that is too OP. Grub, think of something NOT game breaking please?
I mean....

It would probably be significantly harder to learn than something simple like 'I SET THINGS ON FIRE!'. And if we reach the point where it would become a problem, odds are that we have enough shares floating around that the share powers are more problematic?

And....How is it worse than Time?

I would honestly assess that my idea is less powerful than it is interesting. There are very few problems that will be simply solved by it.

Take a classic conflict; someone's chasing me with a gun.

Fire magic:Set him on fire.

Time Magic:Haste self, slow him, run away.

Unbound magic:Unbind his pants and he trips over them.

Things only get powerful at around the point when Fire should be able to incinerate continents and Time should literally be able to STOP time. At which point, about the most dangerous thing I can do is unbind information and make it free.

The most potentially powerful thing has been addressed--unbinding someone's mind, which would drive them invariably insane and possibly start their heart if they forget to actually consciously pump their own blood.

For going beyond lightspeed, you have to somehow accelerate the thing beyond lightspeed.

For conservation of matter and energy....

"Okay, so now my gun doesn't obey conservation. Now what?"

"Uh....wiggle it and see whether it creates matter and/or energy, or destroys it?"

Edit:Or, to use a classic example of natural unbinding that's a running joke in the family;

"Adrenaline is great! I can jump 60 feet in the air! The only problem is, I'm 60 feet in the air..."
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At absurd levels of proficiency, it would allow unbinding things from physical laws, like conservation of mass and energy or lightspeed limitation.
May I introduce you to the GLORIOUS IRON REPUBLIC?
Factory-engines roar like false lions. Blood thunders in the dock-pipes. Crimson lightning skitters across the deck, leaps to the rail, coils there like a cat. The city is reflected in glassy-calm harbour water: the citizens there have the heads of dogs and serpents.
Hell has brought freedom to the Iron Republic: freedom from all laws, even those of nature.
I mean....

It would probably be significantly harder to learn than something simple like 'I SET THINGS ON FIRE!'. And if we reach the point where it would become a problem, odds are that we have enough shares floating around that the share powers are more problematic?

And....How is it worse than Time?

I would honestly assess that my idea is less powerful than it is interesting. There are very few problems that will be simply solved by it.

Take a classic conflict; someone's chasing me with a gun.

Fire magic:Set him on fire.

Time Magic:Haste self, slow him, run away.

Unbound magic:Unbind his pants and he trips over them.

Things only get powerful at around the point when Fire should be able to incinerate continents and Time should literally be able to STOP time. At which point, about the most dangerous thing I can do is unbind information and make it free.

The most potentially powerful thing has been addressed--unbinding someone's mind, which would drive them invariably insane and possibly start their heart if they forget to actually consciously pump their own blood.

For going beyond lightspeed, you have to somehow accelerate the thing beyond lightspeed.

For conservation of matter and energy....

"Okay, so now my gun doesn't obey conservation. Now what?"

"Uh....wiggle it and see whether it creates matter and/or energy, or destroys it?"

Edit:Or, to use a classic example of natural unbinding that's a running joke in the family;

"Adrenaline is great! I can jump 60 feet in the air! The only problem is, I'm 60 feet in the air..."
Your assuming I'd let magic get to the level a PC can easily burn down a contientent. And no. Unbinding things from the laws of reality is VERY BROKEN. Fun fact, Ube cannot time travel, and time stop is probably her most powerful time spell she can get that doesn't involve fucking with alternate timelines(IF I ALLOW THAT).
Your assuming I'd let magic get to the level a PC can easily burn down a contientent. And no. Unbinding things from the laws of reality is VERY BROKEN. Fun fact, Ube cannot time travel, and time stop is probably her most powerful time spell she can get that doesn't involve fucking with alternate timelines(IF I ALLOW THAT).
I.... Did say 'absurd' levels of power. So that would probably be along the lines of time travel, something you just won't have it progress to.

Also, I can't even THINK of a law of reality that I can practically unbind something from without either having no practical effect or making it useless.

Inertia just means that any force acting upon it is equalized, I think? So if I poke something at 1 meter per second, it starts moving at 1 meter per second?


Except that's useless because even if I put it on a vehicle, the force of gravity plus my existence will prevent it from travelling.

Ignoring the 'absurd' power tier, is it okay? I'm perfectly fine trimming it, it just fit the theme.

Also, it was mildly hilarious to think of a bunch of government scientists staring at some stick I've excluded from conservation of energy and saying "Okay. Clearly, this is important. But... How the FUCK do we use this?"
I.... Did say 'absurd' levels of power. So that would probably be along the lines of time travel, something you just won't have it progress to.

Also, I can't even THINK of a law of reality that I can practically unbind something from without either having no practical effect or making it useless.

Inertia just means that any force acting upon it is equalized, I think? So if I poke something at 1 meter per second, it starts moving at 1 meter per second?


Except that's useless because even if I put it on a vehicle, the force of gravity plus my existence will prevent it from travelling.

Ignoring the 'absurd' power tier, is it okay? I'm perfectly fine trimming it, it just fit the theme.

Also, it was mildly hilarious to think of a bunch of government scientists staring at some stick I've excluded from conservation of energy and saying "Okay. Clearly, this is important. But... How the FUCK do we use this?"
No means NO grub.
The fact that share energy is a thing and we're all magical girls means conservation of energy in the classical sense is already off sobbing in corner.
But....I...You're saying no because of something that feels like a misunderstanding.... and that's something that seriously bothers me?


Anyway, well then. Blankets. Would that be a power that actually allows me to use blankets as spies ala Nobilis, then? D:
No. *headdesks* I am not allowing fucking conceptual crap right off the bat unless it's part of your SP.
It reads to me like Forgotten just doesn't want to have to deal with the mess that conceptual powers easily tend to become.

Edit: ninja'd
No. *headdesks* I am not allowing fucking conceptual crap right off the bat unless it's part of your SP.
Goddammit, so basically I can't do 'interesting' so either I have to go to 'absurd' or I have to go to 'semi-common'.

The next thing that came to mind was Platypus Magic. Send biologists screaming "THERE IS NO GOD", or words to that effect.