Future timeline

New York
I'm making a timeline from 2017-2050. I need one future invention for every year starting from now until 2050. Be creative. Thanks!!!

"Ok, I'm going to join a webforum, immediately make a new thread with a vague one-line post, and expect random internet strangers to put in 10x the effort into doing all this work for me."
"Oh, why didn't anyone respond to my first attempt yesterday? I'll try the exact same thing again today!"

I can't tell whether you are exceedingly optimistic, have no sense of what would interest other people, or are simply new to online forums. >_>

At the least, maybe explain why you're making this timeline? Plus fill out a good chunk of it yourself first, to demonstrate that you're not merely lazy. Bonus points if you mention why you're asking on this specific forum, and not just doing a drive-by.
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