From The Machine

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Ex Machina. From The Machine. Powerful plentiful artifacts from an age gone by ranging from personal weapons capable of ravaging armies to miraculous towers that purify the very land they stand on to esoteric engines of change.

There are only 4 things known about them: They all originate from the same thing - something known by the Vanished Civilization as The Machine. They have a mystical and repeated thematic connection to the number 4. They all are powered by Souls of Mysterious Origins (SMOs). And the technology cannot be replicated.

Except. That last fact doesn't explain why there's a mysteriously ensouled android with a 4 letter acronym for a name running about that very markedly doesn't hail from The Machine. This makes her Interesting in a world where Interesting things like to butt heads.

But if she has anything to say about it, D.I.G.I. and her "grumpy grandpa sword" aren't going to be stopped from living and thriving anytime soon. She'll learn, grow, and perhaps most importantly she'll connect to the people around her - each with their own story to tell - just as they'll connect with her own.
From Isolation (Chapter 1) - 1.1
From Isolation 1.1

From the moment the glass tube lowers and the cold, stale air hits her synthetic skin, all D.I.G.I. can think about is how grateful she is for the new sensation. The plentiful, sturdy metal tubing and conduits are great and all for keeping her fully charged, but they are far, far more than her synthetic muscles and mechanical rotors can bear. Were they not, she would have tried to leave sooner.

She checks her internal clock. It has been three days exactly since she had woken up, and the only other change has been when the fluid keeping her body lubricated leaked out about 3 hours after becoming active. To her, this is all there was in any meaningful sense.

She had checked, double checked, and tripled checked the information in her head, but while there were a lot of words and definitions in there, the only one that mattered was 'context', since she had none. She knows that the steel walls of the room were gray, and that said walls were highlighted with grey as a secondary color despite being two shades of the same color. She knows that metal was supposed to be 'durable' and great for everything from conducting electricity to building tools.

But the android can't really test those limits. She's intimately familiar with how heavy metal is thanks to her inadvertent bindings, but her arms are so forcibly splayed out from the force of the conduits that hung from the ceiling that she couldn't grip them. There is no means of comparing the smoothness of her own palms to the smoothness of the metal, and as long as the weight of the metal tubing hanging off of her legs was enough that she couldn't lift them, odds are that she'll never know.

This produced an overwhelmingly sad feeling. There were no orders, no commands, no mission statements. She knew she was a prototype, but it seems that her code is geared towards living and experiencing rather than any rigid parameters. The one memory she does possess of some humans discussing another model's make and purpose has left her with a sense of gratitude that she is more free to be herself than an object for anyone.

But the question of if that gratitude means anything is as heavy and thick as her own prison. D.I.G.I. cannot move, and this is her inescapable fact. And yet, not so much in defiance of this fate but more in acceptance…

She begins to hum. She does not know what good lyrics are since her library is rather self contained and lacking in examples, but humming seems like a safe bet to her. A smile crosses her face when it occurs to her that such things are what faces do when one is celebrating. It does feel unnatural to her, but it is not because her feelings were any less real. The processes are simply more manual than that of an organic's.

She pauses for a moment as she processes a sudden increase in the data she can access. Data on a piece of music, complete with lyrics. There was brief consideration on whether or not to worry about the idea that there was information in her that was inaccessible, but the android decides that dwelling in a state of trouble is not something she needs to do at the moment.

And so she sings.

"Fighting evil by…"

The smile continues to shine as she continues the song. If anything it is brighter now, since the android felt compelled to increase its intensity. After all, she just had two moments of new sensations, not just one. The cause for increased celebration is surely justified to her sensibilities.

She attempts to wiggle her head back and forth in rhythm to the music, but there isn't much room to do so. The conduits connect to too many parts of her head, from the back to the temple area to a spot just below her white pigtails. Naturally with her head forced into such an awkward angle, it was hard not to notice her pigtails drooping by the sides of her head.

But said awkward angle allows her to see the wall somewhat. It gives her context for what walls are like, which she is grateful for even if they seemed like silly floors left up on their sides.

An idle thought wanders into her head once the song ends. It's one of wondering what she wants to do if she could ever get just a bit more free. For D.I.G.I., the first thing would be obvious.

She wants to find a mirror. Any reflective surface would do. She wants to see what she looks like. Sure, the android's neon green eyes light up the floor somewhat, but any other features that would be lit up by them are obscured by that same light in an otherwise near lightless room. Only the dull, white lights embedded along the sides of the walls give her any indication of the colors surrounding her.

The android drags her tangential thoughts back into line. It's not a pressing problem since she has the time to indulge them, but she decides it's not a habit she wants to keep up.

D.I.G.I. wants to see what she looks like. The color of her skin, the outfit she's wearing, her proportions - she wants to see and sense them all. What she does from then on would be a bonus.

Her smile fades into a frown. It feels necessary to her, since she has caught herself in a lie. She grits her teeth lightly - enough to feel pressure, but not enough to do actual damage.

A tear leaks from her eyes. And then another.

"If there's anyone there, unlike the last 72 times I asked," She whispers hoarsely. "Can you help me? I… I want to live now, please."

The sound of the facility's power, which she's now grown used to, responded by cutting out. Section after section of the electrical grid shut down, one after the other, with resounding, clanging thunks. Within minutes the same sound fills the room that D.I.G.I. is in, and with its presence the lights along the floor finally go out.

Her eyes widen at this change, but she is more preoccupied by another set of sensations soon afterwards. The hiss of the conduits mechanically disengaging. The pull of gravity unhindered. The sharp pains of hitting the ground like a limp steel noodle.

That last one wasn't nice to experience, but the fact that it happened at all sent her face into a smile. But there was one thing she has to do for herself before she dares to believe what is transpiring for her.

Slowly, the android's body twitches and moves. Gradually, each limb shifts and pulls into their proper place underneath her. Reversing direction, her body pushes itself up, then continues to hold it up by her legs for the first time.

Continuing her streak of carefulness, it takes about a quarter of a minute just to take a single step. The next one comes in about half that time. More tears leak out of D.I.G.I.'s mechanical eyes, but they are in response to the overflow of gratitude based data she is processing.

"Thank you."

She wastes not another moment moving forward. After all, surfaces aren't very reflective in all of this darkness.


A/N: Hello! This is my first thread on SV, so I hope it's one people will enjoy! I've been cross-posting this story across platforms for several reasons, some of which include a bit of a desperate need for finances. Hence the obligatory shilling for my Ko-Fi.

But of the stories I could have chosen to write and show, I chose this one mostly to get myself to write it more. I've been wanting to write this story, and I'm hoping that this will be the spark that stays ablaze.

If you like this story, then you might be happy to know that there's two more sections up on Spacebattles! That said, I will be posting sections of this story every day until this story and the other story get in sync again, so if you want to read it exclusively here, then you won't have to wait long.

If you check your Twitter more than you check here, then you can follow My Twitter! To be honest, I am excited about the idea of people reading my story, so I'll be putting up notifications for when it updates on each forum or hosting site I post it to.

As a note for how I'll be updating, I'll start by posting things one section at a time. Once the entire chapter has been put up, the next update will be the whole chapter in one threadmark. This is mostly to ensure that I can write up enough material for both a steady update cycle and a little bit of a buffer in case of... well, weeks like this.

Hope to see you tomorrow for 1.2!
From Isolation (Chapter 1) - 1.2
From Isolation 1.2

As it turns out, D.I.G.I.'s opinion on walls doesn't get much better, although now she has plenty more context on what words like 'hard', 'thick', and 'painful' mean. Navigating in the darkness is not for those who are incredibly tempted to break out into a run, as it turns out.

She doesn't mind, and her smile does not leave her face. Her life hasn't been eventful so far, but her units of measurements for time got to excessively big amounts. While she doesn't exactly know about expected lifespans for an android like herself, she does know that amplifying one's own sense of time by a multiplier of 122 was both gratingly unpleasant and rather overwhelming, so it'd be a long time before she'd be able to accurately tell what a long lifespan is meant to be like. Her life has definitely only just begun, and so far it has been every bit as informative and interesting as she has hoped.

Among the objects and phenomena she could identify, she had come across railings, steep drops, large metal crates, plastic boxes, mold, and unpleasant odors. That last one in particular is enough to kick-start her ability to take in smells. So far the place is sterile, she figures, but hints of oils, rubbers, and plastics could be found amid the nearly uniform scent of cleaning solutions.

The android also begins to take in the concept of quiet. Silence reigns the halls now that the power is gone, and D.I.G.I. is only more and more certain that her lack of preferences on the matter are from the lack of stimuli she experienced for the last few days. She hopes that this adventure - none of her other words captured the spirit of this excursion quite like that one - will be sufficient in recalibrating those.

However, progress on making it out of the base is slow going. While she has yet to circle back on herself, the android does notice that she is receiving no indication that she's any closer to her goals now than she was when she left her room. And she's about to stop and re-evaluate her methods when her ear picks up a sound.

Scuffling. Not small, but distant enough for a mistake to be made without machine precision hearing. There are also sounds that seem to match the onomatopoeia for 'flapping' that she recognizes.

Curious, D.I.G.I. heads in that direction. The thought of danger does not cross her mind at all until sparks light up the corridor that contains the source of her curiosity.

Enormous Winged Rats.

That's what her image processing interprets what she is seeing. Granted, she isn't going off of anything concrete with her information - data access was kinda indistinct - but the size is definitely abnormal and wings are rather distinctive in shape and function.

More disconcerting is the source of the sparks: a robot that is being torn open by the rats and eaten by them. It is now impossible to tell how human it may have been, but the sight of so many servos and motherboards being torn out makes the odds of the robot being functional impossibly low.

With no means of understanding how durable the rats are and no comparison for her own strength, D.I.G.I. simply turns around and walks away. Or at least she tries to. She hears a growling noise, and turns back just in time to see the lumbering shapes enter her glowing eyes' field of illumination. She spins right back around and decides that while running is inadvisable in the dark, it's less inadvisable than being eaten by chromavoric rats.

The smile is reset into a focused, energy neutral expression as she concentrates on not crashing into the walls during her escape. She fails, and the walls receive sizable dents for it. But her algorithms improve with each turn and corner she takes. Sadly, the android's pursuers do not ease up in the slightest, and in fact double their efforts to try and overtake her.

One tackles her to the ground, and several new flavors of pain register themselves to her sensors. Claws digging into her shoulders. The unpleasant sensation of having one's face rubbed into the floor. The sudden impact of a large, dog sized being tackling with all of its might.

D.I.G.I. decides right then and there that she isn't fond of pain. It's informative, but also rather distracting from formulating an escape plan as it intensifies and consumes more bandwidth on her internal network. Thankfully she still has enough wherewithal to rapidly stand up in order to try and buck the rat off.

This fails spectacularly, although the android can't exactly say the results aren't beneficial. The rat is still holding on, true, and her miscalculation has caused her to fall onto her back. But now the being is squirming to try and get out from under her and seems to be in as much distress as she was in, if not more so now.

Since the rat getting away from her is now mutually beneficial to it, she complies and stands right back up. However, now she realizes that the other rats are surrounding her. It's doubtful that her strategy will work multiple times, and simply jumping onto one of them will give the others time to attack her.

She swiftly comes to the conclusion that there is only one method to counter her situation. Before the rats can make their move, D.I.G.I. overclocks her systems.

Everything slows down to a crawl to her as she evaluates each frame and refresh of data more closely and with vastly greater speed. As one of the rats leaps into her field of view, she turns to meet it and counter its attack.

For her, this is happening slowly. Incredibly slowly. Agonizingly slowly. It's like she's waiting all over again, except this time her body can still move. It's just that it moves glacially. It's almost too much for the android to bear.

However, there is an important development. As the creature enters her effective field of view, she swiftly realizes that while its body shape, ear-like protrusions, and narrow tail is indeed indicative of a rat in silhouette, this is not one. For one thing it has no fur.

It instead has scales. Suddenly all the details add up in D.I.G.I.'s electronic brain according to the common definitions that another description matches.


Unfortunately, she sounds stupid to herself as she says it. Because to her overclocking mind, she's still incredibly slow. Thankfully this does have an advantage.

She does not forget to extend her arm at the right time in spite of her surprise. The dragon lands on her palm instead, and subtly, she uses her strength and its momentum to guide it over and around her. As the Dragons pause in movement, D.I.G.I. makes a break for it.

Two of them are quicker on the uptake and move to pin her. She jumps with utmost precision and control - her make, programming, and overclocking allow her to do no less - and places her feet on their heads to propel herself over them.

To anyone watching somehow, this would be an awesome, impressive feat of coordination worthy of an action sequence.

D.I.G.I. quickly grows to resent the overclocking as the waiting sucks the life out of her.


A/N: Sorry for not getting this out earlier today! For some reason I thought I had already posted this. I am a bit out of it, clearly.

At any rate, I wrote this chapter to give a sort of demo of where D.I.G.I. is as far as combat ability. Additionally, I wanted to demonstrate her strange, offbeat way of handling problems and information. This actually isn't the first iteration of her, actually! But this is the most 'robotic', with her nature and newness to the world affecting her thought patterns the most.

Also, surprise! Here there be dragons, and they find robots tasty and good with ketchup. There are fantasy elements to the setting, which will be more pronounced as the story goes on. However, the conceit means that sci-fi will be also present through the story.

At any rate, I'll see you tomorrow for 1.3!
From Isolation (Chapter 1) - 1.3
From Isolation 1.3

In normal chronology, it takes D.I.G.I. another hour to escape her pursuers. From her perspective, it's far too long to bother calculating. Her opinion on overclocking her mind like that is currently mixed.

On the one hand, it no doubt has saved her life. On the other hand it is grating to know that one can 'move faster' but be unable to perceive things moving as they 'should'. Or rather, what her sensory parameters are clearly designed to be comfortable performing at.

In other news, she now has a new direction to head: upwards. The pursuit, while not exhaustive of the entire floor by a long shot, did bring her past some stairs and what appeared to be some lettering.


She was in the thirteenth basement. Assuming that the ground floor leads to the outside, she knows her target. However, more complications arose when she finally escaped her pursuers.

Namely she escaped by climbing up an elevator shaft. The climb's length is about 20 meters from Basement B13… to Basement B12.

Right now, D.I.G.I. is grateful that the dragons are apparently not very good climbers and the elevator shaft was too narrow for their wings. She has long since deactivated her overclocking, and is simply taking a moment to rest in the now pried open elevator doors. The android kicks her feet out, reveling in the responsive movement.

She also revels in realizing that her eyes can see her form a bit easier than she realizes. Her outfit is form fitting, hugging every surface it covers snugly. It lacks any leggings, but has long sleeves. From an experimental pat down, while the material is even in density, there's a V shape missing from her back.

A quick search of her databases determine that her outfit is likely that of a gymnast's for ease of movement. She's not sure what the large plus on her chest and the filled circle on her abdomen are for, but if it's not decorative she determines it might be indicative of whatever purpose she was - or rather wasn't - made for.

As of the moment, the only thing D.I.G.I. can fault her sight for is making her effectively colorblind with the greenwashing. She knows that the symbols are a bright color value and her outfit is dark, but whether it's white and black or if it's some other combination evades her calculations.

The android looks up the shaft. Assuming there was some degree of uniformity, she is looking at a minimum of a 240 meter climb, plus the 5 meter high floor heights. 300 meters of climbing minimum.

Without another word she gets up and climbs the shaft. She continues to scale it using the railings the elevator would have been connected to, crushing the metal lightly in order to have a better grip on the bars.

It is repetitive. It is monotonous. But it is far, far safer than risking another encounter with the dragons. And she can still move. It is her choice to go through with it, and in her mind there is a world of difference between something being repetitive and something at a practical standstill.

Plus her alternative, finding a way to restore the power, is a literal gamble. There is no telling what caused the power to finally fail after all this time. And she neither cared nor was willing to risk life and limb to find the answers.

Eventually, after about 45 minutes, D.I.G.I. finally manages to climb her way to the Ground floor. Digging her heels through the wall again, she wedges her fingers into the elevator shaft doors and pries them open. It's relatively easy, thankfully, since they were no longer electromagnetically locked upon being shut.

And for the first time… there is natural light. It is a low level of light, due to the light coming in from under a different doorway, but the illumination excites D.I.G.I. all the same. The android smiles once more and climbs onto the floor. She opens the door - thankfully unlocked - and makes her way into the main room.

For the first time since the power has gone off, a constant noise can be heard. It is the sound of the wind whistling in through the cracks in the walls and the ceiling and even the floor. In and around these cracks are the symptoms of time's damage, but not in water damage or in greenery breaking in.

Instead, sand covers the floor in thick and heavy coats. It is dry, gritty, and an entrancing shade of orange. Some trickles down from the roof in a steady stream, but when a nearby gust disturbs it a small torrent is pushed on down. And the smell is dusty with the slightest hints of nourishing earth scorched to a light burn. A smokey smell mixed with the subtle tells of desert sand.

D.I.G.I. notices these elements first. The ones she notices next are far more alien. Symbolism and words in a language she can understand, but these are an utter mystery for her.

'Pan-Global Alliance' might make some sort of sense - An all inclusive alliance for a planet. But what was it for? What did it do? Why did it exist?

She sees papers and global iconography wrapped in rose bushes. She knows what they mean, and she knows what a rose is thanks to her databases, but it's such a mystifying combination. Reading the scattered papers turns out to be difficult as she learns the depths of the word fragile. It tears at the slightest touch, and D.I.G.I. is uncertain if it's her lack of strength calibration or if the age of the paper was simply too much. The dust and sand that has settled on most of the paper does not help matters much either.

And much, much to her dismay, the metal chairs also were not the definition of sturdy. At the very least, the quality was lacking enough that the first one she oh so eagerly tried collapsed under her weight in an instant, as if she was a hot knife trying to sit on butter.

Unable to handle the disappointment and confusion, the android gets up, brushes the dust off, and continues to look around, pointedly ignoring the substandard seating arrangements. She notices the ceiling is high and domed, with an enlarged version of the rosebush encircled globe painted across it, and script in a language not registered in her databanks is now visible without enhancement across the banner spanning its diameter.

There was only a single wall around her, wrapping around the space in a circle. Paintings of various art styles hang in various states of disrepair, but they all seem to be portraits of some kind. The Android, like with all of her other memories, stores the images for later. She does wonder about the pots of dirt and why they lacked plants though. They're obviously plant pots, after all…

The rest of what she could see the newborn being cannot identify. It is clear they have suffered damage, but the scraps evade purpose in her mind. So she turns to the glass doors off to the side. More worn away script adorns their surfaces, but it is what is beyond it that belies something D.I.G.I. should've expected, but still gives her reason to pause..

Beyond it is a lifeless desert.

A/N: This is the first chapter in which we learn a bit more about the world D.I.G.I. is in and it's one that my friends considered their favorite part of this chapter. My personal favorite part of the chapter comes in 1.4 because I'm a sucker for character moments.

SpaceBattles and DeviantArt are both at that point if you want to skip ahead and take a peak at the final part of this chapter. If not, that's okay - 1.4 will release tomorrow on here, and then all versions of 'From The Machine' will have been cross-posted and be in sync come Wednesday!

Hopefully, with any luck, within the next few days this story won't be the only thing I'm harping about. Stay tuned, though! And I'll see you tomorrow for 1.4!
From Isolation (Chapter 1) - 1.4
From Isolation - 1.4

Nothing. 3 days of searching using the most efficient grid searching techniques, and D.I.G.I. could find nothing beyond what one would expect from a desert. No, not even that.

Even now, all she can see is that the place is a wasteland. There's not even cacti nor movement from under the ground. The most interesting things there are amount to some dusty, rocky crags.

But then again, there is a legitimate reason to be interested in them. At first, some of the shapes and formations, while unusual, look normal. But upon a closer look, D.I.G.I. cannot ignore how uniform and clean the sheer slopes are. She cannot ignore the myriad of cracks more in line with blunt force impact than any seasonal damage. And then…

There is a mountain with a hole blown right through the center. Clean, circular, and the mountaintop is barely supported by the remaining rock. It is only a matter of time before wind erosion finishes the job that whatever made the hole set into motion.

The android is grateful for one thing from the sight though. A destination. She calculates the angle of the hole in the mountain, some several dozen miles away, and it is currently her guide to figuring out something, anything.

Despite not having anyone to confess to, D.I.G.I. still admits that she is feeling worn down. Her power supply is still effectively 100%, which she is thankful for, but her emotional algorithms are on a downward trend. After getting freedom from an indefinite slumber and immensely heavy conductor cables, and after escaping certain death at the jaws of dragons, there is nothing to show for it.

Only question after question after question seems to await the android, and the only answers she has are that she can turn off her glowing eyes and that her outfit was indeed black and white. Nothing that she desperately wants answered is turning up, such as where she is, what she is here for. What is love? What is fulfillment? Is she feeling sad, scared, or confused?

Is this all there is?

These thoughts and more plague the lonely being. She sets her face in a confused mishmash of a frown, parted lips, and furrowed brow. She's not even sure this is a valid expression, but it's all she's able to manage.

That, and taking the next step to her mysterious destination. Even as the winds buffet her and threaten to fill her outfit and hair with sand, she keeps trudging on, feeling the sand in between her bare toes. Her synthetic skin protests against the treatment, but there is nothing she can do other than readjust the diagnostics embedded in them to let her know of a tear instead of irritation or threat of a tear.

She hopes and prays to whoever set her free earlier that she will be rewarded and find something. Something that'll make everything worth living for.

What she finds instead is sobering. The very first of the sight she sees is broken down husks of powered armors, combat model robots and androids, and even models that look like herself, but wearing full combat protection and now defunct energy packs. She studies their faces carefully.

Then, she places hands on her own face, re-enabling the full suite of touch to map it out. Then she presses her hands against the smoothly sculpted, petite, triangular face she sees before her. She does not bother with the wide, green eyes that no longer shine.

It's a perfect match. She now knows exactly what she looks like.

She looks up at the mountain. The hole doesn't quite match up. She wants at least one more answer, if it exists, and so she trudges on. As she moves on, the wreckage becomes less and less recognizable. At first, the cuts are fine and even, but over time the damage becomes less precise and more varied from electrical, blunt force, extreme thermal energy, and even damage from sudden ice expansion, judging from the way they were shorted and burst open from the inside out.

And at some point, the sand no longer exists under her feet. Just bare rock from the wasteland. The winds have done their best to replace it, but the walls and ground made of glass seems to catch most of the airborne particles. Whatever was capable of this was certainly responsible for the hole.

But fate is cruel. After cresting the spires and waves of glass, all that awaits D.I.G.I. is a graveyard. Not for bodies, however, no.

The graveyard is made of strange swords. Rows upon rows of swords, with seemingly no design similarities save for the fact that the 'blades' are made of 4 segments, 4 thick slabs of metal with many lines and etchings in them behind each segment of blade, a 1 cubic foot black box with 4 sections bridging each of the segments of the blades, and the handles have seams that split into 4 equal parts themselves.

The rows are too uniform, too even to suggest that the battle had ever made it to their ranks. The way they're planted into the ground suggests that whoever it was simply left them wherever they stood in their ranks. There's some worn, broken stone behind the swords, but if it was for anything, then it is impossible to tell now. The shapes certainly did not suggest gravestones at any rate.

D.I.G.I. walks up to one of the swords. Two of the slabs were blue, two were orange. The blues were a bit darker in contrast to the brightness of the orange. The values were as yin and yang as the hues. The slabs alternated in color, with the oranges being slightly smaller than the blues, and the blades are pressed together to form a broadsword shape - each side having two of the blades running down at an angle that forms a wider angled cutting edge.

She rests her hand upon it… and feels an old, weary feeling from it. Not just data. It's like a sensor that does not cleanly define itself among the lines of zeroes and ones. And she understands that for it, this is its final resting place. It is simply done with its purpose, and wishes to rest in peace.

D.I.G.I. kneels down. Not from a lack of energy, but from a lack of will. The bare amount of sand on the ground digs into her knees. She leans against the sword and weeps.

"I… I don't want to be alone," She admits. "I… I don't like it. I feel so very lost and… I don't know if having someone else would fix it. But it'd be better than not knowing what it's like to be with anyone. To only know this, and nothing else."

Tears, artificially made, rolled down her face. She needed the relief. The feelings being experienced are overwhelming, and she could feel her circuits begin to overheat from the sheer, inescapable focus and repetition.

And that's when she felt something. Something akin to a warmth, made of the same feeling that the old weary one was, drapes over her. D.I.G.I.'s eyes open… to see that the sword before her was glowing a gentle hue.

It was the same color as the android's eyes. With instincts that do not come from data, the lights within them shine forth.

And so they bond.

A/N: And here we go! This is the last part of chapter 1. And I pretty much like this for that moment of vulnerability at the end. Of reaching out... And of being accepted.

I am proud to be a sucker for moments like that.

At any rate, 'From The Machine' is now caught up on all three platforms I'm hosting it on! And with tomorrow being when I put all 4 sections into one threadmark, all 3 platforms should be in sync as of tomorrow! Which is a good thing because honestly I'm going to need to change the update schedule, and doing it then would be easier.

But that's then. For now, enjoy this last section! And if you wish to support me, check out my Ko-fi link in my signature! And discussion is welcome!

Thank you, and I'll see you all tomorrow.
From Isolation (Chapter 1) Full
From Isolation

From the moment the glass tube lowers and the cold, stale air hits her synthetic skin, all D.I.G.I. can think about is how grateful she is for the new sensation. The plentiful, sturdy metal tubing and conduits are great and all for keeping her fully charged, but they are far, far more than her synthetic muscles and mechanical rotors can bear. Were they not, she would have tried to leave sooner.

She checks her internal clock. It has been three days exactly since she had woken up, and the only other change has been when the fluid keeping her body lubricated leaked out about 3 hours after becoming active. To her, this is all there was in any meaningful sense.

She had checked, double checked, and tripled checked the information in her head, but while there were a lot of words and definitions in there, the only one that mattered was 'context', since she had none. She knows that the steel walls of the room were gray, and that said walls were highlighted with grey as a secondary color despite being two shades of the same color. She knows that metal was supposed to be 'durable' and great for everything from conducting electricity to building tools.

But the android can't really test those limits. She's intimately familiar with how heavy metal is thanks to her inadvertent bindings, but her arms are so forcibly splayed out from the force of the conduits that hung from the ceiling that she couldn't grip them. There is no means of comparing the smoothness of her own palms to the smoothness of the metal, and as long as the weight of the metal tubing hanging off of her legs was enough that she couldn't lift them, odds are that she'll never know.

This produced an overwhelmingly sad feeling. There were no orders, no commands, no mission statements. She knew she was a prototype, but it seems that her code is geared towards living and experiencing rather than any rigid parameters. The one memory she does possess of some humans discussing another model's make and purpose has left her with a sense of gratitude that she is more free to be herself than an object for anyone.

But the question of if that gratitude means anything is as heavy and thick as her own prison. D.I.G.I. cannot move, and this is her inescapable fact. And yet, not so much in defiance of this fate but more in acceptance…

She begins to hum. She does not know what good lyrics are since her library is rather self contained and lacking in examples, but humming seems like a safe bet to her. A smile crosses her face when it occurs to her that such things are what faces do when one is celebrating. It does feel unnatural to her, but it is not because her feelings were any less real. The processes are simply more manual than that of an organic's.

She pauses for a moment as she processes a sudden increase in the data she can access. Data on a piece of music, complete with lyrics. There was brief consideration on whether or not to worry about the idea that there was information in her that was inaccessible, but the android decides that dwelling in a state of trouble is not something she needs to do at the moment.

And so she sings.

"Fighting evil by…"

The smile continues to shine as she continues the song. If anything it is brighter now, since the android felt compelled to increase its intensity. After all, she just had two moments of new sensations, not just one. The cause for increased celebration is surely justified to her sensibilities.

She attempts to wiggle her head back and forth in rhythm to the music, but there isn't much room to do so. The conduits connect to too many parts of her head, from the back to the temple area to a spot just below her white pigtails. Naturally with her head forced into such an awkward angle, it was hard not to notice her pigtails drooping by the sides of her head.

But said awkward angle allows her to see the wall somewhat. It gives her context for what walls are like, which she is grateful for even if they seemed like silly floors left up on their sides.

An idle thought wanders into her head once the song ends. It's one of wondering what she wants to do if she could ever get just a bit more free. For D.I.G.I., the first thing would be obvious.

She wants to find a mirror. Any reflective surface would do. She wants to see what she looks like. Sure, the android's neon green eyes light up the floor somewhat, but any other features that would be lit up by them are obscured by that same light in an otherwise near lightless room. Only the dull, white lights embedded along the sides of the walls give her any indication of the colors surrounding her.

The android drags her tangential thoughts back into line. It's not a pressing problem since she has the time to indulge them, but she decides it's not a habit she wants to keep up.

D.I.G.I. wants to see what she looks like. The color of her skin, the outfit she's wearing, her proportions - she wants to see and sense them all. What she does from then on would be a bonus.

Her smile fades into a frown. It feels necessary to her, since she has caught herself in a lie. She grits her teeth lightly - enough to feel pressure, but not enough to do actual damage.

A tear leaks from her eyes. And then another.

"If there's anyone there, unlike the last 72 times I asked," She whispers hoarsely. "Can you help me? I… I want to live now, please."

The sound of the facility's power, which she's now grown used to, responded by cutting out. Section after section of the electrical grid shut down, one after the other, with resounding, clanging thunks. Within minutes the same sound fills the room that D.I.G.I. is in, and with its presence the lights along the floor finally go out.

Her eyes widen at this change, but she is more preoccupied by another set of sensations soon afterwards. The hiss of the conduits mechanically disengaging. The pull of gravity unhindered. The sharp pains of hitting the ground like a limp steel noodle.

That last one wasn't nice to experience, but the fact that it happened at all sent her face into a smile. But there was one thing she has to do for herself before she dares to believe what is transpiring for her.

Slowly, the android's body twitches and moves. Gradually, each limb shifts and pulls into their proper place underneath her. Reversing direction, her body pushes itself up, then continues to hold it up by her legs for the first time.

Continuing her streak of carefulness, it takes about a quarter of a minute just to take a single step. The next one comes in about half that time. More tears leak out of D.I.G.I.'s mechanical eyes, but they are in response to the overflow of gratitude based data she is processing.

"Thank you."

She wastes not another moment moving forward. After all, surfaces aren't very reflective in all of this darkness.


As it turns out, D.I.G.I.'s opinion on walls doesn't get much better, although now she has plenty more context on what words like 'hard', 'thick', and 'painful' mean. Navigating in the darkness is not for those who are incredibly tempted to break out into a run, as it turns out.

She doesn't mind, and her smile does not leave her face. Her life hasn't been eventful so far, but her units of measurements for time got to excessively big amounts. While she doesn't exactly know about expected lifespans for an android like herself, she does know that amplifying one's own sense of time by a multiplier of 122 was both gratingly unpleasant and rather overwhelming, so it'd be a long time before she'd be able to accurately tell what a long lifespan is meant to be like. Her life has definitely only just begun, and so far it has been every bit as informative and interesting as she has hoped.

Among the objects and phenomena she could identify, she had come across railings, steep drops, large metal crates, plastic boxes, mold, and unpleasant odors. That last one in particular is enough to kick-start her ability to take in smells. So far the place is sterile, she figures, but hints of oils, rubbers, and plastics could be found amid the nearly uniform scent of cleaning solutions.

The android also begins to take in the concept of quiet. Silence reigns the halls now that the power is gone, and D.I.G.I. is only more and more certain that her lack of preferences on the matter are from the lack of stimuli she experienced for the last few days. She hopes that this adventure - none of her other words captured the spirit of this excursion quite like that one - will be sufficient in recalibrating those.

However, progress on making it out of the base is slow going. While she has yet to circle back on herself, the android does notice that she is receiving no indication that she's any closer to her goals now than she was when she left her room. And she's about to stop and re-evaluate her methods when her ear picks up a sound.

Scuffling. Not small, but distant enough for a mistake to be made without machine precision hearing. There are also sounds that seem to match the onomatopoeia for 'flapping' that she recognizes.

Curious, D.I.G.I. heads in that direction. The thought of danger does not cross her mind at all until sparks light up the corridor that contains the source of her curiosity.

Enormous Winged Rats.

That's what her image processing interprets what she is seeing. Granted, she isn't going off of anything concrete with her information - data access was kinda indistinct - but the size is definitely abnormal and wings are rather distinctive in shape and function.

More disconcerting is the source of the sparks: a robot that is being torn open by the rats and eaten by them. It is now impossible to tell how human it may have been, but the sight of so many servos and motherboards being torn out makes the odds of the robot being functional impossibly low.

With no means of understanding how durable the rats are and no comparison for her own strength, D.I.G.I. simply turns around and walks away. Or at least she tries to. She hears a growling noise, and turns back just in time to see the lumbering shapes enter her glowing eyes' field of illumination. She spins right back around and decides that while running is inadvisable in the dark, it's less inadvisable than being eaten by chromavoric rats.

The smile is reset into a focused, energy neutral expression as she concentrates on not crashing into the walls during her escape. She fails, and the walls receive sizable dents for it. But her algorithms improve with each turn and corner she takes. Sadly, the android's pursuers do not ease up in the slightest, and in fact double their efforts to try and overtake her.

One tackles her to the ground, and several new flavors of pain register themselves to her sensors. Claws digging into her shoulders. The unpleasant sensation of having one's face rubbed into the floor. The sudden impact of a large, dog sized being tackling with all of its might.

D.I.G.I. decides right then and there that she isn't fond of pain. It's informative, but also rather distracting from formulating an escape plan as it intensifies and consumes more bandwidth on her internal network. Thankfully she still has enough wherewithal to rapidly stand up in order to try and buck the rat off.

This fails spectacularly, although the android can't exactly say the results aren't beneficial. The rat is still holding on, true, and her miscalculation has caused her to fall onto her back. But now the being is squirming to try and get out from under her and seems to be in as much distress as she was in, if not more so now.

Since the rat getting away from her is now mutually beneficial to it, she complies and stands right back up. However, now she realizes that the other rats are surrounding her. It's doubtful that her strategy will work multiple times, and simply jumping onto one of them will give the others time to attack her.

She swiftly comes to the conclusion that there is only one method to counter her situation. Before the rats can make their move, D.I.G.I. overclocks her systems.

Everything slows down to a crawl to her as she evaluates each frame and refresh of data more closely and with vastly greater speed. As one of the rats leaps into her field of view, she turns to meet it and counter its attack.

For her, this is happening slowly. Incredibly slowly. Agonizingly slowly. It's like she's waiting all over again, except this time her body can still move. It's just that it moves glacially. It's almost too much for the android to bear.

However, there is an important development. As the creature enters her effective field of view, she swiftly realizes that while its body shape, ear-like protrusions, and narrow tail is indeed indicative of a rat in silhouette, this is not one. For one thing it has no fur.

It instead has scales. Suddenly all the details add up in D.I.G.I.'s electronic brain according to the common definitions that another description matches.


Unfortunately, she sounds stupid to herself as she says it. Because to her overclocking mind, she's still incredibly slow. Thankfully this does have an advantage.

She does not forget to extend her arm at the right time in spite of her surprise. The dragon lands on her palm instead, and subtly, she uses her strength and its momentum to guide it over and around her. As the Dragons pause in movement, D.I.G.I. makes a break for it.

Two of them are quicker on the uptake and move to pin her. She jumps with utmost precision and control - her make, programming, and overclocking allow her to do no less - and places her feet on their heads to propel herself over them.

To anyone watching somehow, this would be an awesome, impressive feat of coordination worthy of an action sequence.

D.I.G.I. quickly grows to resent the overclocking as the waiting sucks the life out of her.


In normal chronology, it takes D.I.G.I. another hour to escape her pursuers. From her perspective, it's far too long to bother calculating. Her opinion on overclocking her mind like that is currently mixed.

On the one hand, it no doubt has saved her life. On the other hand it is grating to know that one can 'move faster' but be unable to perceive things moving as they 'should'. Or rather, what her sensory parameters are clearly designed to be comfortable performing at.

In other news, she now has a new direction to head: upwards. The pursuit, while not exhaustive of the entire floor by a long shot, did bring her past some stairs and what appeared to be some lettering.


She was in the thirteenth basement. Assuming that the ground floor leads to the outside, she knows her target. However, more complications arose when she finally escaped her pursuers.

Namely she escaped by climbing up an elevator shaft. The climb's length is about 20 meters from Basement B13… to Basement B12.

Right now, D.I.G.I. is grateful that the dragons are apparently not very good climbers and the elevator shaft was too narrow for their wings. She has long since deactivated her overclocking, and is simply taking a moment to rest in the now pried open elevator doors. The android kicks her feet out, reveling in the responsive movement.

She also revels in realizing that her eyes can see her form a bit easier than she realizes. Her outfit is form fitting, hugging every surface it covers snugly. It lacks any leggings, but has long sleeves. From an experimental pat down, while the material is even in density, there's a V shape missing from her back.

A quick search of her databases determine that her outfit is likely that of a gymnast's for ease of movement. She's not sure what the large plus on her chest and the filled circle on her abdomen are for, but if it's not decorative she determines it might be indicative of whatever purpose she was - or rather wasn't - made for.

As of the moment, the only thing D.I.G.I. can fault her sight for is making her effectively colorblind with the greenwashing. She knows that the symbols are a bright color value and her outfit is dark, but whether it's white and black or if it's some other combination evades her calculations.

The android looks up the shaft. Assuming there was some degree of uniformity, she is looking at a minimum of a 240 meter climb, plus the 5 meter high floor heights. 300 meters of climbing minimum.

Without another word she gets up and climbs the shaft. She continues to scale it using the railings the elevator would have been connected to, crushing the metal lightly in order to have a better grip on the bars.

It is repetitive. It is monotonous. But it is far, far safer than risking another encounter with the dragons. And she can still move. It is her choice to go through with it, and in her mind there is a world of difference between something being repetitive and something at a practical standstill.

Plus her alternative, finding a way to restore the power, is a literal gamble. There is no telling what caused the power to finally fail after all this time. And she neither cared nor was willing to risk life and limb to find the answers.

Eventually, after about 45 minutes, D.I.G.I. finally manages to climb her way to the Ground floor. Digging her heels through the wall again, she wedges her fingers into the elevator shaft doors and pries them open. It's relatively easy, thankfully, since they were no longer electromagnetically locked upon being shut.

And for the first time… there is natural light. It is a low level of light, due to the light coming in from under a different doorway, but the illumination excites D.I.G.I. all the same. The android smiles once more and climbs onto the floor. She opens the door - thankfully unlocked - and makes her way into the main room.

For the first time since the power has gone off, a constant noise can be heard. It is the sound of the wind whistling in through the cracks in the walls and the ceiling and even the floor. In and around these cracks are the symptoms of time's damage, but not in water damage or in greenery breaking in.

Instead, sand covers the floor in thick and heavy coats. It is dry, gritty, and an entrancing shade of orange. Some trickles down from the roof in a steady stream, but when a nearby gust disturbs it a small torrent is pushed on down. And the smell is dusty with the slightest hints of nourishing earth scorched to a light burn. A smokey smell mixed with the subtle tells of desert sand.

D.I.G.I. notices these elements first. The ones she notices next are far more alien. Symbolism and words in a language she can understand, but these are an utter mystery for her.

'Pan-Global Alliance' might make some sort of sense - An all inclusive alliance for a planet. But what was it for? What did it do? Why did it exist?

She sees papers and global iconography wrapped in rose bushes. She knows what they mean, and she knows what a rose is thanks to her databases, but it's such a mystifying combination. Reading the scattered papers turns out to be difficult as she learns the depths of the word fragile. It tears at the slightest touch, and D.I.G.I. is uncertain if it's her lack of strength calibration or if the age of the paper was simply too much. The dust and sand that has settled on most of the paper does not help matters much either.

And much, much to her dismay, the metal chairs also were not the definition of sturdy. At the very least, the quality was lacking enough that the first one she oh so eagerly tried collapsed under her weight in an instant, as if she was a hot knife trying to sit on butter.

Unable to handle the disappointment and confusion, the android gets up, brushes the dust off, and continues to look around, pointedly ignoring the substandard seating arrangements. She notices the ceiling is high and domed, with an enlarged version of the rosebush encircled globe painted across it, and script in a language not registered in her databanks is now visible without enhancement across the banner spanning its diameter.

There was only a single wall around her, wrapping around the space in a circle. Paintings of various art styles hang in various states of disrepair, but they all seem to be portraits of some kind. The Android, like with all of her other memories, stores the images for later. She does wonder about the pots of dirt and why they lacked plants though. They're obviously plant pots, after all…

The rest of what she could see the newborn being cannot identify. It is clear they have suffered damage, but the scraps evade purpose in her mind. So she turns to the glass doors off to the side. More worn away script adorns their surfaces, but it is what is beyond it that belies something D.I.G.I. should've expected, but still gives her reason to pause..

Beyond it is a lifeless desert.


Nothing. 3 days of searching using the most efficient grid searching techniques, and D.I.G.I. could find nothing beyond what one would expect from a desert. No, not even that.

Even now, all she can see is that the place is a wasteland. There's not even cacti nor movement from under the ground. The most interesting things there are amount to some dusty, rocky crags.

But then again, there is a legitimate reason to be interested in them. At first, some of the shapes and formations, while unusual, look normal. But upon a closer look, D.I.G.I. cannot ignore how uniform and clean the sheer slopes are. She cannot ignore the myriad of cracks more in line with blunt force impact than any seasonal damage. And then…

There is a mountain with a hole blown right through the center. Clean, circular, and the mountaintop is barely supported by the remaining rock. It is only a matter of time before wind erosion finishes the job that whatever made the hole set into motion.

The android is grateful for one thing from the sight though. A destination. She calculates the angle of the hole in the mountain, some several dozen miles away, and it is currently her guide to figuring out something, anything.

Despite not having anyone to confess to, D.I.G.I. still admits that she is feeling worn down. Her power supply is still effectively 100%, which she is thankful for, but her emotional algorithms are on a downward trend. After getting freedom from an indefinite slumber and immensely heavy conductor cables, and after escaping certain death at the jaws of dragons, there is nothing to show for it.

Only question after question after question seems to await the android, and the only answers she has are that she can turn off her glowing eyes and that her outfit was indeed black and white. Nothing that she desperately wants answered is turning up, such as where she is, what she is here for. What is love? What is fulfillment? Is she feeling sad, scared, or confused?

Is this all there is?

These thoughts and more plague the lonely being. She sets her face in a confused mishmash of a frown, parted lips, and furrowed brow. She's not even sure this is a valid expression, but it's all she's able to manage.

That, and taking the next step to her mysterious destination. Even as the winds buffet her and threaten to fill her outfit and hair with sand, she keeps trudging on, feeling the sand in between her bare toes. Her synthetic skin protests against the treatment, but there is nothing she can do other than readjust the diagnostics embedded in them to let her know of a tear instead of irritation or threat of a tear.

She hopes and prays to whoever set her free earlier that she will be rewarded and find something. Something that'll make everything worth living for.

What she finds instead is sobering. The very first of the sight she sees is broken down husks of powered armors, combat model robots and androids, and even models that look like herself, but wearing full combat protection and now defunct energy packs. She studies their faces carefully.

Then, she places hands on her own face, re-enabling the full suite of touch to map it out. Then she presses her hands against the smoothly sculpted, petite, triangular face she sees before her. She does not bother with the wide, green eyes that no longer shine.

It's a perfect match. She now knows exactly what she looks like.

She looks up at the mountain. The hole doesn't quite match up. She wants at least one more answer, if it exists, and so she trudges on. As she moves on, the wreckage becomes less and less recognizable. At first, the cuts are fine and even, but over time the damage becomes less precise and more varied from electrical, blunt force, extreme thermal energy, and even damage from sudden ice expansion, judging from the way they were shorted and burst open from the inside out.

And at some point, the sand no longer exists under her feet. Just bare rock from the wasteland. The winds have done their best to replace it, but the walls and ground made of glass seems to catch most of the airborne particles. Whatever was capable of this was certainly responsible for the hole.

But fate is cruel. After cresting the spires and waves of glass, all that awaits D.I.G.I. is a graveyard. Not for bodies, however, no.

The graveyard is made of strange swords. Rows upon rows of swords, with seemingly no design similarities save for the fact that the 'blades' are made of 4 segments, 4 thick slabs of metal with many lines and etchings in them behind each segment of blade, a 1 cubic foot black box with 4 sections bridging each of the segments of the blades, and the handles have seams that split into 4 equal parts themselves.

The rows are too uniform, too even to suggest that the battle had ever made it to their ranks. The way they're planted into the ground suggests that whoever it was simply left them wherever they stood in their ranks. There's some worn, broken stone behind the swords, but if it was for anything, then it is impossible to tell now. The shapes certainly did not suggest gravestones at any rate.

D.I.G.I. walks up to one of the swords. Two of the slabs were blue, two were orange. The blues were a bit darker in contrast to the brightness of the orange. The values were as yin and yang as the hues. The slabs alternated in color, with the oranges being slightly smaller than the blues, and the blades are pressed together to form a broadsword shape - each side having two of the blades running down at an angle that forms a wider angled cutting edge.

She rests her hand upon it… and feels an old, weary feeling from it. Not just data. It's like a sensor that does not cleanly define itself among the lines of zeroes and ones. And she understands that for it, this is its final resting place. It is simply done with its purpose, and wishes to rest in peace.

D.I.G.I. kneels down. Not from a lack of energy, but from a lack of will. The bare amount of sand on the ground digs into her knees. She leans against the sword and weeps.

"I… I don't want to be alone," She admits. "I… I don't like it. I feel so very lost and… I don't know if having someone else would fix it. But it'd be better than not knowing what it's like to be with anyone. To only know this, and nothing else."

Tears, artificially made, rolled down her face. She needed the relief. The feelings being experienced are overwhelming, and she could feel her circuits begin to overheat from the sheer, inescapable focus and repetition.

And that's when she felt something. Something akin to a warmth, made of the same feeling that the old weary one was, drapes over her. D.I.G.I.'s eyes open… to see that the sword before her was glowing a gentle hue.

It was the same color as the android's eyes. With instincts that do not come from data, the lights within them shine forth.

And so they bond.

A/N: Here it is. The full chapter 1 in one threadmark, all for your convenience! And admittedly mine too, because I can't exactly keep this pace up.

Due to things that have happened in my personal life, I haven't had the energy or mindset to be writing as much as I was hoping. I'm still writing, but the pace was slowed down enough that I'm almost out of the backlog I built up. I suppose that's what it's for, after all, but still.

At any rate, I've judged what I'm capable of, and I think I can do better if I release what I'm working on once every 3 days instead of the planned once every two days. To be honest, the only reason I was doing it daily here was to catch up to the Spacebattles version. Now that I've caught up, I'll be resynchronizing their updates.

That said, do you remember how I was shilling for my Ko-Fi at the beginning? Well, part of my Ko-Fi had Commissions for me writing for other people! It was supposed to be one-shots, but the person bought all 5 of them in a stunning power play that I honestly wasn't expecting. Even so, I'm still working on that commission, and now that I've done enough research to start writing the commission, I should have it out in the next 3 days! Then, 3 days after that, I'll post Chapter 2.1 of this story, tentatively titled 'From the Wastes'! Then, 3 days after that, I'll post the next part/'one shot' of the commissions and continue to alternate until I either come out ahead or the process proves itself unsustainable.

If you want to keep up to date on the progress of my work or if you simply want to know when my stories are updating, try following my Twitter account! I'll also post the occasional jibber jabber about my daily life if I feel it's relevant to how it affects my writing progress, if that sort of thing interests you.

At any rate, I hope to see you all in 3 days in the thread for my commission/s! Admittedly it's not my usual wheelhouse, but I'm feeling secure enough to get started, at least.

Thank you, and I'll see you all then!
From The Wastes (Chapter 2) - 2.1
From The Wastes 2.1

D.I.G.I. is lost for a moment in the sensations. By the time they die down, she notices that the sword before her is humming. It has a slightly quickened pace to it - an edge of impatience. She re-examines the sword. While some parts of the blade deviate from her understanding of its standard format… the android does recognize the handle and its purpose.

Standing up, she simply grasps it with both hands and pulls upwards. However, the sword doesn't rise up to meet her. Rather it happens to be that her feet sink into the ground. There is a moment, and the hum takes on an exasperated tone. Thankfully, it seems that while the ground is solid beneath her, the strength it takes to escape is about the same as it took to get her in this mess in the first place.

The android recalculates the sword's length and height, including recalculating her guesses for how far into the ground it is. Rather than risk another failure, this time she digs a groove around the blade and then pulls it from the ground. She attempts to swing it hard enough to remove the stone…

Only for D.I.G.I. to end up flat on her face. The sword's unusual size, shape, and weight brought new calculations to the table that she had not accounted for. An error she quickly rectifies as she rises from the ground. The hum of irritation turns into one of a low, hopeless despair, but eases up when the android takes up a good pose to wield the sword effectively with.

She spends the next few minutes carefully testing out the sword and its effects on her balance in different positions. The sword itself quiets down in volume, but if anything increases in the intensity of its hum. When the effective newborn experiments by trying to point the blade tip towards herself, though, the blade swiftly intervenes with a sharp, disapproving sensation of 'no.'

D.I.G.I. blinks. "No?"


She slowly points the sword's tip away from herself, sensing relief and confirmation that that is, indeed, what she is supposed to do. D.I.G.I. analyzes the data, and while she hasn't had confirmation on all the data points, at minimum the slashes on the destroyed machinery earlier would indicate that some amount of damage could be inflicted upon herself with her newfound companion.

The android attempts to take safety a step further and shifts the blade in her hands so that none of the blades are pointing towards herself, but more disapproval is swiftly felt. This time however, the reason eludes her until she swings.

In addition to the increased air resistance, the easiest paths for the blade to take make the sword too hard to control from the balance issues present in swinging the sword at something with the flat parts. The hum from the significantly more humanoid machine takes on a tone of curiosity as she briefly contemplates the nature of using a blade that could harm herself as easily as it could harm another. This causes the sword to flicker, but before it can comprehend the depths of her thought processes, she moves on to test the sharpness of the blade on the ground beneath them.

The sword is unamused.

This does, however, give her data on how easily the sword's blade penetrates the tough surface of the stone. Which is, in her experiences where she stabbed her feet and hands into the dirt herself, a massive world of difference from how easy it is. It is also much easier to remove this time, preventing another mishap like earlier as she pulls it back out.

The hum from the sword increases in volume and reverberation dramatically, catching D.I.G.I.'s attention. The light glowing thrums and flickers, but unlike before, she has difficulty sensing any intent or feelings from the blade. She runs a diagnostic on herself, only to realize that the difference is a lack of proper wireless data transferring back and forth. Rather, it's the feelings being communicated directly to whatever system of hers that handles such sensations.

She focuses on that peculiar subsystem, and the bond comes into focus. Along with it, is the sword's own 'feelings'. Curiosity about her origins is prevalent, but in addition a feeling that the android has a hard time identifying assails her. After some data sorting, she guesses that the feeling is one that comes from the sword's sense of 'acumen'. It gives off an aura that it was judging her, but from a position of knowledge and experience.

So she explains what happened, detail by detail, during the first three days of her life plus the few memories she had prior to then. The sword listens patiently and does not interrupt her once.

It is only after she finishes up that she experiences a sense of dread, horror, and sorrow from the sword. She's confused by it, but the feeling is immediately drowned out by a new wave of irritation and righteous anger. The android can't tell where that anger was directed exactly, but she could at least tell it wasn't at her.

The self diagnostics from a few moments ago did remind D.I.G.I. of something important that she needs to do. She swiftly sorts the non-standard sensory data and status updates into a priority list, now that she no longer has to deal with a looming sense of loneliness and the lack of direction is from satisfaction rather than a lack of context.

The biggest and most immediate notification is the excess weight she seems to be carrying about. It doesn't come from the sword, and it seems to grow in size every time the wind blows in her direction. Comprehension of the source of the problem doesn't occur, however, until she performs a 'physical expression' subroutine for her thoughts. Namely, she scratches her head while she thinks.

Except the spot she scratches is one of the many ports that, as it turns out, are still open even though the android has long since been decoupled from the conduits. From here, even with her inexperience it is easy to deduce that the open ports must be allowing sand to get inside her body and have been for the past few days. So she checks her schematics, slides a few ports shut with her hands to prevent further sand from getting in, and proceeds to force the sand to leave via application of gravity.

Or, as the sword might put it when it comes to from fuming about whatever it is it's fuming about, she does a handstand to hopefully pour the sand out. This helps tremendously, but the Wasteland's winds do not allow for a complete victory. At some point the sand that leaves and the sand that's blown in balance each other out, and D.I.G.I. wisely cuts her losses and closes up the last few ports. At least until she finds a place without so much sand.

"...Do you mind leaving here?" She asks the sword, her voice echoing through the otherwise empty wastes.

The sword weighs its options, only some of which the android can pick up on or understand. On one hand, it knows how this world works, and here is both peaceful for it and safe for her. On the other…

She grows a large smile when it says it doesn't mind.


A/N: And welcome back here!

I. Honestly don't know what to say here. I'm kinda wore out. The grief has been hitting me hard this week, and irl tends to be so powerful as to override my sense of self some days.

And that's a problem, especially when creative energies are hard to wrangle in for projects that need to be done. My plan is to bring in the next Commission Chapter/Story in three days, but if I can't finish it in time, I might update this story instead, since it's much easier and quicker to update.

At any rate, if you enjoyed this chapter and want to support me, I suggest looking at my Ko-Fi in my signature below. If you want Twitter updates when this story updates, try subscribing to mine, also in my signature below!

... I hope your night is better than mine. See you in 3 days.
From The Wastes (Chapter 2) - 2.2
Under the admittedly vague guidance of the sword, D.I.G.I. walks across the still lifeless dunes and wastes. She is also still holding the sword in her hands. Simply put, the android is not equipped with any sort of module, strap, or device that would make transporting it easier and safer. Additionally, the idea of holding it in her arms is also terrible due to the sword's blade.

On the plus side, in her eyes, she is getting a lot of data on how to move while holding said sword. Mostly by methodically testing out every idea and permutation of each idea as she walks. Twice, in fact - once during the day, and once at night.

The android feels incredibly proud of her thorough testing. The sword is fondly exasperated.

It is a week straight of travel, and along the way D.I.G.I. finds 3 reliable stances and is working on a fourth one when she hears someone speak. She doesn't understand the language, but the vocal inflection makes it sound like an exclamation.

Without breaking her form, the android swivels her head towards the sound. Her eyes scan the area, but other than more dunes and rocks, she finds nothing. The robotic girl turns her head back in the direction she was looking in, but she doesn't take another step just yet. There is a 99% certainty that she heard actual words from a person, but the lack of visual confirmation could mean any number of things.

Least likely is faulty auditory receptors, although the extended length of time spent in the decanting chamber made it a possibility. The most likely is that the person in question was hiding, with any number of reasons for doing so. And then there's the other factor.
'Do I want to talk to someone?'

The thought is daunting. It'd be her first proper conversation outside of the sword, and it'd involve a proper back and forth purely in words, unaugmented by data or exotic senses. D.I.G.I. isn't sure if her first conversation is supposed to feel so important, but the intimidation has locked up her servos.

The decision is made for her, however, when she hears footsteps directly behind her. The likelihood of combat and assassination is high according to her calculations since there was no effort on the part of the person to warn her of their approach, so she does the sensible thing.

She runs like hell.

The sword seems flustered by this, insisting that she turn and face her opponent, but her inexperience in combat is a huge liability. Even so, she takes the sword's desire for combat readiness to heart and switches to the flexible combat stance she's tested as she retreats.

Behind her, the source of the voice exclaims once again with what the android's database describes as a 'distinct tone'. There's no way to identify what the tone is trying to convey, but she makes a note of it anyway in case she encounters a similar tone along the way.

The sword, with a weary feeling, gives off an impression that D.I.G.I. completely panicked back there. With some evaluation of the data and recalculating the odds, she sheepishly has to agree that she overestimated the threat assessment.

Sadly, whoever it is in the distance is now out of earshot and, with another swivel of her head, out of sight. The opportunity for conversation has been squandered, which the android flags as a negative experience. She revolves to frown for a while in response to the failure.

Her weapon has none of that, though. It chastises her with impressions of disapproval over her, from what she can understand of it, moping. From there the feelings are harder to parse without dedicated attention, but she feels confident in her summary that it is trying to cheer her up with the possibility of future success. It doesn't quite take - the moment has already passed, the android figures, and why should future possibilities affect past failures?

The sword reasons that letting that past failure define her is the problem. The more she dwells on it, the more it'll interfere with those future opportunities. It confidently states that the best course of action is to do better next time.

"Okay, but how can I resolve to do better if I don't keep my failures in mind?"

The sword is blank for a moment. D.I.G.I. figures this is because of her precise logic cutting through the argument rather finely. The sword finally responds with a distinct sensation best summed up in a phrase she somehow knows:

'Kids these days…'

Well, it is more like 'androids these days', but that isn't in the database. More exasperation is had from her companion.

They aren't given too much more time to think about it, however. From behind them, a steady, thunderous gallop is heard, rapidly gaining on them. D.I.G.I. turns to look in its direction, and her eyes widen.

It is a horse. Majestic, with small beady eyes, large floppy feet, two humps-

D.I.G.I. recalibrates her identification software. Camel. She is seeing a camel gallop towards her. Although there seems to be strange oddities in its structure, such as the camel being green in coloration and its feet being wider than her parameters suggest they should be.

The android further flags this as the second time her software has mis-identified an animal. This has all sorts of potential implications she doesn't approve of, and frowns accordingly. However, this presents another issue.

Someone is actively charging at her on camel-back. Maybe her thought of this being an assault isn't so far fetched. The sword agrees, and suggests that she readies herself for combat.

Shifting her position, D.I.G.I. takes up the first of the stances she practiced that seems to work while moving about. The rider on the 'camel' approaches, allowing the android a first impression of how they look. The coverings, complete from head to toe, are of a similar color to the sands around them both, but this seems to be more from the fabric collecting the dust rather than any natural color if the reddish tint underneath is any indication.

Whatever the rider's intent, or even reaction to D.I.G.I.'s intent to defend herself would have been, it is not to be. There's only a faint rumble to give warning to what happens next- one that the rider does manage to react to long before the android can make sense of it.

Bursting from the sand is a considerable beast, writhing and screeching as it twists out of the sands. Its body bends and twists, and both D.I.G.I. and the camel leap back to avoid its wild swings. Upon missing, the beast lurches itself even further out of the ground, revealing a multitude of thin legs at the bottom of its wide base.

Conical and covered in outwardly pointed, brown petal-like scales, there is only one conclusion to draw as it violently lashes out at the two parties.

"That is one VERY angry Pinecone," D.I.G.I. remarks with stunning accuracy.

Clearly, the stunned silence from both her sword and the cloaked rider is from their awe at her observation.


Or maybe it's because the other person can't speak her language. The android realizes that maybe things could get a bit tricky because of that.


So. For the people who were around for this originally, I apologize for the long hiatus. Anxiety over doing writing commissions - and a multitude of missteps involved in that process as well - made it impossible for me to even try and continue this project for the longest time.

But here I am. I don't normally return to projects like these even this successfully once I've had a lapse in motivation like this. However, like I've said, this is a story that's very precious to me, and an effort to define and give a story to a character who I desperately want to become more than just a vague memory of an OC.

I don't expect her story to become a magnum opus or anything groundbreaking. But I do want it to be seen, read, and maybe even beloved by someone. Even beyond a need to support myself, that's what draws me back to this story in particular.

Now, I don't have a backlog yet, and I do have other projects that I'm working on, writing and otherwise. But I'm hoping to at least get a segment up each week from here on out. More if I do get enough motivation and build up enough chapters/segments to afford posting them multiple times a week.

If you wish to keep up to date with this and my other projects, you can follow me on Twitter where I'll release posts letting you know when the latest chapter is out! I'll also do the same on Ko-fi, where if you like what I've written and want to help support me and raise up my quality of work, you can donate however much you're able to afford! Every little bit helps, and even just liking and checking out my works or sharing them with other people can be a big boost to me emotionally. And who knows- maybe in the future I'll have some videos up on my Youtube page of myself reading excerpts of this story and other writing things that I do, such as my Writing Prompt one shots that I upload to this thread. It's a bit inactive, but that will be picking up again real soon now that I've gotten some confusion sorted out.

At any rate, thank you so much for reading this and making it this far! I appreciate you.

Good luck to all of you. I hope you have a wonderful week!