[X] Plan Resettling Foundations
-[X] [Kin] Embrace them fully, once the firebrand Grand Shaman is dead. (Additional settlement founded for free, Northlands folds into the People.)
-[X] [Action] Craftsmen
-[X] [Action] Archaic Charcoal Kilns (Crystal Lake, The Fingers)
--[X] Double Down
-[X] [Action] Expand Fishing Fleets
-[X] [Admin] Raise Temple (The Fingers)
-[X] [Empowerment] War Chief
-[X] [Empowerment] Headman of Fingers
-[X] [Empowerment] Frontier Leader
[X] Plan Longer Term Foundations
-[X] [Kin] Accept the offer, but only name Jeree Pareem. Keep the Northlanders at arms length. (Northlands become a Vassal)
-[X] [Action] Craftsmen
-[X] [Action] Archaic Charcoal Kilns (Crystal Lake, The Fingers)
--[X] Double Down
-[X] [Action] Expand Fishing Fleets
-[X] [Admin] Raise Temple (The Fingers)
-[X] [Empowerment] War Chief
-[X] [Empowerment] Headman of Fingers
-[X] [Empowerment] Frontier Leader