This is indeed the results of you guys doing too well.
Well, partially at least. Part of it is also because the Uzkhul Dhrath Zharr are spiteful motherfuckers. I think I'll keep you in the dark aside from that though; I've got the outline of most of the update planned, so there's just the remainder of planning it and then the writing itself. No promises as for when, but I'm making progress.
Oh god dammit, we looted some daemon cannons, didn't we?
I bet we got them all the way back home and then they got loose.
Wait, I just thought of something. What are we going to do about the hobgoblins?
Oh god dammit, we looted some daemon cannons, didn't we?
I bet we got them all the way back home and then they got loose.

hopfully they're pointed in the direction of Clan Treecherik. those damn rats are so untrustworthy they need to wear shields on their backsides in order to avoid being stabbed.

Ok, sure, all Skaven are backstabbing vermin. but at least most of them have the sense to wait until after the life-or-death battle they're in to backstab their Clawleader. these guys once (from what I remember) went through 7 separate leaders in a given group of clanrats, all of them dying to betrayal during a war with the surface.
Please tell me that the guys we sent didn't enslave the entire civilization and thereby became Champions of Hashut or something insane like that.

Now I'm worried.
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Ok, sure, all Skaven are backstabbing vermin. but at least most of them have the sense to wait until after the life-or-death battle they're in to backstab their Clawleader. these guys once (from what I remember) went through 7 separate leaders in a given group of clanrats, all of them dying to betrayal during a war with the surface.

Clan Mors is actually remarkably trustworthy for Skaven, they only backstab their superiors when they legitimately believe it's for the good of the Clan as a whole. Which considering they are Skaven... Is quite often.
I think this is pretty good mirror event for Rise of Horned Rat,in old time line,Skaven attack normal dwarve,in this time line we attack chaos dwarve.

Maybe those chaos dwarve pull destruction protocal or something when he lose the war,but as long as horned rat can feed on their god then I count that as win.
Since I'm making notable progress on this again, I've come to the point where I need a bit of clarification on the existing plan. Currently I have left to write the results of Skyre and Moulder competing against each other to design a death machine to take down the chaos dwarves, the clash itself, the aftermath, and Morbag taking the Dragon Isles. I've got most of the details figured out by now, so I just need a bit of info:

Which clans are you having participate in the assault on Zharr-Naggrund itself? Currently my notes say around 65/35 Moulder/USA for actual fighting rats, with comparatively few Skyre/Moulder operators of the ... the thing they made, and a few grey seers to provide magical support and stuff. Is this what you guys were intending? Currently the overall strategy they'll be following is basically using ... we'll call it dynamic entry that the invention lets them do to get everywhere in the city, and targeting ogres and orks and chaos dwarfs that are already beat up from killing each other. They'll be entering the conflict relatively late to give the clusterfuck time to proceed so all the other factions can beat each other bloody and they can finish off the leftovers easier.

Is this fine by you guys, or did whoever make the plan (I think it was @EVA-Saiyajin) want to adjust the clans participating at all? I'm asking because I'm unsure if you intended to have Skyre and Moulder participate in the assault as well, or devote all their resources to making their anti-chaos dwarf project more deadly. Right now I mainly have their contribution be in the form of the invention, but if you wanted you could have them participate as well, which'd make the invention less impressive but lend their forces of giant beasts and mechanical bullshit to the fight.

So basically, does the force distribution and all that that I've come up with seem good as is, or do you want to make any changes? I'm just about to get into writing the first bits of it, hence my asking.
I don't have anything against it ,the rival and one up on skaven is expect but I hope they go with try to kill other guy than sabotage each other route.
Oh right yeah. I wrote that at about 3 in the morning for me, so yeah it is Mors. My bad.
Excellent then. Things will commence as they will! 8000 words and I haven't even reached the battle yet. Yeebus.
It's ... I think I've come up with a very good way for it to all conclude. You'll see what I mean when I post it (whenever that happens).
I don't care if we blow ourselves up somehow so long as we get the goods-those goods being the upgrading of our technological and arcane base with all the Chaos Dwarves' stuff.
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