Just a heads up to let you guys know ahead of time that the update's proooooobably gonna be on/around the timeframe of the other ones. I've been dealing with some emotional issues that have been festering in my psyche or about a year and a half, and until I can manage to do some things to alleviate a bit of that pressure I don't see myself getting much writing done. No promises, I might get hit by inspiration like I sometimes am, but unless that happens s'gonna be a bit.

Don't do repression kids, does not work in the long run.
Hope you get through it alright. And take your time.

Real Life comes first. Get yourself to a better place. This Quest will still be here when your feeling better.
Kay, I've mostly gotten over my little bit of melodrama. Situation's improved too, but I'm mostly just not overreacting about it anymore. Go check out Thanquol's character sheet, it's ludicrous.

Update coming along ... sometime. Making decisions for literally everyone in the world, even simplified like I'm doing it, is harder than I anticipated it to be.
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Jeez most of those stats are insane.

Mecha-Boneripper - V13: An albino rat-ogre granted to you by the Council before you ascended to their ranks, you made some progress with your record of getting every Boneripper killed by salvaging what was left and having Skyre's engineers rebuild him, better. Attempts to defend Thanquol from attempts on his life, and may act in combat in his stead. His mechanical limbs grant him a Personal Combat rating of 35, and he is significantly tougher than Thanquol, though occasionally prone to malfunction.
So, how long is this one likely to last?:p
Keep in mind the magic stats are just at his base. Enhanced by warpstone he's even deadlier.

He's almost enough to give the weaker of the Third Generation Slaan a bit of a workout!

OP bullshit will be the norm by the time I'm done~
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At first you go "OMG, nobody can beat me! Even the great elvish magic users pale before my might!"
Then you meet the Slann. "I am a gnat."
As an aside, as someone who actually plays the Warhammer CK2 Mod, that Personal Combat Rating is hilarious. No one has a 35. I think Malekith is like, a 12 or something, and he is one of he toughest guy's around.
As an aside, as someone who actually plays the Warhammer CK2 Mod, that Personal Combat Rating is hilarious. No one has a 35. I think Malekith is like, a 12 or something, and he is one of he toughest guy's around.
Well, yeah, but quests run off a different system. I can't think of a single one that actual follows the Warhammer CK2 model, and in most quests twelve is just considered a bit above average.
Well, yeah, but quests run off a different system. I can't think of a single one that actual follows the Warhammer CK2 model, and in most quests twelve is just considered a bit above average.
No, most of the stats actually aren't far off, at least if you take into account the adviser bonus and the marriage bonus. I've played a good number of character with, like, a 35 or something like that in at least one of their stats.

Like, the game does say a 12 is above average, but a lot of characters have some really high stats so it seems low to me and characters having 30 in their stats seem normal. The Personal Combat Rating is the weird one though, because even if they have something like 30 martial seeing their Personal Combat Rating break 10 is unusual, unless you're playing Orc's.

Now, this is the only quest I've seen so far where it actually says the Personal Combat rating, so it's the only one I can say that about. The rest of Thanquol's stat's on the other hand seem fine to me.
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As you can tell I'm playing rather unnecessarily fast and loose with the rules here, and things are rather subject to change as I consider and reconsider ideas I had in the past.

Like the personal combat, for example. Should I have set the base that high? I'm not sure, I'll have to check Thanquol's showings in canon and see how he matches up.

I mean, expect the numbers to get screwy and ridiculous and all that anyhow, because I'm not really using them to keep track of anything so much as trying to convey to you guys what I think is going on. Also because future things necessitate big numbers. I'll probably revamp the numbers themselves at some point in the future so I don't have to end up with this unnecessarily large string of +2+58+3+etc.

All you need to know right now is that Thanquol Top Rat Champ. This means stupid bigness statswise. Don't you worry, I've got stuff on hand to mitigate the faffery.

Actually yknow what, yeah, nerfed shanking a bit. Y'all will be mainly blasting people to bits too much to care about dirtying your paws with fighting and this gives Boneripper a reason for being there.
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I don''t know ,End Time event is what every faction use their trump card,Gilles come back to lead Bretonnion,Sigmar reborn,Dragon emperor lead army himself,Tyrion draw widow maker and Nagash come back.

Thanquol is very good but othet faction still has their ridiculous status.Skaven still has number advantage thought.
Pretty much, yeah. The thing is, you as Thanquol don't really need to face people blade-to-blade. You have Boneripper for that, and perhaps other people if you trust them/they're unlucky enough to be in a position in between you and Scary Monster A.

You have magical eye lasers anyway!
Question for you guys: do you want to manually assign your hero units (which to be fair I really should've mentioned before, but them's the price of doing this thing from the seat of my pants - basically any significant named skaven like Ikit Claw or Deathmaster Snikch that aren't Lords of Decay) to the campaign or other pursuits, or should I just do it as I think appropriate? You have my solemn promise that I won't deliberately screw you over if you leave it to me.
Question for you guys: do you want to manually assign your hero units (which to be fair I really should've mentioned before, but them's the price of doing this thing from the seat of my pants - basically any significant named skaven like Ikit Claw or Deathmaster Snikch that aren't Lords of Decay) to the campaign or other pursuits, or should I just do it as I think appropriate? You have my solemn promise that I won't deliberately screw you over if you leave it to me.
It depends, if Thanquol thinks it's an important task( or he thinks that someone will/could/might sabotage it) then he'd pick specific Rats, but if it's pretty much busy work or doesn't really interest him then I think he would give a general order and expect somebody else to pick who goes.
Sounds good, then. Unless there's any objections that's what I'll do.

On another note, I was surprised you guys chose to marshal your full force into conquering the Chaos Dwarves, but I'm very glad you did because this is going to be so damn badass to write. I mean, their leader (or the closest thing they have to one) is named Astragoth Ironhand and is the fantasy equivalent of a 40k Dreadnought. How would that not be cool as hell to fight?
Well we control civilization here,I think we should decide on strategic scale,hero unit assign as need.

Full scale invasion on chaos dwarve should give more stable tech for our skaven kingdom and we beat every faction in man power except chaos.
Could I get 2 d100s rolled? Under the title 'Desperation', if I could. They can be separate people or together, doesn't matter much.
Kinda? These are both good and bad news for you. More good than bad though. Things could have gone much worse.