King Arthur
The Once and Future King
Take care of yourself, you're far more important then this quest is.
Hope you get through it alright. And take your time.Just a heads up to let you guys know ahead of time that the update's proooooobably gonna be on/around the timeframe of the other ones. I've been dealing with some emotional issues that have been festering in my psyche or about a year and a half, and until I can manage to do some things to alleviate a bit of that pressure I don't see myself getting much writing done. No promises, I might get hit by inspiration like I sometimes am, but unless that happens s'gonna be a bit.
Don't do repression kids, does not work in the long run.
So, how long is this one likely to last?Mecha-Boneripper - V13: An albino rat-ogre granted to you by the Council before you ascended to their ranks, you made some progress with your record of getting every Boneripper killed by salvaging what was left and having Skyre's engineers rebuild him, better. Attempts to defend Thanquol from attempts on his life, and may act in combat in his stead. His mechanical limbs grant him a Personal Combat rating of 35, and he is significantly tougher than Thanquol, though occasionally prone to malfunction.
Well, yeah, but quests run off a different system. I can't think of a single one that actual follows the Warhammer CK2 model, and in most quests twelve is just considered a bit above average.As an aside, as someone who actually plays the Warhammer CK2 Mod, that Personal Combat Rating is hilarious. No one has a 35. I think Malekith is like, a 12 or something, and he is one of he toughest guy's around.
No, most of the stats actually aren't far off, at least if you take into account the adviser bonus and the marriage bonus. I've played a good number of character with, like, a 35 or something like that in at least one of their stats.Well, yeah, but quests run off a different system. I can't think of a single one that actual follows the Warhammer CK2 model, and in most quests twelve is just considered a bit above average.
It depends, if Thanquol thinks it's an important task( or he thinks that someone will/could/might sabotage it) then he'd pick specific Rats, but if it's pretty much busy work or doesn't really interest him then I think he would give a general order and expect somebody else to pick who goes.Question for you guys: do you want to manually assign your hero units (which to be fair I really should've mentioned before, but them's the price of doing this thing from the seat of my pants - basically any significant named skaven like Ikit Claw or Deathmaster Snikch that aren't Lords of Decay) to the campaign or other pursuits, or should I just do it as I think appropriate? You have my solemn promise that I won't deliberately screw you over if you leave it to me.
Well, unless it's for the Chaos Dwarves.
As we're Skaven, that means it's as good as a complete success!Kinda? These are both good and bad news for you. More good than bad though. Things could have gone much worse.