Friend of the Chosen (A Megaman ZX Fanfiction)

Friend of the Chosen (A Megaman ZX Fanfiction)
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A butterfly flaps its wings, and the world changes.

A Choice made in the Elf Wars creates another daughter for Zero, one that, much to his chargin, shares his skills in combat, and much of his personality. Yet, just as the butterfly flapped its wings during the Calamity that ended the Era of the Maverick Hunters, so to did another flap its wings during the Era of the Biometal.

Tired from war, Zero's daughter would enter a deep slumber herself, following her father's footsteps. She would slumber for three hundred years, and, eventually, be awakened by the legendary scientist, Ciel.

Now, Lune, Zero's Daughter, has only one mission. Protect the Two Chosen of Model Z and X, and ensure they bring a brighter future for everyone.
Chapter 1: Awakening

Miho Chan

One with too many ideas
A Special Thanks to my Patreons: Naduto, Tale Swapper, Ttw1, J Frost, and Omida​

"Dr. Ciel, we've found her." An unknown voice stated. Something within me stirred, and, with a mechanical hiss, the Stasis Pod that had been my home for so long opened.

I blinked, my artificial eyes opening from their long slumber. Systems booted up, came up in various states of disrepair, and I sighed. Looking up at the blonde woman standing over me- Holy fucking shit was that Dr. Nuage? No. It couldn't be. Dr. Nuage had been young when I went into hibernation, and, almost certainly, was dead by now, going by the state of disrepair that my chassis was in. Cycling through my recent memory, I nodded. It had to be this… Dr. Ciel, likely a descendant of Dr. Nuage.

"Hello, Dr. Ciel." I vocalized, attempting to smile only to wince in pain, my jaw and face in so much disrepair that it hurt. "If you wouldn't mind terribly, would you mind temporarily deactivating me and repairing me before we talk? I'm feeling rather miserable in my disrepaired state." I continued, forcing myself not to chuckle wryly.

"Of course Lune." The scientist says, smiling, her winter coat fluttering in a breeze that most certainly had not been there before my hibernation. "You and I have much to discuss, after all."

With that, the welcome bliss of oblivion came for me, my last thoughts turning to a memory of the last time I had been deactivated like this...

Friend of the Chosen

"Are you sure about this Lune?" Zero asked, a pained expression on his face. "You don't have to follow me into hibernation, especially since-"

"Axl can keep X company, father." I interrupted tartly. "Besides, just like you, I'm afraid. I'm afraid of how the world will see me because of Omega. And how they'll see me because of your legend. Hell, X and Axl are only just friends to me, not the bonded battle-brothers that you, X, and Axl are." I continued, frowning at my father. We stared at each other for what seemed like hours, before he finally sighed.

Zero smiled sadly, his shoulders sagging even as he stepped into his own hibernation chamber. "Fine, daughter of mine, you win. Sleep well, Lune."

"You as well, father." I replied, closing my eyes as the hibernation chamber hissed, the preserving agents and supportive computer booting up as the last of the scientists left the room, Dr. Nuage giving me one, last, sad look as she exited…

Friend of the Chosen

"Wake up Lune."

I groaned, the dream I had been dreaming fluttering away like a butterfly as I awoke, looking into the eyes of Dr. Ciel as I did, the young woman extremely close as she stared at me, smiling widely.

"Mind giving the little lady some room Ciel?" A gruff voice from another part of the room, the whizzing of several tools leading me to believe this was likely the engineer that had handled general repairs while Dr. Ciel had worked on my more… delicate systems. She should be familiar with them, after all. Her foremother had improved upon them, taking Wily's systems and improving them. Dr. Nuage had taken Dr. Light and Dr. Wily's status as legends as something of a personal challenge, and had ensured that both my body and Zero's were up to par, and, when I had vocalized that I was female, took me apart and rebuilt me with a more feminine chassis. God I mused, I'm going to miss her.

"Of course Cerveau." Ciel replied, even as I pondered, "Just adding the finishing touches on Lune's new birthmark." She continued, wincing as I sent her a questioning look, mouthing "in a moment" as she withdrew, smiling wanely at me.

"What do you mean new birthmark, Miss Ciel?" I questioned lightly, only to whine softly in distress as I saw it through the mirror the good doctor provided. "What is this ugly-"

"Let me send you an update packet." Ciel interjected, a file transfer request over laser transmitter appearing before me, adding even more confusion to my rather turbulent thoughts. "It'll explain so much more, so much faster."

Oh. I mused as I parsed through the packet, oh well that's a surprise.

"I've been asleep for 300 years?" I asked hollowly, trying to comprehend the sheer magnitude of what had happened. "Wh- X is dead? Axl's status is unknown? Fa-father is dead…" I choked as I uttered those last words, still rapidly "scrolling" through the massive load of history that Ciel had just dumped on me.

"Keep reading the file." Ciel said gently, "And your father died a hero. He took Weil out of this world for- Well, at least his mind. Weil's hate and anger lingers. Section W-1." She added, grimacing. "I've been hiding from Legion, the world government, while trying to make the world a better place, when I stumbled on the location of the Lab you'd been moved to by a group of radical Neo-Arcadians after I awakened Zero."

I nodded absently, fully distracted by the reports on the so-called Model-Ws, which were something called Bio-Metals- Wait a second…

"Context for Bio-Metals are in Section Z." Ciel chimed in an amused tone, Cerveau sighing in the background. "I am rather proud of them, and the fact that Zero and X's Cyber Elves decided to come back."

I devoured the section, nodding in parts, and grimacing at the mention of X's children. I had never gotten to meet them, something I would forever regret, more than likely.

As I read through the file, I could feel the rather analytical gaze of the engineer within the room upon me, and, when he finally spoke up, I wasn't surprised.

"Lune, if you could please run a system diagnostic." The sudden interruption from the Engineer, though irritating, was somewhat helpful, and I gave a noise of frustrated affirmation, initiating the system diagnostic even as I continued parsing through the report.

I had a lot to catch up on, after all...

Friend of the Chosen

"All Green." I reported as the System Diagnostic finally finished, a good chunk of time after I had finished the report Ciel had provided. "Can I get out of bed now?" I asked, "I want to run maintenance on my Saber and Buster."

Cerveau cocked an eyebrow, before nodding. "I've run detailed repairs on them, but it's probably a good idea for you to check up on them. I'd recommend, personally, replacing the buster. It's outdated by a large margin, and would look better in a personal collection." He said softly.

"But- You're right. Though it won't get sold. I'll keep it for my personal collection." I whispered softly, "Do you two carry any military grade hardware? I'm not replacing dad's gift to me with a cheap civilian model." I continued as I got out of bed, heading over to the workbench that my pistol and saber were lying on.

Dr. Ciel nodded, "We'll be able to get you a military model buster pistol." she said easily, "I wouldn't replace your saber though. Beam Saber technology hasn't actually evolved all too much, and it should be a relatively simple affair to upgrade it. Pausing for a moment, Ciel took a long look at me, before sighing. "To be honest, I'm sure you're bursting with questions, Lune. But, to be frank, I can't answer all of them. There's such a thing as too much knowledge, and a lot of my "answers" would be pure speculation at the moment."

Ciel's words barely registered as I happily worked on the innards of my Saber, a questioning warble sounding from the back of my throat as I looked up, "Sorry, was busy working on my saber. And my only real question right now is why you woke me up. Beyond the fact that my hibernation was supposed to end literal centuries ago… Eh, fuck it. I'll be direct. What do you need from me, Ciel?"

"She's definitely Zero's daughter." Cerveau grunted, his shoulders heaving with concealed laughter. "Zero was always direct, after all." He sobered rather quickly, however. "To be honest Lune, we would probably not have awakened you had the world been entirely peaceful, as we'd have no reason to search for you in the first place." He continued, sighing deeply. "We thought Maverick outbreaks dealt with fully after the events of the Elf Wars and the Colonization of Area Zero. But about ten years ago, Maverick attacks started happening again, with surprising numbers and regular patterns.."

"We're almost certain they're being caused by someone, but we have little proof, and a startlingly large list of suspects," Ciel continued, "Chief among them is one of my former Guardians, Serpent, who was exposed to a Model W, and quite frankly, went insane. He slaughtered most of the team, and ran when it looked like he would be overwhelmed, a fragment of Model W accompanying him."

I cocked my head to the side, "So… What exactly do you want me to do?"

Ciel sighed, "I'm getting long winded in my old age, apologies." I raised an eyebrow at that. She barely looked a day over twenty. "Yes, I am rather old Lune, I've actually been active for longer than you have. Regardless, that's not the point. The point is, I can't actually return to the civilized world. Not without a lot of questions being asked, and being put under 24/7 surveillance, mostly because I'm Ciel. If you read the entirety of the file, you'd get why." I recalled the relevant section, before gasping.

"Wait, you're not just named after Lady Ciel?!" I asked, my eyes wide in utter surprise, "Since when was humanity biologically timeless?!" I continued, my thoughts immediately jumping to the implications.

"Since about one-hundred and fifty years ago officially." Cerveau mentioned idly from the side, "Unless your name is Ciel, and you manage to crack the secret when you're twenty, and not be allowed to share it with anyone until fifty years later after extensive testing."

"Quite." Ciel added, smiling. "Regardless, back to what I want you to do. I'd like you to assist Biometal Model Z's chosen in his task of protecting a young woman named "Aile". She's a biomatch for another Biometal I created, Model X." The woman continued, sending me yet another file with an ease that only an operator had. "Here's her file."

Parsing through it, I winced. An orphan with a chip on her shoulder, though one that wasn't entirely unmanageable. She looked like a good kid, all and all. The various videos that were attached seemed to speak of a fondness that the adoptive parent seemed to have for her, which was another good sign. Regardless, it was a simple mission, and likely would separate me from the source of many answers, as Ciel appeared to be rather knowledgeable in the workings of the world.

"Ciel, are you sure I can't just stay-" I began, only to wince as the scientist cut me off.

"Absolutely not. I'm more than capable of fighting myself. I have a bio-metal of my own, one of my own design, and I'm more than capable of defending myself even without it." She said, "I know you want answers, but I need you to do this for me. Please." She continued, not quite begging, but getting quite close to doing so. It was clear she was desperate, and, with a hard sigh, I responded.

"Fine." My shoulders sagged, and I gave her a long look, "But you owe me, Dr. Ciel."

"I owe your father much. I don't mind owing his daughter even more." She said simply, a radiant smile on her face. "I'm going to send you some pretty hefty files. Once the transfer is done, I'm going to take you to the nearest trans-server, and we're going to teleport you to the Grand Nuage. The Mobile Headquarters of the Guardians. The organization I founded as a successor to the resistance.."

I nodded. "Awaiting the upload. Why exactly am I getting more files?"

Ciel grimaced, "Paperwork to ensure you look like a Citizen of Legion, and so that they don't look too closely into you."

With that grim thought, Ciel began transferring the files, and I began idly reading through them, hoping to pass the remaining time I had with the scientist and her engineer friend.

Friend of the Chosen

The weight of my Saber and the new Buster Pistol clamped at my hips reassured me even as I parsed through the surprisingly grim files, reading through everything I would need to know to function in the Modern World.

There was a lot. For one, humans had almost ceased to exist outside of newborns and enclaves of "Pure" Humans, mostly being replaced by the part cybernetic Humanoids, who received implants and such at a young age, ones which would grow with them and allow them the timelessness that all people who wanted it enjoyed these days. Reploids, on the other hand, enjoyed the ability to truly be "human", able to get a random genetic profile assigned to them and have reproductive organs vat grown and surgically implanted. These synthetic organs were considered standard, and the line between human and machine continued to shrink to this day, something that I took great joy in.

After all, in a peaceful world, warriors like me could finally lay down their arms and truly enjoy the peace.

"Lune, are you ready?" Ciel asked, smiling as she guided me onto the transerver, drawing me out of my idle musings. "I won't be able to contact you for a while once you leave this lab."

I nodded firmly. Ciel had, after all, sent me all the files I requested, along with several others that I didn't know I had needed. I had spent an entire day simply parsing through them, and I was satisfied. Father had died exactly as he would have wanted, and I had been given his mission recordings to watch through, something to do when I had some freetime. My earlier anger at the scientist had mostly evaporated, though a small ember remained, something that would surely snuff out after I watched the videos of my father's more recent exploits.

"Alright Ciel, transerver is ready." Cerveau reported, "Lune. Good luck." He continued, giving me a thumbs up.

"Thank you Cerveau!" I replied cheerfully, "Ciel. I suppose I'll see you when you're done plotting?"

The Warrior-Scientist nodded, smiling grimly even as she rerouted power into the teleportation and data storage device, "You will. Aile is special to me, as is Giro. For various reasons."

I nodded. "Of course. Nevermind Prairie and the Guardians she commands to this day, right?" The look of intense guilt and pain on Ciel's face told me everything. "You still regret that you can't stand beside them." I pointed out softly. Shaking my head, I put my hands on the old woman's shoulders. "Don't be. You're sparing them pain and suffering by doing this Ciel. But a message would not be amiss, no?"

Ciel sighed, before nodding. "Tell them that the Flower yet Blooms. They'll understand."

With a noise of satisfaction, I stepped onto the platform.

"I've set the destination to the Grand Nuage Lune." Cerveau stated, "Good luck."

"Be Safe, Lune."

I waved, smiling even as the lab disappeared and was replaced with the swirl of cyberspace for but a moment, and then I was back, connected to the Guardian HQ's transerver. Of course, being the consummate professionals they were, I was greeted by a rather irate Alouette and several other soldiers, all of them pointing Buster Rifles in my face.

"-Zero?" The obvious leader whispered, before shaking her head, likely noticing the few key differences that my chassis had with Father's. "How did you gain access to the Grand Nuage?"

"The Flower yet Blooms." I chirped, an easy smile on my face, "Good to see you, "Prairie", the Recoil Rods found a good home, I see." I continued , referring to the twin pairs of tonfa in the ancient reploid's hands. Alouette's eyes widened, and, within moments, she understood. The sheer relief that flooded through the ancient reploid's face almost broke my heart, though the Commander of the Guardians composed herself rapidly. Damnit Ciel. I grumbled mentally, Your own daughter was hurting.

"Truly?" The commander whispered, "Big Sis…" She shook her head, before briefly scanning over my body. "On another note, I suppose you're the "Lune" that Zero liked to ramble about?" She guessed, putting the tip of her pointer finger upon her chin.

"That would be me!~" I replied, "Nice to meet you in person Prairie." Pausing, I took a moment to assess the room. "I do believe your comrades are confused though."

Prairie blushed, the very real red flooding to her cheeks a source of amusement and fascination for me, as she pulled her hat down over her head. "Sorry." She said sheepishly, "Guardians, meet Lune. Whom I only know of through Zero's Ramblings. Lune, the Guardians, though knowing Big Sis, you already have all the relevant files for the clearance level she assigned you."

I nodded sagely, my penchant for light mischief coming to the fore, "I do believe that I'm just under you Prairie~ I suppose my days as a Maverick Hunter were worth it for a sideways promotion~"

Prairie groaned as the chatter around her began to intensify, "Hush you. I see you share Zero's penchant for lewd jokes."

I raised an eyebrow, "I wasn't aware being under you was lewd." I replied, the smirk that I was fighting to keep off my face finally breaking free, "Regardless, I doubt the entirety of this welcoming party was meant for me?" I asked, putting a hand on my hip as I stared at the assembled team. "Where were you off to, Prairie?"

"Area A, to meet up with Giro's Transporters. They're carrying a Biometal, and- Hold on Lune, that's Giro's comms."

I stiffened. "Coordinates to Area A. Send me in. Ciel assigned me to guard Giro and Aile."

"Understood Giro. Backup is on the way. Hold out a little longer, okay? Feel free to use Model Z's power if you need to. No. I don't care that your charge doesn't know. It isn't worth risking you and Aile's life over it. Damnit Giro! I know you consider her your daughter, so act like the angry father bear you are and protect her!" Prairie continued to speak into her comm, even as she nodded at me. "Go Lune! Transerver should already be programmed for Area A. Go help out one of my best Guardians and his daughter!"

"Understood. Commencing Mission." I uttered, completely serious. With a few frantic button presses, the transerver connected to the one in Area A, and I was whisked away, already palming my saber...
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Been a while since I've seen a Megaman Fic, so thank you so much
Chapter 2: Mission Start!
Aile shivered in fear from behind the cover that her adoptive father had shoved her behind, the buster pistol she had been gifted only a few days ago held in a deathgrip within her hands. As the sound of buster fire filled the air, the young girl reliving the horrible, horrible moment of her mother's death not even four years ago. Hyperventilating, she barely noticed Giro megamerge out of the corner of her eyes, and wouldn't think anything of it till some time after the battle, her adoptive father fading in and out of her vision as it swam, focused entirely on the buster pistol in front of her.

You can help A traitorous voice whispered to her, one that called for her to ignore her father's orders to stay hidden., All you have to do is fight


Her father's grunt of pain drove her to action, the voice finally winning out as the young soon to be chosen ducked out of cover and fired a series of shots downrange, the clarity granted to her by her rage, frustration, and worry granting her a kill on one of the Galleon Mechaneloids attacking her father. Shifting her aim rapidly to another galleon as she forcibly steadying her breathing, the humanoid girl fired off a few more shots, these missing their target as the teenager cursed, ducking back into cover as her armor clad adoptive parent carved a swathe through the hordes of galleons attacking them, rallying as he used the precious time his daughter had bought him to recover, cutting a swath through yet another group of Galleons.

Damn it all. Aile mused, even as she sprung out of cover and fired at a galleon approaching her father from the flank, hitting her mark before she ducked into cover again, I could really use Slither Inc. security forces right now!

As she expected, none arrived, the "guardians of Innerpeace" far too concentrated amongst the wealthy areas of the city, Area A long since abandoned to the wilds, as had the amusement park that her mother had died at. She shook her head, throwing the thoughts back into the box that had held them since the fateful day four years ago, and popped out of cover again, firing a stream of plasma bolts at the galleons once again swarming her father.

[Aile, get ready to make a break for it.] Giro's voice crackled over their private comms, [the package you have needs to get to the Client safely.]

Aile almost screamed in frustration, "I don't give a flying fuck about the package Giro!" She snarled back, "I'm not losing the only family I have left! Especially- GAH!"


Pain bloomed in her torso as the buster shot found its way through her jacket, piercing through her flesh and exiting on the other side, though it thankfully did not hit anything vital. Even still, to a girl that had never seen combat, it was enough, and she fell to her knees, keening in pain as her father screamed her name, the adrenaline coursing through her doing jack to dampen the sheer amount of agony she was feeling.

[-Prairie! My adopted daughter is hit! I need medevac now! Nevermind-]

Aile's vision blurred as she fell to the floor, her last sight being that of her father's back as he desperately fended off the mavericks closing in on them, the tragedy of four years ago repeating itself before her eyes. Except, this time, there would be no survivors…

Friend of the Chosen

The feminine scream of pain from the ridge above me was all the signal I needed. Giro, the Chosen of Model Z, was likely struggling with the sheer amount of galleons that had engaged the two transporters, and one of them was likely out of the fight, based on the aforementioned scream. Without hesitation, I began rapidly scaling the sheer cliff that stood in the way of my mission, maneuvering jets and microthrusters ensuring that I had the momentum needed to scale the wall rapidly and efficiently.

The sight that greeted me as I finally ascended the cliff had me wincing in sympathy, the unconscious form of the girl that had to be Aile being defended by an increasingly frantic Giro, megamerged with fa-Model Z. With a growl, I ignited my Saber, and with a warcry, I plowed into the nearest group of galleons, the charged blade of my saber utterly annihilated a trio of galleons with one strike, and cratering the ground beneath them.

Limited by their relatively poor programming, the remaining galleons reacted too slow to the inclusion of another competent warrior to the mix, my blade carving a swathe through the ranks of the enemies as Giro began falling back with grace, retreating slowly and steadily towards his young charge, his Z-Saber supplemented by a buster pistol, one that would bark out a charged shot every so often, followed by a flurry of buster shots.

It was over before the mavericks had a chance to rally, the entirety of the mechaniloid force eliminated in full. With a flourish, I deactivated my saber, spinning it around before holstering it in its magnetic holster, the blade adhering itself to my hip holster with a satisfying "click". With the obligatory post battle celebration completed, I turned my attention to the duo of transporters, the older already performing first aid on the younger, muttering obscenities as he worked, before, finally, he gingerly picked up the girl, and turned to face me.

"Model Z is having a full on freakout right now, seeing you." He stated frankly, "Apparently being saved by his long lost daughter wasn't in the plans for today." He continued, smiling grimly, "I suppose I should introduce myself to our saviors. I'm Girouette. My charge here is Aile. I assume you're the reinforcements that Alouette was speaking of?" He finished, quite clearly agitated, but unwilling to not be polite. A rather rare trait, and one that I appreciated.

"Introductions can wait. I assume the package you were transporting contains Model X?" I said, nodding.

Giro nodded. "Yes. Aile hasn't resonated with him yet, but that's because, according to Z, X is still running self diagnostics, and booting up, as it were. He's apparently been sleeping for a decent time since he was created."

"That explains it." I muttered, "Right. I'll provide escort as we make our way to the- Giro, MOVE!" I yelled in warning, already leaping backward myself, my buster pistol humming as it began to accumulate a charge from my internal power generator.

The veteran soldier reacted exactly like one, diving for cover as the large reploid(?) slammed into the ground, right where he had been moments prior. He grunted, having covered his daughter's body with his own, absorbing the impact with his "flesh".

"Tch, missed." The unknown reploid growled, drawing my attention back to him, "No matter. Both of you shall be destroyed in short order."

Grimly, I readed my saber, unsheathing the blade and activating it. I gave Girouette a look, trying to convey to him "flee. I'll handle this". Hopefully he would understand my intent. The slow nod I received from him reassured me, and with a flourish of my saber, I attacked. A simple, telegraphed strike, one meant to lure my opponent into a false sense of security. It was, of course, parried easily by the other reploid, the cheap shot that I followed up with taking the other replica android by surprise, the charged shot drilling a hole into their chassis. How they hadn't noticed the accumulating charge's whine was beyond me, but I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

The response from the maverick was one that I almost should have expected. A screech of animalistic rage, the reploid pushed me back with a flurry of blows, each one crackling with electricity, every strike sapping me of strength briefly before my onboard systems compensated, earning a slight grimace. Those would need updating, it seemed. Back in my time, the electrical element hadn't been enough to slow me or father down at all, due to our onboard adaptation systems. An unfortunate side effect of being born nearly three hundred years ago, I mused, deflecting another strike buzzing with electricity. I suppose I'll need to talk to the Guardian Engineers about some upgrades. Regardless of my outdatedness, however, I had to keep the much more modern warrior's attention, and keep it I would. Slowly, the replica android shaped disturbingly like a hawk and a fighter jet pushed me back, before finally, I grunted, parrying their strike with a charged burst from my saber.

The gambit worked, sending the reploid stumbling back, and I'm on the offensive once more. A flurry of blows from my saber, mixed with powerful charged strikes and bursts of fire from my buster pistol being deflected, avoided, and sometimes, tanked directly by the avian reploid. Finally the dance between us finally ends as they disengage, snarling. I simply flourish my blade in response, smiling mockingly. The gulf in skill between the two of us is… an ocean. I know it and so do they, though they seem to hate to admit it.

"You have not seen the last of me, girl." The reploid snarls, his voice filled with loathing, "The game of destiny will continue, with or without outside interference…" And, with his piece said, he's gone, the sonic boom that trails after him ruffling my skirt briefly as it passes, my contemptuous eyes looking in the direction he had gone.

He wasn't all too skilled. In fact, he was pretty pathetic, by Maverick Hunter standards. C to B Rank, at best. I mused, amused by the fact that he thought I gave a shit about his "ominous" threat. I suppose I should- Ah, there's the incoming call I was waiting for.

[Lune here. Giro and Aile make it to you, Prairie?] I asked as the line opened, sheathing my saber and buster as I began climbing down the cliff rapidly. No sense in sticking around, after all. Mind as well make my way back to the transerver.

[Affirmative Lune,] The Guardian Commander's voice called, [Aile is currently being treated by one of our field medics. Girouette is just tired. Mission is a success. We'll rendezvous at the Grand Nuage, over.]

[Understood, see you there Prairie.] I replied, settling into a light jog as I made my way back to the transerver placed near the entrance of Area A.

It was a silent journey, one only interrupted by the sounds the various wildlife on the terraformed land made, the crunch of my boots crushing fallen leaves, and my humming. Idly looking around, I smiled at all the wildlife that called the forest home, relishing in the all too rare sounds of nature.

Then, all too soon, I arrived at the transerver. Which, to no one's surprise, was currently surrounded by Guardian Soldiers, all of whom were quite clearly doing their best not to train their weapons upon whoever entered the room leading to the teleportation device.

"Hello Ms. Lune." One of the Guardians greeted, a nervous smile on his face, "Commander Prairie is expecting you. The Transerver is currently linked directly to the Grand Nuage, so if you would just step onto the transport pad…"

With a wave of greeting to those milling about in the room, I nodded towards the one that had spoken, stepping onto the transerver pad, once again passing through cyberspace to my destination. Emerging into the transporter room moments later, I waved towards the pair of Guardians within the room, both who immediately saluted me.

"Hello Ms. Lune." One chimed, while the other waved back enthusiastically, "Commander Prairie is waiting for you on the bridge for a debriefing." With her piece said, the reploid turned back to the transerver pad, her partner likewise doing the same, and I exited the room, the automated doors hissing open as I neared them.

The organized chaos outside was somewhat unexpected, though I navigated through it with practiced ease, slipping through the crowds of reploids and humanoids as I made my way towards the bridge, which, to my annoyance, was rather close to the transporter room.

I suppose they're just confident in their cyber security. I mused as I approached the door to the bridge, noting briefly the guards that stood in front of it. Just judging by their posture, these guys could probably tag team anyone that wanted to breach the doors, short of someone so above them in specifications that they simply couldn't keep up. The fact that both had sabers, specifically the type of saber that my father favored, had me guessing that Zero had trained these two specifically.

"We'll have to spar sometime, Lune." One of them said, both dragging me out of my internal musings and confirming my theory with a smile, "It'll be nice to have someone other than Girouette and Lady Prairie that knows the blade around here."

"Agreed." The other whispered, "Would enjoy crossing blades with someone trained by Zero again."

I gave a radiant smile in response, "Of course. May I get your names so that I can find you when I have time?"

"Honore" The male, evidently named Honore replied, "My quiet companion is Hibiki. One of the few around here that have a non-French name."

"An Honor, Miss Lune." She added, bowing.

"The honor is mine, Honore, Hibiki." I countered, bowing as well, "Regardless, I believe I have been summoned by Commander Prairie, and would like to request access to the bridge. May I pass?"

"You may." Honore replied, "Enjoy your meeting with Prairie." He added, his tone light and amused.

Shaking my head, I stepped in front of the door, once more noticing the security stationed on the other side of the door. The humanoid and reploid pair bore a plasma saber each, though, unlike the two outside, they lacked the feel of someone who had mastered the blade.

"Miss Lune." The humanoid male greeted politely, "Commander Prairie awaits you in her quarters."

"Thank you sir." I replied, smiling, "I'm going to assume her quarters are the ones on the bridge?" I continued, already stepping towards the other door I had spied once I entered the bridge.

"Yes ma'am." The female reploid answered, before the pair fell silent. With a soft sigh to myself, I reached the door that presumably led into Prairie's quarters and knocked, my knuckles rapping against the Ceratanium plate that protected it.

"Come in, Lune!" The Commander called, her voice light, yet serious. The door hissed open, the sight that greeted me causing an instant reaction as my eyes widened, my shoulders heaved, and I stared at the wonderland of Plushies laid out before more. The smug commander of the Guardians stood before me, surrounded by stuffed animals, stuffed humanoids, and stuffed reploids, and oh my god it was adorable!

"Like what you see, Lune?" Prairie teased, obviously aware of the innuendo she was making, yet referring entirely to her rather massive collection, "It's the work of two hundred years~"

Squeeing internally, I nodded rapidly, resisting the temptation to bury myself in the fluffy things lying about the room and turning my attention entirely to the Commander. "May I ask why you wanted to see me Prairie? Presumably not just to show off your impressive collection?" I asked, tearing my gaze away from the fluffy goodness with considerable effort.

The smile on Prairie's face vanished and she nodded. "Yes. Sis. Is she okay?"

"Ciel is fine. She's more than capable of defending herself, though she probably would have declined the spar I wanted. I can tell she's a warrior in her own right these days, and she apparently has a biometal specifically designed for her."

Prairie sighed in relief, "That's… That's good to hear. I had begun to lose hope when she didn't return from the expedition to area M." Pausing, Prairie looked at me, "How are you holding up?"

"Do you want the honest answer or the answer I've been telling myself?" I said frankly, eyeing the ancient commander.

"The honest one, Lune." She replied, crossing her hands over her bust.

"I've been utterly shite." I grumbled, wishing I had tear ducts so as to express my frustration, my melancholy, "My family is dead, it's three hundred years after I entered hibernation, and the world's so different that I can barely understand it." I added, gritting my teeth, clenching my hands, and staring Prairie in the eye, "But I have a mission, and I won't rest till Ciel relieves me of it."

The look of understanding in the Guardian Commander's eyes told me all I needed to know, and was welcome. "I understand. What was the mission? I'll do my best to ensure that the orders are made official." Prairie asked, pounding her fist on an open palm.

I smiled mirthlessly, "Protect Girouette and Aile. An implied order to help them grow as warriors." Pausing, I looked at a plushy of X in the room, lying in a place of honor next to Zero, atop a pile of plushies, "Aile is Model X's Chosen, if you haven't already figured it out."

Prairie raised an eyebrow, "Interesting. I'll make the order as official as it can get. Girouette is thankfully a Guardian, so it shouldn't be an issue, but Aile is not. She'll be given the option to join, of course, but given her recent brush with death…"

I made a noise of understanding as I nodded, "She's also a teenager, one who's… fourteen, right?" I queried, a fingertip on my chin.

Prairie nodded. "I would discourage her from joining in any other circumstance. However…"

"She's a target." I said flatly, my eyes burning in fury. That a child would be considered as such in a semi-peaceful age such as this...

"Exactly." Prairie replied, her voice equally furious. "So, we're going to do what elders do, and protect the next generation…"
Yeah Lune really should look into getting properly retrofitted and equipped. Also is her Sister still active? as in the Mother Elf
A Duel
The door to the medical bay hissed open, the young girl within looking up as I approached, the small smile on her face fading as she did so.

"Uh, Hello? May I ask why you're visiting me, miss?" She asked, taking a concerned look at Girouette, who was standing by her side, Model Z floating by his side.

"Lune-" The aforementioned floating metal choked, "You're- It's really you…" His voice, layered with so much emotion that it hurt, was one that I recognized intimately.

"Dad." I whispered, "So you really did get yourself killed, huh? Cyber Elf?" I inquired, once more wishing that I had tear ducts installed so I could fucking cry.

"Sorry Lune." The Biometal remarked sheepishly, "I had to destroy Ragnarok. No one else could at the time."

"X didn't do any better, letting himself fall into a depressed mess and then sealing himself away." I grunted, "I swear, if Axl hadn't been MIA since the early Elf Wars, I'd be having words with him too."

The Biometal bobbed in place, likely an equivalent of a nod. "He's likely either dead or in hibernation himself." Model Z mused, "Regardless, I do believe you didn't just come here to talk to me. X, come out, would you? Don't hide from the feminine wrath and leave me to absorb all of it."

"Goddammit Zero, I was trying to avoid being verbally lashed today by my niece." The muffled voice from within the package the pair of "Transporters" had been delivering replied, "Shit."

"Hello X." I singsonged with a sickeningly sweet voice, the creeped out look from both Aile and Giro barely registering in the background, "I heard that you basically committed suicide, leaving dad to face his first daughter and Omega on his own, is this true?"

"Uhhhh- I plead the fifth." The package replied, his voice barely muffled by the packaging that surrounded him. "Also, my kids helped!"

"Harpuia, Leviathan, and Fafnir did help, he is correct." Model Z mused, before falling silent at his daughter's withering glare, "I'll just… stay silent while you rant then dear?"

"Please do."

The giggling that interrupted the rather… The interesting reunion was both welcome and unexpected, the young girl in bed smiling as she finally watched the byplay.

"Sorry!" She squeaked as she realized she had laughed aloud, "You just reminded me of the byplay between my mom and brother." Falling silent, the girl stared at her hands for a while, before clenching them tightly, "I hated remembering them for a time, but the pain is finally starting to go away, and it doesn't hurt to remember anymore…"

"It always hurts to lose someone you love." Model X whispered sagely, "Trust me if anyone knows, it's Lune, Zero, and I. Maverick Hunters made peace with the fact they'd lose friends, loved ones, and others. You went insane from grief otherwise."

Both Model Z and I nodded, sharing a look. "Regardless Aile," I continued, "I didn't come here just to see my father. Or his Brother from another Father. I came to talk to you and Girouette."

The girl looked up in surprise, "Why me? I'm not exactly someone special…"

I snorted, "Unfortunately, you are. You're a biomatch for Model X, though he probably won't force his power on you ever, you're a person of interest for several powerful people just because of that. Eventually, you'll more than likely have to Megamerge with X, if only to defend yourself and those you love."

Aile tilted her head as she looked at me, clearly thinking things over, "Why is that a bad thing?" She muttered, "Oh... "

"Yes. Not all the people interested in you would have good intentions. That's where I come in." I said, "I'd serve as a mix of a combat instructor and bodyguard, teaching you the ins and outs of fighting, while protecting you from those you couldn't handle yourself." Pausing briefly, I took a look at Girouette, "That includes you, Giro. You're good with father's armor and power, but you're not a master swordsman yet. There are still some tricks I can teach you."

The blonde reploid nodded, "I accept. It'd be an honor to learn from you, Lune." Turning to his surrogate daughter, the reploid sighed, "Aile, I'll be honest with you, as I'm sure you've already figured out, I'm a Guardian, one that was given permanent leave to raise you, both for your protection and because I genuinely love you." Pausing, he seemed to struggle to find the right words, before sighing, "But, in the end, the time has come for me to return to active duty, and you're going to be given a choice. Join the Guardians, or… well, become a Ward of the Guardians."

Aile nodded slowly, clearly processing the rather rapid turn of events. "I figured you were tied to something bigger, dad." She said, also clearly was struggling to find the right words, "I- I want to join the Guardians. You said I have the potential to bond with Model X, right Miss Lune?"

"You are indeed a Biomatch for me, Aile." Model X replied, "And while Lune wouldn't be the best teacher for my style of combat, she would be an excellent sparring partner, and- Huh, Ciel did include enough data for me to give you my X-Saber."

Model Z snorted, "Of course she did X, Ciel always had a fascination with Melee weapons. It's why Model C has a Beam Saber."

"Quite." Model X replied, before turning back to his Chosen, "If you do choose to fight, I would happily lend you my sword and buster. I just want you to promise that you'll listen to what Lune has to tell you in a crisis."

Aile nodded firmly, "I'll listen to her, I promise. I'm not stupid, Model X, I know when I'm over my head." She promised, rising from the bed and stepping onto the floor, "Thank you, Model X"

"You're welcome Aile." The Biometal replied.

My hum of approval had the young girl blushing briefly before she gathered herself. "Right then, students. Once you're-"

The PA system crackled to life, interrupting me as it blared out a General Quarters. Immediately, all five of us tensed, before I nodded to Giro and Aile. "Megamerge, both of you, now." I ordered flatly, "Prairie wouldn't call General Quarters without a good reason."

"Right." Both of my new students replied, "Megamerge!"

Blinding light filled the room briefly, and then before me stood the shadows of two legends. One clad in blue, the other in red, Aile and Giro both looked at each other, nodded, and turned to me, seeking guidance.

"To the Bridge." I said shortly, "X should be able to explain how to use his systems, Aile. Giro can help you more with them, but I'm not an expert on using the M.E.G.A. System."

The young former transporter nodded, "Right."

In short order, we arrived at the bridge, the two Guardians standing guard outside noticeably absent. Thankfully, the door appeared to be in good shape, and definitely not forced open. It opened as we approached, giving us a clear sight of Prairie frantically calling out orders on the bridge.

"Dispatch Honore and Hibiki's units to the Area D Highway NOW!" She barked as we approached, "Commander Colbert, how long on the reinforcements from Area Zero!?"

"One Hour, Commander Prairie." The voice on the holographic call reported, "We're dispatching an advanced unit now, but teleporting enough forces in is going to take a while."

"Damn it!" The Mobile Base's Commander Growled, "Send for Lune, Girouette, and Aile-"

"We're here Prairie!" Aile called.

"What's the situation Commander?" I added.

"Bad." Prairie said shortly, "Mavericks are swarming the Area D Highway. Civilians are evacuating towards holdout lines in Innerpeace, but Slither Inc's security forces are responding slowly. Damn the Mayor for declining Hunter Guild Presence, we'd have actual backup worth a damn if he hadn't."

"Understood. Prairie, do you need us to assist?"

"Yes. Go now. We're holding the first line of defense we established, but we'll be overrun shortly. Here." The Guardian Commander barked, handing each of us a belt attachment, "Mobile Transponders. It'll allow HQ to teleport you back in case of an emergency. They're expensive, so don't lose them. Head to the transerver now, and reinforce our defenses!"

"Understood. Aile, Giro, stick close and follow my orders." I barked, already dashing towards the transerver room."



Friend of the Chosen

"Captain, we've got an incoming Rayfly Bomber!" one of his soldiers called, even as Honore cut down yet another Galleon, even as he sent several buster shots flying towards a horde of Galleons assaulting Hibiki's position.

"Understood Private, I'll-"

"Rayfly down!" Another called, "What in the blazes-"

Honore peered into the smoke that surrounded Area D, before his eyes widened, and he chuckled, "Looks like Lune and her ducklings have arrived Guardians! Rally on me! We're going to be ready to push the Mavs back once she, Aile, and Giro clear a path!"

The roar of approval that met his declaration had him and Hibiki smiling, even as they watched the twin red blurs, accompanied by a blue blur mow down maverick after maverick.

Be Safe, you three.

Friend of the Chosen

"Aile, deal with the Galleons to our eleven." I barked, cutting down yet another Galleon with the greatest of ease. As another attempted to direct its fire upon me, my buster pistol tracked it, blowing a hole through its optical sensors, sending it stumbling onto the ground.

"On it!" The new "megaman" cried, letting loose with a partially charged shot towards the trio, the compressed ball of plasma tearing through two, before splashing against the armor of the third almost ineffectively, though the galleon was quite clearly affected by the momentum of the shot, stumbling backward as it's programming attempted to compensate.

Even as the Blue Chosen dispatched the third galleon with her buster, the Red Chosen bisected another Maverick with his Z-Saber, not quite the red blur through the battlefield my father had been, but still more than adept at dispatching these kinds of foes.

[Prairie Here.] My internal radio crackled, [Maverick forces are now being pushed back into Area O. Keep pushing, Lune, Giro, Aile.]

"You heard the boss! Aile, deal with the large snake mechaniloid on our right flank, Giro, deal with the one on our left. I'll deal with the Skyray coming in for a bombing run!"


"On it!"

Noting the affirmative responses from both my fellows, I gathered my strength in my legs, sheathed my saber, and, with a boost from my emergency acceleration system, leaped upwards. The incoming Skyray attempted to evade, however, my hands found purchase, and soon enough, I had hauled onto the top of the bomber. With a shout, I unsheathed my saber, plunging it into the likely location of the core on the Skyray.

As the Skyray began to lose altitude, I lept off, grinning as the wind ruffled my vest and hair, and, with another warcry, I slammed into the ground, immediately coming up and dashing forwards, bisecting yet another galleon, then another. My sword and body moved in unison, mowing down galleon after galleon, the Red and Blue Megaman joining me as they dispatched their foes, Aile looking slightly battered, though quite clearly still raring to go.

[Prairie,] I called on the radio as we neared the Slither Inc. HQ entrance, [Approaching Slither Inc. HQ. Requesting permission to withdraw or engaging in holding action?]

[Lun- Enemy- Get-.......]

Fuck. I thought, my eyes wide, Weil. It's the only explanation for the feeling I'm getting. I- I need to have Aile and Giro retreat. They aren't ready to face a foe of this magnitude...

"Aile! Giro!" I yelled, acting upon those feelings, "Trigger your transponders! NOW!"

"But-" Aile muttered, looking conflicted. A single look at her father had her convinced otherwise, my fellow reploid shaking as he took in the presence we could both sense.

"Aile, we have to leave now." Girouette barked, already reaching for his transponder.

"But what about Ms. Lune?" Aile countered stubbornly, "She-"

"NOW! Don't worry about me! I'll make it back, but I can't be defending you two while I fight this foe!" I all but screamed, the feeling of utter dread intensifying as I felt a presence I had not felt in… three hundred years. The sound of two teleports gave me the grim satisfaction that I had at least ensured the legacy of my father and his best friend would remain safe.

The sound of another trio of teleports had me growling a low, guttural sound, noticing the three reploids corrupted by Weil. It was all too familiar. Except, the spark of intelligence still resides within their eyes, and, with a grim snarl, I raised my blade in challenge.

"A shame. It appears we missed the Red and Blue Megaman. Prometheus, Pandora. Deal with the interloper." The man who could only be Serpent grunted, barely glancing at my blade before teleporting away himself.

I sighed in relief. That man was so far gone, so far subsumed by Weil's power that I doubted I could defeat him as I was now. These other two? I could likely take them, though it would be a long, hard, drawn-out battle.

"Well, Pandora, you heard our "Boss". Let's deal with a wannabe Megaman and call it a day, huh sister?" The male reploid with a scythe of all things stated, smirking.

"Indeed." The female reploid replied, raising her staff. "We shall make short work of you."
In lieu of answering, I released a charged shot from my buster, the male reploid deflecting it with a contemptuous swing of his scythe.

"Weak." He stated simply, only to yell in pain as my saber bit into his shoulder, "How-" He roared, swiping his scythe at me, forcing me to disengage, leaping backwards as I flourished my saber mockingly. The male reploid growled, but made no move to pursue, clutching his ruined shoulder as his repair systems got to work.

"Brother!" The female cried, her eyes burning with hate as she looked at me, sending an arc of electricity my way, one which I dodged with ease, Pandora's aim thrown off by both her hate and hasty reaction. "Begone!" She cried, only to let loose a scream as I flash-stepped in front of her, the consecutive use of my personal EX skill causing me to wince, even as I rent her armor with my saber. Then, I was on the defensive, Prometheus, the Male Reploid, pushing me away from his sister with a cry of fury, his scythe slamming against my saber, blow after blow, my deft parries only just barely able to keep up his furious assault.

Yet, even as he pushed me back, Pandora recovered, growling as she sent steam of electricity outwards, Prometheus leaping upwards at exactly the right time to avoid it.

I grunted in pain as it washed over me, my automatic repair systems already working to restore my body to its "optimal state", before executing another EX Skill, sending a shockwave outward from my saber even as I disengaged once more, wincing in pain. That lightning had fucking hurt, far more than it should have.

"You're not a normal reploid." Pandora commented as she began floating, Prometheus slowly stalking towards me with his blade raised in a guard position, "No normal reploid could have withstood our assault. Who are you?"

I declined to answer. My systems indicated that my body could handle at least one more Shukuchi before I would need to rest, and, with my eyes blazing, I closed the distance instantly between myself and the twin reploids, aiming for the one I had identified as the weaker link in a melee.



My saber ripped out of the reploid, and I coughed, my body screaming as I executed the skill. Apparently, I had overestimated myself. I attempted to disengaged once more as I fended off a furious assault from Prometheus, the male reploid instantly having come to his sister's defense, his every blow hammering away at my defenses till, finally, one broke through, the butt of the scythe giving him an opening to send me flying with a spinning kick. Immediately, the reploid sent a wave of plasma after me, and, to my consternation, my own pressure wave barely dented it, and with a groan, I threw myself to the side, firing a twin-charged shot as I dove.

With contemptuous ease, the reploid deflected both, before closing the distance again, and our exchange continued, one of his arms hanging loosely at his side as he battered my defenses with his beam-scythe, my increasingly desperate parries becoming more and more sloppy as I tired, before, finally, Prometheus overextended, and with the last of my strength, I send him flying back with a kick of my own, a single charged shot following him as he flew.

[une- Lune! We've finally broken through the interference! Situation Report? Nevermind, I have a visual from- Withdraw Lune! We can't afford to lose you!]

I gasped, not even able to reply, before slamming my palm on the transponder's recall button, feeling myself being taken away by the teleport. My eyes strained to stay open as I slammed into the transporter pad, a blurry vision of an irate Aile and Giro greeting me as I finally began to lose consciousness, my exhaustion and battle damage finally catching up to me as I pitched forward, falling face-first upon the floor…
With Pandora and Prometheus Being Albert's Agents I can so see this throwing a Spanner in his "Game of Destiny"