FreiFlug - A Flying Circus story

[X] Low and fast, where threats wont see you coming until you're already past. It'll leave you without energy, but you'll get there.
[X] A direct, high altitude flight, hopefully passing over any dangers and relying on height and energy to keep you safe.
[X] A direct, high altitude flight, hopefully passing over any dangers and relying on height and energy to keep you safe.
[X] A direct, high altitude flight, hopefully passing over any dangers and relying on height and energy to keep you safe.
Climbing to twenty-five hundred metres or so took a lot of the time you hoped to use for getting to the target, but at least it would be safe. Safe and so cold it felt like your fingers were going to freeze to the joy stick. You thanked the stars for the thick flying leathers you'd taken from your fathers ship and hoped the others were wrapped up as thick as you were. The skyships could go higher than this, much higher, but you weren't whipping alone at more than a hundred kilometres an hour in one of those great lumbering beasts.

Plus you could go down to the engine deck and sit by the motors. All the motor on your shamsher would do was spit grease and oil back at you if something went wrong. Maybe that would give you a tiny taste of warmth before you fell out of the sky.

We flew for some time in that tight formation, a shaky flying-V of anxious pilots nervously trying to snatch glances at the ground even though we were so high it was impossible to see any detail. Long sweeps of deep green forest and bright blue water, the grey and white of mountains that looked distant but were much closer than expected.

A cry snatched your attention from the controls of your shaky monoplane and up even further into the sky. There, not that far above you, matching your movements were two objects. At first you feel a bolt of panic that an enemy was about to pounce. Then their hape realises itself in your mind. Not planes, no.


Or something bird shaped, at least. Many things could take the form of the Great Raptors and few of them were friendly to even the most devout. Even so, they were utterly fascinating.

What wondrous creatures;
[ ] Go up to get a closer look. They must have a nest near here!
[ ] Offer them a prayer and carry on flying.
[ ] Descend. They're not hunting you, but it's best not to push your luck.
[X] Go up to get a closer look. They must have a nest near here!

This is the wrong option, but I want to look at the birds.
[X] Offer them a prayer and carry on flying.

I don't know much about raptors, so I vote for making no sudden moves and hoping they're not hungry.