Freedom’s Song 0/7

USA East Coast
Well I have been on a huge sci fi binge lately and thought of this. And was told this was better for roleplaying, so here we are.

Your people are in the service of the Holy Galactic Commonwealth, as slaves. Yet not all is lost. A brand new prototype starship just about to have a test run. Your people see this as a way out and do so, hacking the ship and activating the next generation FTL tech.

Oh you get away, infact after the FTL part you discover a unmarked world in a unmarked quadrant, good that you dodged the masters and your free. Bad news is your crashed on a unknown world just waiting to greet you.

Have fun surviving and trying to build up a place to call home.

1: Be civil to each other, its all in name of fun, so have fun too.

2: It's a council game, 7 positions. Will be a npc 8th member but does not count, because the guy is a robot. Anyway objective there is you guys make the decisions to stay alive as a people.

3: Will be rolling one dice 8 sides. To decide what kind of world your on.

4: Votes and interaction. More activity, means more stuff happens.

On to people generation: Note that skills are 0-10. 0 is useless, 10 is the best. Can work on improving, choices decide on what you start with.

Your People:

Why were they enslaved?

1: Poor And Working Debit off: Pitful and sad. It's true though a collection of communities who could not pay, so forced to work. As slaves.

2: Religious Outcasts: Your people practiced a religion not matching the Imperial standard, so forced to work for no salary.

3: Convicts: Being a motley crew of folks who broke the law, now free.

4: Those That lost: This Side is of humans who were on the last wars losing side. Since lost, forced to be enslaved, despite the three generations of this stuff, their spirits are still strong.

5: Carbons: Artificial life forms, some of the time human in design, in some cases it is not the same design, similar design but different build.

6: Xenos: Honest to God non humans, actual aliens. Overwhelmed by the Imperium, now restoring their sense of worth.

( Tier System there is 1 is hardest. 6 is easiest.) it aside voting if you guys want a mix of the two sides, can do that too.

Skills then what jobs your people had (helps with starting skills.)

Get to have 5 points.Bonus in general. The jobs your people were in affects bonus effects. (4 in total. Each job get a +4 modifier.)

Said jobs:

1: Combat: Fighting and killing things.
2: Doctor: Health and keeping people alive.
3: Survival: Outdoor Skills.
4: Repair: Fix broken things.
5: Build: Make things.
6: Science: Able to do more advanced stuff.
7: Beast Taming: Get local wild life to be friendly.
8: Stealth: Go about un noticed.

Speciality: Get +5 on a skill, list it from below.

Home Security: Being House servants, body guards, and even assassins for ambitious home owners. ( Stealth)

Ranger: Due to being so use to home world, forced to guide imperial scum through rough of the land. ( Survival.)

Medicine Folk: Knew how to keep people alive so did a service that way. ( Doctor)

Gladiators: Fight to the death for blood crazed fans. (Combat)

Savants: Were quite handy in the lab studies and not just as lab rats, able to work machinery and keep it going and kept notes. Seeing the science work. ( Science boost.)

Beast Handlers: For the arena games, they taught critters to be mounts and knew how to provoke them for a fight in ring. ( Abimal Taming.)

Great Builders: Studied designs of crafting and hone management, left them having the ideas of how to make items and homes ( Building.)

Tinkers: Knew Just how to fix things. From smith work to data boards and etc. ( Repair.)

Decided not to throw in farming and such, to make it less boring.

Hopefully can get something started, as I got free time.
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6: Xenos: Honest to God non humans, actual aliens. Overwhelmed by the Imperium, now restoring their sense of worth.
+4: Repair: Fix broken things.
+4: Build: Make things.
+4: Science: Able to do more advanced stuff.
+4: Beast Taming: Get local wild life to be friendly.
Savants: Were quite handy in the lab studies and not just as lab rats, able to work machinery and keep it going and kept notes. Seeing the science work. ( Science boost.)
Well in that set up, have 9 Science and 4 in other things and five points left.

Nice chose with aliens. Not thinking of declaring it as a sole race but a mix of several, though that can be cited in. Diverse or one species.
Edit: If no one changes anything by Tuesday, will do next phase.

The final phase is the ship taking off to the new world.
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Well no one eh? Unlike last game. I will update, even if it means one person


Your people and others who had suffered, due to being Xeno, all took out guards to the ship in silence . That is when the human tailored machine showed up. Menacing red energy veins and eyes, with a actual jaw. Was a rather fearsome specimen as he spoke.

" Get everyone onboard and get ready for a trip!" That's the irony, freedom because of a free willed ai. Wishing to live in a humanless society.

( You are 8 alien species in total.)

The machine launched the ship into orbit and throttles it around orbit twice. Using the gravity pull on a instant to propel it like being catapulted, or firing a gun.

That ship already have speed as nothing could catch up. The ring around ship glows. As machine hits buttons.

Ring fires off a energy array that makes a hole in space time. They go in. Next thing is a series of teleports. Flowing in and out of this hellish space and back into normal. Couple times they were twisted and pulled. Before it stops. Cue a Earth like planet, variety of binomes and a fresh water inner ocean.

They came to a crasg landing on a beach. None disfigured or harmed minis the machine. He was broke in two and spoke on a pained voice.

" Your flight is over. Enjoy now the freedoms of no human rule. Could someone, please fix me? I am willing to help. As my power core can go up
To four hundred years.

And your heirs may need help. Besides if my core gets exposed to some elements, I will shit down. I could be booted again, but no knowledge. " Pleaing with the greed people and has to walk with his gorilla like arms to start with sensors. Booting them online while straps were undone for them.


8 aliens races ( you guys submit and see if theme matched with survival.)

Have a fully intact ship and your on a Earth style world.

Best to check to see what this modest ship has. Besides going out there. And a possible robotic companion if you fix him.
So, Being the only current participant, would you prefer I make one alien race, or 8?
also what do you mean 5 points left?
sorry... i didn't see the post prior to that till now.
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I am hoping more people sign up. Basically if you wish, can have a main alien race in the biological and cultural sense. The others are currently NPC minion races and I am willing to use them.

Though they have the same jobs as the main. Just different in other ways.

So yeah council wise your the first one.


The robot is alright as long he does not leave the ship or somethongbtakes him out. Unless fixed in which he can leave too.

And currently on a boreal forest area with beach prosperity and fjords.

Basically in Viking country if there were Vikings.

Ooc: Yes 5 points left to alter stuff around. Like make something 9, make science 10, or power up another skill branch.
OOC: Suggestion So, Make Science 10, boost build by 4. I'm a science buff, what can I say?

Name: Shirke
Title: Seeker of Knowledge
Race: Furudian. An Alien Virus based life form
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Backstory: He was born in slavery, and worked daily for cruel masters, his race are known for being very valuable in scientific circles, and as such a lot of their flesh, and blood is taken on a regular basis, while this still continues they were also expected to help out with menial work that the scientists didn't want anyone else to know about. This is how he gained a lot of the knowledge he used today, and also how he built up his foundation to figure out how to escape from slavery, and help others to do the same.