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This was an idea that I had intended to just not really do, probably born from a mixture of the idea of a riot god quest, and an evolution quest that's recently been shut down by its QM

If you follow any of my other quests, and are exasperated by seeing me make yet another one, do not worry, I don't intend to drop any of my currently running ones.

So lets just enjoy ourselves :)
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The Beginning


Lover of quests and community
holed up in my room
A force of creation acts, spitting out a ball of light, and then a ball of mud.

But the force of creation is not yet done there.

"This planet is a small planet made mostly of packed dirt crust, with a molten iron core. There is a north pole and a south pole. There is one volcano that occasionally spews lava, and there is one circle of mountains. Nestled in the valley of these mountains is a large lake of bubbling green ooze, which will promote and give birth to various life forms."


The purpose of this quest is to gradually change the world, to see where it goes, and to see how players work together to do so.

The rules are:

Each turn, players will get two votes, not in plan format.

Players may vote to add a sentence, and players may vote to change a word.

What is being changed, at this moment, is the description of the world within quotes on this first post. However, the target of change may itself change. Maybe I will create a second world. Maybe I will create a god. Maybe the players will create a civilization.

In anycase, you make the change...and I describe how things behave in reaction to said change.

For example: if you vote to change what the volcano spews into something like...yogurt? There will be an effect on the environment. If not, where's the fun? :3

Here are your formats:

[ ] Change word:

[ ] Add sentence:
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Record keeping
Starting Point: "This planet is a small planet made mostly of packed dirt crust, with a molten iron core. There is a north pole and a south pole. There is one volcano that occasionally spews lava, and there is one circle of mountains. Nestled in the valley of these mountains is a large lake of bubbling green ooze, which will promote and give birth to various life forms."

" This planet is a gigantic planet made mostly of a molten iron core, and a packed dirt crust that's riddled with mana crystals of various sizes and alignments. There is a North pole, and a South pole. There is a singular colossal lake on the surface, surrounded by a ring of mountains. This lake is filled with bubbling green ooze, will will promote and give birth to various life forms. The lake floor is particularly rich in mana crystals. The ooze within the lake concentrates around these crystals, covering them with a thick coat of slime. The ooze seems to absorb power from these crystals.

There are also naturally occurring tubes under the lake, which directs lava from a very large volcano in the region, not only heating the lake of ooze, but also numerous fresh water hot springs. These underground tunnels have created cracks in the past, and since filled them with lava, creating an underground web of these tunnels and deposits. Quakes now rumble through the crust whenever the volcano erupts, sometimes creating bigger cracks to fill."
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... ok, feel free to begin, and/or ask questions
[X] Change word: "This planet is a gigantic planet made mostly of packed dirt crust, with a molten iron core.

[X] Add sentence: Nestled in the valley of these mountains is a large lake of bubbling green ooze, which will promote and give birth to various life forms. The lake of green ooze generates clouds which are scattered by the wind, the rain of which will create smaller puddles of ooze through the planet
[X] Change Word: Nestled in the valley of these mountains is a large lake of bubbling green ooze, which will promote and give birth to various Magical forms.

[X] Change Word: There is a north pole and a Conceptual pole.
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[X] Change Word: Nestled in the valley of these mountains is a large lake of bubbling green ooze, which will promote and give birth to various Magical forms.

[X] Change Word: Nestled in the valley of these mountains is a large lake of bubbling green ooze, which will promote and give birth to various Magical forms.

Edit: changed my vote.
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[X] Change word: There is two volcano that occasionally spews lava.

[X] Add sentence: and there is one circle of mountains, whose peaks seems to be covered in a thick layer of snow.

Is this valid or have I misunderstood the rules?.
This depends...are you adding a second circle of mountains?
"This planet is a small planet made mostly of packed dirt crust, with a molten iron core. There is a north pole and a south pole. There is one volcano that occasionally spews lava, and there is one circle of mountains. Nestled in the valley of these mountains is a large lake of bubbling green ooze, which will promote and give birth to various life forms."
[X] Change word: "This planet is a gigantic planet made mostly of packed dirt crust, with a molten iron core.

[X] The volcano huge but low & wide and stretches out to form it's own continent giving the illusion of a multitude of volcanos.
[X] Change word: "This planet is a gigantic planet made mostly of packed dirt crust, with a molten iron core.

[X] Add sentence: Nestled in the valley of these mountains is a large lake of bubbling green ooze, which will promote and give birth to various life forms. The lake floor is rich in mana crystals of various sizes and alignments, all of which occur naturally and can be found anywhere in this world.
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Scheduled vote count started by Crawkid on Jan 20, 2024 at 6:50 AM, finished with 14 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Change word: "This planet is a gigantic planet made mostly of packed dirt crust, with a molten iron core.
    [X] Change Word: Nestled in the valley of these mountains is a large lake of bubbling green ooze, which will promote and give birth to various Magical forms.
    [X] Add sentence: Nestled in the valley of these mountains is a large lake of bubbling green ooze, which will promote and give birth to various life forms. The lake of green ooze generates clouds which are scattered by the wind, the rain of which will create smaller puddles of ooze through the planet
    [X] Change Word: There is a north pole and a Conceptual pole.
    [X] The volcano huge but low & wide and stretches out to form it's own continent giving the illusion of a multitude of volcanos.
    [X] Add sentence: Nestled in the valley of these mountains is a large lake of bubbling green ooze, which will promote and give birth to various life forms. The lake floor is rich in mana crystals of various sizes and alignments, all of which occur naturally and can be found anywhere in this world.
Dice throw

1 = cloud ooze
2 = mana crystals
3 = volcano illusions
Crawkid threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: new sentence! Total: 2
2 2
Turn 2, Bigger Planet
Change: This planet is a gigantic planet made mostly of packed dirt crust, with a molten iron core
Add: The lake floor is rich in mana crystals of various sizes and alignments, all of which occur naturally and can be found anywhere in this world.

The Planet spawns naturally occurring mana crystals all over its surface, and even spread throughout the crust. Their highest concentration of these mana crystals end up poking up into the bottom of the lake. The planet then increases in size significantly, stretching the distance of all things. The volcano is thus now further from the lake. The water inside cools. Some ooze concentrates and clings to the surface of the new mana crystals, and activity slows.

"This planet is a gigantic planet made mostly of packed dirt crust, with a molten iron core. There is a north pole and a south pole. There is one volcano that occasionally spews lava, and there is one circle of mountains. Nestled in the valley of these mountains is a large lake of bubbling green ooze, which will promote and give birth to various life forms. The lake floor is rich in mana crystals of various sizes and alignments, all of which occur naturally and can be found anywhere in this world. The ooze within the lake concentrates around these mana crystals, covering them in a thick green slime. The ooze seems to absorb power from these crystals."


Alrighty! Do we understand how this will work now? :3

[ ] Change word:

[ ] Add sentence:
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[X] Add sentence: There is one volcano that occasionally spews lava, and there is one circle of mountains. The lava flows into tubes that carry it deeper into the mountains and valley, heating the lake and numerous fresh water springs in the encircling mountains.
[X] Change word: Nestled in the valley of these mountains is a colossal lake of bubbling green ooze, which will promote and give birth to various life forms.
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Seems like a interesting quest
Let's see if I understand the rules correctly by proposing one thing.
[X] Change word: The ooze seems to absorb Memories from these crystals.

And just joining the other idea, because why not.

[X] Add sentence: There is one volcano that occasionally spews lava, and there is one circle of mountains. The lava flows into tubes that carry it deeper into the mountains and valley, heating the lake and numerous fresh water springs in the encircling mountains.
Voting is open