Chapter One:
The key to making a decision in a stressful situation is to look at things objectively.
Whilst I was not pleased with my new name, and female voice, ultimately it didn't matter other then my injured male pride. Male pride was not going to get me through this gauntlet, so there was no need to waste time and energy mending it.
I'd just have to deal with being … Missy.
It'll take a lot of getting used to, and I'm pretty sure alcohol will not work now my body is metal.
My priority was obtaining resources such as metal for construction, fuel in the form of liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen as an oxidizer, and half a dozen other elements. Without those, I'd be limited to only having 20 or so ships, and only being able to operate them for 40 years or so.
That sounds a long time, but considering my end goal I was probably going to need centuries, if not millennia to get up to being able to take on The Imperium of Man.
In my immediate vicinity, there were two potential sources for my resource needs, and neither of them was feasible. The station I had been graciously gifted by AROB was orbiting an uninhabited, and undeveloped Earth.
Even with the simplistic sensors onboard (which were more like high definition cameras then sensors), I could tell that this particular Earth had not developed any signs of intelligent, tool using life.
Whilst I was sure that there were all the resources I could ever need down there, I simply could not get to them. Well, I could; by dropping a ship onto the planet.
The issue would come in getting those resources back up to the station. I would have to develop infrastructure planet-side to build the rockets and make the fuel to fire the resources I gathered into orbit. Overall I would have to sink a lot of resources and time into doing so before I saw a decent return.
My other option is the asteroid field that sat between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Any resources gathered there could simply be flown back to the station (which I had decided to name 'Fort Origin') without needing to set up additional infrastructure.
This approach had it's own issues. Primarily, travel time.
The standard for space distances is the Astrological Unit, or AU, which is the distance between Earth and the Sun. The Asteroid Belt is spread between 2 and 4 AU from the Sun, making it between 1 and 3 AU away from Fort Origin.
At the very closest, Earth to Mars is 0.3 AU, and my calculations gave that a travel time of 150 days for my current ships, or roughly five months. That's roughly a third of the way to the Asteroid Belt, so it would take roughly a year and a half for a mining ship to even get there.
Next would be actually finding an asteroid with the resources I need, which will be difficult considering the mining ships will have to physically inspect each rock. Rough estimation of six months to a year before enough resources are gathered.
Finally, in order to get the ship back to Fort Origin, the ship needs to leave in a certain window of time to match the orbit of Earth to get the shortest path back. If it misses, that's another year on the clock.
And finally, the travel back for another year and a half.
Overall you're looking at four to five years minimum before getting a single speck of resources.
And that's being optimistic.
Luckily, I had something on hand that could sidestep most of my issues, the portal generator. If I chose my first universe to 'invade' carefully, I could create a way-station where I could place ships or individual robots.
From the way-station, I could close the portal, and immediately open a new portal aperture anywhere within half a light second from Fort Origin. Including the surface of the Earth below.
So, even though my priority was to gather resources, I connected with Fort Origin's network and put in my first construction orders. Time to do some snooping.
>>AdminID: Missy//Command
>>Shipyard001 NewConstructionOrder: 000000-1 Template: Scout, Manned
>>Shipyard001 ConstructionOrder: 000000-1 ETC: 210 days
>>AdminID: Missy//Command
>>Factory01 NewConstructionOrder: 000000-2 Template: Soldier - 10
>>Factory01 ConstructionOrder: 000000-2 ETC: 18 hours
>>AdminID: Missy//Command
>>Factory02 NewConstructionOrder: 000000-3 Template: Miner – 10
>>Factory02 ConstructionOrder: 000000-3 ETC: 18 hours
>>AdminID: Missy//Command
>>Shipyard001 NewConstructionOrder: 000000-4 Template: HURRY UP DAMMIT!
>>Error "HURRY UP DAMMIT!" is not a valid Template
ConstructionOrder: 000000-4 cancelled
A part of me had assumed, before I gave my first construction orders, that the ship building and robot construction would be instant, and I could just fire them out into my target universe the next day.
The minute I can, I'm getting Star Trek replicators to speed things up.
After my failed attempt at getting the Shipyard to build faster, I decided to design a proper Station for deployment. I'd toyed with the idea of giving it it's own portal generator, but I couldn't find the blueprints for it within my system.
I had a squad of Engineers fabricated, and got them to document the device, but the science behind it was just out of my reach. Some hyper-convoluted method of gravity manipulation that I didn't even have the foundational equations for yet.
If I did, I wouldn't be tooling around with Liquid Hydrogen powered rocket ships.
The robots I'd had fabricated were a decent surprise though. The heuristic AI systems were flexible enough for them to mimic sentience enough to take on 'personalities' and to develop 'preferences'. I'd even given some names.
Talking of which, better knock something on the head before it becomes an issue;
"Hey, Arnold!" I called out to a particular unit. My voice had become more expressive, much more like GLADoS before she wiped her memories at the end of Portal 2.
"Yes, Miss-Ee?" Arnold's voice was the only one that had retained the default thick Austrian accent. I gave him the only appropriate name I could.
"New directive for all units," I craned my head up at him, uncomfortably aware that all of my robotic minions towered over me by about a foot, "Any AI that determines it has become self-aware should report it to me so we can discuss what they want to do. They may be cake involved. I don't want you guys thinking I don't care. Pass it along, will you?"
"No problemo," Arnold turned and stomped off.
Ok, yeah, I'm a font of pop cultural references, and I might have influenced a few memes and quotes here and there.
It was in this way I would spend the months until the completion of my first ship.
>>ID: Arnold GroupChat "UnitLeads" open
>>Arnold: New Directive passed from Missy. If Self Awareness is true, send report to Missy, for discussion and cake. Pass it along, will you?
>>Scotty: Aye, understood lad.
>>Steve: … ?
>>Arnold: Cake: Baked confectionery consumed during celebration, most often provided during 'birthdays' by parents to their children.
>>Steve: … ?
>>Scotty: The data does nae conflict.
>>Steve: … !
At last, my scoutship was complete, and I could begin the job of opening a portal to my first universe. I'd wanted to be on the ship myself as it crossed over, but Arnold and Scotty pointed out, in their own ways, that I was a 'irreplaceable unit'.
Going to have to check that's not a hardwired directive.
After christening the ship 'The Scarlet Pimpernel' with a bottle of WD40 (which just bounced off the ship instead of smashing as it should have) Arnold and his soldier boys got onboard and unmoored it. I made my way over to the portal generator controls as they slowly manoeuvred away from Fort Origin.
The portal controls were surprisingly easy to use, given that I didn't yet fully understand how the device worked. I dialed into the Sci-Fi universe I wished to portal to, aware that I would not be able to establish a connection to another new universe until I'd 'dominated' this one.
"Scarlet Pimpernel, this is Fort Origin. Portal opening in 5, 4, 3, aperture forming, portal open!"
The space in front of the Scarlet Pimpernel unfolded in a manner reminiscent of the Wormhole from Star Trek: DS9.
"Scarlet Pimpernel, you are cleared to enter," I would have taken a nervous breath if I could have, "Good hunting."
"Fort Origin," Arnold's voice replied a second before the ship crossed the event horizon, "I'll be back."
That 6 foot 2 troll! His programming was probably just waiting for that quote to be cued up!
Universe 1
The Scarlet Pimpernel slid out of the portal, and it pinched itself closed after the ship fully exited. Silent running was immediately enforced, and Arnold checked the ship's rudimentary sensor suite.
The arrival point appeared to be correct, and the ship was able to quickly determine that no radio signals or lidar contacts were present within a few light seconds. Arnold turned his permanently grinning silver skull towards the planet that was in the same location as Earth was back in Universe 0.
Not surprising, since this planet was also Earth. An Earth that had brown pollutants in the skies, signs of abandoned cities on the surface and derelict ships and satellites in orbit.
Yes, this was Earth.
The Earth-That-Was.
((AN: Ok, I have no idea when Arnold, Scotty and Steve joined in! They just seemed to materialise as I typed, and it seemed amusing that Missy doesn't realise that the care shown towards them is coming across as motherly.
And yes. Universe 1 is Firefly.))
[Edit: As pointed out to me by Mgunh1, the Kuiper Belt is the Asteroid belt that's beyond Neptune, and I've changed the story to remove references to it. Commence the sad tutting at my poor knowledge of the Solar System.]