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The Batman and Robin film was a disaster and no one wants to touch this franchise. And now a new DC producer is stuck with orders to make it work as his first film.
Sink or swim is the name of the game now.
Origins (2000)
March 2000

The year is 2000.

Batman and Robin was a pile of shit and nightmares. But it has been three years and it seems that DC is ready to get back on the Live-Action again. And they want you a rookie producer to head their next big project. Are they fucking insane?! What the hell?! Okay calm down...atleast you get to decide what hero the movie will be about.
Anyways what's your name?

[] Write-in the name of the main character.

And you're a...
[] Man

[]Woman yeah shocking i know...

You specialized in your favorite genre, which is…

[ ] Action

[ ] Drama

[ ] Romance

[ ] Comedy

[ ] Horror

Besides being an expert in your favorite genre, you were known to due to your great skills that landed you this job.

What are your skills? (Pick three)

[] Script Quality: The writing room loves you for your input, and some have said that you should've become a writer instead of a producer.

[] Casting Quality: Attracting big actors to your movie is... easy for you. You're just naturally good at making the pitch of character roles sounds dang good, if you'd say so yourself.

[] Golden Tongue: You've always known the right thing to say, both in and out of the business. You've managed to get in and out of negotiations without too many hard feelings.

[] Choreography: Running, jumping, dancing, fighting. You know how to arrange actors' movements and the camera for a scene and no one can deny your talent with it.

[] Editing: A both creative and technical part of the filmmaking production. You're excellent at manipulating that raw footage into complete sequences.

[] VFX: Special effects are your jam. The limitation of live footage can't hold your creativeness back from presenting itself, with the digital process, of course.

[] Hyping: You have a flair for connecting to the fans and the regular viewers. You can make them feel the excitement and energy behind a project.

[] Acting: You've actually found yourself becoming quite a decent actor. Maybe you could stand in for any minor roles.

[] Actor Performance (pick one of the sub vote, each sub vote count as one skill)

-[] Protagonist. The protagonist must ooze presence and impress the audience, a role very vital in a narrative. You are skilled in extracting that presence out of the heroes of the story.

-[] Antagonist: Opposing the hero is the antagonist's job and they are as important as any protagonist. You demand those actors to perform well. And they better be or else..!

-[] Side Cast: Some people say that side cast isn't as important, well, they are wrong. They're essential as any other role and you won't let the actors underperform. "I'm looking at you, FBI Agent #49!"

But also your backtory...

[] Write in:

Ok now the most important question is, who exactly do you wish the first movie to be about:

[] Superman: The man of Steel and DC's prefers a movie about him.

[] Wonder Woman: Okay this might raise some eyebrows from the board but who cares. (-10 in funding roll)

[] Batman: The Dark Knight. Yeah DC wants to give it a few more years and it will be hard to convince them but then again you can try. (HIGH NEGATION ROLL)

[] The Flash: The Fastest Man who could have a fun movie.

[] Green Lantern: The SPACE COPS of the universe.

[] Shazam: Or Captain Marvel if we want to get sued.

[] Write in:

AN: First of origins is a backstory of the producer. Depending on the what you write the Producer can have connections in high places or was a famous actor. Hope you enjoy this quest. If anyone is intrested in being a CoGm dm me.
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