[x] [IDYLIA] Write in: Form a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, staffed mostly by locals with some archivists, advisors and moderators from our side assigned in a supporting, but non-voting role. Let the Commission decide how to treat informants, as well as the punishment of any other prisoners we took and hand over all information and records to them. Exact choice of locals, ensuring they have broad support and represent most of the population and so on is left up to Mclean and Hunter.
-[X] However, put forces on alert and prepare for intervention (diplomatic and otherwise) if the mood of the populace trends towards mass death or replicating the camps or anything else along those lines for those informant-collaborators.
[X] [IDYLIA] Only release information directly to planet-wide bodies with the authority to process and disseminate them. Offer aid in setting up said bodies to local governments. This may constitute a permanent planetary government, or a temporary commission authorised by the local governments to deal with issues of truth, reconciliation, and justice, or similar.