[X] Plan: Directions, Miss and Otherwise
- [X] Accept the offer of talks and wait for the response from the Sheolites and Chinook before beginning negotiations.
-[X] Ask about important local trading data, such as what is one system beyond our immediate neighbors (or just beyond Thoa), and of course the basic data about everything in the Osliam chain, mixing it all together in a generalized demand about knowledge of the 2-3 neighboring systems on each side, or whatnot.
-[X] An open and free line of communication of some form directly to the Compacts and its government.
-[X] Put in some spurious requests for licensesand so on and suchforth in a way that might delude them as to what we do and do not know... making sure not to have it be anything too easily guessed out. Obviously we have plenty of Ares products, maybe. But there's definite ways we could make it look like we're weaker than we really are, industrially.
-[X] A prisoner exchange is required, one that gets us all of our stolen people back.
-[X] A ceasefire of 2-4 years might be arranged, but only and specifically between HI, Ares, and individual participants, the latter of whom (IE: Shei and Chinook) who may choose to opt out of one or more of the ceasefires if they so desire. Any such ceasefire, however, includes the right to refuse passage to warships, maybe with some nonsense clauses that allow us to bribe them or them to (try) to bribe us. Anything else is up to those Charters making their own deals or so on.
--[X] Explain to Shei ahead of time that they can refuse any ceasefire with Ares, and since Ares has to go through Radiant... also explain the Osliam chain plan, that most of the planets down the chain are unlikely to be HI or Ares, and so can be liberated, or at worst temporarily bypassed.
-[X] Reciprocal non-news media exchange: we can set things out as 'Radiant products', they can beam things into the feed and etc to try to sell them to us.
--[X] They probably think they can win any such exchange because they believe we don't understand how to make 'movie magic.' If they demand a cut of the profits, make a show of being very reluctant, but agree. Since, y'know, it's all gonna be free.
-[X] Explain to SCMC and Chinook that any ceasefire wouldn't touch on, well, the Osliam chain, and explain just what it is you want and why. Before the conference even begins.
--[X] Ask what their demands and requests are, and try to work around or with them ahead of time.
[X] Plan: Stall for time
- [X] Accept the offer of talks and wait for the response from the Sheolites and Chinook before beginning negotiations.
--[X] Ask for a ceasefire between Hermes-Ishtar, Ares and the liberated polities. (Thus allowing us to attack systems owned by other Charters)
---[X] Ceasefire will be in effect for the duration of the negotiations.
---[X] Ask Compact to observe the ceasefire and act as a mediator for the negotiations. (To buy time)
--[X] Request prisoner exchange for the purpose of returning our stolen people.
--[X] Stall for time and make make various requests to confuse Charters.
---[X] Request that frozen Radiant accounts are unfrozen.
---[X] Request that we are given access to various licenses, regardless of our actual access to them. Play up lack of high end consumer goods.
---[X] Request the right to freely distribute media across the Compact space using existing datanetworks and communications infrastructure.
---[X] Request that Charter abuses are investigated by local teams, and that the results are made publicly available.
--[X] If/when we can no longer delay, demand Ares and Hermes-Ishtar to recognize our full independence from them. (But not from the Compact)
--[X] If/when we can no longer delay, announce our desire to open separate talks with Compact about our status and relationship with the Compact.
--[X] Make it clear to our negotiators and allies that we expect the ceasefire to be only temporary.
[X] Plan Actual Ceasefire
-[X] Accept the Offer of Talks and Wait for the response from Sheol and Chinook before beginning
-[X] Prioritize the Following:
--[X] Cease-fire between ARC and Hermes-Ishtar/Ares, for at least 2 years, continuing as negotiations continue, and with the option to be extended.
--[X] Demilitarization of Thoa, Xotreh, and Bestreer
--[X] Exchange Prisoners, our people for the remaining charter personnel who haven't committed warcrimes and want to go. Request safe conduct: this means nothing but maybe the Charters will feel clever when they ignore it.
---[X] Public trial of the latter category for said warcrimes under the Compact.
--[X] Request access/observers from the Solarian Compact, as well as a line of communication with both the Compact and HI/Ares
--[X] As a loss-leader, request recognition of sovereignty. This will almost certainly not be granted, but will establish our goals, and if they do go for it with the intent to ignore, great.
--[X] As a loss-leader, request license for the HI/Ares patterns we already have. Willing to pay *some* for this, but nothing vital (no more than 10% of our state income, or a one-time fee in the order of 40 BR/20 SR).
---[X] If necessary, agree not to take military patterns with apparently great reluctance.
--[X] As a lower priority, some kind of agreement in which we can broadcast our programs in their media.
--[X] As a lower priority, free movement of our citizens and the right to sell our goods to them, in exchange for the ability to establish market stations in Gaid and/or Thoa - through which all Charter commerce will be done.