For the Motherland!: Kaiserreich Russia Quest

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As 1936 dawns, the potential of another world war begins to loom large once again. Both the...
As 1936 dawns, the potential of another world war begins to loom large once again. Both the victorious Central Powers and the devastated nations of the Entente thought the Weltkrieg would truly live up to its grim eponym: The War to End All Wars. However, the fires of revanchism burn brighter than ever, both in the Syndicalist International that ties the revolutionary socialist governments of France, Britain, and southern Italy together and in the nations of the former Entente, who hunger for both a return to Europe and a humbling of Mittleleuropa. Even beyond these grand alliances, chaos looms. Republicanism is discussed in hushed whispers in southern China, the United States sits on the brink of another civil war, and the Carlists threaten the stability of the Spanish throne. It is in this world that you make your entrance, but before any of your more personal details can be discussed, what is perhaps your most pertinent trait in this age of nationalism: To which country do you pledge your loyalty?

[ ] United States of America
The premier power of the Western hemisphere, America has been stuck in a massive recession since the end of the Weltkrieg. While the nation's official neutrality spared it from having to pay war reparations, the extensive interest-free loans given to the nations of the Entente meant that the United States' economy crashed when they defaulted after the war. This depression, combined with lackluster efforts by the Republican and Democratic parties has caused immense political polarization. Franklin Delano Roosevelt looked likely to defeat President Hoover and reunify the country, but his shocking murder in 1935 left centrists reeling, with no charismatic leader to unite moderates. Instead, the election looks likely to go to either the socialist Jack Reed and the Combined Syndicates of America, or Huey Long's corporatist, authoritarian American Union Party. While America is currently in the throes of unrest, with the parties effectively running their power bases as separate states, but America is still the land of the free and the home of the brave, and you will defend it against any enemy, whether it is an external power or a more insidious threat...

[ ] Dominion of Canada/British Empire
A deeply divided nation, Canada has been home to the Royal Family and a large number of other assorted nobles and magnates ever since the 1925 Revolution that established the syndicalist Union of Britain. As a result, Canada has become a hub of both the military and international diplomacy; King Edward VIII rules from Ottawa, and trade continually flows from Pacific to Atlantic. This prosperity, however, has come at the cost of significant internal dissent. Many of the Britons still treat Canada as an extension of the Empire, a staging ground to retake Britain and nothing more. In return, may Canadians bristle under increased monarchial interference, and a sizable movement balks at the immense casualties an invasion of Europe would necessarily entail. While this divide is less pronounced than the tensions in America or Russia, it still runs throughout the country, even up to the highest levels of power; prime minister Mackenzie King and King Edward loath each other, each viewing their counterpart as a misguided fool who will lead the nation to disaster. Nonetheless, you are proud to fight, for King and Country, though you may find one of the two to be more important than the other.

[ ] Russian Federation
After the end of the Civil War, Russia was left a land in ruins. President Alexander Kerensky has kept Russia stable, but he has been unable to do anything more than that; tensions still broil under the surface. However, this stalemate has recently been broken in a most shocking way: Angered by the harsh austerity measures that wreak havoc on Russia's poor, a gunman shot and killed the President before surrendering himself to the police. The Senate has declared a state of emergency, and both the Bolshevik remnants and Baron Wrangel's militaristic reactionaries are gathering military forces. Russia has been devastated and defeated, but it will not remain so. The motherland will be restored in full, and, with your help, it will be made even greater than ever before!

[ ] German Empire
Ever since the Peace with Honor, Germany has taken its rightful place in the sun. Indeed, the last twenty years have been some of the most prosperous in the history of the German people; massive economic success in Mittleleuropa and extensive colonial holdings ensure that the sun never sets in the German empire. However, troubles still rankle at the premiere power of the German Century. The Communards in France seek to regain the Elsaß region, and economists warn that the bubble that has sustained Germany's economy for two decades cannot last indefinitely without popping. Still, you are a proud citizen of the Kaiserreich, and you will fight for Gott und Vaterland, no matter the difficulty.

[ ] Write-in
Feel free to suggest any other country; if you have any questions on how a nation's doing in the Kaiserreich timeline, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to answer.
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Character Sheet
Name: Baron Ilarion Kazakov
Gender: Male
Occupation: Industrialist
Charisma: 5/10. Though you are no hermit, you prefer to leave the flowery rhetoric to others.
Organization: 8/10. You have a brilliant mind for economics, and your profit margins continue to climb, regardless of the constant tax increases.
Command: 7/10. You had a traditionally aristocratic education in the art of war, and your close ties to the military have granted you more practical experience as well.
Experience: 6/10. Some scoff at your credentials, but you have years of successful business behind you.​
Innovative Industrialist: Though your family lost its land after the Revolution, you were able to quickly transition into the private sector. You've built up some lucrative military contacts, and you are on the cutting edge of the new developments in mechanized warfare. (+ 1 Command, due to experience working with military.)
Minor Nobility: The House of Kazakov might not have held any land since the Tsar was deposed, but you are still a baron, damn it! (+1 popularity with Nobility)
Liberal Pragmatist: You may be a monarchist, but that doesn't make you a reactionary. You're far more willing than most to compromise with progressive thinkers, even if it means many nobles treat you as a traitor to your name. (+1 Popularity with Liberals and Syndicalists, -1 popularity with Conservatives and Monarchists. More opportunities for reform and modernization)​
Political Views (People may hold more than one view):
Liberals: 6/10; approx. 45% of pop. The Social Revolutionaries and Mensheviks see you as a friendly rival; while you are significantly to the right of the current government, you are respected as a man doing what he thinks best for Russia.
Conservatives: 6/10; approx. 55% of pop. While you are a proper Russian gentleman, well liked by the average Kadet or Tsarist, many of the more reactionary politicians view you as compromising the very values you claim to uphold.
Syndicalists: 5/10; approx. 25% of population. The syndicalists still view you as a member of an outdated caste of elitists, but you have made enough arguments against absolutism that they think of you as a well-intentioned fool rather than an enemy of the people.
Monarchists: 7/10; approx. 10% of pop. You are well liked among monarchist circles, though some grumble at your moderation.
Wrangelites: 1/10; approx. 10% of pop. The Wrangelite radicals despise you, but then, they despise just about everyone who doesn't support the Black Baron.​
Poor: 5/10
Military: 5/10
Middle Class: 5/10
Rich: 5/10
Nobility: 6/10​
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State of the Nation

State of Russia:
Domestic: Russia is effectively in anarchy; while the senate has officially assumed control until an election can be held, Baron Wrangel is gathering the military under his command, and the Bolsheviks are once more taking to the streets.
The Duma is controlled by a coalition of the Left Social Revolutionaries and the Mensheviks, while Grand Duke and Imperial claimant Dimitri Romanov is president of the Senate. Dimitri is a supporter of a constitutional monarchy, in contrast to the other Romanov claimant, Kirill, who supports an absolutist Empire.
Political: Russia is a parliamentary system, with the following parties each holding significant power in either the Duma, Senate, or both.

Tsarists: While the monarchist party holds very few seats in the popularly elected Duma, it has an overwhelming plurality in the majority-unelected Senate. They stand for a return to monarchism, though there is significant internal dissent over what form that monarchy will take. Dmitri Romanov, Speaker of the Senate, is a proponent of a constitutional monarchy styled after the German Empire, while his cousin, Kirill, advocates a return to the absolutist tzars of old. The party is held together primarily by its revanchism and the uncontested claim of the Romanovs.

Kadets: The Constitutional Democrats hold comfortable minorities in both Duma and Senate. They are the most conservative party to have a significant position in the Duma, advocating for the retention of the nobility, though they are in favor of an elected head of state. Otherwise, they desire close relations with Germany, a laissez faire economic policy, and a desire for peaceful reintegration of lost Russian territories.

Right Social Revolutionaries: Originally forming one party with their Left SR counterparts, the Right SRs have been in power since the end of the Civil War. They represent a balanced, moderate approach to democracy, very similar to the American Republican Party under Hoover. However, they have been hemorrhaging support for the last two decades due to their total obedience to the treaty of Brest-Litovsk. While blatant gerrymandering kept Kerensky in office, the RSRs are still starting to collapse, and they have gone from a supermajority in the Duma to a tight plurality over the last decade, losing seats every election.

Left Social Revolutionaries: The Left Social Revolutionaries split because of a refusal to submit to Germany, and they have not been cowed since then. After the split, they were left with, as their name implies, most of the left-leaning Whites. While they still do not endorse Syndicalism, they support a social democratic system as well as an end to all special privileges of the nobility. The Left SRs, like their frequent Menshevik allies, advocate for primary pursuit of a diplomatic reunion with the former Russian territories, but military intervention as needed.

Mensheviks: In contrast to the Bolsheviks, the Menshevik Party officially advocates for Syndicalism to be installed peacefully and democratically. In practice, however, party opinion is split; the official banning of the Bolsheviks meant many just officially joined the Mensheviks instead. The party has a few wings, with Mikhail Frunze supporting a Soviet Russia similar to the Commune of France or Union of Britain, and the similarly named Mikhail Tukhachevsky endorsing the theory of permanent and international revolution espoused by Lev Trotsky. Still, the Mensheviks are united in their support of the moderate Bolshevik Nikolai Bukharin and his New Economic Policy, a plan that calls for socialization of essential industries while allowing privately owned small businesses.

Pan-Slavic Party: The PSP is effectively the personality cult of "Black Baron" Pyotr Wrangel, a hero of the civil war. The Pan-Slavics call for a complete transformation of Russian society known as the Fourth Position, beyond democracy, monarchism, or syndicalism. In practice, they endorse a highly militarized corporatist economy, the abolition of the nobility, and a legal and social system that ignores gender and race. Despite, or perhaps because, of the PSP's similarities to a Syndicalist platform, the PSP fervently hates the Mensheviks, with open street fighting a constant concern between the two parties. In contrast, Kirill Romanov and Wrangel are personal friends, and the Grand Duke is one of the few major politicians to officially avoid denouncing Wrangel, as of yet.
Economy: Russia's economy is struggling, but it is beginning to recover. The reparations for the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk are to be paid off over the next twenty years, and taxes have begun to be lowered again.
Foreign Affairs: Russia is mostly alone in the world, though it maintains ties to some former allies, such as Serbia or Hungary. Relations with Japan, Mongolia, and Mittleleuropa are extremely frosty, as Russia seeks to regain the territory lost to these powers.
Military: Russia still mostly relies on a massive army of infantry conscripts, armed with outdated weapons. Most of the professional troops are more loyal to their generals that to the Russian state.
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[] Japanese Empire

Filthy Gaijin go home.

EDIT: Changed for the motherland.
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[X] Austria

I am want to make Austria into a great power again.

EDIT: I changed to Russia.
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I want to ask about Austria-Hungary or rather Austria. as well as the Ottoman Empire.
Austria-Hungary is still intact in name, but in practice, the "local governors" rule in Croatia, Bohemia, Hungary, Bosnia, and Galicia. Only Austria and Montenegro are directly ruled by Kaiser Otto. He's trying to centralize the Empire again though, and the main debate is whether to reform the absolute monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, or to form a more democratic, constitutional monarchy similar to the United Kingdom in real life. In contrast, the Ottomans are in decline; the Young Turks were excluded from government, and the Sick Man of Europe just continued to totter along for the next twenty years; currently, nationalist tendencies are on the rise, and the Hashemites seek to unify the Arabian Peninsula with Egyptian aid. Still, there are reformists who want to make sure the principles of an Ottoman identity do not disappear, even if they're mostly out of power at the moment.
[X] Write-in: French Republic

National France best France. Death to the Syndies!
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[X] Russian Federation

Poor bastards deserve somebody pulling for them. Goodness knows real history took (many, many) steaming dumps all over them during this time frame.
Poor bastards deserve somebody pulling for them. Goodness knows real history took (many, many) steaming dumps all over them during this time frame.

At this point, they don't even have Ukraine with that delicious Black Sea ports and black earth. And low industrialization. And brewing civil war. And low literacy.
I think at this point even China would be easier. At least chinese have more people to throw at any given problem (in this case Japan).
At this point, they don't even have Ukraine with that delicious Black Sea ports and black earth. And low industrialization. And brewing civil war. And low literacy.
I think at this point even China would be easier. At least chinese have more people to throw at any given problem (in this case Japan).
I mean, looking at how well China's numerical advantage worked out in the real Sino-Japanese wars...*gulp* And hey, human wave attacks are Russia's thing too!

'Sides, who cares about easy? Hard mode, all the way!
I mean, looking at how well China's numerical advantage worked out in the real Sino-Japanese wars...*gulp* And hey, human wave attacks are Russia's thing too!

'Sides, who cares about easy? Hard mode, all the way!

IRL USSR was already through with civil war stuff long before 1936 and had pretty decent infrasctructure, industry and amazing, considering circumstances, literacy.
This Russian Federation seems to be like IRL China of period, but with less population and dispersed over more territories. Less defensible territories to boot, seeing how screwed were Japanese by Chinese mountains deeper inside the country.

Then again, I never played Kaiserreich and HoI at all and mostly going by Vic2, so maybe RF managed to industrialize okay here.
And low industrialization.
Industrialization may actually be okay-ish (that is, better than historical). First, Russia is probably the less affected by AU premise because it basically lost WWI in our history too. Second, before civil war Russia had a decent industry (that is, not on USA/England/Reich level, but still okay). If civil war in this AU was not that brutal or not that long, setback would be smaller. Third, presidential republic means that there are virtually no problems with foreign investments. Russia of the age was like China of 90-s: cheap labor and good enough technology base to take in foreign mining or industry.
[X] Qing
Go China or go home, we will drown them in bodies! I take it this is based on the mod for Hearts of Iron 2/Darkest Hour of the same name?
[X] Qing
Go China or go home, we will drown them in bodies! I take it this is based on the mod for Hearts of Iron 2/Darkest Hour of the same name?
Industrialization may actually be okay-ish (that is, better than historical). First, Russia is probably the less affected by AU premise because it basically lost WWI in our history too. Second, before civil war Russia had a decent industry (that is, not on USA/England/Reich level, but still okay). If civil war in this AU was not that brutal or not that long, setback would be smaller. Third, presidential republic means that there are virtually no problems with foreign investments. Russia of the age was like China of 90-s: cheap labor and good enough technology base to take in foreign mining or industry.
IRL USSR was already through with civil war stuff long before 1936 and had pretty decent infrasctructure, industry and amazing, considering circumstances, literacy.
This Russian Federation seems to be like IRL China of period, but with less population and dispersed over more territories. Less defensible territories to boot, seeing how screwed were Japanese by Chinese mountains deeper inside the country.

Then again, I never played Kaiserreich and HoI at all and mostly going by Vic2, so maybe RF managed to industrialize okay here.
Russia's definitely less industrialized than than they were historically, due to the lack of Stalin's rapid industrialization, but they're much more developed than China. They probably have about 1/2-2/3 of the historical manufacturing capacity of the USSR in 1936; in addition to the loss of land, the massive economic burden put in place by reparations to Germany have meant cripplingly high taxes without a corresponding government investment back into the economy.