[X] Plan Inky Rose
-[x] You read my novels, don't you? So naturally you want me, the award nominated Kuramazov, to autograph one of your copies."
-[x] Black Rose
-[x] Journalism."
[X] - Plan I LOVE history
- [X] You'd know I'm an archivist, so what, are there some hidden records you want? And why should I trust you with them?"
- [X] Queen of the Night
- [X] Write-in- a historian or maybe an Anthropology heck even a psychologist I just love learning about humans though historian is probably what I'm going to go with
[X] Plan Media Magic
-[X] You look college age. Take it you're eager to make a good first impression on one of your lecturers? Because I'm sorry to say you've been doing the opposite so far."
-[X] Belladonna
-[X] Write-in: "I'm aiming for a Bachelor's in media and Communication!"