Follow Me into the Endless Night (Worm/??)

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A/N: So welcome to the Mystery that is FMitEN...Maybe I need to come up with a better name...
PRT Report 1


Caw Caw!
Above You
A/N: So welcome to the Mystery that is FMitEN...Maybe I need to come up with a better name. (^_^;) Don't want to give away too much about the quest since 'is mystery' but I will go ahead and say that this is alt. universe (kinda has to be to start from the locker). No powers for far. We are currently trying to solve the mystery of what teh FELL happened to us in the are the PRT.

I am experimenting with this quest, so I apologize if it's not up to your standards. I have an overall plot in mind, but I'm also kinda expecting that questers will be coming up with things to throw it off the rail...It's kinda what SV does, no? I'll add tags as I go so don't expect the tags I currently have to be the only tags we have by the end of the quest :p

Case No: 11 10 00012 7 Date: January 4, 2011
Reporting Officer: Judas Kane

Incident: Civilian seriously injured during course of parahuman activity.
Details of Event:

Civilian, Taylor Hebert, was locked into hazardous conditions within locker at Winslow Highschool, Brockton Bay. Students, upon preliminary investigation by first responder, claim not to have witnessed any of the events that led to this situation. Evidence of parahuman activity prominent upon release of injured civilian from the locker via [REDACTED] perforating skin of civilian while [REDACTED]. Some of [REDACTED] removed by first responder to relocate injured civilian to better location for treatment. Treatment and relocation necessary due to civilian's comatose state and beginning signs of gangrene. PRT Mobile Response Unit (MRU) 08 arrives at this point.

Actions Taken:

PRT MRU 08 assesses situation with first responser on the scene. As EMT units arrive one of the PRT MRU agents, Stacy Gwen, attends the response and goes with the EMT unit to assist in case of further parahuman activity, as well as to collect evidence of parahuman activity after treatment. Remaining PRT MRU agents begin investigation. Students respond better to official presence of governmental authority in terms of questioning. Course of investigation so far has revealed that injured civilian entering the confined space of the locker was through the actions of fellow students, however no identification of criminal as yet. This may be due to high presence of gang activity. Staff investigated, signs of potential negligence indicated by lack of communication of absence with parent. Prominent evidence of negligence by Maintenance staff due to clear signs of fungal growth in locker debris. On-site Wards personnel communicated with via cellular device. Unable to assist due to not having been in the area at the time of estimated event. Evidence collected by PRT MRU, locker sectioned off and photographed. School under suspension for further investigation.

If caught, criminal will be charged with: malicious mischief, mayhem, and battery. More charges may be added/dropped later should circumstances change. Currently, the staff of Winslow are likely to be charged with criminal negligence, and multiple health code violations. More charges may be added/dropped later should circumstances change.

On scene forensics reveal confirmation of civilian being conscious when first forced into the metal locker, in the form of scratches and blood present on interior of locker door. Communication with on-site Wards personnel under suspicion due to course plan indicating they would be nearby during the estimated time of events. Contents of locker have been transferred over to BB Protectorate crime lab for further investigation.

Evidence within locker includes biohazards waste in the form of used feminine products, used paper towels, and alongside some discarded snack waste. Amongst the used feminine products, fungal growth Candidiasis and Tinea Pedis found. Amount of growth points towards 2 weeks of sacculated growth time. Amongst the debris, human finger nail of victim found. Pattern of the outer edge indicates it came dislodged during attempts at escape. Communication with Stacy Gwen confirmed that victim was missing finger nail on right hand, index finger. Evidence that led to PRT taking over the case includes [REDACTED]. Sustained slow growth while in contact with/in civilian, growth halted with removal.

Condition of civilian, Taylor Hebert, is leaving critical, headed for serious. As of this writing, civilian is unconscious, possibly comatose. Signs of bruising show that civilian was forced into locker forcefully and against her will. Size of individual bruises cannot be linked to criminal at this time due to possible struggle within confines of the locker. Photographs of bruises sent to ThinkTank for further investigation and possible interpretations of what may have occurred. Gangrene currently being treated. Toxic Shock Syndrome confirmed, currently being treated. Civilian will be healed by parahuman; Panacea before waking of civilian while under watch by PRT MRU to ensure nothing occurs. Damage caused by [REDACTED] has been confirmed to be primarily superficial, with only one instance of [REDACTED] requiring surgical action. Surgical action required due to impending interaction with civilian's vertebrae. Civilian will be put into Stranger/Master quarantine upon waking to ensure [REDACTED] did not have Master properties.

Alert set out about parahuman with ability to [REDACTED]. Wards will be informed at next meeting by superiors. PRT agents will be informed at next meeting. No emails alerts to reduce risk of leaks. Parahuman Panacea currently signing Nondisclosure Papers for treatment of civilian Taylor Hebert.

Judas reviewed his PRT Report, noticing a portion where-in he had let thought enter into fact and grabbed his pen. He glared at the little sentence where he had led himself astray, before running over the sentence with the pen.
This may be due to high presence of gang activity.
Nodding to himself at a job well done, he gets up from the cubicle he was assigned to finish the report and moves to hand it in. Striding down the hallway to the office, he almost passes by Melissa. Stopping for a moment, he congratulates the well dressed lady on her early retirement. Melissa gives him a tip of her fedora, a smirk, and a quick goodbye wave of the hand as she walks out and towards the exit. He chuckles to himself as he enters the office door and drops off his report. If only he could be as fortunate as Melissa and win the lottery. Some people just had all the luck.
Hospice 1
My muscles are stiff, cramping even now from…what was it? My head hurts, either from my, from something. My throat stings, my kingdom for a glass of water. Peeling my eyes open, I take in the blurred shades of white and grey all around me. It's not my bedroom, but it is familiar in some way. There is a distant, beeping sound that I know. Everything feels so numb, so distant it is like nothing I have experienced before.

My eyes threaten to close on me again, but I fight them. It takes a couple minutes but I finally grab enough of myself to look around. There is a figure to my right, snoring as the window by them tinges the room in pretty colours. A distant part of me is concerned about how fuzzy my thoughts feel, about how distant from myself I currently am. A moment later the worry glides by without too much concern and a warm tingle rises from my toes to face. Concentrating my attention onto the figure I make out enough to recognize them as Dad. The tingle feels almost like a lullaby or crisp sheets at the edge of night, lulling me back to sleep.

I almost give in, but I fight it. My throat is dry, after all. I try to say something about getting a glass of water but it comes out weird like a groan or a croak. I don't really know how, but the noise wakes Dad all the same. It's kinda of funny, I startled him mid-snore. He starts to speak, but I'm fading back to sleep too quickly to catch whatever he is saying. And before he can finish whatever it was he was trying to say, I'm out like a light.

And I dream.

Dream what?
[] The creeping silence of the dark, walls pressing in
[] The biting cold of a winter morning, breathe misting your glasses
[] The flickering of a flame, inconsistent in the wind

A/N: So welcome to the Mystery that is FMitEN...Maybe I need to come up with a better name. (^_^;) Unfortunately, I do have to start at the Locker incident for this quest to work out the way I want it to...fortunately I can skip the actual event and focus on something I don't think is really touched upon by most, the after-effects. I am experimenting with this quest, so I apologize if it's not up to your standards. I have an overall plot in mind, but I'm also kinda expecting that questers will be coming up with things to throw it off the rail...It's kinda what SV does, no? I'll add tags as I go so don't expect the tags I currently have to be the only tags we have by the end of the quest :p

The aim for this quest, beyond stretching my writing ability, is to solve the mystery. What the mystery, well I leave that to you. :p Currently, I'm thinking you will want to solve the mystery of what the FELL happened in the locker. From there, well that is up to you. What you guys are currently voting on is kind of a two part vote, in that you guys are determining both a dream sequence as well as an interlude POV in one go. If you want to try and guess just what kind of person the interlude POV will come from feel free to guess. Anyways, hope you enjoy.

Voting ends: Sunday.
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[X] The biting cold of a winter morning, breathe misting your glasses

Assuming these options have some effect on powers gained, Ice is a pretty cool choice.
Assuming these options have some effect on powers gained, Ice is a pretty cool choice.
Not determining a power yet. I kinda want to leave the if a power is coming up in the air for now, but I'll confirm that it's not happening just yet.

Edit: Apologies, didn't mean to sound harsh if it did sound harsh. Just wanted to make sure that if powers was what you had in mind that you didn't stick with that...also didn't have much time to explain further cause was in class with Prof right behind me for presentations. :lol
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[x] The creeping silence of the dark, walls pressing in
Voting Closes in 3hrs.
Edit: Vote Closed. Update in the next couple of days.
Adhoc vote count started by AnimalKrazed on Dec 2, 2018 at 3:46 PM, finished with 18 posts and 14 votes.
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