
The original N-body Problem
There is a game on steam with a multitude of titles. Jane's Fleet Command. Naval Fleet Command. SCS Fleet Command. The important part however is that, shockingly enough, it lets you command a fleet in the style of C:MANO or Harpoon. It is, essentially, C:MANO light. It's also C:MANO not gonna break the bank, but that's not the point. What is the point is that lurking out there on the web is a major update mod for the game called the Naval Warfare Project. It updates a wealth of stats, adds a huge number of new, and especially modern, units, and generally updates it in considerably more detail. I now have that mod, and the game is all sorts of fancy. Without further ado though, I thought I'd show you a bit about the game, and how easy it is to bone oneself in about five minutes.
Here goes the attack on the Dodsworth:

The Dodsworth, a Brazilian type 22 frigate, has been tasked with the interdiction and destruction of Argentinian warships harassing Brazil's fishing industry. She's armed with two 6-shot Sea Wolf launchers, four box launched mm40 SSM's, a Bofors 40mm and a 20mm Oerlikon. They were promised the support of another frigate, the Bosisio, but it never arrived.
In the tactical map, bottom centre, we can see another ship nearby, identified as an oil tanker.
The Dodsworth ordered both of it's Lynx helicopters readied for flight, and switched on its main radar, the type 967/968. Immediately additional contacts were illuminated, a fishing trawler nearby and two unknown surface vessels some 30-40nm away. Only a few minutes later at 06:03, four incoming MM40 Exocet missiles were detected.

The Dodsworth fired Sea Wolfs and its 40mm at the incoming missiles, but it was too late. At least three, and possibly all four Argentine missiles struck the ship.

Heavy damage was reported across the ship. Flooding caused a list and DC teams rushed to put out fires caused by the missile strikes. The 40mm gun and torpedo tubes were all knocked out by the strikes. Speed was reduced to 12 knots and the radar was wrecked. In just four minutes, the Dodsworth had been caused considerable damage and still couldn't see who'd fired on it. Luckily though, the hanger and SSM's were untouched. The Dodsworth could still strike back.

It wasn't until 06:37 that the frigate got its two Lynx's away and vectored them onto the two unidentified contacts. They were now the Dodsworths eyes, as they should have been before the missile strike.

At twenty to seven, a Lynx ID'ed the enemy as the Rosales, a MEKO 140 class frigate. She was primarily gun armed, but carried four exocets; but only four. She'd expended her missile load, leading her open to the Dodsworth's fire. So she fired.

A pair of were fired, followed by a third. Three hits were confirmed by the Lynx crew at a quarter to seven. The Argentine frigate burned, rolled, and sank. The other contact was confirmed as a civilian vessel a few minutes later. The Dodsworth, her mission complete and with almost all of her weapons destroyed or expended, turned and limped for home.

Thoughts, comments and criticism very welcome. If you like it, I might turn it into a regular thing ^^
Mostra esses Argentinos malucos ai quem manda! :D
Heh. Only just. If he'd had a friend or any more missiles, I'd have been boned. Luckily, the SSM's didn't do too much damage and whatever mechanic the game uses for DC was seriously on the ball.
That mission though... Sometimes the Bosisio turns up and sometimes it doesn't. It's interesting like that. Also entertainingly, sometimes the Rosales has a friend with it. I'm so glad I didn't get that this time around, because that would have been a major pain.
I love Fleet Command. It's hella fun in a way that more grognard titles liek Harpoon and C:MANO can't manage.
You know everything is going wrong when your boat gets sunk by friendlies in Homuz...

Anyway, here's how I got the Stark sunk:

We were tasked with patrolling the straights, assisting any civilian vessel that asked for the help, and avoiding shooting at Iraqi's, because they're apparently friends for another few years. We command the USS Stark, an OHP class frigate, and the helicopter based out of it. Other USN assets are in the area, including a pair of frigates, and we should be seeing a pair of F-14's as air cover from a CVN in the Indian Ocean shortly.

Here's the Stark. Lovely vessel. The OHP's did look alright, I suppose. On the map, you can also see our helo out on ops, and another icon. That's a downed Saudi civilian helicopter pilot, squawking for help. Our helicopter has been vectored for pick up.

New intel reports from friendly assets. Iraqi Mirages are operating over the straights. They're not going to shoot at us though, which is kind of them.
Iranian FAC's are engaging merchant vessels. The Stark has been ordered to proceed South-South-East to assist a vessel that may be under attack.

We picked up those Iraqi fast jets. Pretty planes. I wonder if we can ask them for help against the Iranians. Our helo grabbed the Saudi, by the way.

... Oh. Said helicopter, while returning with the rescued pilot, is currently awaiting a meeting with an incoming AAM. An SM-1 has been lobbed as soon as we saw hostile intent. But seriously? Everything we had said the Iraqi's were friendly, why would they shoot at our helicopter...

Oh, it gets better. Two tracks in bound, SSM's. One Mirage shot down. Helicopter not responding.

We're hit! Two hits, heavy flooding. Fires in the forward compartments. Multiple systems offline. Enemy mirages downed. We're still floating though.

... oh. Mayday, Mayday, May-

The USS Stark sank in a matter of minutes, having taken 2 air launched SSM's and two sea skimming SSM's.

The Stark Incident went a little worse than in the original time line.
I'm beginning to love Russian subs and despise the OHP, that's for sure.

Kilos are stupidly quiet. My only ever successful kill of one involved me in an Orion dropping sufficient sonobuoys to walk the bering strait without getting ones feet wet. Finally tagged with an active, parked a couple of torpedoes in him.
Kilos are stupidly quiet. My only ever successful kill of one involved me in an Orion dropping sufficient sonobuoys to walk the bering strait without getting ones feet wet. Finally tagged with an active, parked a couple of torpedoes in him.
Yeah. My first time out in one, you start in shallows and I almost immediately scraped the underside of my hull. Not my finest hour.
Still got the kill I needed though. Though I didn't have positive ID... and I was sort of guessing that I got the right target... and I had to use a wake homer because I didn't have a perfect idea of their movements...
Yeah. My first time out in one, you start in shallows and I almost immediately scraped the underside of my hull. Not my finest hour.
Still got the kill I needed though. Though I didn't have positive ID... and I was sort of guessing that I got the right target... and I had to use a wake homer because I didn't have a perfect idea of their movements...
Also, you NEED a joystick if you plan on killing a sub in the shallows in your Orion. The torpedoes sink too far if you're any higher than wave-skimming, and you can't order it to fly low enough
Also, you NEED a joystick if you plan on killing a sub in the shallows in your Orion. The torpedoes sink too far if you're any higher than wave-skimming, and you can't order it to fly low enough
... you can fly with a joystick? Obviously I've been making a mistake in using waypoints and course plots :D