Vote tally - Flandre's Quest (Touhou) World - (Madness Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by Entropy Judge on May 20, 2018 at 10:34 PM, finished with 11398 posts and 14 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Entropy Judge
Flandre's Quest (Touhou) World - (Madness Quest)
Post #1
Post #11398


  • [x] Attack to subdue.
    - [x] Focus on Carmilla.
    [X] Inform them of who you are and that they're under arrest.
    -[X] Then ask them to quickly refuse so you can have fun.
    [X] Attack to subdue as soon as they do so.
    [X] Inform them of who you are.
    -[X] Afterwards, Attack fast to subdue in the middle of their reaction.
    --[X] Try to lure the battle outside of the chruch.
    --[X] Focus yourself on Carmilla. She seems like the most dangerous of the two.
    --[X] Send your clones after Tool. She seems like the least dangerous of the two.
    ---[X] If they use lethal force, respond in kind.
    ----[X] If you get a break, activate Loki.
    [X] Try to lure them out of the church and possibility somewhere outside of the village as well to capture them.
    - [X] Deploy your clones to capture both of them.
    - [X] Left one of your church back in the church invisible just in case they try something.
    [x] Kill them.
    [X] She mentioned a family … see if you can go with them if they promise to let the people live.
    -[X] if it works, "arrest" them once were out of the church or in their hideout or whatever they're taking you too