Yuki smiles. "All right."

New World disappears, as the fashion designer walks over and extends a hand to help Noriko up- supporting her weight surprisingly well for a woman with such a small frame.
"Really now? How interesting."

The man gestured for everyone to sit down. Once they had done so, he continued.

"So, what do you people know about Hollows? Anything?"
"Ah, I see." Bruce sipped at his tea through his metal helmet. Somehow. Like the thing was just an illusion, as if it weren't really there.... "That explains why I couldn't harm it with my trusty blade. It's a spiritual entity, like a Stand, but an actual, bona fide「ghost」." Taking another sip as he went on.

"Here I thought it was a rouge Automated Stand that had lost its master." Putting his cup down on the table, he continued. "And that it had fallen prey to its baser instincts and went mad. But now that I know, I can't help but pity those poor souls. May they rest in peace, wherever they may be." The knight for「justice」solemnly lowered his head, a silent prayer for the dead.

And then quickly went back up, taking another sip of that delightful tea. So, so good. "And so, that's our story. We are just a trio of friends who are on a crusade for justice. And helping those maddened souls to move on is just another way to deliver justice. But in order to do that, are there any ways for my blade to gain the power to do what is necessary. My friends and I have long traveled the Earth," Not really. It's been a few years at best. "With our powers, we have delivered many innocents from evil, and for us to continue to do so here, we must learn."

Taking a glance towards his aforementioned friends, he raised his cup high in the air, hoping for a toast to show their unity.
@Illusion @notmi
"Really now? How interesting."

The man gestured for everyone to sit down. Once they had done so, he continued.

"So, what do you people know about Hollows? Anything?"

From here, the conversation went forward, with the entire group learning all about Hollows, Pluses, and such ghostly stuff.
So that thing wasn't just a mindless monster, it used to be a regular person? He looked at his lap, mulling this new information over. What would he do if that happened to someone he knew? To him? The child frowned as he considered someday hurting the people he obsessed over protecting.

"No" Daiko muttered to himself. He wouldn't let that happen. He'd just have to help these "Hollows" pass on, and make sure they didn't hurt any people before then. It's what his heroes would do, and judging from his company he'd have help. He allowed himself a small smile, content to simply listen and learn more.
Taking a glance towards his aforementioned friends, he raised his cup high in the air, hoping for a toast to show their unity.
@Illusion @notmi
"The world really is bigger than we expected. Actual ghosts running around? I'd have never expected it. At least they seem to be vulnerable enough to my Stand, and judging by the fact that one earlier decided to target us, not very intelligent."

The sucking hole in his body disssapears. before the entire building has a hole drilled right through it via a howling beam of light, detected from all over Karakura.

In the Kurosaki Clinic, Ichigo's head snapped up, and he ran to the window to see the remnant of the blast.

And as Hannibal passes out from cardiac arrest, he hears a voice outside, coming closer...
"Ah, fuck. Of course we can't just have a nice conversation. There just has to be a giant fucking explosion. I blame you, Bruce. I don't know how, but this is probably your fault."

Despite his griping, Ethan is already up on his feet, heading towards the exit and the explosion beyond, with zero doubt that his two friends would follow along.
Taking a glance towards his aforementioned friends, he raised his cup high in the air, hoping for a toast to show their unity.
@Illusion @notmi

"Can't say I'm real shocked about all this. We already have magic punch ghosts in our control."

James said as he toasted.

"Ah, fuck. Of course we can't just have a nice conversation. There just has to be a giant fucking explosion. I blame you, Bruce. I don't know how, but this is probably your fault."

Despite his griping, Ethan is already up on his feet, heading towards the exit and the explosion beyond, with zero doubt that his two friends would follow along.

"Wait for me Ethan!"

James said as he followed.
...Cute cat. Maybe Kusari should find it again, later. He didn't see a collar or anything on it, so maybe it was a stray. Maybe Tekiya would like a pet.

Something to keep an eye out for later. For now, Kusari had other business. He'd found a good place to hide out for now, now it was time to start thinking long-term. Tekiya and he could hardly spend the rest of their lives living like this, and to live a quiet life again, they'd need some form of false identity.

If he could find a Yakuza contact, someone who can organize that, he'd be on his way to that. The payment would be an issue, but for now, he just needed to start looking.

Leaving the building and making the padlock look as untouched as possible, Kusari thought about how he'd be able to contact the Yakuza.

...Well, if he saw anyone with any odd tattoo's, that might be someone with contacts? Well, it was better than walking around aimlessly...
It took around ten minutes before Kusari encountered what he was looking for; a group of what could only be thugs, smoking on a street corner.

Before he could approach, however, a howling beam of light, accompanied by an explosion, pierced the sky to the west, surprisingly close to his position. The thugs reacted as one would expect, dropping their cigarettes with expressions of surprise, confusion and fear.
Yuki smiles. "All right."

New World disappears, as the fashion designer walks over and extends a hand to help Noriko up- supporting her weight surprisingly well for a woman with such a small frame.
The doctor had already finished grabbing supplies and throwing them into the bag, and was ready to exit the building. He paused, and turned to the Stand users. "You want to come along? The more hands the better-and I wasn't talking to you, missy. You shouldn't be doing work on that ankle."

His gaze was focused on Noriko with those words, as she had begun to stand up again.
"Ah, fuck. Of course we can't just have a nice conversation. There just has to be a giant fucking explosion. I blame you, Bruce. I don't know how, but this is probably your fault."

Despite his griping, Ethan is already up on his feet, heading towards the exit and the explosion beyond, with zero doubt that his two friends would follow along.
"Wait for me Ethan!"

James said as he followed.
Once you exited the building, you saw the remains of a diagonal pillar of light fading away. A bizarre whistling screech was fading out, as well.

"That wasn't a Hollow."

The group turned toward Urahara as he exited the shop, frowning at the remnants of power.

"Didn't you say that Hollows had a beam attack, though? ⌈Cero⌋, or something like that?" William curiously replied.

"Trust me, if there was a Hollow in the vicinity that could use Cero, we'd know. Come on, we need to hurry," the shopkeeper answered, setting off toward the light at a brisk face.

A surprised gasp and tearing pain in your chest roused you to wakefulness. As your eyes open, they perceive a cute, dark-haired Asian girl, wearing black robes and carrying a sheathed sword at her side looking at you in surprise and no small amount of worry.

"You're awake? Even with your Chain of Fate damaged like that? That is... surprising."

At those soft words, you look down to see yourself... floating over your body, with a cracked and in some places broken chain connecting to the body. Some of the chain links were barely there, missing entire sides of them. Every little movement you made caused the chain to clink unsettlingly.

The girl chewed on her lip, clearly unsettled and worried. "It looks like your Chain's about to... dissolve. What could have caused this?

... Okay, I hope this is the right thing to do. You look like you could go Hollow at any moment, with how damaged it is."

She unsheathes her blade and moves forward, before standing right in front of you.

"Since you're awake and still kind of connected to your body, I'm obligated to inform you that you're very likely to die. I can prevent you from turning into a monster, but... that's about it."
A surprised gasp and tearing pain in your chest roused you to wakefulness. As your eyes open, they perceive a cute, dark-haired Asian girl, wearing black robes and carrying a sheathed sword at her side looking at you in surprise and no small amount of worry.

"You're awake? Even with your Chain of Fate damaged like that? That is... surprising."

At those soft words, you look down to see yourself... floating over your body, with a cracked and in some places broken chain connecting to the body. Some of the chain links were barely there, missing entire sides of them. Every little movement you made caused the chain to clink unsettlingly.

The girl chewed on her lip, clearly unsettled and worried. "It looks like your Chain's about to... dissolve. What could have caused this?

... Okay, I hope this is the right thing to do. You look like you could go Hollow at any moment, with how damaged it is."

She unsheathes her blade and moves forward, before standing right in front of you.

"Since you're awake and still kind of connected to your body, I'm obligated to inform you that you're very likely to die. I can prevent you from turning into a monster, but... that's about it."
"Explain." I look at the links of.. Steel? no no It feels like, my magic? why is that attached to me? Did I fuse to my magic?
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"Explain." I look at the links of.. Steel? no no It feels like, my magic(Radical Ghost)? why is that attached to me? Did i fuse to my magic?(Still Radical Ghost)
"Basically, if that chain on your chest fully breaks down, you'll become a monster that eats souls. If I purify you and send you on, however, that will prevent you from transforming."
The doctor had already finished grabbing supplies and throwing them into the bag, and was ready to exit the building. He paused, and turned to the Stand users. "You want to come along? The more hands the better-and I wasn't talking to you, missy. You shouldn't be doing work on that ankle."

His gaze was focused on Noriko with those words, as she had begun to stand up again.
"Calm down, doc, I'm not planning on walking on it," Noriko replied, rolling her eyes, before taking Yuki's outstretched hand.

Yuki smiles. "All right."

New World disappears, as the fashion designer walks over and extends a hand to help Noriko up- supporting her weight surprisingly well for a woman with such a small frame.
"Thanks, Yuki," Noriko grunted as she leaned on the other woman. "Uh, d'you mind if I stay at your place? Just for a few days, I mean. I don't think it's safe to be alone right now."
The doctor had already finished grabbing supplies and throwing them into the bag, and was ready to exit the building. He paused, and turned to the Stand users. "You want to come along? The more hands the better-and I wasn't talking to you, missy. You shouldn't be doing work on that ankle."

His gaze was focused on Noriko with those words, as she had begun to stand up again.
Coyote nodded. "I'll come if you'll have me. I know some basic first aid so I should be of some help."
"Look it isn't going to beak any more just because you decided to explain this a little more. So Why is the chain important?"
You immediately know you goofed, as she sticks her sword into the ground and pull a pen and notepad out of nowhere.

"Basically, that chain connects the soul and the body. As long as it is whole, a person is considered ⌈alive⌋ in a physical sense. When it gets damaged and breaks, a person dies physically. It will then proceed to dissolve in a painful process called ⌈Hollowfication⌋; unless you get purified by a Shinigami, you turn into a masked monster that eats souls."

While she explained, she sketched weird bunny figures doing things. The drawings were... well, let's just say that a five-year-old could draw better than her.
"Calm down, doc, I'm not planning on walking on it," Noriko replied, rolling her eyes, before taking Yuki's outstretched hand.

"Thanks, Yuki," Noriko grunted as she leaned on the other woman. "Uh, d'you mind if I stay at your place? Just for a few days, I mean. I don't think it's safe to be alone right now."

Yuki actually blushes a little as the question is asked- her open mouth closing for a moment, before the blush disappears and she smiles. "I was actually just about to make the offer myself- doctor, I might drop her off there and them come and help you."
You immediately know you goofed, as she sticks her sword into the ground and pull a pen and notepad out of nowhere.

"Basically, that chain connects the soul and the body. As long as it is whole, a person is considered ⌈alive⌋ in a physical sense. When it gets damaged and breaks, a person dies physically. It will then proceed to dissolve in a painful process called ⌈Hollowfication⌋; unless you get purified by a Shinigami, you turn into a masked monster that eats souls."

While she explained, she sketched weird bunny figures doing things. The drawings were... well, let's just say that a five-year-old could draw better than her.
" How do you know this? Why are you calling yourself a god of death? And how do these chains get damaged?" I ask as I start my breathing exercises to both help calm myself and to slowly gather some mana.
Yuki actually blushes a little as the question is asked- her open mouth closing for a moment, before the blush disappears and she smiles. "I was actually just about to make the offer myself- doctor, I might drop her off there and them come and help you."
Yuki blushing causes Noriko to blush, to, as the implications of what she'd said sink in. Naturally, she is quite grateful that Yuki pre-empts any flustered replies on her part.

"In that case, lead the way!" she calls out, pointing out of the clinic and down the street. "We can make it a super-long slumber party! Do you have any marshmallows?"
" How do you know this? Why are you calling yourself a god of death? And how do these chains get damaged?" I ask as I start my breathing exercises to both help calm myself and to slowly gather some mana.
"Well, I know this because I was trained in this.

I'm a shinigami; a spirit empowered to guide the souls of the dead to the afterlife and give peace to Hollows. I know this stuff because it's my job.

The chain deteriorates because of physical and emotional trauma, or something called ⌈Stand Overuse⌋, though I don't know what a Stand is."
"Well, I know this because I was trained in this.

I'm a shinigami; a spirit empowered to guide the souls of the dead to the afterlife and give peace to Hollows. I know this stuff because it's my job.

The chain deteriorates because of physical and emotional trauma, or something called ⌈Stand Overuse⌋, though I don't know what a Stand is."
"Me neither. Why is a ferry-girl named god? and what exactly is purification? if the body suffers trauma and is then healed does that repair the chain?"
"Me neither. Why is a ferry-girl named god? and what exactly is purification? if the body suffers trauma and is then healed does that repair the chain?"
"Shinigami is just a title. I'm not actually a god.

Well, for a Plus like you, I basically stamp your forehead with the hilt of my sword, and send you to the afterlife.

I have no idea."
Coyote nodded. "I'll come if you'll have me. I know some basic first aid so I should be of some help."
"Right," Issin acknowledges your statement with a nod of his head.
Yuki actually blushes a little as the question is asked- her open mouth closing for a moment, before the blush disappears and she smiles. "I was actually just about to make the offer myself- doctor, I might drop her off there and them come and help you."
"So, I'll meet you at the blast zone, then."

Issin dragged Ichigo and Coyote outside, and jumped into the car parked right outside.
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Yuki smiled gently at the other girl as Issin and the others left, and outright picked Noriko up- and this time, Noriko could see New World's muscles supporting Yuki's own, explaining how the other girl could display such strength. "Okay... I'll be taking the fast way home. You okay with that?"
Yuki smiled gently at the other girl as Issin and the others left, and outright picked Noriko up- and this time, Noriko could see New World's muscles supporting Yuki's own, explaining how the other girl could display such strength. "Okay... I'll be taking the fast way home. You okay with that?"
Noriko took in the sight of Yuki's Stand supporting her, and then grinned.

"Oh, hell yes," she breathed. She then cleared her throat, and spoke in a deeper voice than before. "Onward, my valiant steed!"
Giggling, Yuki exits the building- before using New World to launch the two girls into the air, soaring through before they land on a rooftop. Smiling, the two make their way towards Yuki's house.

Mansion, really- styled in a way that seemed almost Victorian, the two-floored house had plenty of room, mixed in with modern comforts. "Ah, it's... not much. But it's got a concrete base as well, so even if that... thing comes back, you'll be safe."

As she sets Noriko down, Yuki's arms end up wrapped almost around the other woman, and she blushes a little bit. "Um... you think you'll be okay here? Should I help you to a couch, and I can, uh, get a crutch on my way back?"
"Shinigami is just a title. I'm not actually a god.

Well, for a Plus like you, I basically stamp your forehead with the hilt of my sword, and send you to the afterlife.

I have no idea.".

"Who calls themselves god? And please explain how hitting me with a sword-hilt is going to instantly kill me. And why am I a 'Plus'?" I then look at the child drawings."And I don't suppose you might try to tell me what the afterlife is?"
Giggling, Yuki exits the building- before using New World to launch the two girls into the air, soaring through before they land on a rooftop. Smiling, the two make their way towards Yuki's house.
Well, smiling in Yuki's case. Noriko was smiling and laughing her head off.


Mansion, really- styled in a way that seemed almost Victorian, the two-floored house had plenty of room, mixed in with modern comforts. "Ah, it's... not much. But it's got a concrete base as well, so even if that... thing comes back, you'll be safe."
"Not much?!" Noriko demanded incredulously as she stared at the building in front of her. "You could fit the house I grew up in on the left side and have room to spare!"

As she sets Noriko down, Yuki's arms end up wrapped almost around the other woman, and she blushes a little bit. "Um... you think you'll be okay here? Should I help you to a couch, and I can, uh, get a crutch on my way back?"
"Don't worry, I got this," Noriko said, slowly getting down onto her good foot. "You go help save pe- Whoa!"

The aspiring actress immediately began pinwheeling her arms as she wobbled on her good foot, her bandaged foot sticking out to the side as she attempted to balance herself. It was quite comical, actually. Finally, she managed to get some form of equilibrium by grabbing onto one of the railings for the front steps.

"Yeah, a crutch sounds like a great idea," Noriko stated. "If you could just open the door before you go, I think I'm good to go."
Yuki moved to keep hold of Noriko, helping to balance the other woman as she looked at her steadily- although still blushing slightly. Opening the door, she starts to help Noriko inside, letting the other woman walk but just helping her keep weight off the bandaged foot. "I will be there in plenty of time- and until you've got a crutch, you do need at least a bit of help."

Smiling, she helps lead the other woman where she wants to sit down- then straightens, the slightest hint of a blush still on her cheeks. "I'll see you soon."
Noriko nodded, wordlessly accepting the assistance. The blush on Yuki's cheeks did not escape her, but she didn't say anything.

'Aw, she's shy,' Noriko thought. 'That's so cute!'

Now parked on the couch, her injured foot raised on some pillows, Noriko waved her new friend goodbye. "Likewise! Good luck out there!"